This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
Kiai time abuse! Jangan memakai kiai di banyak tempat. Jangka waktu antara mulainya kiai dengan berakhirnya kiai tidak boleh sesingkat itu. Pakailah kiai di beberapa tempat saja seperti ketika reff dimulai.i knew it~~
hah? di kompie ku aman2 aja-SiN- wrote:
offset: 7232
BGnya yg mix ngilang :\
something was up w/ my internet connection. sorryZekira wrote:
You forgot to full submit; the new background isn't appearing, and I still have the old one right here. (the wall.jpg one) Please full submit.
EDIT: What, it didn't even seem like you submitted anything yet; the offset is still at 9030 and the BPM at 135.06 orz. You definitely need to Full Submit. I knew something wasn't right... use SiN's Offset and Monky's BPM (but I'm assuming you already did that but just didn't submit yet)
fine thx XDLeorda wrote:
Apa Kabar Bo!
[Easy]dist. snap is decreased to 0.5x , should i change it?
I think there some few problem about spacing. Check the spacing first.
00:31:474 (1,1,1) - No new combo
00:35:474 (x) - Place note here
00:38:585 (1,1,1) - ^
[Shuna's MiX]DonE!
Some AIMod detect a bunch of problem about unsnapped note "Object isn't snapped!" To fix this, resnap all note (Timing -> Resnap all note -> Yes) or use a 1/8 beat snap divisor (Don't forget! Resnap all note!)
Too much flaws...... But good song!Thx
DOnEBreeze wrote:
Ok, here we go mod mod~
- Copy the SB code into ous. file and delete osb. file
- reset preview time at 01:05:898, now it has 36ms off since you have chaged the offset
- The same to timing section, select they all and add 36ms
- 02:20:565 (4) - few grids right looks better, to ensure in a line with 3
- 02:27:231 (3) - remove whistle and add finish
[Shuna's MiX]
- delete break priods 2,42987,43023 in osu. file, here is too short to have a break
- 00:45:231 - add a note
- 00:47:009 - ^
[*]00:32:565 (2) - put it overlapped with 1 by turning off grid snap
01:27:231 - 01:39:676 - I love this part :3me too.
DoNeMisaki Takahashi wrote:
00:21:676 (B): Break not really needed.
00:28:787 (B): ^
00:35:898 (B): ^
00:43:009 (B): ^
00:21:676 (B): Break not really needed.
00:28:787 (B): ^
00:35:898 (B): ^
00:43:009 (B): ^
02:35:009 (5): Move a tiny grid down
02:35:120 (6): Move a tiny grid down + left.
should i half the playtime?BananasGoMoo wrote:
Fine, but i dont think you should have done the whole song for [Easy]
dONe!-SiN- wrote:
00:16:787 (3,4) - spacing
cek pake AImod, banyak yg error tu pas gedein circle ._.'
spacing issue
doNE! cropped to halffartownik wrote:
Meh, too long?
01:26:120 (1,1) - The returning after spinner is too short for an easy (the spinner is short a bit too).made it longer
[Normal+]well it SUPPOSE to be like that but... oh well normal is normal
02:47:454 (2,3,4) - I prefer not using streams like this in a normal difficulty (I know, it's "Normal+", but still normal).
[Shuna's MiX]whoops
00:16:343 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - No idea why is this part distanced on 0,8x value (the rest is on 1,0x).
02:57:454 (7,1) - Spacing.
fiXEd aLl!jericho2442 wrote:
00:25:454 (3) - line up with (1) fix spacing to suit this change
01:05:898 (1,2,3) - (1,2) is closer spacing than (2,3) make (2,3) same as (1,2)s spacing
01:11:231 (1,2,3) - the placing is a bit random, make this look more like a pattern
01:30:343 (3,4) - spacing is wrong, these 2 notes are 2 close when compared to the rest of the combo, please fix
01:50:343 (1) - spacing, too far away. move closer to the combo before
01:55:291 - deleate all inherited timing sections and kiai time after point due to the map has ended
consistant spacing is a MUST on easy diffs
00:41:231 (1,2) - spacing is a lil too close, fix please
00:46:787 (4) - line up with (1) and fix spacing on this note
00:48:120 (1,2,3,4,5) - the way these are placed is VERY messy, tidy them up
00:49:676 (1,2,3,4,5) - ^
00:54:120 (5,6) - spacing is wrong, move closer
01:13:454 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - line these up better, looks very messy
02:43:676 (1,2,3) - line (1) and (3) up to make this look better
it'll break the imagearmin wrote:
01:39:231 (7) Spacing
sadly i have to agree eith DataCirno previous post, cuz i think it IS uglyDataCirno wrote:
Well, that's true... I almost forgot that this is Halloween-themed.bmin11 wrote:
Don't see any problems. I'll skip those sliders are that cirno mentioned since it some how gives the feeling of Halloween
no, lots of people said easy diff is too long b4 i cropped the song to halfVanMoNky wrote:
01:54:343 - Map the rest song please.. [?]
seems every1 complains about the same thingfrost-b-spec wrote:
[Shuna's MIX]
01:39:231(7) - check spacing(not change is ok. but,why this?)
Lissette wrote:
Fine k
00:47:898 (4) - remove k
02:02:120 (2) - repeat k
02:02:787 (3) - remove k
02:18:343 (1,2,3,4) - dont like this, dont fit imo >.< k
03:05:009 (1) - remove 2 repeat, move half beat later and add note here k
Shuna's MiX
00:16:120 - add note? no
00:26:120 (3) - shorten half beat, and repeat i'll fix it my way
00:27:676 (8) - same same
01:39:676 - dont put this type of inherited timing ssection on top of the note, cuz is someone hit erlier screw up the efect of sounds (same to this one 02:43:009) k
01:45:120 and 01:45:231 - add notes i hav to disagree with the 2nd one
01:45:565 - move 1/4 later (red tick) k
01:50:343 (6) - see screenshot (time line) no
01:55:676 (5) - remove? k
02:20:565 (11) - remove and start the next slider here k
02:34:565 (1) - shorten half beat, and repeat again, my way
02:54:009 (6) - remove? no
02:58:454 (5) - same k
02:59:009 (9) - shorten half beat, and repeat again, my way
03:03:676 (3) - same same
Nice map ^^