
East Rockerz - Sound of my Dreams (DJ Splash Remix)

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Sonntag, 28. Juli 2013 at 13:27:49

Artist: East Rockerz
Title: Sound of my Dreams (DJ Splash Remix)
Tags: Mik-ey TheVileOne
BPM: 145
Filesize: 12357kb
Play Time: 05:21
Difficulties Available:
  1. Collab (4,97 stars, 880 notes)
  2. Insane ? (5 stars, 987 notes)
  3. TheVileOne's Hard (4,96 stars, 858 notes)
Download: East Rockerz - Sound of my Dreams (DJ Splash Remix)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
4 Approved.. ?
Collab by Mik-ey & Me
Hard Diff by TheVileOne
Well 1Year now on Graveyard now I want to Revive and Rank this shit
so PLS support me ! Thanks
Hab meine Parts fertig ich mag's zwar nicht so besonders aber es ist ok.

Download: East Rockerz - Sound of my Dreams (DJ Splash Remix) (Shiek2000) [Mik-ey].osu
K i R a
Well, Hi, I will mod and make the Reckless diff (use google translator if you want to know what is reckless) :P


offset: 1570 (hard to find but its ok)


~00:28:377 - The BLACK appears instead, you need to do a fade initialized at the big white line before it.
When mikey and shiek2000 appears, do fade, and same for end not instead.
All SB needs readjust to new offset, you know, allways at the big white line.
~04:12:446 - No, 1 flash less (or 2 i cant count with the offset) <-<


Much disrupted and not aligned.
Slider Tick is 1.

00:16:456 (7) - Distance Snap
00:21:215 (13) - Start at red line and end at white line, you need one beat more for the stream.
00:24:111 (9) - The reverse is out of rythm, its in the white line not blue.
01:03:008 (8) - New combo
01:03:422 (1) - Remove new combo
01:05:697 (1) - Remove new combo
01:06:111 (14) - New combo
01:09:215 (1) - Remove new combo
01:04:052 (6) - Buged slider, remake it.
01:13:776 (11) - Needs one beat.
01:13:983 (12,13) - Start in white ned in red and 13 new combo.
01:19:363 (6) - New combo
01:22:673 (1) - ^
01:24:742 (6) - ^
01:09:422 (16) - New combo
01:11:077 (7) - New combo
01:12:525 (1) - Remove new combo
01:12:732 (6) - New combo
The rest I will continue, much to mod <-<. Star ~
IRC mod ~ <3 star ;)
beware, Kritik in Spoilerbox. Ist etwas böse. Spoilerbox damit man es nur lesen muss wenn man wirklich will. Es ist nicht sonderlich hilfreich, vielleicht. Es ist meine Meinung. Sie KÖNNTE hilfreich sein.
Im Grunde sind 75% dessen, das nicht mit 1/2 mapbar ist für mich unverständlich. Etliche Kleinigkeiten auf die man beim Mappen eingehen könnte und 'ne abwechslungsreichere Map machen könnte, werden einfach durch die konstanten 1/2 Beats übermappt. Zum Beispiel nach dem Spinner der bei 1:57:638 auf "Insane ?" aufhört, der ist ja auf der anderen Map auch, keine Ahnung ob er an der gleichen Stelle aufhört, danach der ganze Part mit den zusätzlichen Effekten, man könnte beim Mappen auf die Effekte super eingehen, aber es wird einfach mit gleichbleibendem Tempo übermappt, hier und da ist da 'n bisschen was, was meiner Meinung nach aber kaum passt, man könnte deutlich sinnvoller drauf eingehen. Ab ~3:30 kann man auch gut auf Variationen in der Musik eingehen, wird auch versucht, scheitert aber ziemlich wie's aussieht. Fast alles schnellere in dem Part passt irgendwie nicht richtig. Ab 4:30 raff' ich auch nicht wie du zu den Beats gekommen bist. Falls du konkretere Hilfe möchtest, was ich meine etc, und sie von mir annehmen würdest meld dich im IRC oder so.
Bitte meckert mich dafür jetzt nicht an, dass die Art es zu sagen vielleicht etwas extrem ist. Es könnte das Mappen evtl. näher bringen, wenn auch auf harte Art und Weise, aber ist daher ja in 'ner Spoilerbox. Ich zwing' niemanden dazu die zu lesen.

Und dennoch kleine Anmerkung außerhalb der Spoilerbox -

Insane ? -

04:26:293 (1), (2) - Vor/auf Sliderende! (zeitlich)
Hi. I'm here from #modreqs.

  1. - Set a preview point for all difficulties.
  2. Kiai time must start on note and finish on note.
  3. About the New Combos, it is important that you follow some kind of pattern. You can't just add a New Combo anywhere. Try to make it every some beats when you feel that the music changes. You have to practice this too! (In all the difficulties)
  4. About Hitsounds - map is very boring without them. Put more different hitsounds. For example: this part of map ~ 01:01:776-01:27:017 sounds boring because of same hitsounds. Try to make rhythm with them. For example: put the clap hitsound every second white tick at the first kiai time and you will see difference. So, experiment with them.

[Insane ?]
01:14:603 (4) - sounds weird. Do something like on pic:
01:39:224 (11) - add clap.
01:39:431 (12) - remove clap.
01:40:258 (1) - strange clap.
01:41:293 (6) - ^
03:33:638-03:34:569 - out of rhythm.
04:31:258 - add note.
04:31:569 - why 1\4? Make it 1/3
04:32:189 - add note.
04:32:293 - ^
04:32:914 - ^
04:36:431 - ^
04:36:638 - ^
It's unreal to mod this part. I hear a lot of streams by the rhythm but I don't see them in your map. Try to do something with last Kiai time.

01:58:051-02:48:948 - VERY strange hitsounds.
03:30:741 (1) - make 2 ticks smaller and add reverse arrow like this 03:32:603 (12)
03:30:741-03:36:534 - 24 combo? huh?
04:34:776-04:44:707 - why all notes are on blue ticks?! I don't see any rhythm here.
Same problem as on Insane.

Also, they are a lot of problems that I haven't written here, but try to fix all things that I said first.
When you will finish, call me using PM or ingame chat, and then I will mod this map again.
Good luck!
Topic Starter

Mitiai wrote:

Hi. I'm here from #modreqs.

