
Issue feat. Keira Green - Open your Eyes (Nightcore Mix)

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Sonntag, 21. August 2011 at 22:13:41

Artist: Issue feat. Keira Green
Title: Open Your Eyes (Nightcore Mix)
Tags: Shael L i d a N p3n
BPM: 165,6
Filesize: 3696kb
Play Time: 02:31
Difficulties Available:
  1. Easy (2,92 stars, 167 notes)
  2. Hard (4,84 stars, 315 notes)
  3. L i d a N's Hard (4,39 stars, 259 notes)
  4. p3n's Normal (3,84 stars, 189 notes)
  5. Shael's Insane (4,97 stars, 367 notes)
Download: Issue feat. Keira Green - Open Your Eyes (Nightcore Mix)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
I finish it later, don't worry ;)

Issue feat.Keira Green - Open Your Eyes (Nightcore Mix)

Hard and Easy by me
Shael's Insane by Shael
lidan69's Hard by lidan69
p3n's Normal by p3n :33
Storyboard by me :D

Thanks :D
- CuNha
- DJPoppy
- Shael
- lidan69
- Mangafan204
- Mikarunoel131
- kr4t0s88
- akrolsmir
- giO-
- SpringDay
- Pereira006
- JesusYamato
- p3n
- Gcode
- OzzyOzrock
- darck360
- Ayeen
- Tonoicutzu
- evilLinco
- wmfchris
- Kiiwa
- Daigurenhyourinmaru
- MoodyRPG
- Patchouli
- KingsAL2
- HakuNoKaemi
- BounceBabe
- eldnl
- osuplayer111
- Lolicore Flandre
- Astom
- -kevincela-
- ztrot
- Odaril
- MercurialSpectre
- fartownik
- Equivalent
- Aleks719
Topic Starter
Who want to make a hard or normal?? please write in forum^^
nightcore~ :oops:

BPM: 165.500→165.600
Offset: 397→441 ??

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ok, thank you^^

ich finde bei deiner insane version ist die hp-rate zu schwer eingestellt. wenn man nur ein paar hunderter hat kackt man fast sofort ab.

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DJPoppy wrote:


ich finde bei deiner insane version ist die hp-rate zu schwer eingestellt. wenn man nur ein paar hunderter hat kackt man fast sofort ab.

ah, danke dafür, habs jetz ein wenig runtergestellt^^
Topic Starter

lidan69 wrote:

Changed some things
ok, replaced and uploadet^^
hi^^ i do what you want=)
I am also doing you a favor kurohana^^
Mangafan204 forgot to give stars . XD The real Wolke is going to play Harvest Moon now^^
Here i do what you want .^^ bey bey
:roll: :x :lol: :twisted: xDDDDD I am shoked now . XD Here it goes ! Milking Canon XDD it is over 9000!!!! xDDDDDDD i am wtching just stupid things I know . ^^
See you ^^
nightcore → <3
Shohei Ohtani
Find who made this song, then do it as "MY ASS - Open Your Eyes (Nightcore Mix)" and stuff.
Original song is by "Bastino feat. D@d", so title should be "Open Your Eyes (Nightcore Mix)". Google "Bastino feat. D@d" to verify this if you want.

Nice song, starred.
Topic Starter
Awesome one x333333

Rofl, first post D:!

thank you like my avatar cute~ tewi lol

here my mod

You have so many lot Inconsistent spacing
but i will explain how fix Inconsistent spacing ok

look this dowm picture

HOLD ALT on keyboard and change thisthis is Distance Spacing choose 1.1x


Go to File>Open Aimod
look Spacing you so many lot Inconsistent spacing
fix ALL note and sliders
you cannot lot Inconsistent spacing on easy ok

PLEASSE DON´T ignore Inconsistent spacing
FIX ok :(


Confused catch note and slider
Go to Timing>Resnapp ALL note that will be better bit
ho also again lot Inconsistent spacing fix pleasse


