
LunaticMara & FisHie - Journey in Tampere [LOADSAPICTURES]

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Hello GD. Before I continue my Summer-thread, I'd like to tell a cool story.

I was invited to go in finnish osu! meeting in Särkänniemi, Tampere by IppE. The reason why I had to be there was "having a meeting without you would be boring". I hate traveling and I fucking hate to be with huge amount of people. But I didn't want to break IppE's heart. I accepted this challenge. I had to go outside anyways, playing with this heat is fucking horrible. Exact date wasn't set when I got invitation, but later it was told to be 27.7. After thinking a little bit, I was really unsure about going in this meeting.

Then FisHie came in the scene on Xfire and told me that he likes to go in this meeting. Since FisHie is pretty new in our community, (don't let his join date fool you) he wasn't so sure who are these guys we are about to meet. FisHie had this superplan about going in Tampere a day before the meeting and then leaving from Tampere a day after the meeting. He also told that we can stay at his aunt's house for two days. Since FisHie was planning this so much already, I didn't have choices anymore. It's time to go in Tampere, bitches.

It's 26.7, Tuesday. I did all-night, though I wasn't sleepy yet. I went in Mikkeli (26km where I live) and I met FisHie there. Of course this isn't superior meeting, since we're classmates. I had to take some dosh from ATM and then we went in McDonalds - because we rock. After this we went to buy these fucking tickets. Suddenly, it costs 90€ for two-way trip. I was expecting 80€, so I had to lend some from FisHie. I had to get more dosh from ATM and then I gave 20€ to FisHie (10€ for buying two games for me on Steam). It was time to take a cool picture, while we have some time.

This was our first trip with a train due we never had to use one before. Now shit is getting serious. Of course we got confused because timetable in that platform told that it was going in Helsinki, but we forgot that we still have one swap during this trip. There wasn't any other trains anyways, so we just get in like a boss. But we face an another problem - which car? We acted like idiots and then we went and asked from merchant about our location. Of course, there is a picture of our location every car we enter. Horraah, our fucking brains!

Anyways, we get in our seats. And of course, this train doesn't have an internet connection! What the fuck is this shit? Well, I got a connection for ten seconds, but then I lost it. We didn't have much choice here, but going for tuuba gaming. We started playing some NES games with a gamepad and with a joystick. No kidding. FisHie doesn't have a pad. Even though joystick was a challenging controller, we managed to play games well.

We also took some video footage with a webcamera there was in my laptop. There was a option to upload it to YouTube, but we still didn't have any kind of connection. So we were sitting there like ducks, playing stuff. After 3½ hours, it was time to swap trains. We were in Tikkurila, and to be honest - we both didn't have any fucking idea where is that. So we waited ten minutes there - which means another great picture. This one was taken by FisHie. He is artistic as fuck.

After a moment, we get in our second train. Unlike our first try, we managed to find our seats pretty quickly. And guess what? This one had an internet connection! Hoorrah! Oh wait, we have only one hour to do stuff. Of course the first thing we did was uploading that video we captured in YouTube. It's in Finnish and shit, but who cares? Remember, it was taken in the first train.

Then we were chattin' a little bit on MSN. I don't remember who were our victims in our first trip, but I'm pretty sure they won't talk to me anymore. Then some shit happened which I don't remember either because we were in huge tuuba already. We arrive in Tampere and it was really living city compared to Mikkeli. FisHie's aunt arrives and... wait a minute, I have to sit between two babies? Babies like in TF2? What the hell, I don't care. At least they didn't do anything stupid there, there were just looking at me like I was some kind of russian spy. FisHie was on the front seat. While this car trip, FisHie's aunt tells about living in Tampere. It wasn't my first time in Tampere, but I haven't explored it so much. We learned one thing - some drivers in Tampere are crazy as fuck. That's why there are more police patrols in here than in Mikkeli. Oh wait, Mikkeli is smaller city anyways...

We finally stop. This is our checkpoint. Aunt's house. It looked really awesome and stuff, but I heard it costs like hell. Also the design they made in there was purely amazing. All those 50-60s-stylish posters and furniture made me explode in a good way. We sit on the couch and think a little bit. We both are in superior tuuba, but we didn't want to get down(!) at 3PM. Aunt's older daughter saves our day and she showed us a PC! Wait, it's plugged in television? Really clever, really clever. TV, Xbox 360, PC - all in same shit. A keyboard and a mouse were both wireless, so we managed to help our tuuba condition by browsing osu! forums. And then, we got that silly idea again...

