
Drop no Koya - Harvest Festival

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This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
first at all, it's a good map for being the first map ever done by you (?) but i will make some sugestions for future projects:
1- Try to use Grid Size in level 3 mode (the most precise), with this, your circle/slider will be easy to assign in the screen.
2- try to obey or follow the distance snapping, when you don't follow correctly this tool, the person who plays your song can get confussed, distance snap is like melody items in a pentagram (but in osu editor, is all about spacing)

00:03:98 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - please respace that combos
00:21:37 (3) - extend 1/2 beat
01:03:11 (3) - ^
01:10:72 (6,7) - just a sugestion: i don't like the place you put that circles (is a normal map, not hard)
Sugestion: use 1.0x distance snapping

00:20:94 (1) - move it from that stream
00:25:29 (9) - obey the Distance Snap
00:27:89 (1) - transform it in a slider
00:45:72 (1,2,3,4,5) - Respace the combos
00:47:46 (6) - New Combo (?)
00:49:20 (1,2,3,4,5) - Respace again the combos
00:50:94 (6) - New Combo (?)
00:52:68 (1,2,3,4,5) - Respace the combos
00:54:42 (6) - new Combo (?)
00:56:59 (2,3,4) - too far themselves
01:08:11 (13,14,15,16,17,18) - respace again, and make them easier

I suggest making a Insane Difficulty, and good luck with this project .
Star for you

Fine for me

00:26:59 (14) - new combo (let other players can notice that part are jumps.)
01:08:33 (14) - ^
01:13:11 (1) - farther from 01:12:68 (6)
01:44:85 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - lol. Don't use notes hide slider.
01:54:85 (4) - new combo


00:26:59 (6) - new combo (same as Hard.)
01:08:33 (6) - ^

Pretty cute song and good map set.

Star for good work.
  1. 00:26:59 (6) - Suggestion: New combo.
  2. 00:38:76 (8) - ^
  3. 01:03:11 (3) - Suggestion: Put a clap sound only on the beginning of this slider.
  4. 01:06:59 (8) - Suggestion: New combo.
  5. 01:20:50 (8) - ^
    (Reason for these new combo suggestions is because seeing +10 combos looks awkward for a Normal)
Redo both your breaks. They will lengthen a little bit.

Redo last break. It'll lengthen a little bit.

New at making beatmaps? Lol!!!!
This is like an above average map in my eyes~
Nice use of hitsounds. I really like those finishes sounds at the beginning of Hard and Insane.
Awesome job!!
Card N'FoRcE
This is your FIRST map? O.O
Wow it truned out so great even if you didn't change grid size o.o
You're gonna be a great mapper ;)

- Normal:

- Hard:
01:45:72 (9) - a new combo here may be better :P

- Insane:
00:38:76 (13) - new combo?
01:28:98 (1) - imho it's fine, but maybe someone will tell you that this one is an "illegal spinner" (because auto gets only 1000 bonus
01:37:02 (1) - ^
01:45:72 (9) - same as hard

One last thing. You can edit sliders' speed in the timing panel. Keep that in mind for your next maps, because it adds more variety to the beatmaps ;)
Anyway, GREAT first effort, really.
Star and kudosu star. You HAVE to make more beatmaps x3
Topic Starter

Card N'FoRcE wrote:

This is your FIRST map? O.O
Heh, it's actually my FINISHED map, but my 2nd beatmap overall

Thanks Card N'FoRcE ^^

and what's an "illegal spinner"?
Card N'FoRcE

saymun wrote:

Card N'FoRcE wrote:

This is your FIRST map? O.O
Heh, it's actually my FINISHED map, but my 2nd beatmap overall

Thanks Card N'FoRcE ^^

and what's an "illegal spinner"?
You're welcome ^^

An illegal spinner is a spinner that doesn't get at least 2000 bonus points when played by auto.
Anyway, yours get 1000 bonus points, and since this "illegal spinner" is not a rule, but a guideline, you should be ok ^^
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
Nice mapset

i found you used some good hitsounds but you use too many hitsounds in some parts
I made a .osu for you (i remove some hitsounds and try to make it sound better)
Usually we don`t use so many claps and whistles because they are heavy hitsounds
try to listen to that .osu
if you need help just PM me in game

btw delete those silly .osb in your song folder and fullsubmit again


Download: Drop no Koya - Harvest Festival (saymun) [Hard Soundlab].osu
I don't like huge jumps :<

00:39:20 (2) - move a bit right

00:13:55 (8,1) - too far
00:24:85 (9) - new combo
01:06:59 (9) - ^
01:10:94 (5,1) - too far
01:20:50 (9) - new combo
01:33:55 (8) - ^

00:22:89 (7) - new combo
00:26:37 (5,1) - confused spacing
00:36:81 (8) - new combo
01:04:63 (8) - new combo and move a bit further from (7)
01:18:55 (8) - new combo
01:29:20 (5) - ^
01:29:85 (1) - remove new combo
01:30:94 (2) - new combo
01:35:94 (1) - remove new combo
01:37:02 (2) - new combo

you did it good
the mapset sounds awesome now
take my pink star

01:08:11 (5,6,7) - Equal the spacing?