Hold ALT and choose 1.1x

00:03:143 (1) - New combo
00:03:868 (2,3) - Inconsistent spacing
00:06:766 (3) - click here and look this the next combo (4) is 1.27x but you use 1.1x you cannot random
because this is Inconsistent spacing and many more here pleasse look all note and slider
The insane you can put little Inconsistent spacing (if is jump) because this insane but pleasse not lol Inconsistent spacing ok
If you make jump just put new combo if you wanna ok

[Shael's Insane]

00:31:585 (1,1,2,3) - Inconsistent spacing
00:36:567 (6) - Inconsistent spacing
why you have so many random spacing ? that i confused mod this diff
I like this diff is aswome and great ryhthm

That all

STAR ! Question? ask me

Sorry my poor english and good luck
Topic Starter

Pereira006 wrote:

00:03:143 (1) - New combo
00:03:868 (2,3) - Inconsistent spacing
00:06:766 (3) - click here and look this the next combo (4) is 1.27x but you use 1.1x you cannot random
because this is Inconsistent spacing and many more here pleasse look all note and slider
The insane you can put little Inconsistent spacing (if is jump) because this insane but pleasse not lol Inconsistent spacing ok
If you make jump just put new combo if you wanna ok

[Shael's Insane]

00:31:585 (1,1,2,3) - Inconsistent spacing
00:36:567 (6) - Inconsistent spacing
why you have so many random spacing ? that i confused mod this diff
I like this diff is aswome and great ryhthm
i don't understand what you mean with these insanes... should i open aimod and change spacing? because its insane, it should be difficult...

Pereira006 wrote:


Confused catch note and slider
Go to Timing>Resnapp ALL note that will be better bit
ho also again lot Inconsistent spacing fix pleasse
fixed. I hope it's okay now^^

Download: Bastino feat. D@d - Open your eyes (Nightcore Mix) (kurohana) [lidan69's Normal].osu
Topic Starter
changed and uploadet^^
Heya there! o/


I like how osu! marks it as "Hard" :)
I am not sure if this is rankable as "Easy":
3+ stars
00:19:628 (1) - kind of confusing "jump" here. Try NOT to put anything confusing in easy-diffs.
some spacings seem a bit off...still playable. Maybe use fixed distance spacing and disable gridsnap.

[lidan69's Normal]
Be extremely careful when mapping vocals and beats at the same time:
00:02:418 (2) - change to circle @00:02:418 on red tick, start slider @00:02:599 on white tick
00:03:143 (X) - add circle!
00:05:407 (1) - misplaced beat, move to 00:05:498 on white tick
00:04:592 (7) - this MUST end on white tick @00:05:136 -(your slider is too short)

You tend to use slider - circle - slider - circle *repeat*- this is very boring. Try to give it more variety (like the fixed beginning I linked in the image above). This "normal" is even a lot easier than the [Easy]-diff. Just be a bit more creative ;)

PM me if this diff is fixed/redone and I'll look at it again.

rename to [Hard]
I see what you did with all those different BPM multipliers. Dunno if this is rankable but just to be sure ask a MAT. It fits your map but in some places it is just confusing and unnecessary. And please stick to fewer spacing changes. If you can't maintain your patterns without completely random spacings....well, just come up with a different pattern ;)

Even if you want symmetrical patterns, disable this damn gridsnap and use fixed distance snapping and place symmetrical patterns by x/y coordinates or hold down [strg].

[Shael's Insane]
General: gridsnap is your ENEMY!!!! kill it with fire!!!!! Most of the spacing "fails" are direct results of grid snapping. Your complex patterns don't need it. Just use distance snapping and watch your x/y coordinates.
00:33:397 (4) - spacing? or intended mini-jump? dunno if it fits
00:22:165 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21) - perfect exampe of gridsnap f***ing up your patterns...disable it, just use distance snapping and re"place" notes beginning from (1) and see the awesome difference
^repeat @ all streams/complex patterns/inconsistent spacings

Too tired to copy/paste all the parts (and would probably overkill the post).
I'm sure you will see what I mean after you disabled gridsnap ;)

Other than that: Good Job!
PS: I really love the hitsounds inside the sliders!