Aunt made some delicious pizza too. But since I have this eating thingy problem, I managed to eat only one slice of it. I really wanted to eat some more, but... yeah. Then the time goes like a pro and then it's 8PM. We are in extreme tuuba. We tried to play Forza Motorsport 2, but I fell asleep several times which caused my car to crash many times. It was time to give up. We had to sleep in the toyroom (yay barbies) but we didn't mind, really. While FisHie slept on the bed, I had to sleep on the (killing) floor. Feels good man. And yes, I was given a mattress.

I wake up at 4AM. FisHie is still sleeping. I started to think stuff and then I started my laptop. Well, the volume was pretty high and FisHie woke up on beautiful login sound which Windows 7 makes. He was lucky that it wasn't Windows XP. We went downstairs and started Xbox 360 again. Since we love OFP a lot, we have to test OFP: Dragon Rising, but we knew what to expect - shit. We also played Left 4 Dead 2 demo. It was funny to play with a pad when you have played the same level tons of times on PC. Aunt wakes up and says "You haven't slept at all?" Damn, that could have been happened if we haven't been in extreme tuuba yesterday. Anyways, we ate more pizza and then at 10AM we will get a ride back to the train station. It's next to centre of Tampere, so it doesn't matter.

We checked few places before the starting of the meeting. FisHie bought two CDs and put them in my backpack. Then we checked Gamestop, but they were selling shitty games. Then we go in the train station AGAIN, since the meeting happens there. When we wait a little bit, Mianki catches us and says hi. I recognized him instantly because of his cap. We chatted a little bit, bum asks for dosh, FisHie gives 1€ like a boss. We received information that heintsi has arrived in here, so we are going to meet him right next to platfor- and then this random guy comes and says hi. I have never seen this guy before, so I wasn't really sure who was it. His nickname is Spidster. He is pretty new guy in our community. It sounds really silly to come in this meeting as a new guy, but I didn't really mind - he is pretty cool guy. FisHie calls to heintsi and then suddenly heintsi tells us that he ninja'd to our real meeting place. How the hell did he pass next to us? Damn ninja.

When we go in there, people start to gather up. After Mianki, Spidster and heintsi, we saw Sutsuka and Lanttu, XZero94 and Pallero, morovaa and ethox. But where the hell is Zunami and loe4boe? They told to be in here.. Oh wait, they're already in Särkänniemi? Oh, okay. And our another active finnish guy is missing - where is hell is IppE? He was the one who invited me, so it should be gentle to be in here too.

After 20 minutes of talking and waiting, our group starts to march somewhere. Place to eat. Stuff. We walk for ten minutes and then we stop again. We have a problem about the place where we should go eat. Some didn't want to eat at all and some people didn't prefer japanese restaraunt next to us.

(lol old woman)

Then we dediced to go in the kebab restaraunt called Eteläkebab (or something like that), meanwhile Sutsuka and morovaa went shopping. I wasn't really hungry myself, so I just bought one bottle of Jaffa (they were selling Pepsi) and then we went downstairs to cool place with a big ass table, thanks to sharp-eye Spidster. Of course, our alcoholistic buddy ethox opened his first bottle already.

And when Sutsuka and morovaa comes back from shopping, four of us are already eating delicious food. XZero94 had hard time to eat his salad, sinc- Oh wait, ethox likes this painting.

Everyone started to laugh so bad, when they realize it. This proves us that all finnish osu! players are sick perverts. And ethox still wants to buy it. Then we checked Pallero's iPad for a moment. Not because it's fucking iPad but because of weird rhythm games. And of course morovaa starts the game and goes wild when Sandstorm plays (btw, finnish artist). When XZero94 finally got his salad after 30-45 minutes, we started to move again. It's time to face Särkänniemi. If you didn't get this already - it's a theme park. I visited there few years ago already and some of machines were quite fun. Too bad I can't really use them anymore due my bad health condition.

During this walk, ethox told me that I look like one of his friends in Seinäjoki. I even made him scared after I shouted a classic OFP quote "Damn! One, is down!" This-guy-who-looks-like-me seems to play OFP too. Well, OFP is an awesome game, eh? Anyways, we finally arrive in Särkänniemi. I wasn't planning to buy full ticket due I can't go in machines. But I can't go in arcade without one..? Not sure was that true of false, I dediced to buy the full ticket and then I wasted 40€ right away. You guys really want to see heintsi's face right there, when he saw me carrying this ticket-thingy-wristband.