  1. - Set a preview point for all difficulties.
  2. Kiai time must start on note and finish on note.
  3. About the New Combos, it is important that you follow some kind of pattern. You can't just add a New Combo anywhere. Try to make it every some beats when you feel that the music changes. You have to practice this too! (In all the difficulties)
  4. About Hitsounds - map is very boring without them. Put more different hitsounds. For example: this part of map ~ 01:01:776-01:27:017 sounds boring because of same hitsounds. Try to make rhythm with them. For example: put the clap hitsound every second white tick at the first kiai time and you will see difference. So, experiment with them.
most of done, i'll look again 4 combos

[Insane ?]
01:14:603 (4) - sounds weird. Do something like on pic:
01:39:224 (11) - add clap. -Done
01:39:431 (12) - remove clap.-Done
01:40:258 (1) - strange clap.-Done
01:41:293 (6) - ^-Done
03:33:638-03:34:569 - out of rhythm.-Done
04:31:258 - add note.-Done
04:31:569 - why 1\4? Make it 1/3-Done
04:32:189 - add note.-Done
04:32:293 - ^
04:32:914 - ^
04:36:431 - ^
04:36:638 - ^
It's unreal to mod this part. I hear a lot of streams by the rhythm but I don't see them in your map. Try to do something with last Kiai time.

01:58:051-02:48:948 - VERY strange hitsounds.I make it better
03:30:741 (1) - make 2 ticks smaller and add reverse arrow like this 03:32:603 (12)-Done
03:30:741-03:36:534 - 24 combo? huh? fixed
04:34:776-04:44:707 - why all notes are on blue ticks?! I don't see any rhythm here.
Same problem as on Insane.Fixed

Also, they are a lot of problems that I haven't written here, but try to fix all things that I said first.
When you will finish, call me using PM or ingame chat, and then I will mod this map again.
Good luck!
Thank you !


lovelx wrote:

beware, Kritik in Spoilerbox. Ist etwas böse. Spoilerbox damit man es nur lesen muss wenn man wirklich will. Es ist nicht sonderlich hilfreich, vielleicht. Es ist meine Meinung. Sie KÖNNTE hilfreich sein.
Im Grunde sind 75% dessen, das nicht mit 1/2 mapbar ist für mich unverständlich. Etliche Kleinigkeiten auf die man beim Mappen eingehen könnte und 'ne abwechslungsreichere Map machen könnte, werden einfach durch die konstanten 1/2 Beats übermappt. Zum Beispiel nach dem Spinner der bei 1:57:638 auf "Insane ?" aufhört, der ist ja auf der anderen Map auch, keine Ahnung ob er an der gleichen Stelle aufhört, danach der ganze Part mit den zusätzlichen Effekten, man könnte beim Mappen auf die Effekte super eingehen, aber es wird einfach mit gleichbleibendem Tempo übermappt, hier und da ist da 'n bisschen was, was meiner Meinung nach aber kaum passt, man könnte deutlich sinnvoller drauf eingehen. Ab ~3:30 kann man auch gut auf Variationen in der Musik eingehen, wird auch versucht, scheitert aber ziemlich wie's aussieht. Fast alles schnellere in dem Part passt irgendwie nicht richtig. Ab 4:30 raff' ich auch nicht wie du zu den Beats gekommen bist. Falls du konkretere Hilfe möchtest, was ich meine etc, und sie von mir annehmen würdest meld dich im IRC oder so.
Bitte meckert mich dafür jetzt nicht an, dass die Art es zu sagen vielleicht etwas extrem ist. Es könnte das Mappen evtl. näher bringen, wenn auch auf harte Art und Weise, aber ist daher ja in 'ner Spoilerbox. Ich zwing' niemanden dazu die zu lesen.

ich danke dir für die kritik , doch kann ich ehrlich nix mit anfangen , da ich das mehr so sehe das du meine map einfach nicht magst ^^ bzw mehr als 0815 siehst .. nya versuchs mir bitte besser zu erklären wenn du mags ^^ sons nochmal THX

Und dennoch kleine Anmerkung außerhalb der Spoilerbox -

Insane ? -

04:26:293 (1), (2) - Vor/auf Sliderende! (zeitlich)
Danke Fixed
K o h a k u
good sb nice! :oops:
Topic Starter
thanks :)
I'll mod this later. I'm in no space to mod it. There are hitsound issues and several flow issues that I saw while testing. But you would get a junk mod if I tried to formulate my findings to you right now.

Oh and I'll try to make a diff accessible as a Hard ish diff. I thought about making Normal, but at a Normal pace I'm not that good sat keeping the patterns fresh for long periods of time. A hard pace would be ideal since its for approval and there wont be many creative restrictions. Besides I tend to prefer mapping Hard modes anyways.

I probably wont have this diff finished right away if that's fine with you.
Topic Starter
yeah thank you to mod my map and make an hard o:

I hope I fixed (the most of) all hitsound problems , in my last update ^^
My diff will be on the Insaneish side. But should be easier than the difficulties you have thus far. I hope this isn't a problem. I really loved this map so much that I wanted to give a proper tribute to it.
Colorful Map

supi map yeay supi klasse
Endlich mal Zeit gefunden zum modden...^^

[Insane ?]

  • - 00:01:983 (1) bis 00:21:638 (9) - Evtl. mehr Claps benutzen, so wie ab 00:23:707 (1). Hört sich besser an :3
    - 00:27:017 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) - Ich finde die Whistles nicht so passend... Ist aber denke ich mal Geschmackssache.
    - 00:55:362 (1,1) - Bin ich mir nicht so sicher bei... passen irgendwie nicht so gut :S
    - 01:50:500 (3) - Hört sich nicht passend an. Evtl entfernen und einen Circle auf 01:50:603 setzen.
    - 01:58:051 (1) - Neue Combo weg.
    - 02:05:086 (5) - Passt irgendwie nicht so ganz. Ich würds lieber auf dem Beat lassen und nicht aufeinmal zur Melodie wechseln. (Ersten Repeat auf den weißen Tick)
    - 02:37:362 (1) bis 02:48:741 (8) - Ich würds mit den Claps so lassen wie vorher und nicht aufeinmal auf jeden weißen Tick ne Clap setzen. Gefällt mir nicht so. :S
    - 03:09:638 (9) - Solltest den Slider so machen, dass man den Pfeil sieht.
    - 03:20:603 (9,10,11,12,13,14) - Solltest die Claps wegmachen und auf jeden weißen Tick nen Finish packen. Hört sich imo besser an.
    - 03:24:845 (3) - Nach 03:24:948 verschieben.
    - 03:25:051 (4) - Nach 03:25:155 verschieben.
    - 03:25:258 (5) - Nach 03:25:362 verschieben und auf 03:25:569 enden lassen.
    - 03:25:776 (X) - Circle hier hin.
    - 03:28:258 (8) - Ersten Repeat auf 03:28:465.
    - 03:28:879 (9) - Circle hier hin.
    - 03:57:120 (1) - Passt imo nicht.
    - 04:03:431 (13,1) - Die Claps gefallen mir nicht so wirklich :S
    - 05:22:672 (1) - Der Spinner beginnt auf dem Endpunkt des Sliders. Solltest du ein wenig verschieben :S