Topic Starter
thanks for stars^^

wuhuu, ein deutscher mod xDD

"00:19:628 (1) - kind of confusing "jump" here. Try NOT to put anything confusing in easy-diffs.
some spacings seem a bit off...still playable. Maybe use fixed distance spacing and disable gridsnap."
-muss ich combo fareb ändern oder den umsetzen?

"I see what you did with all those different BPM multipliers."
-damit sind doch die verschiedenen slider geschwindigkeiten gemeint, oder? die hab ich nämlich schon alle geändert^^

und danke für den mod :D

kurohana wrote:

thanks for stars^^

"00:19:628 (1) - kind of confusing "jump" here. Try NOT to put anything confusing in easy-diffs.
some spacings seem a bit off...still playable. Maybe use fixed distance spacing and disable gridsnap."
-muss ich combo fareb ändern oder den umsetzen?

War nur auf die Easy diff an sich bezogen. Ich denke schon du kannst den Circle bei 00:19:628 (1) so lassen, wenn kein MAT/BAT sagt, dass es zu schwer für eine easy Version ist. Allerdings solltest du immer schauen, dass die Spacings schön gleichmäßig sind und die Variation sich hauptsächlich auf Slider/circle-kombinationen und verschiedene Beat-patterns beschränkt (ohne dabei zu langweilig zu sein).

"I see what you did with all those different BPM multipliers."
-damit sind doch die verschiedenen slider geschwindigkeiten gemeint, oder? die hab ich nämlich schon alle geändert^^

Die waren beim 1. spielen bisschen verwirrend weil ja alle Slider gleich lang aber unterschiedlich schnell waren. Ist an sich ne coole Idee, glaube jedoch das wird bei den MAT/BATs nicht gern gesehen, wenn man so viele verschiedene Slidergeschwindigkeiten hat (versuchen könnte man es trotzdem - deine Entscheidung).

und danke für den mod :D
Bitte! ;)
Edit: Re-check for Hard diff

Ein paar Sachen die nicht im Takt sind oder irgendwie nicht passen. Rot markierte sind definitive Fehler, schwarz markiert kannst du machen wenn du denkst es klingt/spielt sich besser.
00:25:969 (3) - löschen
00:26:150 (4) - In der Zeitleiste 2 vor (nach links auf den weißen Tick, da wo vorher die (3) war) und auf den roten Tick enden lassen wo vorher auch das Ende war (00:26:331)
00:31:766 (3) - In der Zeitleiste 1 nach hinten (nach rechts auf den blauen tick setzen)
00:31:947 (4) - löschen

00:44:447 (1) - löschen, dafür auf die beiden weißen Ticks (ehemalig Anfang und Ende vom slider) circle setzen

01:02:201 (7) - löschen
01:04:918 (7,8,9) - löschen, dafür von (7) bis (9) einen durchgehenden slider setzen, die (10) dann vielleicht auf die selbe stelle packen wie das ende vom neuen slider

02:08:505 (1) - In der Zeitleiste 2 nach hinten (nach rechts auf den weißen Tick) und definitiv so verkürzen (die Wiederholungen), dass er auf den großen weißen Tick endet (02:09:411)

02:15:570 (1,2) - Sind auf Gesang gemappt...der Rest der Combo auf Beat. Entweder eins, oder das andere. Nicht in der selben Combo wechseln :cry: Also: entweder die ganze Combo auf Gesang ODER auf Beat (Beat klingt hier wie ich finde besser: (2) löschen und auf den weißen Tick bei 02:16:295 einen Circle setzen)

