
Kajmaster Kajet - PYLON BALLS TRAP!!

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Thursday, April 09, 2009 at 12:48:39 PM

Artist: Kajmaster Kajet
BPM: 138
Filesize: 5315kb
Play Time: 01:25
Difficulties Available:
  1. Easy (1.98 stars, 101 notes)
  2. Hard (4.22 stars, 167 notes)
  3. MetalMario's Intense (5 stars, 283 notes)
  4. Normal (3.15 stars, 128 notes)
Download: Kajmaster Kajet - PYLON BALLS TRAP!!
Download: Kajmaster Kajet - PYLON BALLS TRAP!! (no video)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
This, being my first submitted beatmap, is most assuredly not perfect. However, I am confident it is either ready or quite nearly ready for ranking. I've already made 2 updates concerning changing note-beat synch, and I'd appreciate some comments from a BAT member in the event that I need to do more work on this.

Updated 9/08/08 with 50% more strange placement and 100% more spacing that doesn't suck!
Updated 9/17/08. I changed the BPM and offset on all difficulties to the suggestions, things run perfectly now. Normal is fully re-snapped, adjusted, fine-tuned and has new notes and placement; Work on Easy and Hard will be done later in the week.
Updated 9/18/08. Fixed the spacing issues in Normal, as well as did much-needed work on Easy and Hard.
MetalMario, I do believe you were referring to the wrong slider, the one in question is fine but there was indeed a slider later in Normal that was a beat too long, I fixed that one. As for the beats coming in at what seems like odd times, the song itself is quite interesting to work with, simply because there's a lot more going on in this song than would normally be expected.
Updated 9/27/08. Made the BPM on all difficulties EQUAL to 138 (thanks MD). Changed some note pairs on hard to triplets, expect to see one at least every combo. Switched circle size of normal and hard.
Updated 9/30/08. Added some more sliders to hard, each about halfway between the triplets.
Updated 10/09/08. Updated some of the hitsounds (most notably, the hard triplets near the end and all TRAP CARD!! doublets).
Updated 10/14/08. Replaced some beats in Normal with sliders, to help break up the strings.
Updated 10/21/08. Added a 1 second lead-in, cut down the sample volume, and added a few sliders to Easy.
Re-Updated 10/21/08. Fixed a spacing issue on Normal (thanks James). Also, I checked out using an offset of 2000ms, but I thought it threw off the TRAP CARD!! doublets near the end. If enough people agree with James, I'll change the offset.
Updated 11/04/08. Added MetalMario's difficulty to the mix. Hint: It's quite hard.
Updated 11/08/08. Vanquished the gremlins and applied the video to all difficulties.
Updated 12/24/08. Updated Hard and Insane, hopefully fulfilling m980's requests. EDIT: Easy is now respaced, minor spacing error in Normal is fixed.
Updated 02/07/09. Fixed all difficulties according to Larto's comments; Also, the background should be the first part of the video (for purposes of the forum) and the video after that. If this doesn't work we may need a peppervention.
Updated 03/22/09. MetalMario201's update; Let's hope the background actually WORKS this time!
Updated 03/26/09. Begun to clean up Easy's placement, as well as fix various errors detailed in recent posts. Wait until later for me to clean up the rest of Easy as well as Normal and Hard.
Updated 03/30/09. Finished cleaning up Easy and Normal difficulties.
Updated 04/01/09. Totally did not finish cleaning up Hard as well as adding a few surprises to it, which may or may not include removing some sliders and putting in DE- I mean strings.
Updated 04/05/09. Fixed a few minor errors on Easy.
Updated 04/09/09. Fixed a few errors on Normal. Also checked the string on Hard in question in fufe's last post, but did not find a spacing error; I did rearrange those beats to fit the combo, though.

Mental Note: Easy is snapped at .6x distance, Normal is snapped at .7x and Hard is snapped at .8x.
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...Yeah. This isn't going to be seen on page 3.
Just played it. (On easy, cause I'm still not used to playing this game with a mouse. =/ )

Pretty good beatmap, I think.
BPM: 138.00
Offset: 2014

No more than a 1/2 snap is needed for this song, so resnap everything to that.

Spacing needs to be followed more rigorously, and some of the slider lengths adjusted, but it's good for a first try.

I'm sorry that no one's given this one any attention earlier.
0:02:01: Sounds like there should be a note here.
0:26:36: This slider sounds like it should be a 1/2 shorter than it is. This could be on purpose since it ends on the beat, but its rebound is strange.
0:51:14 (1): Spacing. Move this further away from the red 7.
1:14:18 (1): Spacing. Move this further away from the blue 4.