  • - 02:00:948 (11) - Neue Combo
    - 02:14:396 (15) - ^
    - 02:39:638 (8) - Solltest den Slider so platzieren, dass man den Pfeil sieht.
    - 02:43:155 (8) - Kopier evtl. 02:42:741 und benutz Edit -> Flip Vertically. Sieht imo besser aus.
    - 02:56:810 (3) - Slider so platzieren, dass man den Pfeil sieht.
    - 03:13:362 (5) - ^
    - 03:43:982 (14) - Neue Combo
    - 04:33:431 (15) - Neue Combo und solltest da evtl. einen normalen, geraden Slider drauß machen, verwirrt recht stark :S
    - 04:34:258 (16) - Normalen Slider drauß machen.
    - 04:35:085 (1) - Neue Combo weg.
    - 04:36:741 (6) - Neue Combo.
    - 05:17:707 (15) - Pfeil nicht sichtbar.
Wuah... Was ein Mod... Und ich hab wahrscheinlich nichtmal alles gefunden :S Braucht noch ein bisschen Arbeit, aber gute Map.
Stern hast ja schon bekommen von mir :3
Topic Starter

lidan69 wrote:

Endlich mal Zeit gefunden zum modden...^^

[Insane ?]

  • - 00:01:983 (1) bis 00:21:638 (9) - Evtl. mehr Claps benutzen, so wie ab 00:23:707 (1). Hört sich besser an :3 Besser so ?
    - 00:27:017 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) - Ich finde die Whistles nicht so passend... Ist aber denke ich mal Geschmackssache.Hab se Weg gemacht
    - 00:55:362 (1,1) - Bin ich mir nicht so sicher bei... passen irgendwie nicht so gut :S hmm da muss ich noch überlegen
    - 01:50:500 (3) - Hört sich nicht passend an. Evtl entfernen und einen Circle auf 01:50:603 setzen. fixed
    - 01:58:051 (1) - Neue Combo weg.fixed
    - 02:05:086 (5) - Passt irgendwie nicht so ganz. Ich würds lieber auf dem Beat lassen und nicht aufeinmal zur Melodie wechseln. (Ersten Repeat auf den weißen Tick) fixed
    - 02:37:362 (1) bis 02:48:741 (8) - Ich würds mit den Claps so lassen wie vorher und nicht aufeinmal auf jeden weißen Tick ne Clap setzen. Gefällt mir nicht so. :S fixed
    - 03:09:638 (9) - Solltest den Slider so machen, dass man den Pfeil sieht. fixed , aber warum ?
    - 03:20:603 (9,10,11,12,13,14) - Solltest die Claps wegmachen und auf jeden weißen Tick nen Finish packen. Hört sich imo besser an. Hab ich ~
    - 03:24:845 (3) - Nach 03:24:948 verschieben.
    - 03:25:051 (4) - Nach 03:25:155 verschieben.
    - 03:25:258 (5) - Nach 03:25:362 verschieben und auf 03:25:569 enden lassen. Alle Verschoben
    - 03:25:776 (X) - Circle hier hin. hab ich
    - 03:28:258 (8) - Ersten Repeat auf 03:28:465. fixed
    - 03:28:879 (9) - Circle hier hin.fixed
    - 03:57:120 (1) - Passt imo nicht.fixed
    - 04:03:431 (13,1) - Die Claps gefallen mir nicht so wirklich :S Geschmackssache :p
    - 05:22:672 (1) - Der Spinner beginnt auf dem Endpunkt des Sliders. Solltest du ein wenig verschieben :S fixed

  • - 02:00:948 (11) - Neue Combo fixed
    - 02:14:396 (15) - ^ fixed
    - 02:39:638 (8) - Solltest den Slider so platzieren, dass man den Pfeil sieht.fixed
    - 02:43:155 (8) - Kopier evtl. 02:42:741 und benutz Edit -> Flip Vertically. Sieht imo besser aus.fixed
    - 02:56:810 (3) - Slider so platzieren, dass man den Pfeil sieht.fixed
    - 03:13:362 (5) - ^fixed
    - 03:43:982 (14) - Neue Combofixed
    - 04:33:431 (15) - Neue Combo und solltest da evtl. einen normalen, geraden Slider drauß machen, verwirrt recht stark :S sind jz normale ~.~
    - 04:34:258 (16) - Normalen Slider drauß machen.
    - 04:35:085 (1) - Neue Combo weg.fixed
    - 04:36:741 (6) - Neue Combo.fixed
    - 05:17:707 (15) - Pfeil nicht sichtbar.fixed
Wuah... Was ein Mod... Und ich hab wahrscheinlich nichtmal alles gefunden :S Braucht noch ein bisschen Arbeit, aber gute Map.
Stern hast ja schon bekommen von mir :3
Ich danke Dir für dein Mod :D :D thx :3

Shiek2000 wrote:

lidan69 wrote:

- 03:09:638 (9) - Solltest den Slider so machen, dass man den Pfeil sieht. fixed , aber warum ?
Es ist recht verwirrend beim spielen wenn man nicht weiß, dass da ein Repeat kommt. Man denkt man kann einfach geradeaus weiter und muss dann aufeinmal wieder schnell zum Slider zurück :S Die sehen gut aus usw., aber es sollte halt auch gut spielbar sein.

Shiek2000 wrote:

lidan69 wrote:

- 00:01:983 (1) bis 00:21:638 (9) - Evtl. mehr Claps benutzen, so wie ab 00:23:707 (1). Hört sich besser an :3 Besser so ?
Jup, hört sich besser an. Evtl. noch eine Clap bei 00:18:120 (10), dann ists ganz gut^^
Topic Starter

lidan69 wrote:

Es ist recht verwirrend beim spielen wenn man nicht weiß, dass da ein Repeat kommt. Man denkt man kann einfach geradeaus weiter und muss dann aufeinmal wieder schnell zum Slider zurück :S Die sehen gut aus usw., aber es sollte halt auch gut spielbar sein.
Joah okay , weil manchmal mach ich das extra dafür das das verwirrt ^^
( dann darf man das doch , nya ? ;d)

lidan69 wrote:

Jup, hört sich besser an. Evtl. noch eine Clap bei 00:18:120 (10), dann ists ganz gut^^
Fixed xO
I'm just passing by.

