
Lucky Star no Minna - Kumikyoku 'Lucky Star Douga'

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on den 9 september 2009 at 22:38:05

Artist: Lucky Star no Minna
Title: Kumikyoku 'Lucky Star Douga'
Source: Lucky Star
Tags: Dangaard Lucky Star Konata Kagami Tsukasa Miyuki Marathon Wa Wa Wa Wasuremono
BPM: 172
Filesize: 22471kb
Play Time: 15:13
Difficulties Available:
  1. Lucky (4,71 stars, 1813 notes)
Download: Lucky Star no Minna - Kumikyoku 'Lucky Star Douga'
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing

Hi. Marathon collab with me and dangaard :D


Could a BAT move this to pending?

*Credit List*
Dangaard - Mapping + Lots of hitsounding, SBing etc.
Mystearica - fixing and scaling SB pics, combobursts
KiouKiou - Offset timing
Peppy - compressing size of mp3 (after Dangaard)
Alace - Manly support

To everyone who modded this aswell :>

Download: Lucky Star no Minna - Kumikyoku 'Lucky Star Douga' (Gabi) [Progress collab].osu
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Kagamin approves
Great marathon :3
i dont need to explain why it gets my star
its obvious
Good map
(you know i didn`t post like this over 2 months)
hey hey
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thanks guys. kudosu to dan and alace for helping me out a little in irc.
Alright here are all your SB images and combo bursts rendered:

Took me some time orz.
Apparently I was supposed to cut out parts of some stuff:

Download: stuff.rar

This has fixed character image song CD scans.
My new fave map on osu. Awesome. :D!
Marathons are nifty.
great map, star :D

keep up the great work with it
Moved to Pending
wa wa wa wasuremonooooooooooooo~
Starred. Pretty nice map you got there. ;)
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lucky star!!..
lucky ~star~ D:
~Star. ;)
Great Marathon. *star
best part at 2:50 - 4:50 ( Shiraishi Minoru ! ) ^^
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random starry*
Don't mind me.
Fine, star~
so good
00:40:65 - should be down a bit imo
02:10:39 (1) - remove new combo ?
03:36:90 (1) - too close to (10)
03:47:80 (1) - suggest to move 3/4 forward

05:49:378 - Yutaka's vocal exists here ("te")
05:55:657 - ^ ("da")
06:00:540 - ^ ("ni")
06:08:912 - ^ ("de")
06:13:069 - ^ ("ka)

Hey! seems like this part is 1/6 beat snaps D:

06:37:25 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - don't know, I was confused when first time played
12:01:32 (10) - offscreen
13:17:37 (1) - just me...??? this spinner completely hide sliders at 13:18:76 (1,2) (I can see only approach circle, but nothing wrong after the spiiner disappear)
14:02:72 (1) - i wan streams lol
14:28:53 (9,1) - too far imo

Topic Starter

DJPop wrote:

00:40:65 - should be down a bit imo
02:10:39 (1) - remove new combo ? nah, pretty like this ^_^
03:36:90 (1) - too close to (10) i dont think its too close since theres other patterns like it. but changed
03:47:80 (1) - suggest to move 3/4 forward hmm done...

05:49:378 - Yutaka's vocal exists here ("te")
05:55:657 - ^ ("da")
06:00:540 - ^ ("ni")
06:08:912 - ^ ("de")
06:13:069 - ^ ("ka)

Hey! seems like this part is 1/6 beat snaps D: ill speak to dan about it.

06:37:25 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - don't know, I was confused when first time played its fine
12:01:32 (10) - offscreen hmm ok fixed
13:17:37 (1) - just me...??? this spinner completely hide sliders at 13:18:76 (1,2) (I can see only approach circle, but nothing wrong after the spiiner disappear) yep happens to me aswell, i try to find out why
14:02:72 (1) - i wan streams lol i wanted too D: but it will be to hard xD
14:28:53 (9,1) - too far imo y, i thought i changed this. looks like i haven't yet.

thanks for the mod
.________________. hi
wombo = combo

01:41:79 (4) - New wombo?
01:42:48 (7) - ^ wombo
05:10:39 (1) - remove new wombo and add a new wombo to the note right after this one
08:43:53 (2,3,4,5,6) - something about this area hurt my balls, do somethin about it, , , spacing is a bit too wack for me
14:06:38 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5) - Nice :3

kk ^___^ well thanks for letting me mod it, It wasn't much, but I did play the map to check out some spacing that seemed weird in edit, but it does play well, I just posted some stuff :/ hope some are useful, if not, np

Thank god this wasn't like that other map that sounded like this one at the ending of this map idk, , , or I would've been pissed, , , , u know that one with those wack spinners >_<
You get a star!
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Lucky star <3
I love this map. And there's only one thing I didn't totally like.

This section: 14:06:38 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5)

Especially this: 14:08:47 (5) it just doesn't sound too good with the music/follow the music.