All good ^^


The ending is so much harder than the beginning ><
But it's all good.
Topic Starter

Alace wrote:

take my pink star
thanks ^^

happy30 wrote:

01:08:11 (5,6,7) - Equal the spacing?

happy30 wrote:

The ending is so much harder than the beginning ><
yeah, i wanted to make it gradually harder as the song goes on
Resize background to 800x600


Keep volume on full consistently. There is no need to raise and lower it throughout the map.

00:10:94 (5) - New combo.
00:20:94 (1) - Remove new combo.
00:21:37 (9) - New combo.
00:26:59 (1,2,3,4,5) - I'm not sure how rankable this is in this situation.
00:27:89 (1) - Remove new combo.
00:28:33 (7) - New combo.
00:28:55 (1) - Remove new combo.
00:34:85 (1) - Remove new combo.
00:35:29 (9) - New combo.
01:02:68 (1) - Remove new combo.
01:03:11 (9) - New combo.
01:08:33 (1,2,3,4,5) - Again, I'm not sure about this.
01:09:63 (1) - Remove new combo.
01:10:07 (9) - New combo.
01:10:29 (1) - Remove new combo.
01:16:59 (1) - Remove new combo.
01:17:02 (9) - New combo.
02:12:68 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6) - NO.
To someone
Before modding
plz improve your mapping and playing skill

To mapper
Anyway i will check all diffs again after you backup lo\

EDIT:It`s time to bug BATs
Cut the mp3 so that the file size is smaller. The current mp3 is about twice as long as it needs to be.

Also this is like the most nazi thing ever, but do it if you want...

01:41:37 (1,2,3) - The way these are placed makes the follow points look kind of funky while playing. You can align this perfectly and the follow points will look much better. To do this, first turn off grid snap, and set distance snap to 0. Delete the 2 slider, then distance snap the 3 slider (which is now a 2). This will place it exactly on top of the 1, since you have distance set to 0. Then copy the 1 slider, paste at 01:42:21 on the timeline, remove the new combo, and hit Ctrl + H.

Don't kudosu this.
~Star. ;)
is the offset incorrect now ? :(
Topic Starter

Hanyuu wrote:

is the offset incorrect now ? :(
should be fixed now
Change offset. -80 ms works the finest for me (considering that I've played it with Hidden)

Then I'll do some real modding after it.

EDIT: Decrease the HP drain rate for Insane to either 1 or 2 ticks.
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
01:08:039 (6) - new combo

00:18:061 (4) - move it a square right

Wow... this map is a pleasant surprise!
Everything fits very well with overall rhythm :3
Just a little thing... try to make Normal mode as long as Hard one and set some break time to see tis great map ranked! ;3
New "Detailed" modding style for help maps <3

You don't have to follow my post, remember there are not directions, but suggestions!

[File Checking...]

Background: Yes.
Source: No. (Find some source if possible.)
Tags: Yes. (Capitalize all the tags.)
File Size: 2,76MB/24,00MB


Timing: BPM: 138,00 - Offset: 580 (Remember to resnap all notes.)



This difficulty is too hard for be the most easier. You need an easy difficulty.

Lower hitsounds volume on normal sections.

Add more hitsounds on soft sections.

No major problems found.


00:21:000 (1,2,3) - These notes are really hard to see.
00:34:091 (1,2,3) - ^
Mod Infos:

Green: Suggestions.
Orange: I think you should fix this.
Red: You must fix this.

Start Suggestions:

All seems ok.