Remove the tag Shiek2000 because you don't need to tag yourself.

no kd.
Some modding for now... too tired to continue... contact me ingame for more tomorrow~


- Why's there "streams" in the tags? I don't get that D:
- I feel like hitcircles are little too transparent, please try to change that, feels awkward
- Lightning is too harsh while playing, try to make it more friendly, such as giving it a transparency (~20-40%? don't know, but i guess that would help)
- Sliderball + followcircle are... erm... little too pink, well feels like... maybe try out some alternative versions (feels awkward)? (such as the sliderball from Louis' "Cirno's Perfect Math Class" and the followcircle from the LEET skin... using both for my own skin and kinda fits to every map)

[Insane ?]:

Try to give that diff more variation in volume... just using the same sampleset, hitsounds and volume for the whole map makes it sound monotonously.
That last kiai-time is kill... like it! (i really mean it)

00:07:776 (3,4,5) - maybe try to re-arrange? hard to play (well, on first try it was, but i guess i'm not the only one feeling like that)
00:08:810 (1,2,3) - move more to the left, make 3 a mirrored version of 1 and set 2 on the Y-line
00:13:155 (4) - that overlap looks little ugly, try to change that or rearrange the pattern
00:14:810 (10) - a 1/2-reverseslider would fit that part better
00:20:914 - add note
00:21:120 - add note
00:20:810 (6,7,8,9,10,11) - rebuild to compressed stream + 1/2 (you can use that one [11] as an antijump for sure i guess, just place it unterneath 10)

00:55:362 (1) - reduce spinner's volume, maybe do it step-by-step while the spinner's active (such as placing more inherit points in 5%-volume steps at each 2nd 1/1 to reduce the spinners volume... like go down to... 40% or something like that), keep 00:58:362's end volume though (increase sound at the second spinner then... meaning, get the spinner's end back on 74% volume)
01:13:983 (1,2) - reduce spacing, you can't tell, this are 1/4's, since they look like 1/2
01:14:189 (3) - add note
01:16:672 (5) - try to redesign that slider... just doesn't fit the map's shapeset if you get what i mean
01:18:845 (8) - add note, redesign 7,8,9 then
01:42:534 (1,2,3,4,5) - reduce internal spacing by ~20% (edit -> scale by -> 0,8x)
02:00:948 (1,2,3,4,5) - why that finish-spam? i feel like you can make that sound better
02:00:327 (3) - redesign to 1/4-reverse
02:00:741 (4) - add note
02:23:914 (1,2,3,4,5) - reduce spacing by ~15-20% (same as 01:42:534)
02:37:258 (12) - add note to align with previous note-design, sounds better imo
02:37:362 (1) - move next to 12 (if not underneath?)
02:42:741 (4,5) - circle-slider-placement of that kind is irritating while playing, try of some alternative version

03:09:638 (9) - same as 01:16:672
03:10:879 (13,14) - same as 02:42:741
03:13:776 (10,1) - ^
03:22:258 (1) - i guess you can put something better then a spinner at that part... maybe a chain of 1/4-sliders at the beginning (03:22:258 (1,2,3,4) - 1/4-sliders in a row, 4 has one reverse-arrow)
03:23:396 (5) - add 1/4-slider (1 reverse-arrow)
03:23:810 (6) - add note
03:24:017 (7) - ^
03:24:120 (8) - ^
03:29:707 (4) - geez... please... redesign
03:35:396 (6,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - reduce stream's spacing
Topic Starter

Broetchen8441 wrote:

Some modding for now... too tired to continue... contact me ingame for more tomorrow~


- Why's there "streams" in the tags? I don't get that D: I removed that x:
- I feel like hitcircles are little too transparent, please try to change that, feels awkward
- Lightning is too harsh while playing, try to make it more friendly, such as giving it a transparency (~20-40%? don't know, but i guess that would help) I think about it :p
- Sliderball + followcircle are... erm... little too pink, well feels like... maybe try out some alternative versions (feels awkward)? (such as the sliderball from Louis' "Cirno's Perfect Math Class" and the followcircle from the LEET skin... using both for my own skin and kinda fits to every map)
I make A New Skin
[Insane ?]:

Try to give that diff more variation in volume... just using the same sampleset, hitsounds and volume for the whole map makes it sound monotonously. I would try to make it better ~
That last kiai-time is kill... like it! (i really mean it)

00:07:776 (3,4,5) - maybe try to re-arrange? hard to play (well, on first try it was, but i guess i'm not the only one feeling like that)
00:08:810 (1,2,3) - move more to the left, make 3 a mirrored version of 1 and set 2 on the Y-line
00:13:155 (4) - that overlap looks little ugly, try to change that or rearrange the pattern
00:14:810 (10) - a 1/2-reverseslider would fit that part better
00:20:914 - add note
00:21:120 - add note
00:20:810 (6,7,8,9,10,11) - rebuild to compressed stream + 1/2 (you can use that one [11] as an antijump for sure i guess, just place it unterneath 10) --- All Fixed ---

00:55:362 (1) - reduce spinner's volume, maybe do it step-by-step while the spinner's active (such as placing more inherit points in 5%-volume steps at each 2nd 1/1 to reduce the spinners volume... like go down to... 40% or something like that), keep 00:58:362's end volume though (increase sound at the second spinner then... meaning, get the spinner's end back on 74% volume)Like this now ?
01:13:983 (1,2) - reduce spacing, you can't tell, this are 1/4's, since they look like 1/2 Fixed
01:14:189 (3) - add note Fixed
01:16:672 (5) - try to redesign that slider... just doesn't fit the map's shapeset if you get what i mean Fixed
01:18:845 (8) - add note, redesign 7,8,9 then Fixed
01:42:534 (1,2,3,4,5) - reduce internal spacing by ~20% (edit -> scale by -> 0,8x) Fixed
02:00:948 (1,2,3,4,5) - why that finish-spam? i feel like you can make that sound better Fixed
02:00:327 (3) - redesign to 1/4-reverse Fixed
02:00:741 (4) - add noteFixed
02:23:914 (1,2,3,4,5) - reduce spacing by ~15-20% (same as 01:42:534) Fixed
02:37:258 (12) - add note to align with previous note-design, sounds better imo Fixed
02:37:362 (1) - move next to 12 (if not underneath?) Fixed
02:42:741 (4,5) - circle-slider-placement of that kind is irritating while playing, try of some alternative version Fixed

03:09:638 (9) - same as 01:16:672 Fixed
03:10:879 (13,14) - same as 02:42:741 Fixed
03:13:776 (10,1) - ^
03:22:258 (1) - i guess you can put something better then a spinner at that part... maybe a chain of 1/4-sliders at the beginning Fixed(03:22:258 (1,2,3,4) - 1/4-sliders in a row, 4 has one reverse-arrow)
03:23:396 (5) - add 1/4-slider (1 reverse-arrow) Fixed
03:23:810 (6) - add note Fixed
03:24:017 (7) - ^
03:24:120 (8) - ^
03:29:707 (4) - geez... please... redesign Fixed
03:35:396 (6,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - reduce stream's spacing Fixed