00:42:998 (X) - Circle setzen
00:43:270 (5) - löschen
00:43:179 (X) - Slider setzen, auf den 2. blauen Tick enden lassen (00:43:451) und 1x Wiederholen

Ansonsten: Sehr gute Map, die hier und da noch kleine Schwächen im Spacing und einige unpassende Jumps hat, aber mit den Änderungen sehr gut spielbar ist und richtig Spaß macht! Weiter so ;)
Hab die easy nochmal überarbeitet:
Topic Starter
ok, geändert (beides, hard und easy) und hochgeladen ^^ auch beides xDD
Topic Starter
thank you =^.^=
Da p3n noch nicht auf meine PM geantwortet hat, lad ich die geänderte diff einfach mal hoch^^

Download: Bastino feat. D@d - Open your eyes (Nightcore Mix) (kurohana) [lidan69's Normal].osu
Topic Starter

lidan69 wrote:

Da p3n noch nicht auf meine PM geantwortet hat, lad ich die geänderte diff einfach mal hoch^^
geht klar, habs hochgeladen :D
Uhh, does the BPM seem to be too fast after a while? Might even be offset...
- You have three .obs files in your folder... is this supposed to happen?
- The girl in your BG is not generic or suggestive. This is un-rankable (joke).

Circles after reverse sliders seem to be a bit hard for an Easy. Mainly hard to see.

But I'm not sure how bad that is.
00:03:324 (5) - What the, why does distance snap let you put it this far? Oh. 1.5. Why?
00:04:592 (8) - Ends in a strange place.

01:06:730 (3) - clap

Good job, I suppose.
Good >w<

But lol, AR...
00:23:614 - Stop stream here?

00:24:339 (1,2,3) - If you're trying to map to vocals, it'd all be on blue ticks lol.

01:43:324 - Start stream here?
01:44:773 - End stream here?

But good job, star~

OzzyOzrock wrote:

00:03:324 (5) - What the, why does distance snap let you put it this far? Oh. 1.5. Why?
00:04:592 (8) - Ends in a strange place.

01:06:730 (3) - clap

Good job, I suppose.

Download: Bastino feat. D@d - Open your eyes (Nightcore Mix) (kurohana) [lidan69's Normal].osu
Topic Starter

lidan69 wrote:

OzzyOzrock wrote:

00:03:324 (5) - What the, why does distance snap let you put it this far? Oh. 1.5. Why?
00:04:592 (8) - Ends in a strange place.

01:06:730 (3) - clap

Good job, I suppose.
Hello ~

I recommend you make a easy, as the guest you have as easy a more normal, I dare say that almost one hard.

00:22:343 : Very difficult for an easy
00:23:311 : Finish
00:47:159 : Very difficult for an easy
00:48:337 : Finish
01:21:938 : Very difficult for an easy
01:23:025 : Finish
01:43:674 : Very difficult for an easy
01:44:761 : Finish
02:08:309 : Very difficult for an easy
02:09:396 : Finish

[lidan69's Normal]
00:25:063 : Finish
01:46:223 : ^
01:57:817 : ^
02:01:078 : Unranked, remove it or move it
02:09:502 : This should end here : 02:09:411 (Add Finish)

02:09:411 : Finish

[Shael's Insane]
00:48:252 : Finish
02:08:686 : This spin finish here : 02:09:049 (Add Finish)
02:32:599 : Finish

GL with the map ~

darck360 wrote:

[lidan69's Normal]
00:25:063 : Finish
01:46:223 : ^
01:57:817 : ^
02:01:078 : Unranked, remove it or move it
02:09:502 : This should end here : 02:09:411 (Add Finish)

Download: Bastino feat. D@d - Open your eyes (Nightcore Mix) (kurohana) [lidan69's Normal].osu
Topic Starter

darck360 wrote:

Hello ~

I recommend you make a easy, as the guest you have as easy a more normal, I dare say that almost one hard.
02:09:411 : Finish
fixed ^^

lidan69 wrote:

darck360 wrote:

[lidan69's Normal]
00:25:063 : Finish
01:46:223 : ^
01:57:817 : ^
02:01:078 : Unranked, remove it or move it
02:09:502 : This should end here : 02:09:411 (Add Finish)
uploadet ^^
BPM is 165.60 not 165.62, where 165.62 at the end of song, beat are a bit off
offset 428
Snap the inherited timing after changing the offset and BPM

Will further mod when I got the time~

03:20 <Ayeen> : knock knock
03:20 <Ayeen> : anyone there
03:20 <kurohana> : yes xDD
03:20 <Ayeen> : xD
03:21 <Ayeen> : ok, I think I just IC mod
03:21 <kurohana> : ok^^
03:21 <Ayeen> : i did give you bpm and offset earlier i think
03:21 <Ayeen> : start from easy
03:21 <kurohana> : yes^^ thats right^^
03:22 <Ayeen> : easy using DS 1.2 the whole map?
03:22 <kurohana> : should i do this?
03:22 <Ayeen> : oh wait, this map i mean
03:22 *Ayeen is editing (Bastino feat. D@d - Open your eyes (Nightcore Mix))[]
03:22 <kurohana> : yes, i know xD
03:23 <Ayeen> : ok
03:23 <Ayeen> : easy should use consistent spacing
03:23 <kurohana> : ok
03:24 <kurohana> : ok, ill change that ^^
03:24 <Ayeen> : 00:02:239 -
03:24 <Ayeen> : 1,2,3 use 1.2
03:24 <Ayeen> : while 3,4,5 use 1.3
03:25 <kurohana> : ok
03:25 <Ayeen> : change it to more consistent spacing
03:25 <kurohana> : ok
03:26 <Ayeen> : 00:08:036 (2,3,4) sapcing
03:26 <Ayeen> : spacing*
03:26 <Ayeen> : 1.4 used there~
03:26 <kurohana> : ok
03:27 <Ayeen> : same goes 4,5,6
03:27 <kurohana> : ok
03:27 <Ayeen> : 00:19:268 - (4,1)
03:27 <Ayeen> : spacing
03:28 <Ayeen> : (1,2,3) the next pattern too
03:28 <Ayeen> : 1.6 used >.<
03:29 <kurohana> : ok
03:30 <Ayeen> : start spiner here 00:21:985 maybe?
03:30 <Ayeen> : just suggestion
03:30 <Ayeen> : and I think spinner a bit too short for beginner
03:30 <kurohana> : ok^^
03:31 <Ayeen> : 00:25:065- (1,2) spacing
03:33 <Ayeen> : 00:29:775 - (3,2) spacing can be ignored because time frame between them
03:33 <Ayeen> : but (3,1) is still a no
03:34 <kurohana> : ok
03:34 <Ayeen> : 00:31:949 -(2,3,4) spacing
03:35 <kurohana> : DS 1.2?
03:35 <Ayeen> : up to you, but it must be constant
03:35 <kurohana> : ok
03:36 <Ayeen> : if you use 1.2 from start, than 1.2 till end unless there is time gap
03:36 <kurohana> : ok
03:36 <Ayeen> : 00:33:580 - (1) suggesting spinner start here
03:36 <Ayeen> : just a suggestion~
03:37 <kurohana> : ok
03:37 <Ayeen> : 00:38:109 -(3,4) spacing
03:38 <kurohana> : ok
03:38 <Ayeen> : 00:39:196-(5,6,1,2) spacing
03:39 <Ayeen> : (4,5) earlier can be ignored due to time gap as i mentioned earlier
03:39 <kurohana> : ok
03:39 <Ayeen> : forgot the (3) in the 00:39:196~
03:40 <kurohana> : ok
03:40 <Ayeen> : 00:45:355 -1
03:40 <Ayeen> : this one is a good spinner for beginner
03:40 <kurohana> : ok
03:41 <Ayeen> : 00:59:848 -(1,2,3) spacing
03:42 <kurohana> : 4 too?
03:42 <Ayeen> : nope
03:43 <kurohana> : ok