Thats all I could find.

Starred! Cool map!
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I had irc discussions with Gabi, a small fix, then BAM! Bubble #1.
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:) lucky satr~❤
I love this map :D
it's beautiful, god job ^^
Me? Mod? WHAT??

(note: I'll provide an .osu at the end of this post. Feel free to revert changes back (although I wish you didn't lol))

00:17:54 (1) - begin 1/4 earlier. This will create more uniformity with the later spinners. There's no reason, I think, to have it as 1/2.
00:30:80 (1,2,1,2) - Umm... make these slightly closer. I had to edit the osu, so I could still get the 1,2 mirror image. Then, rotate by the origin for the next combo.
00:39:34 (2,4,6) - move down 1 1/2 grid spaces. You'll have to change this through the access of the .osu file (change y=168 to y=174). This is just to keep the map looking, even in the slightest way, more clean.
00:40:39 (1,2,3,4) - made some small changes...
01:15:97 (1) - starting at this point (going through until the end), I make quite some changes. All of them are simply like 01:18:76 (1,2) - you can tell by the no-grid snap.
03:20:86 (4,5) - eww sliders? (I made no changes of this, yet.)
03:42:13 (1,2,3,4) - I don't like this combo just because of the sliders. They don't look right (ugly?). (I made no changes of this, yet.)
06:42:48 (1) - extend by 1/4 or 1/2? (I made no changes of this, yet.)
06:57:83 (1) - get rid of finish? (I made no change of this, yet.)
08:56:44 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - not sure what to do here, but this combo looks a bit off. It's just that the angles of sliders and hitcircles don't match or fit in well (ugly?).

Please tell me if I'm interrupting your beatmap's style. :/
Award kudosu if you really want, but I could care less if you didn't. I can understand this. :/

(modding is incomplete)
Kawachino Yumi
hello lucky ;)
26mb? Just a reminder that this is too big to be ranked. Get it <15mb.

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This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
Topic Starter

buraimaster1234 wrote:

Me? Mod? WHAT??

(note: I'll provide an .osu at the end of this post. Feel free to revert changes back (although I wish you didn't lol))

00:17:54 (1) - begin 1/4 earlier. This will create more uniformity with the later spinners. There's no reason, I think, to have it as 1/2.
00:30:80 (1,2,1,2) - Umm... make these slightly closer. I had to edit the osu, so I could still get the 1,2 mirror image. Then, rotate by the origin for the next combo.
00:39:34 (2,4,6) - move down 1 1/2 grid spaces. You'll have to change this through the access of the .osu file (change y=168 to y=174). This is just to keep the map looking, even in the slightest way, more clean.
00:40:39 (1,2,3,4) - made some small changes...
01:15:97 (1) - starting at this point (going through until the end), I make quite some changes. All of them are simply like 01:18:76 (1,2) - you can tell by the no-grid snap.
03:20:86 (4,5) - eww sliders? (I made no changes of this, yet.)
03:42:13 (1,2,3,4) - I don't like this combo just because of the sliders. They don't look right (ugly?). (I made no changes of this, yet.)
06:42:48 (1) - extend by 1/4 or 1/2? (I made no changes of this, yet.)
06:57:83 (1) - get rid of finish? (I made no change of this, yet.)
08:56:44 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - not sure what to do here, but this combo looks a bit off. It's just that the angles of sliders and hitcircles don't match or fit in well (ugly?).

Please tell me if I'm interrupting your beatmap's style. :/
Award kudosu if you really want, but I could care less if you didn't. I can understand this. :/

[attachment=0:325c1]Lucky Star no Minna - Kumikyoku 'Lucky Star Douga' (Gabi) [Lucky].osu[/attachment:325c1]
(modding is incomplete)
i fixed some stuff, dangaard fixed some things on his parts.

thanks to peppy for compressing the file again
Great job. m(_ _)m
Cyril Scarlet
Kagami ! :oops:
lower the hitvolume by about a tick until 01:04:72 -
01:15:88 - lower hitvolume by a tick
03:25:74 (1) - sudden bpm change is kinda weird
04:17:37 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - the stacking is unintuitive...why stack the notes farther apart but spread the notes closer together?
05:20:51 (5,6,7,8) - line these up
05:31:67 (5,6,7,8) - ^
08:42:48 (1) - i don't know why this is the new combo rather than current 2...the gap is HUUUGE
10:15:27 (6) - unintuitive bpm change
10:18:07 (6) - ^
10:26:44 (6) - ^
Topic Starter

Saturos-fangirl wrote:

08:42:48 (1) - i don't know why this is the new combo rather than current 2...the gap is HUUUGE
thanks, changed.

Could a BAT bubble repair :>?
Card N'FoRcE
Yay Lucky Star! <3

Go go go Gabi =3

I Just don't like some new comboes (some traps, heh xD) but the map is great :)
Star for Approve~
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