Thank You 4 your Great Mod please , Check the map soon pls

Broetchen8441 wrote:

Some modding for now... too tired to continue... contact me ingame for more tomorrow~


- Why's there "streams" in the tags? I don't get that D:
- I feel like hitcircles are little too transparent, please try to change that, feels awkward
- Lightning is too harsh while playing, try to make it more friendly, such as giving it a transparency (~20-40%? don't know, but i guess that would help)
- Sliderball + followcircle are... erm... little too pink, well feels like... maybe try out some alternative versions (feels awkward)? (such as the sliderball from Louis' "Cirno's Perfect Math Class" and the followcircle from the LEET skin... using both for my own skin and kinda fits to every map)

[Insane ?]:

Try to give that diff more variation in volume... just using the same sampleset, hitsounds and volume for the whole map makes it sound monotonously.
That last kiai-time is kill... like it! (i really mean it)

00:07:776 (3,4,5) - maybe try to re-arrange? hard to play (well, on first try it was, but i guess i'm not the only one feeling like that)
00:08:810 (1,2,3) - move more to the left, make 3 a mirrored version of 1 and set 2 on the Y-line
00:13:155 (4) - that overlap looks little ugly, try to change that or rearrange the pattern
00:14:810 (10) - a 1/2-reverseslider would fit that part better
00:20:914 - add note
00:21:120 - add note
00:20:810 (6,7,8,9,10,11) - rebuild to compressed stream + 1/2 (you can use that one [11] as an antijump for sure i guess, just place it unterneath 10)

00:55:362 (1) - reduce spinner's volume, maybe do it step-by-step while the spinner's active (such as placing more inherit points in 5%-volume steps at each 2nd 1/1 to reduce the spinners volume... like go down to... 40% or something like that), keep 00:58:362's end volume though (increase sound at the second spinner then... meaning, get the spinner's end back on 74% volume)
01:13:983 (1,2) - reduce spacing, you can't tell, this are 1/4's, since they look like 1/2
01:14:189 (3) - add note
01:16:672 (5) - try to redesign that slider... just doesn't fit the map's shapeset if you get what i mean
01:18:845 (8) - add note, redesign 7,8,9 then
01:42:534 (1,2,3,4,5) - reduce internal spacing by ~20% (edit -> scale by -> 0,8x)
02:00:948 (1,2,3,4,5) - why that finish-spam? i feel like you can make that sound better
02:00:327 (3) - redesign to 1/4-reverse
02:00:741 (4) - add note
02:23:914 (1,2,3,4,5) - reduce spacing by ~15-20% (same as 01:42:534)
02:37:258 (12) - add note to align with previous note-design, sounds better imo
02:37:362 (1) - move next to 12 (if not underneath?)
02:42:741 (4,5) - circle-slider-placement of that kind is irritating while playing, try of some alternative version

03:09:638 (9) - same as 01:16:672
03:10:879 (13,14) - same as 02:42:741
03:13:776 (10,1) - ^
03:22:258 (1) - i guess you can put something better then a spinner at that part... maybe a chain of 1/4-sliders at the beginning (03:22:258 (1,2,3,4) - 1/4-sliders in a row, 4 has one reverse-arrow)
03:23:396 (5) - add 1/4-slider (1 reverse-arrow)
03:23:810 (6) - add note
03:24:017 (7) - ^
03:24:120 (8) - ^
03:29:707 (4) - geez... please... redesign
03:35:396 (6,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - reduce stream's spacing

00:27:327 (4,5) - looks little to "edgy", make it go more round

03:32:189 (6) - replace with 1-time-reverseslider (remove the next circle)
03:38:603 (5) - replace slider with circle
03:38:810 (6) - add note (place on top of the following slider)
03:38:914 (7) - ^
03:40:465 (13) - move next to the following slider
03:40:569 (14) - add note
03:42:224 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - make this a stream with every circle following the previous one on 1/4, meaning: just map a stream until 03:42:948 with placing a circle on every 1/4~
03:43:362 (9,10) - move on blue tick~
03:43:569 (11) - add note~
03:45:431 (6) - old thing, replace with 1/4-reverse + circle as the other ones i mentioned
03:47:086 (6) - replace with 1/4-reverse
03:48:638 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - just make it the same as the things with the ~ (maybe mirrorcopy that part?)
03:52:051 (6) - that old thing again... use 3 circles instead of 1/4-reverse this time
03:55:569 (1) - insert break after spinner


05:09:845 (1) - new combo (grey/white)
- Make the sampleset-volume decrease from now on... down to ~30% should be okay, i guess; not too fast! -
Topic Starter

Broetchen8441 wrote:

Broetchen8441 wrote:

Some modding for now... too tired to continue... contact me ingame for more tomorrow~


- Why's there "streams" in the tags? I don't get that D:
- I feel like hitcircles are little too transparent, please try to change that, feels awkward
- Lightning is too harsh while playing, try to make it more friendly, such as giving it a transparency (~20-40%? don't know, but i guess that would help)
- Sliderball + followcircle are... erm... little too pink, well feels like... maybe try out some alternative versions (feels awkward)? (such as the sliderball from Louis' "Cirno's Perfect Math Class" and the followcircle from the LEET skin... using both for my own skin and kinda fits to every map)

[Insane ?]:

Try to give that diff more variation in volume... just using the same sampleset, hitsounds and volume for the whole map makes it sound monotonously.
That last kiai-time is kill... like it! (i really mean it)

00:07:776 (3,4,5) - maybe try to re-arrange? hard to play (well, on first try it was, but i guess i'm not the only one feeling like that)
00:08:810 (1,2,3) - move more to the left, make 3 a mirrored version of 1 and set 2 on the Y-line
00:13:155 (4) - that overlap looks little ugly, try to change that or rearrange the pattern
00:14:810 (10) - a 1/2-reverseslider would fit that part better
00:20:914 - add note
00:21:120 - add note
00:20:810 (6,7,8,9,10,11) - rebuild to compressed stream + 1/2 (you can use that one [11] as an antijump for sure i guess, just place it unterneath 10)

