
Within Temptation - Within Tempation feat Chris Jones- Utopi

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Barney Stinson
This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on giovedì 31 marzo 2011 at 16:56:31

Artist: Within Temptation
Title: Within Tempation feat Chris Jones- Utopia
BPM: 170
Filesize: 18697kb
Play Time: 03:44
Difficulties Available:
  1. Hard (3,89 stars, 352 notes)
  2. Normal (1 stars, 160 notes)
Download: Within Temptation - Within Tempation feat Chris Jones- Utopia
Download: Within Temptation - Within Tempation feat Chris Jones- Utopia (no video)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Hi all! This is my second map. I hope you like it! Special Thanks To:
Selee, For TheTiming
HakuNoKaemi,For his mod :)
Cesc, For his mod :D
:) Star
New to mapping, that an obvious thing here 8-)
I just mention a few here, rest you should fix the similar thing yourself

Nice song, though I dont like gothic much
Lower down the mp3 bitrate to 128kbps. U need to do timing points again after that
In early of mapping, try to use 1/2 and 1/4 beatsnap divisor instead of 1/3
Why does the grid so large? ~.~

Some combos are too long. Split it up, every notes to (9) should be good
Slider is long, usually normal mode and easy mode got those. "Hard" difficulty are rares
00:51:461 Ugly slider
Example how long slider can be shorten:

Goodluck with the map. :)
Usually I would grant a star on each map I mod, but seem it not very perfect yet, so no. I be back checking, or just PM me for star :D
IRC Mod 1st part for Hard

da il Kudosu a me e alla ragazza sopra
BPM: 170.000
Offset: 98
Timing Signature: 3/4

Don't forget to add at least 2s lead-in...
[in Generale]
- Il file mp3 non va bene, poiché ha una velocità in bit di 320kbps; Il massimo per osu! è 192kbps. L'ho diminuito io per te in 128kbps, la qualità non perde molto...Sostituiscilo con questo
- il titolo della mappa non va bene..
Artist = Within Temptation feat. Chris Jones
Title = Utopia
- elimina i file .osb dalla cartella
- manca il "Preview Point" in entrambe le difficoltà; sarebbe l'anteprima che si ascolta prima di giocare, ti consiglio di impostarlo (si fa attraverso "Timing < Set Current Position as Preview Point"). Ti consiglio di impostarlo a 00:45:450, ricorda di cambiarlo in entrambe le diff
- Il BG è troppo piccolo e sgranato secondo me, perché non lo sostiutisci con questo? Secondo me è anche più bello (sei libero di non dare retta a questo consiglio, ma se lo fai ricorda di cancellare il BG precedente)

Spacing, Slider, NewCombo, Hitsound MOD

Va bene, solo un pochino noiosetta!

Eccoti una stella per dare supporto alla tua mappa :)
Oh look, no death growls


--Disable countdown. It just sounds weird with it.
--Please change the meter from 4/4 to 3/4


Basically, you seem to change the spacing every once in a while for some odd reason. If you're going to make a map like this, it would be better if you kept your .8x spacing throughout the song except for certain small jumps and new combos and such.
00:08:568(1..9) - maybe just just stick with .8x spacing
00:12:803(1..13) - ^
00:23:392(4) - 1 grid to left
00:33:450(2,3,4) - 1 grid to left
00:37:156(3,4) - this is a good example of what i was talking about earlier. it just looks weird to have this spacing.
00:56:568(5,6,7) - perhaps delete combo 5 and 7
01:05:039(6) - bad spacing. move it closer to the end of the slider.
01:37:509(2) - it might be better to position the end of this slider closer to combo 3
03:20:215(4) - am i lagging or something? wtf lol. at least on my screen, there is a random slider tick at the end of this slider. weird. well if you have it, too, try to fix it.
03:48:450(1) - silence the end of the spinner


Resnap all notes please. AIMod points out 128 notes are not snapped! :(
(I didn't realize this until later, so these timing numbers are based on when you didn't resnape notes)