Due there was many things that day, I'm just pointing out the biggest ones.

We were in Dolphinarium, since Sutsuka likes dolphins. Maybe too much, but I don't really mind. Show was 30 minutes long, and I have seen all those tricks before. You know why. I did like the music choice though, it was totally changed.

After this show, I knew what to do. I bought this delphin blushie for Sutsuka like a boss and wasted 20€ like a boss. And damn sellswoman dropped my sunglasses which were on the desk! I don't really care, they were really bad anyways. After I gave this blushie, Sutsuka was really happy.

We also took an awesome groupshot. It took some time before we had a chance to get this groupshot together, but we finally managed to do it, when ethox found a great place to take a picture. When Mianki set the timer on, he ran like motherfucking Sonic and then...

Here are some more pictures from Särkänniemi.

You can ask more from me and Mianki - heintsi also took some pictures but he hasn't put them in his PC yet. Mianki also took some video footage, and I put them in YouTube.

You can ask more about this part, since there is too much to tell. I'll try to answer every question you have.

When Särkänniemi was about to close at 8PM, we went in Subway. I still wasn't hungry at all, but I wasn't thirsty either. I was just sitting with Pallero, chatting stuff and telling about our finnish ventrilo activity. There was some horrible music playing near us, some kind of rap artist was almost ruining our ending.

FisHie calls his aunt and we dediced to walk to train station. Some of the people went off already (and ethox wasn't drunk at all) and both of us (me and FisHie) were in super tuuba. We really had some fun that day.. At the train station, we said goodbye to our lovely friends with manly hugs. And then, it was me and FisHie again. We will get in the car and go back in aunt's house. We were so tired that we went to sleep right away. It was really fun, indeed. It was time to sleep and get ready to return home.

It was 3AM. And I wake up again. Damn me and my sleeping problems. Room wasn't hot like my room is, but for some reason I couldn't get any sleep. Maybe it's just me. Anyways, take a look at this fish with a cute Hello Kitty-bedsheet!

And he didn't wake up. He wake up on that login sound again. Damn! FisHie takes his cellphone, presses few buttons and then I can heard those beautiful words from his cellphone... Sakarin villapaitapeli!! Then FisHie dropped his cellphone and slept for a few minutes again. After he woke up again, we went downstairs and browsed osu! forums. We found Mianki's awesome video and we liked it. But we were tired again, so we went back to sleep. We woke up at 8AM, played a little bit and then we get our final ride to the train station. Once we get there, we said bye to FisHie's aunt. His aunt is awesome, just sayin'.

We went shopping in Stockmann while waiting for the train. I bought new sunglasses, because I am cool. And then we had to take a picture about an awesome thing we noticed yesterday.

We also went in McDonalds again, but then we rushed to the train. There's nothing to tell about this train trip, except that the train did stop midway once due technical problems. Our swap also happened in platform 2, when announcer said it was platform 3. It really confused us. First train had an internet connection, while second one didn't have it.

When we arrive back in Mikkeli, I call for my parents since I thought they were going to pick me up. But no - they were drunk. So I took the final bus that day like a boss, which left about ten minutes after we arrived in Mikkeli. Otherwise I could have to use taxi. When I went in the bus, FisHie returned his home with his bicycle.

Our trip was finally over, but I will never forget it. But we never saw loe4boe and Zunami for some reason... And IppE never came. It made me pretty sad.




Maybe we will meet again.

My lovely friends.

Text by LunaticMara
Pictures taken by LunaticMara & Mianki

TL;DR - Orgy.
i bet it sucked

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Also, you can fix my engrish if you want.

LunaticMara wrote:



Maybe we will meet again.

My lovely friends.

*wishes he lived in helsinki*
LANTTU <3 \:D/
Cool story bro
omg wonderful live u got there

LunaticMara wrote:


LunaticMara wrote:

fishie is so moe

ragelewa wrote:

i bet it sucked

They didn't go to Maruseki (that japanese restaurant) so our little meet was better <3
Topic Starter
IppE, stop being weeaboo and deal with it. :)
I want a Swedish osu! gathering..
Who's with me? oh wait.. I don't think many will come, since we're so few.
Wow nice job gathering people. I'm jelly :c
Mianki give me your Anamanaguchi shirt.
Super cool story, bro !
...Wish I was there. ;~;

Also, >no IppE in group picture ;~;

Looked like great fun :).

and fishie is adorable
The amount of epic in this thread makes my mine explode. Good job guys.