00:55:362 (1) - reduce spinner's volume, maybe do it step-by-step while the spinner's active (such as placing more inherit points in 5%-volume steps at each 2nd 1/1 to reduce the spinners volume... like go down to... 40% or something like that), keep 00:58:362's end volume though (increase sound at the second spinner then... meaning, get the spinner's end back on 74% volume)
01:13:983 (1,2) - reduce spacing, you can't tell, this are 1/4's, since they look like 1/2
01:14:189 (3) - add note
01:16:672 (5) - try to redesign that slider... just doesn't fit the map's shapeset if you get what i mean
01:18:845 (8) - add note, redesign 7,8,9 then
01:42:534 (1,2,3,4,5) - reduce internal spacing by ~20% (edit -> scale by -> 0,8x)
02:00:948 (1,2,3,4,5) - why that finish-spam? i feel like you can make that sound better
02:00:327 (3) - redesign to 1/4-reverse
02:00:741 (4) - add note
02:23:914 (1,2,3,4,5) - reduce spacing by ~15-20% (same as 01:42:534)
02:37:258 (12) - add note to align with previous note-design, sounds better imo
02:37:362 (1) - move next to 12 (if not underneath?)
02:42:741 (4,5) - circle-slider-placement of that kind is irritating while playing, try of some alternative version

03:09:638 (9) - same as 01:16:672
03:10:879 (13,14) - same as 02:42:741
03:13:776 (10,1) - ^
03:22:258 (1) - i guess you can put something better then a spinner at that part... maybe a chain of 1/4-sliders at the beginning (03:22:258 (1,2,3,4) - 1/4-sliders in a row, 4 has one reverse-arrow)
03:23:396 (5) - add 1/4-slider (1 reverse-arrow)
03:23:810 (6) - add note
03:24:017 (7) - ^
03:24:120 (8) - ^
03:29:707 (4) - geez... please... redesign
03:35:396 (6,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - reduce stream's spacing

00:27:327 (4,5) - looks little to "edgy", make it go more round Like this ?

03:32:189 (6) - replace with 1-time-reverseslider (remove the next circle) Fixed
03:38:603 (5) - replace slider with circle Fixed
03:38:810 (6) - add note (place on top of the following slider)Fixed
03:38:914 (7) - ^ Fixed
03:40:465 (13) - move next to the following slider Fixed
03:40:569 (14) - add note Fixed
03:42:224 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - make this a stream with every circle following the previous one on 1/4, meaning: just map a stream until 03:42:948 with placing a circle on every 1/4~ hope now its better
03:43:362 (9,10) - move on blue tick~ Fixed
03:43:569 (11) - add note~ Fixed
03:45:431 (6) - old thing, replace with 1/4-reverse + circle as the other ones i mentioned Fixed
03:47:086 (6) - replace with 1/4-reverse Fixed
03:48:638 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - just make it the same as the things with the ~ (maybe mirrorcopy that part?) I Mirrored the part
03:52:051 (6) - that old thing again... use 3 circles instead of 1/4-reverse this time Fixed Fixed
03:55:569 (1) - insert break after spinner Fixed

- LAST KIAI-TIME IS KILL!! - I Make it "more Friendly"

05:09:845 (1) - new combo (grey/white)
- Make the sampleset-volume decrease from now on... down to ~30% should be okay, i guess; not too fast! -

Don't know if it's acceptable to get multiple kudos for modding the same map twice (or at least completing an old mod), so do as you think, I'm not dependant of kudos, but they taste good... like chocolate cookie~
Thx 4 your n1 Mod
I find the Shiek2000 storyboard too dark on the top. It's a bit hard to see. Mapped By is placed very low on the screen in my opinion. I think it should be higher. My storyboard name is also too dark. I can barely read it since it blends into her leg.

No 300.png?? I'm pretty positive they wont allow this.

Add TheVileOne to tags in all difficulties.

Insane ?

00:08:603 (7) - This should be part of the next combo.
00:09:431 (3) - Nudge this to the right a bit to make the gaps even.
00:14:810 (10,1) - This is a weird transition. 10 also looks misaligned. I suggest that you use more of a pattern as you move through 10,1,2. The spacings should be similar. 1.8 worked well for me.

00:27:638 (7,8) - Spacing
00:55:362 (1) - Start this here 00:54:948 - and end here 00:58:155 -
00:58:155 - Add inherited with volume 5 %
Start second spinner here 00:58:258 (1) - and end it here possibly 01:01:362 -
00:58:258 - These inheriteds that go into the next section. They sound bad going up in volume. There is no higher volume change for this. Just keep the first volume section for the duration of the spinner.
01:01:155 - Add inherited here 5 % volume.
01:01:569 - Add note here.
01:01:569 - This inherited here is too loud for the section. It just sounds like tapping to me. The volume increases over the course of this section. I think the volume should start lower and should get louder with the music.

Here's something you could try
01:01:569 - 60 %
01:03:224 - 57 % (Mostly just for the slider)
01:03:638 - 60% (Would suggest lower, but the tapping keeps the beat noticable. If you add more sliders in this combo I might suggest you lower the volume to match.)
01:05:293 - 62%
01:05:500 - 64%
01:05:707 - 60%
01:05:914 - 66%
01:06:327 - 62%
01:07:362 - 60%
01:08:603 - 62% (Makes the clap more distinct)
01:09:017 - 60%
01:10:051 - 62%(Beat gets louder here and just continues to increase)
01:10:672 - 64%
01:11:086 - 70%

01:01:983 (3) - Clap
01:02:810 (7) - Clap
01:03:638 (1) - Clap
You can keep adding claps on each fourth note after this. You could look into changing the clap pattern every now and then to keep it interesting.
01:09:431 (3) - This is not a good beat to put a clap on. If you did my suggestion below I think a clap here as per the pattern sounds alright. Continue the pattern.

01:03:638 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - Too many single notes in this combo IMO. I think there needs to be some sliders thrown into this to keep the beat. Adding hitsounds will help too.
01:07:776 (8) - I suggest you break this slider into a stack. Clap on the first note as per the pattern.
01:08:603 (1,2) - Make part of the previous combo? Perhaps change up the straight line transition too. If anything make the line straighter.
01:09:017 (1,2,3,4) - Perhaps do slider note note slider.

01:18:948 (8,9,10) - No. Change this. Stack 8 in the center.