00:10:686(3) - slider velocity doesn't make much sense.
00:25:509(3) - end slider here
00:26:568(x) - add note
00:49:509(8,9,10,11) - it is probably better to use the same spacing as you did as with combo 1,2,3,4
01:01:509(x) - add note
01:05:745(5) - i wouldn't recommend this anti-spacing thing even if it's at such a slow pace.
02:19:862(1) - end spinner here
02:20:921(x) - add note
02:21:980(x) - ^
02:35:745(x) - ^
03:10:333(1) - remove new combo
03:10:686(1) - ^
03:17:039(5) - move somewhere further?
03:48:097(1) - silence the end of the spinner

Nice map :3

Hi there,

As I said before:
Encode the Mp3 within this range (192 - 128).You may have to check all the timing again after encoding. If it still 320kbps, It a BIG NO for rank. Delete unnecessary osb file in folder. I didint download the video ver, but please make sure it have no audio in it. Use 3/4 time signature, and if it using 3/4 time signature use 1/3 and 1/6 beatsnap divisor
. Make sure you tick the rensap option

Untill the RED font is fixed. Your map wont go nowhere. Make sure you use full submission after the mp3 change
Per il momento ti dò una stella, vedrò in seguito di moddarla.
Irc Modding.
Comunque ti stai impegnando molto :3 spero che venga rankata.
Irc modding on some spacing issues, kiai and unrankable sliders
20.06 <Armin> : il ritmo nella hard non mi piace
20.07 <Armin> : il soft clap sembra un pò forzato
20.08 <Armin> : mi sarei aspettato il kiai qui 02:19:862 (3) -
20.08 <Armin> : 03:19:156 (4) - slider non snappato bene, quindi unrankabile
20.09 <scalone> : scusa
20.09 <scalone> : metto
20.09 <scalone> : il kiai
20.09 <scalone> : dove hai detto
20.09 <scalone> : e resnappi
20.09 <scalone> : resnappo
20.09 <Armin> : 03:23:921 (8) - metti qualche hitobjetcs qui fino all'inizio dello slider
20.09 <scalone> : lo slider?
20.09 <Armin> : eh sì
20.09 <Armin> : in generale rivediti meglio gli hitsounds
20.09 <scalone> : ok
20.10 <Armin> : 03:26:921 (1) - qui c'è il suono del veicolo
20.10 <scalone> : cosa sono
20.10 <Armin> : siccome c'è lo spinner il giocatore non capisce da dove proviene, provocando un effetto sgradevole
20.10 <scalone> : gli hitobjects
20.10 <Armin> : piglia l'mp3 originale
20.10 <Armin> : hitbojects= hitcitcle, sliders o spinners
20.10 <scalone> : ok
20.11 <scalone> : ma di che difficoltà
20.11 <scalone> : parli?
20.11 <scalone> : hard?
20.11 <Armin> : 03:44:568 (1) - dovresti silenziarli all'inizio sliders come questo
20.11 <Armin> : guarda il mio status uh
20.11 <Armin> : Hard^
20.11 <scalone> : ti faccio vedere lo slider
20.12 <scalone> :
20.12 <scalone> : tolgo lo spinner
20.12 <scalone> : dove
20.12 <scalone> : c'è il veicolo
20.12 <scalone> : mettindo
20.12 <scalone> : qualche slider
20.12 <scalone> : e beat?
20.15 <scalone> : E non ebbe risposta. XD
20.15 <Armin> : no
20.15 <scalone> : No cosa?
20.15 <Armin> : devi proprio fare in modo di togliere il rumore
20.15 <Armin> : cambiando mp3
20.15 <Armin> : nella versione album non c'è il rumore del veicolo
20.16 <scalone> : Mi mandi il link dell'originale, per piacere?
20.16 <Armin> : lo trovi nella mia mappa
20.16 <Armin> : cmq normal:
20.16 <Armin> : 01:09:980 (6) - errore di spacing
20.17 <scalone> :
20.17 <scalone> : va bene lo slider?
20.17 <Armin> : 00:42:450 (1) - lo farei finire qui
20.17 <Armin> : 00:44:568 (x) - qui
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