
NicNicoDouga - Sand Canyon + Seitokai no Ichizon

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Friday, September 07, 2012 at 3:17:04 PM

Artist: NicoNicoDouga
Title: Sand Canyon + Seitokai no Ichizon
Tags: Sand Canyon + Seitokai no Ichizon
BPM: 158.6
Filesize: 708kb
Play Time: 00:30
Difficulties Available:
  1. Easy (2.3 stars, 32 notes)
  2. Hard (4.8 stars, 96 notes)
  3. Normal (4.37 stars, 59 notes)
Download: NicoNicoDouga - Sand Canyon + Seitokai no Ichizon
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Fixed on Jul 5th, 2010.
Thanks to AcidSnow1

Fixed on Jul 5th, 2010.
Thanks to Midget and Kurai_

Fixed on Jul 2nd, 2010.
Thanks to Lissette

Fixed on Jul 1st, 2010.
Fixed Artist name.

Fixed on Jun 29th, 2010.
Thanks to I_Tatsuo_I

Fixed/Updated ON Jun 26th, 2010
Thanks to Zetsubou Sensei
Zetsubou Sensei

00:10:366 (4) - move forward 1 tick

00:10:742 - 00:14:879 (1,2) (1,2) (1,2) - also move forward 1 tick
00:20:521 (1,2) - move forward one tick
(then resnap, the entire map, to make sure)

00:08:485 - 00:14:879 - move all these notes forward one tick
00:18:452 - 00:24:376 - move all these notes back 1 tick (also extend 00:22:872 (3) to end at 00:23:154)
(resnap afterwards)

00:08:391 - 00:14:879 - move all these notes forward 1 tick
00:15:443 (1) - move this slider back 2 tick, to 00:15:225
00:18:452 - 00:22:777 - move all these notes back 1 tick
(then resnap of course)

Overall it was just some minor errors, but i really like this map, its fun and catchy (plus nico nico douga maps own :P )

I'm pretty sure your BPM is wrong.
I can't mod this until you get a recheck on your BPM and Offset. Come back when you have those two checked and fixed.
Ask a BAT~
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Thanks. I will fix.
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By the way, when you say renap, do I have to move the whole map's notes or what?
Zetsubou Sensei

Azu wrote:

By the way, when you say renap, do I have to move the whole map's notes or what?
not really, you can snap the notes in a certain way that it can save you precious minutes of snapping....but sometimes it takes a resnapping of the entire map >_> .... hopefulyl that wont be the case.

So just go through it, and see if you can work out something that can shorten your time on resnapping the map....but its also a good idea to check through the entire map lol :P ....

Good Luck with that...
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From Zetsubou Sensei:

00:10:366 (4) - move forward 1 tick

00:10:742 - 00:14:879 (1,2) (1,2) (1,2) - also move forward 1 tick
00:20:521 (1,2) - move forward one tick
(then resnap, the entire map, to make sure)

00:08:485 - 00:14:879 - move all these notes forward one tick
00:18:452 - 00:24:376 - move all these notes back 1 tick (also extend 00:22:872 (3) to end at 00:23:154)
(resnap afterwards)

00:08:391 - 00:14:879 - move all these notes forward 1 tick
00:15:443 (1) - move this slider back 2 tick, to 00:15:225
00:18:452 - 00:22:777 - move all these notes back 1 tick
(then resnap of course)

Response: Thanks. I fixed and re-snapped and also did a bit or re-timing the maps. Worked out a bit better.
Hai, here comes my mod~

Much better timing, thank you~
Overall volume is ear rape. Please lower the volume, or make inherited timing sections to individualize volumes.
Oh gawd, resnap all your difficulties. Timing -> Resnap All Notes

Its good.

00:33:313 through 00:34:826 - Those sliders sound off.

00:22:909 - Map in this little empty spot please.
00:30:286 - Don't be lazy and not map this. Get rid of the spinner and actually map this part.

*thinks* Ehhhh... Okay, you can have a star.
Just make sure to at least fix those unsnapped notes.
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Will do, thanks for the star.
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Updated and Fixed. I resnapped as well.
Offset: 215
Time signature = 4/4
set preview point

00:02:480 (6) - wrong spacing
00:10:519 (8) - move to the prev white tick
00:10:614 - add note
00:24:044 (6,7) - separate a bit more from 5 (look time line)

00:33:127 (1) - too far, every time i test it i missed this ><

00:04:750 (1) - too far
00:12:316 (1) - ^
00:18:369 (1) - too near to the spinner
00:18:369 (1,2,3) - space evenly
00:24:422 (1) - too near to the spinner, also to short spinner for an easy diff

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Thank you , Lissette.

Edit: Fixed and Updated.

Why thre are the name of the song in the tag ? ._.


00:20:643 (1) - Bad spacing
00:24:426 (1) - ^

That's all I think. Star~
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Thanks. :)
  1. Add Preview Point.
  2. Remove tags (All things in tags are alredy in title)
  1. 00:04:754 (1) - Remove new combo.
  2. 00:10:807 (1) - ^
  3. 00:27:453 (1) - 1 grid down.

  1. Circle Size + 1
  2. 00:10:807 (1) - Remove new combo.
  3. 00:19:887 (1) - ^
  1. OD +2
  2. 00:10:618 (9,1) - Spacing
  3. 00:32:749 (1) - Remove new combo.
  4. 00:34:262 (1) - ^
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Thank you very much.
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Move reviews please. :)
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No one?
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Zetsubou Sensei
Just check it out again :P

00:19:110 (2) - spacing

00:18:452 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2) - move all these notes back 1 tick

00:18:452 (1,2) - move these notes back 1 tick
00:20:709 (1,2,1,2,3,4) - ^ same thing
AIMOD detects spacing issues

Add a preview point for all of your difficulties...

Good Luck
I thought i heard Ephemeral say that maps need to be at least 1 minute long?
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There are plently of maps that are under 1 minute that is ranked.
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Revival of an old map.
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Jiu Wei Hu
About the Hard Mode.

The two circles' and sliders' timing around 21~22 seconds seems to be corrupt.
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Okay, thanks. I think I got the error, try it again and see how it is?
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