01:21:638 (1,2,3) - Make part of previous combo. Also perhaps make the jumps make a bit more sense?
01:23:707 (4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11) - Misaligned. 4 and 8 should be lined up and they aren't.
01:33:845 (4) - Center this. Distance is too far from 5. Make it the same as note 3 spacing wise.
01:52:879 (2,3) - 1.5??
02:28:672 (9,2) - Not lined up?
02:29:500 (3,4,5) - ^
02:37:362 (13,1) - Quite a large jump :/
02:43:362 (6,7,1) - This transition doesn't sit right with me. Change it if you agree. Don't take my opinion at full value here.
03:21:431 (11) - Either delete or remap the end of this combo. It doesn't flow.
03:27:327 - Add note?
03:27:845 (6,7) - I don't like this stack. Space out please.
03:28:879 (9) - Make part of next combo.
03:35:500 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - Awful hitsounding
03:40:465 (13,14) - Part of next combo.
03:41:707 (5) - Add clap
03:41:914 (6) - Remove clap
03:43:362 - Add note.
03:43:569 - Remove note.
03:43:672 (13) - New combo.
03:49:362 (8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15) - Make like this?
03:54:120 (2,3) - Turn these into repeat sliders. Make each one half the length and add a repeat. It sounds a lot better. Oh and remove the finishes from the end parts of the first slider. It wont sound right otherwise.
03:55:569 (1) - Move half a beat back to 03:55:362 - (Make sure it still ends in the same spot.)
04:03:638 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - I like this part.
04:17:707 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - This whole combo is hard to read >.< Especially that stack.
04:20:189 (1,2,3,4) - Awkward
04:22:465 (2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2) - I think this can be made more flowing. I think it would be nice if you unstacked 3,5 and moved slider 7 to compensate.
After that 1 can be placed down below and 2 can be repositioned accordingly. This will create a looping effect, allowing players to keep momentum and provides a nice effect.
The rest of your patterns could use an update. They look kind of random up into the 1/4th stream. It would be nice to see the patterns come together there. Oh that 1/4th stream is a bit harsh. Are you trying to make people combo break? If not then tone it down some. You have to go so very fast and it doesn't match the song very well.
04:20:189 - These kiai fountains. I would get them checked by a MAT. We have rules against fountain spamming. Check with someone to be sure this is allowed.
04:33:431 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) - Spacing is >.< It keeps changing.
04:34:569 (8) - This belongs here 04:34:672 -
04:34:776 (9) - This belongs here 04:34:879 -
04:34:982 (10) - Empty note. Delete.
04:35:293 (11) - Turn this into a 1/4th repeat slider. It sounds better in my opinion.
04:38:189 (5) - Tug on the end point of this. It might be fractionally too long.
04:39:638 (10,1) - Not lined up?
04:41:396 (9) - Move to here? 04:41:293 -
04:41:603 (10) - Move to here?04:41:500 -
04:41:707 - Add note.
04:43:362 (17) - Horrible place for a slider. The whistle doesn't work. It comes from nowhere. I suggest you break it up and remap this transition.
04:51:017 (11,12,13) - Use 1.8 distance throughout.
04:52:258 (2,3) - 1.8

Volume Adjustments
05:18:120 - 30%
05:18:948 - 22%
05:19:983 - 12%
05:23:500 - 10%
05:23:914 - 8%
05:24:327 - 6%
05:24:741 - 5% (Soft hitsounds)

05:22:672 (1) - Remove finish.

Fixed timing...

Download: East Rockerz - Sound of my Dreams (DJ Splash Remix) (Shiek2000) [TheVileOne's Hard].osu
Topic Starter

TheVileOne wrote:

I find the Shiek2000 storyboard too dark on the top. It's a bit hard to see. Mapped By is placed very low on the screen in my opinion. I think it should be higher. My storyboard name is also too dark. I can barely read it since it blends into her leg.

No 300.png?? I'm pretty positive they wont allow this.

I would Fix all in few days

Add TheVileOne to tags in all difficulties.
Insane ?

00:08:603 (7) - This should be part of the next combo.
00:09:431 (3) - Nudge this to the right a bit to make the gaps even.
00:14:810 (10,1) - This is a weird transition. 10 also looks misaligned. I suggest that you use more of a pattern as you move through 10,1,2. The spacings should be similar. 1.8 worked well for me.
All Fixed
00:27:638 (7,8) - SpacingFixed
00:55:362 (1) - Start this here 00:54:948 - and end here 00:58:155 - Fixed
00:58:155 - Add inherited with volume 5 %Fixed
Start second spinner here 00:58:258 (1) - and end it here possibly 01:01:362 - Fixed
00:58:258 - These inheriteds that go into the next section. They sound bad going up in volume. There is no higher volume change for this. Just keep the first volume section for the duration of the spinner.Fixed
01:01:155 - Add inherited here 5 % volume.Fixed
01:01:569 - Add note here. Fixed
01:01:569 - This inherited here is too loud for the section. It just sounds like tapping to me. The volume increases over the course of this section. I think the volume should start lower and should get louder with the music. I make it with my ideas :)

Here's something you could try
01:01:569 - 60 %
01:03:224 - 57 % (Mostly just for the slider)
01:03:638 - 60% (Would suggest lower, but the tapping keeps the beat noticable. If you add more sliders in this combo I might suggest you lower the volume to match.)
01:05:293 - 62%
01:05:500 - 64%
01:05:707 - 60%
01:05:914 - 66%
01:06:327 - 62%
01:07:362 - 60%
01:08:603 - 62% (Makes the clap more distinct)
01:09:017 - 60%
01:10:051 - 62%(Beat gets louder here and just continues to increase)
01:10:672 - 64%
01:11:086 - 70%

01:01:983 (3) - Clap Fixed
01:02:810 (7) - Clap Fixed
01:03:638 (1) - Clap Fixed
You can keep adding claps on each fourth note after this. You could look into changing the clap pattern every now and then to keep it interesting.
01:09:431 (3) - This is not a good beat to put a clap on. If you did my suggestion below I think a clap here as per the pattern sounds alright. Continue the pattern. Fixed

01:03:638 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - Too many single notes in this combo IMO. I think there needs to be some sliders thrown into this to keep the beat. Adding hitsounds will help too. Fixed
01:07:776 (8) - I suggest you break this slider into a stack. Clap on the first note as per the pattern.
01:08:603 (1,2) - Make part of the previous combo? Perhaps change up the straight line transition too. If anything make the line straighter. Fixed
01:09:017 (1,2,3,4) - Perhaps do slider note note slider. Fixed

01:18:948 (8,9,10) - No. Change this. Stack 8 in the center. done..