Add kiai
00:11:000 (5) - New combo


Add kiai
00:20:035 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1) - D: i don't like it. Can you "fix" the spacing?
00:34:026 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1) - ^
01:02:020 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1) - ^
01:16:000 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - ^

02:19:026 (5,6) - Spacing

Topic Starter

xxheroxx wrote:


Add kiai - Fixed
00:11:000 (5) - New combo -Fixed


Add kiai -Fixed
00:20:035 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1) - D: i don't like it. Can you "fix" the spacing?
00:34:026 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1) - ^
01:02:020 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1) - ^
01:16:000 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - ^
- I fixed the first two ones because they were closer then the last two
02:19:026 (5,6) - Spacing -I just followed the distance spacing snap at 2.0x

osuplayer111 wrote:



This difficulty is too hard for be the most easier. You need an easy difficulty.

Lower hitsounds volume on normal sections.

Add more hitsounds on soft sections.

No major problems found.

-Added more noises, and lowered volume for some sections


00:21:000 (1,2,3) - These notes are really hard to see.
00:34:091 (1,2,3) - ^
-Fixed the whole stream
Good stuffs for you :D

Offset seems a little early. I recommend +6 offset, then resnap. (578 offset)

Seems a bit hard for a Normal? I can't tell, Normals are pretty easy either way. 4.23 stars is probably a bit high though. Try to tone it down some. Or you could make a flat-out Easy.

01:23:061 - End Kiai here. In Normal, end it at 01:24:005 -
Some of the streams seem kind of messy. I think you could arrange them better. D-Snap set to like 0.3/0.4 and grid off. Example. You can do curves and stuff too. As-is they're not unplayable though, I just think they look kinda clustery right now. There were two other streams I believe.

Tags and everything seem to be fine.

Pretty good map. Star.
Editor modding for the first time because I'm too lazy to play.

Star rating scares me. So does any type of 1/4 in Normal (assuming the music isn't snapping the beat to 1/4).

Hitsounds too quiet?

00:56:224 - Why kiai? If you want to keep it, end it sooner. Else the player will see the notes after the break glowing.
02:17:963 (1) - Finish?

Hitsounds too quiet?

Not too many points higher than Normal. That concerns me. This difficulty should have around 5m I think.

00:33:615 (9) - Put next to (7) as if it were part of the stream.
00:56:224 - Why kiai?
01:08:832 (2,3) - Move under 01:07:854 (4,5), perhaps? Would look cleaner I think.
01:10:354 (1,2,3) - I'd prefer this to be under the middle note.
01:16:658 (7,1) - Swap new combos.
01:22:311 (1) - Hitsound?
01:27:528 (1) - No jump? =[
01:32:745 (5) - New combo?
01:33:615 (1,2) - Swap new combos?
02:17:093 (1,2,3,4) - Gets pretty boring here so why not make it curve backwards, so (1) is close to (4) of the previous combo, (2) to (3), (3), to (2), and (4) to (1)?
02:19:267 (5,6) - Aweful uneventful...

Honestly I don't really like this map set. Normal needs more hit circles and Hard needs more interesting timing patterns. Also, quiet hitsounds add to the boredom. Still, there's nothing really wrong with it; that's just my opinion.
SOFT mod is gogo

ok all the listed stuff i think would stop this from getting ranked easy

00:57:096 (10,11,12,13) - ..........blinder than really being blind, fix this its horrid
01:48:039 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,4,1,2,3) - just too much spacing changes makes this pure silly :/ , on a insane you "might" get away with this but for a hard, no chance,
02:12:074 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - tooooooo much, 1) its gets very boreing, 2) its a insane pattern, not for hard diffs

i'll give a star once them problems are fixed ;)
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This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
Offset: 566
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
00:06:065 (4,1) - Spacing.

00:20:034 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - It will really sounds better with soft type of hitsounds. Start the timing section here [00:20:034] and end here [00:20:892]. Do the same with similar streams.
01:34:047 (2) - New combo.

Move audio timing points to little bit faster than where you want change audio sample set.
This means 'Don't put audio timing point right on note.'
If player click it fast, It makes weird sound.
This thing applied at circle, start of slider. Not applied at middle or end of slider and spinner.

For example in Normal>
00:04:044 - move to 00:03:826
00:14:479 - move to 00:14:370
00:40:565 - move to 00:40:457

It exist in Hard too.
I think you forgot changing audio point position at somepart.

Nice map, star ;)
Couldn't find other problems.
I think Zekira's wrong......
Offset: 580 :<

Mapset is fine~
Wow, this is a great map.

Dang, there must be something that you can improve on...

I've got nothing. :(

I'll give you Kudosu star on top of that... hush-hush. ;)
Topic Starter

minyeob wrote:

I think Zekira's wrong......
Offset: 580 :<

Mapset is fine~
alright i changed it back to 580
Good luck >_<
i am late
It`s so good now XD
loving this song!
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