LunaticMara wrote:

IppE, stop being weeaboo and deal with it. :)
lewa and I went to a chinese restaurant :V

LunaticMara wrote:

IppE, stop being weeaboo and deal with it. :)
He has nothing to deal with because your meat up sucked anyway because it wasn't blessed with my benevolent presence

edit: meat up wat

Such an awesome adventure
Such...a beautiful story..

Someone pass me a tissue WAAAAAHHHHH!!!

Now that is what you call a gathering!
Haha, nice fun you had out there (waking up with Windows7 ftw)
Was exciting to read this whole story, write some more next time :D

theowest wrote:

I want a Swedish osu! gathering..
Who's with me? oh wait.. I don't think many will come, since we're so few.
If Göteborg is the meeting place then I'm in!

Also awesome story!
Looks awesome :D <3
heintsi and mara are the only one who looked interesting and cool :D

Keksi wrote:

heintsi and mara are the only one who looked interesting and cool :D
What about ethox, how can you not be interested in someone so handsome
Awesome thread is awesome.

FisHie so moe~

Also Lanttu and Sutsuka <33333333333

Also sadface at no IppE :(
It's not an osu!fin meetup if the true, blue Start Power didn't make a guest appearance.
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Pokebis wrote:

Start Power
What is that?

Beuchi-chan wrote:

Also sadface at no IppE :(
Well excuse me princess.

kriers wrote:

Wow nice job gathering people. I'm jelly :c
We are all amazed too how many ppl we gathered in our meeting. At first, only Sutsuka and Lanttu and maybe me mara and mukku was supposed to go there, but at some phase their idea expanded into public osu!fin- meeting :)

Here are some pictures i took from our journey:

Here we are laughing at some random thing and Lanttu decides to takes picture of us. As a proud finnishman, nobody looks at camera except me which looks pretty retarded.

In this picture, mara shows us his sexiest pose he can make. I think he pretty much passed. At least he managed to attract many men around him.

Here, Mara is in tuuba.

Mara shows us Mara-smile ~

This blue camera has encountered many tuubas in its sad mechanical life.

Fishie wishes the tuubacamera mara holds was his and not mara's. ;__;

Osmbeard with his osmanamanaguchishirt.

These things in the pic are the only lifebeings in särkänniemi that weren't in tuuba. So sad.

Took this picture before the dolphinshow started.. cool light effect but.. yeah where are the dolphins? Well, i'm pretty bad photographer so only thing i managed to take pictures of was blurry doplhin-like things and splash water.

And that's all pictures i got.But because you didn't get pictures of dolphins, as a bonus you get a picture of my dog i took before the journey :3

Official Tuuba Dog
>alcoholic buddy ethox


Jarby wrote:


Glad to hear that everyone had a great tuubaventure!

Orkel wrote:

*wishes he lived in helsinki*
And this

Derekku wrote:

Jarby wrote:


Glad to hear that everyone had a great tuubaventure!
Sadly we can't have osu! meetings in Brazil.
Mainly because the country is giant as fuck.
Wish it was smaller.

LunaticMara wrote:

When Mianki set the timer on, he ran like motherfucking Sonic
Best description of me ever.

Orkel wrote:

*wishes he lived in helsinki*
Har har

Bass-chan wrote:

Mianki give me your Anamanaguchi shirt.
It's all wrinkly now, I suggest you buy a new one :P
Also, Mara was a smaller man than I thought.
But Mara has a bigger-than-life character, so it's okay.
Thanks Mara for posting my face in General Discussion~ OTL
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Lanttu wrote:

Thanks Mara for posting my face in General Discussion~ OTL
You're welcome.
Oi! Don't you remember I'm an ex-alcoholic? I only drank 1 beer. One. Measily. Beer.

But it was oh so lovely to meet up with everyone, sharing experiences, exchanging bodily flui-

Next year again with no alcohol ;__;

Also, ragelewa's first mancrush :3
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ethox wrote:

Oi! Don't you remember I'm an ex-alcoholic?
Right, pardon me.

Xgor wrote:

theowest wrote:

I want a Swedish osu! gathering..
Who's with me? oh wait.. I don't think many will come, since we're so few.
If Göteborg is the meeting place then I'm in!

Also awesome story!
if you pay my train ticket i'm in as well.
wow, looks like you guys had fun :3~ /late orz orz orz.
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