03:43 <Ayeen> : 3,4 is fone
03:43 <Ayeen> : fine
03:43 <kurohana> : ok
03:43 <Ayeen> : 01:04:558-(4,5,1) spacing
03:44 <kurohana> : ok
03:45 <Ayeen> : ~ starting from 01:07:094
03:45 <Ayeen> : DS is much more worst ~.~
03:45 <Ayeen> : some 1.6, some 1.3
03:45 <kurohana> : ok
03:45 <Ayeen> : let me detailed it
03:46 <kurohana> : ok
03:46 <Ayeen> : 01:07:094 -(3,4,1,2,3,1)
03:47 <Ayeen> : worst is on from 1,2 DS 1.8
03:47 <kurohana> : ok
03:49 <Ayeen> : 01:14:341-(this point till spinner)
03:49 <Ayeen> : sapcing
03:50 <kurohana> : ok
03:51 <Ayeen> : I think I leave the rest of spacing inconsistency for you to fix it, else it would take hours for us to mod
03:51 <kurohana> : yes xD
03:51 <Ayeen> : you know how to check DS?
03:51 <kurohana> : yes ^^
03:52 <Ayeen> : uhmm... select a notes/slider and under the beatsnap divisor it will show the DS on next and previous one
03:53 <kurohana> : ok^^
03:53 <Ayeen> : that way, you can check DS faster
03:53 <kurohana> : ok
03:54 <kurohana> : how can i see if its wrong?
03:54 <Ayeen> : wait, I show an example
03:54 <kurohana> : ok
03:56 <Ayeen> : uploading the example, the white arrow show the DS
03:56 <Ayeen> :
03:57 <Ayeen> : there is where you can check the DS
03:57 <kurohana> : ok
03:58 <Ayeen> : ok, hitsound is too soft
03:59 <Ayeen> : change from 50% to 65% or 70%
03:59 <kurohana> : hm?
03:59 <kurohana> : ok
03:59 <Ayeen> : listen to it first, dont just accept >.>
03:59 <kurohana> : ok
04:00 <Ayeen> : going to hard now
04:00 <kurohana> : ok
04:01 <Ayeen> : seem good so far xD
04:01 <kurohana> : yay xDD
04:01 <Ayeen> : just snap the inherited time
04:02 <kurohana> : that means?
04:02 <Ayeen> : AR seem a bit too fast for me
04:02 <Ayeen> : maybe -1
04:02 <Ayeen> : the yellow/green lines
04:02 <kurohana> : ah, ok
04:03 <Ayeen> : as the BPM changes, should follow the new timing as well
04:03 <kurohana> : ok
04:03 <kurohana> : will change that later, cost too much time >.<
04:04 <Ayeen> : take your time
04:04 <kurohana> : ok
04:08 <Ayeen> : should be good I guess, fast modding though~
04:08 <kurohana> : ok
04:08 <Ayeen> : well that all, the rest difficulty I shall continue tommorow
04:09 <kurohana> : ok, write in thread^^
04:09 <Ayeen> : and about SB, thanks for playing is a bit too sudden appear...
04:09 <kurohana> : ok
04:09 <Ayeen> : maybe fade to clear.. sorry for bad english there
04:10 <kurohana> : ok
04:11 <Ayeen> : that all from me
04:11 <kurohana> : ok
04:12 <Ayeen> : thanks for your time hearing my babling~
04:12 <kurohana> : xDD it was modding, not babling xD
Topic Starter
thanks ^w^
Just dropped by to thank you for your offer of a guest diff even though I didn't need one.
And to fix the title for a second time; it should be "Open Your Eyes", not "Open your eyes". (Capitalize the "y" and the "e".)
And to shoot a kudostar, since it's Nightcore.
And to promise you that I'll get around to modding this at some point.
And... yeah.
Continued on guest difficulties:

generally, the score spreadsheet is kinda messy~
Easy,2.56 star rating : 725,180
p3n Normal 3.13 star rating : 1,04M
Lidan69 Normal 3.98 star rating: 1,3M
Hard 4.71 star rating : 5.8M
Insane 4.93 star rating : 5.1M? 0.o
Especially on Insane and Hard

p3n normal:
reduce the hitsound volume which is (75%) to (65% or 60%) It more appropriate.
snap all inherited time to new offset/bpm
00:13:471 Lower down volume to 40%
00;19:630 same as above. I think it better
Just a speed mod~ didn't mod through much

Lidan Normal:
Spinner in this difficulty is much more length than the other 2 easier diff~
Soo many blue lines @.@ Not a prob though
hitsound volume from 50% to 60 or 65%?
02:23:906 (5) Ugly slider/ asymmetry
Same as p3n diff, jsut a quick walkthrough~

Shael insane:
00:22:167 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17) Seem a bit inconsistent spacing for this stream, but bleh it minor
01:43:326 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17) Inconsistency spacing is obvious here
Another fast walkthrough~

Ayeen wrote:

Lidan Normal:
Spinner in this difficulty is much more length than the other 2 easier diff~
Soo many blue lines @.@ Not a prob though
hitsound volume from 50% to 60 or 65%?
02:23:906 (5) Ugly slider/ asymmetry
Same as p3n diff, jsut a quick walkthrough~
fixed everything expect the red colored. Somehow didn't understand what you mean.

Download: Bastino feat. D@d - Open your eyes (Nightcore Mix) (kurohana) [lidan69's Normal].osu
Hi. Sorry for late mod...

it would be nice if you would add some kiai sections. the map would look more Dynamic
Please don't use Slider Tick Rate 2 just for higher combo. Change it to 1

in some sections there is too much blur. try to reduce it because the player will have red eyes after playing~

00:13:833 (2) - you should add whistle at start.
00:16:732 (1) - ^
00:19:630 (1) - ^
00:27:601 (6) - New Combo
00:28:326 (1) - remove New combo
00:29:413 (1) - remove new combo

[lindan69's Normal]
this looks more like a normal+

nothing else~ good luck and star
Topic Starter
@akrolsmir: thanks for kudosu star x33

@Ayeen: fixed ^^

@lidan69: uploadet ^^ and changed some kiai times, looks now better ~

@Tonoicutzu: fixed ^^
SB i'll make later^^
Irgendwas ist beim Upload schiefgegangen denke ich. Hab die Map neu geladen aber da ist keine MP3 dabei. Die Gesamtgröße der .osz ist 20,3KB :o

Schreib mir ne PM oder schau ob ich online bin und schreib mich ingame an wenn der Fehler behoben ist...dann kümmer ich mich um meine guest-diff (ohne mp3 geht das schlecht fürchte ich).
Hübsche Map :)
Bei den Tags kannst du Nightcore Open Your Eyes Bastino Feat. D@d kurohana entfernen, da die Dinge ja bereits in Artist und Title angegeben sind und du als Creator nicht in den Tags stehen brauchst.

/me verschickt ein Sternchen :3
Topic Starter

eviLinco wrote:

Hübsche Map :)
Bei den Tags kannst du Nightcore Open Your Eyes Bastino Feat. D@d kurohana entfernen, da die Dinge ja bereits in Artist und Title angegeben sind und du als Creator nicht in den Tags stehen brauchst.

/me verschickt ein Sternchen :3
danke dir ^.^ hab das mit den tags jetz geändert :D

p3n wrote:

sollte jetzt eigentlich so weit passen!
habs geuploadet ^^
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