
Nazi-modding is not the way to go.

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"nazi-modding" has become somewhat of an accepted/expected fad now, consisting of 1-grid note alterations and the likes. Honestly, this is a waste of the mapper's time and a waste of the modder's time to point these out and have them fixed. You shouldn't have to try to find things wrong in a beatmap. If there's something legitimately wrong with a map, it will be very noticeable.

The best way to mod, hands down, is just to play the beatmap. If a part of the map trips you up, make a mental note of it and then post a comment about it in the beatmap's thread, and what you think they should do about it. If notes 1 and 2 are one grid closer than notes 2 and 3, and that trips you up, quit osu.

The only time I find nazi-modding remotely acceptable, is if it's clear that the mapper was going for a symmetrical pattern and it got misaligned slightly. Then and only then is when I am not bothered by "move note x 2 grids to the left"
I don't have much experience in the modding department, nor would I be able to nazi-mod anything in the first place, so I can't speak on that side of things.

I have, however, been nazi-modded to death on Love-coloured Master Spark. It's really irritating to see a new mod on your beatmap only to see a dozen instances of "move this one pixel left" and the like. It makes the process of perfecting a beatmap a painful one when you're just slightly moving things instead of making legitimate fixes and improvements.

Rolled wrote:

The only time I find nazi-modding remotely acceptable, is if it's clear that the mapper was going for a symmetrical pattern and it got misaligned slightly. Then and only then is when I am not bothered by "move note x 2 grids to the left"
I'd extend that beyond symmetry to any time something looks like it's supposed to be lined up with something else, but is a little off. If I see something and it looks "off" to me, I'll comment on it.* It's about polish.

*Not that I actually mod
If something just looks plain ugly I'll point it out.
And I kinda like Nazi-modding cos I want my maps to look as good as possible.
I did that kind of modding some time but gave it up after a while.
Its tiring and useless.
A map should be good playable and not be the winner of a beauty contest.
Sticky/announcement in pending?
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Echo wrote:

Sticky/announcement in pending?

edit: eh, rather than trying to enforce my opinions on people, I'd rather just leave this up for some discussion first.

Also you guys are getting the wrong idea. I don't personally think most suggestions made by nazi-mods effect the map at all. And I don't think if the user doesn't change the mentioned spots, it makes it less good looking. <-- Butchered english. Hopefully you get the point.

For example (sorry to single you out, the person who pointed this spot out on my map. In his defense, he did say he wasn't sure)

The 8 note is 1 grid too far away from the 7? How do you even notice things like that? How could it confuse the player in the least bit? How does it effect the map cosmetically at all? :/
*deletes all text just typed*

As luigi said. (almost word for word >_>)
I agree that naziing should be more polishing than nit-picking.

Sadly I have done some bad naziing in the past but have hopefully learned to sock it put in a.

Now a question: would modifying difficult levels be considered naziing?
Yes. I'd only accept these minute changes for when it otherwise makes the beatmap obviously ugly and it's easily fixed. Otherwise, seeing fifty lines of "move 2 grids 3 to the left" kind of makes my blood boil.
When I started modding, I went a little nazi over every map but now i rarely do it. I just search stuff that is off. The only time I ask people to move by small grids is when they are trying to make a shape using beats (eg. rhombus) and fail to do so. (The beats look randomly placed instead)
The meaning of "intuitive spacing" seems to have gone downhill.

My nazi mods (which I don't do anymore) were always to do with symmetry or pattern, not actual beatspacing.

I've heard stories of people who actually go through and check each note for beatspacing; I had no idea this was actually true. If you have the time to do this sort of thing, you have no life.

I don't think an announcement/sticky in pending is a bad place for a discussion.
Quite honestly, I am the professional nazimod, but there is a limit to everything. People who purposely check for, just no. Not everything is perfect 100% of the time, sometimes people even throw imperfection into their maps on purpose so it's more intuitive and it looks more polished. However, I am going to say that I do nazimod to give peoples' maps a certain level of polish that should be in a ranked beatmap. It's to perfect it as much as it can be on all fronts while still conforming to the mapper's style.

Far too many times have people come after me, saying "WHY DON'T YOU JUST MAP THE SONG YOURSELF INSTEAD OF BEING ALL 'NEW COMBO' 'CHANGE TO WHISTLE' ETC?", and the thing is, if I wanted to map it, and I thought I could have done it better, I would have mapped it. It's so simple to say that, but come on people, it's combo numbers and hitsounds, I'm still conforming to your style while making it make sense and look better.

tl;dr: If you're going "+0.5 gird to the left" and stuff, stop and actually play the map, see if it actually affects you.

tl;dr 2: I nazimod to give a map a certain level of polish that should be in every ranked beatmap (guidelines don't count for style, they count for playability, people).

tl;dr 3: If you ever yell at me, saying "WHY DON'T YOU JUST MAP IT YOURSELF!?", I will punch you in the face multiple times over the internet.
Nazi modding is best for when the map has no major errors, when it's bubbled, and when the mapper is a veteran one.

Then again, I'm a big supporter of Nazi modding.

Also, I agree with Mogs.
Nazi modding never messes with someone's style....

But I also believe a Nazi Mod Post can't pop a bubble or keep a map from rankage since there are no unrankable errors or things that can push the map from a bubble.
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Metroid wrote:

Nazi modding is best for when the map has no major errors, when it's bubbled, and when the mapper is a veteran one.
I don't mind if people nazi my maps. In fact, I actually like it! The better my maps get, the better. So if you wanna nazi someone's map, do it with mine! I appreciate it!

However, I do understand people who are against it. I mean, let's say a mapper spent 10 hours on a map, and proudly uploads it. 20 minutes later, his creation has a 50 sentence nazi post. It's a bit... Demotivating.

Rolled wrote:

For example (sorry to single you out, the person who pointed this spot out on my map. In his defense, he did say he wasn't sure)
OH, OH, I pointed that out, me, me. . . . . . what, it's not necessarily a good thing?. . . . . . . oh, hmmm, yeah,
and to even things out, I thought that was on a blue tick on my first try and got a 50, even though my accuracy is no good in the first place. The "wasn't sure" part was saying that it was probably my accuracy and reading the spacing.
I somewhat agree on this thread though. Modders should REALLY try to find the major, or even slight "errors" of a map that make it unrankable. I DID find something in that map though.
. . . and cease

Metroid wrote:

Nazi modding is best for when the map has no major errors, when it's bubbled, and when the mapper is a veteran one.
Ii'm not a veteran but my maps got nazi modded like crazy.
Its like some people are searching for at least 1 little misstake to get a Kudo.
I've done that too but its really not the way to do it.
Thats why i hardly mod any Bubbled maps.
I have nothing against Nazi-modding. Though, after reciving my first nazi-modding post, I started to make all my maps on Grind level 3 and try to check so that they actually look good before declaring them done.
(Has lots of maps that is waiting to get submitted...)

Ryuukun wrote:

Metroid wrote:

Nazi modding is best for when the map has no major errors, when it's bubbled, and when the mapper is a veteran one.
Its like some people are searching for at least 1 little mistake to get a Kudo.
This. You shouldn't have to look for mistakes and imperfections. If there's a problem, you will most likely see and will tell the mapper. This feels like a fight for kudosu, which it shouldn't be. :|
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