01:21:638 (1,2,3) - Make part of previous combo. Also perhaps make the jumps make a bit more sense? this better?
01:23:707 (4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11) - Misaligned. 4 and 8 should be lined up and they aren't. Fixed
01:33:845 (4) - Center this. Distance is too far from 5. Make it the same as note 3 spacing wise. Fixed
01:52:879 (2,3) - 1.5?? make it 1.8
02:28:672 (9,2) - Not lined up? Fixed
02:29:500 (3,4,5) - ^ Fixed
02:37:362 (13,1) - Quite a large jump :/ its now smaller
02:43:362 (6,7,1) - This transition doesn't sit right with me. Change it if you agree. Don't take my opinion at full value here. Fixed
03:21:431 (11) - Either delete or remap the end of this combo. It doesn't flow. Fixed
03:27:327 - Add note? Fixed
03:27:845 (6,7) - I don't like this stack. Space out please. Fixed
03:28:879 (9) - Make part of next combo. Fixed
03:35:500 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - Awful hitsounding Better ? ..
03:40:465 (13,14) - Part of next combo. Fixed
03:41:707 (5) - Add clap Fixed
03:41:914 (6) - Remove clap Fixed
03:43:362 - Add note. Fixed
03:43:569 - Remove note.Fixed
03:43:672 (13) - New combo. Fixed
03:49:362 (8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15) - Make like this? Fixed
03:54:120 (2,3) - Turn these into repeat sliders. Make each one half the length and add a repeat. It sounds a lot better. Oh and remove the finishes from the end parts of the first slider. It wont sound right otherwise. Fixed
03:55:569 (1) - Move half a beat back to 03:55:362 - (Make sure it still ends in the same spot.) Fixed
04:03:638 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - I like this part. ah good ?! :DD
04:17:707 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - This whole combo is hard to read >.< Especially that stack. Fixed
04:20:189 (1,2,3,4) - Awkward Fixed?
04:22:465 (2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2) - I think this can be made more flowing. I think it would be nice if you unstacked 3,5 and moved slider 7 to compensate. Fixed
After that 1 can be placed down below and 2 can be repositioned accordingly. This will create a looping effect, allowing players to keep momentum and provides a nice effect. i used your opinion
The rest of your patterns could use an update. They look kind of random up into the 1/4th stream. It would be nice to see the patterns come together there. Oh that 1/4th stream is a bit harsh. Are you trying to make people combo break? If not then tone it down some. You have to go so very fast and it doesn't match the song very well.
04:20:189 - These kiai fountains. I would get them checked by a MAT. We have rules against fountain spamming. Check with someone to be sure this is allowed. I removed 3 fontains
04:33:431 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) - Spacing is >.< It keeps changing.
04:34:569 (8) - This belongs here 04:34:672 - Fixed
04:34:776 (9) - This belongs here 04:34:879 - Fixed
04:34:982 (10) - Empty note. Delete. Fixed
04:35:293 (11) - Turn this into a 1/4th repeat slider. It sounds better in my opinion. Fixed
04:38:189 (5) - Tug on the end point of this. It might be fractionally too long. Fixed
04:39:638 (10,1) - Not lined up? Fixed
04:41:396 (9) - Move to here? 04:41:293 - Fixed
04:41:603 (10) - Move to here?04:41:500 - Fixed
04:41:707 - Add note. Fixed
04:43:362 (17) - Horrible place for a slider. The whistle doesn't work. It comes from nowhere. I suggest you break it up and remap this transition. I put in sliders location 2 circles
04:51:017 (11,12,13) - Use 1.8 distance throughout. Fixed
04:52:258 (2,3) - 1.8 Fixed

Volume Adjustments
05:18:120 - 30%
05:18:948 - 22%
05:19:983 - 12%
05:23:500 - 10%
05:23:914 - 8%
05:24:327 - 6%
05:24:741 - 5% (Soft hitsounds)

05:22:672 (1) - Remove finish.
Fixed timing...

[attachment=0:1cd06]East Rockerz - Sound of my Dreams (DJ Splash Remix) (Shiek2000) [TheVileOne's Hard].osu[/attachment:1cd06]
THX 4 Your Great Mod :)

AudioLeadIn - Please all unification
Kiai Time - ^

00:25:187 (8) - NC
00:27:049 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) - Space is large, 0.6x is good
01:18:773 (7,8) - Spacing is large
02:23:946 (1,2,3,4,5) - Space is large, 0.6x is good
02:30:566 (7) - This slider move (x:193 y:233)
02:36:877 (10) - Spacing
03:35:428 (6) - ^
03:42:256 (1) - ^
04:11:325 (5) - It is hit HP Bar, Please move down
04:26:325 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Space is large, 0.5x is good

03:07:394 (8) - 1grid up
03:22:290 (4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) - Space is large, 0.5x is good
03:35:635 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - ^
03:50:428 (10,11,12) - Not stack is good
04:56:015 (5,6,7,8,9,10) - Spacing is large, 0.5x is good

00:03:256 (2) - Spacing is very very large, This is not ''Hard Level''
01:24:566 (6) - This is hit HP Bar, Please move down
01:53:118 (1) - Remove NC, and this is very very large space too! Please can ''Distance snap''

Probably, it will be difficult to Rank
Good luck 8-)

remy11 wrote:


AudioLeadIn - Please all unification
Kiai Time - ^

00:03:256 (2) - Spacing is very very large, This is not ''Hard Level'' If I can play it, then it's at a reasonable level. You just need to know it's coming. In fact the streams prove to be much harder for me than that jump. But I'll change it if a few more people tell me it's Too Hard.
01:24:566 (6) - This is hit HP Bar, Please move down I'll try
01:53:118 (1) - Remove NC, and this is very very large space too! Please can ''Distance snap'' Removed new combo, and lowered spacing a tad between transition.

Probably, it will be difficult to Rank
Good luck 8-)
Bookmarks, kiai, and green lines should be fixed on mine. But kiai times may not be the same as yours. I don't want to change where my kiai times are though. So please don't change my kiai times .

Download: East Rockerz - Sound of my Dreams (DJ Splash Remix) (Shiek2000) [TheVileOne's Hard].osu

I'm aware of a few gaps in hitsounds on my difficulty as well as a few misaligned parts in mine. I will try to fix some of these after my latest fixes are updated. I may or may not do it today.
Topic Starter

remy11 wrote:


AudioLeadIn - Please all unification
Kiai Time - ^

00:25:187 (8) - NC -Fixed
00:27:049 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) - Space is large, 0.6x is good -Fixed
01:18:773 (7,8) - Spacing is large -Fixed
02:23:946 (1,2,3,4,5) - Space is large, 0.6x is good -Fixed
02:30:566 (7) - This slider move (x:193 y:233) -Fixed to y:232
02:36:877 (10) - Spacing -Fixed
03:35:428 (6) - ^ -Fixed
03:42:256 (1) - ^ -Fixed
04:11:325 (5) - It is hit HP Bar, Please move down -Fixed
04:26:325 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Space is large, 0.5x is good -Fixed

03:07:394 (8) - 1grid up -Fixed
03:22:290 (4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) - Space is large, 0.5x is good -Fixed
03:35:635 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - ^ -Fixed
03:50:428 (10,11,12) - Not stack is good -Fixed
04:56:015 (5,6,7,8,9,10) - Spacing is large, 0.5x is good -Fixed

Probably, it will be difficult to Rank Its so crap .-.
Good luck 8-) Thank you for your mod :)
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