
F-777 - Before Mydnite

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Monday, December 14, 2009 at 5:41:47 PM

Artist: F-777
Title: Before Mydnite
Source: newgrounds
BPM: 140
Filesize: 2547kb
Play Time: 02:12
Difficulties Available:
  1. Easy (3.86 stars, 239 notes)
  2. Hard (4.61 stars, 283 notes)
  3. Insane (5 stars, 283 notes)
Download: F-777 - Before Mydnite
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
My first beatmap. Its before mydnite by f-777. have fun.
Overall, this is a nice first map!

Here's my mod:

Yellow = Hitsounds
Green = Timing/Beat Placement
Red = Snapping/Spacing
Blue = Misc/Suggestion

Your map starts way too suddenly. Even though this is a Hard difficulty, you really need a lead-in to allow the player to adjust. Go to Song Setup>Audio and give it a 1.5-2.0 second lead-in.
Your map needs some hitsounds. It sounds really plain hearing the same noise on every beat, so add some whistles, finishes, and claps to it. If you need more detail on this, ask me and I can do a hitsound mod.
Your map ends in an odd place imo... I think it'd play and sound a lot nicer if it was mapped up until the end of the song, but this is up to you.

00:15:458 (1): Spinners of this length are usually frowned upon. Make it end at 00:17:815, and then you can either make another separate spinner after that, or make a new combo of beats (preferably a new beat combo).
01:36:029 (1,2): No, no, no... :( This might be possible to hit, but it will always result in a combo break, and is therefore unrankable. Make the slider start on 01:36:458, shorten it so it ends on 01:37:315, and then arrange the beats before the slider so it looks something like this:

01:45:243 (1): This spinner is also really long :( Please shorten it, if at all possible.
This is a nice job at a first map, so I'm quite impressed! I can see that if you put enough work into it, you can get this ranked. :) Remember that you will need at least on more difficulty, though. :D
Put a lead in of 3 sec. 1 sec seems short
Change/remove black as a color combo; It blend with the bg.
Delete the .osb file and then full submit
Map to th eend of the song

Recheck all spacing to make sure it's constant.
Use AImod (Ctrl+SHift+A) to recheck if there are any other errors.

Seems more of a Normal to me.
Spacing issues.
Repetative patterns. You can repeat a few times, but you're repeating the same pattern a lot of times.
Seems rushly made.
Try remapping this diff :(, because so far; it's unrankable.

00:22:458 (9) - New combo
Why am I seeing exactly the same pattern in Easy and Hard?
Spacing issues

You might want to increase the circle size here.

Final thoughts
You can't just copy a difficulty and just decrease circle size, increase overall difficulty to call it a new diff.
You need to remap every diff differently.
There might be some similarities put copying from any other diff without revisions is not rankable.
Refer to this for ranking criteria:
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