Many of the notes seemed to come at non-intuitive times, and there were odd holes where you'd logically expect notes to be.

The other difficulties in their current states are atrocious. I understand that you haven't repaired them, but I suggest moving this to Help for the time being, until the other difficulties are fixed.
Due to the thousandth implement of the BPM... the next time you upload this map, make sure your BPM is right at 138.

Difficulty setting seems high for normal. Especially with that HP drain. However, I am just going to suggest either you up the circle size or you reduce the health drain, your choice~

Of course, that isn't mandatory since you made sure the combos are short in the map.

Er... why does Hard have a larger circle than Normal? XD
Very, very similar to normal actually aside from the occasional triplets and spinners... which is okay, I guess XD

It is rankable, in my opinion, but it doesn't seem to be very creative with the beats. Anyway, that's something you might want to work on by looking at other beatmaps (particularly beatmaps with a good user-rating) and it is optional, as the song doesn't really leave much imagination either. Anywho, here is a star~

There is also the issue that there is another member mapping this... but I wouldn't be bothered by it, to be honest, though you might want to take a look at it.
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That's the name of the video Kajet put up on YouTube featuring this song, but the mp3 download he posted along with it features the name "PYLON BALLS TRAP!!" and the song itself follows suit.
Though in theory this map is fine, it's just... boring. Normal especially. Everything's timed right, but there isn't any logical progression to the beats. It's unfortunate, because I really do like the slightly inconsistent spacing and the wacky-shaped sliders. It just doesn't play well.

At least do something with it in terms of graphics. Pylon hitcircles? JUST DON'T MAKE THEM BALLS FOR THE LOVE OF GOD AND/OR JESUS BUDDHA.
Alright, Cheese and I had already previously mentioned the issues, but since the other beatmapper is gone, there doesn't seem to be much to stop your map from reaching possible rankhood. :P

hmmm 2000 offset feels better when playing but maybe thats just me. current offset is good enough as is, i guess.

01:08:10 (3) - place this farther away from 2. maybe place it farther down.

other than that, everything is fine.
Haven't taken the time to play all of it... but its great. Maybe add the video? I don't know.
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I was thinking about adding the video, but that would take a bit of time as I'd need to learn how exactly to put it in the beatmap.
1. download this beatmap.
2. open up your .osu file using notepad.
3. look under [Events] section.
4. you will see something like (//Background and Video events) and under it there will be some text like this (1,0,"video.avi")
where "1" doesnt mean anything (peppy knows) and "0" is the video offset and '"video.avi"' means the filename of the video.
5. what?
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I tried doing that, James, but there's something not working right. Osu isn't recognizing the video for some reason, even though I downloaded it twice from the YouTubez and had it converted to an avi file both times, and put in the folder along with the other beatmap stuff both times. Here's a portion of the important infoz from the osu file I tried this with:

//Background and Video events

The file I'm using is in fact named pylons.avi, and it is in the format required by osu!, so I'm not sure what's going wrong. Any suggestions?

EDIT: The design tab on the edit screen did nothing to assist putting the video in the beatmap, even though the text on said tab suggests it can be used to put a video in...
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That's what I did too. I tried tweaking the osu file multiple times, to no avail. I only then tried the design tab to make sure I wasn't missing something important. BTW there's still just the buttons to add a background or change the color, but the text on that tab implies that it can add a video; Something I did not see happen on this beatmap.

The only thing I can think of that's going wrong is that osu! doesn't like the encoding I used...
This is a fun song which deserves a hectic difficulty:

Download: Kajmaster Kajet - PYLON BALLS TRAP!! (ReploidArmada) [MetalMario's Intense].osu
The video works for me, you sure you have your video settings configured properly?

Anyway, no problem here for me (again), rebubbled. XD

Nasty spacings and jumps and sliders in MetalMario's difficulty, by the way... but since it is supposed to be insane... I'd let other BATs decide. >_>;
The objective here was to be somewhat frantic, going with the music. :D All spacing rules are followed, except for jumps, which should be obvious.

It seems ReploidArmada is MIA anyway. u.u
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If anything, I'm busy being lazy and not doing much. ;) Though, I have been working on a new map that isn't Emerald Hill Zone...
Plus, it's a tad hard to fix something when I don't have anyone telling me what's wrong with it, and especially when I think it's nearly finished.
If only more BATs would come look at this map. But where would we find them on such a short notice...?

(BTW Mogs I think you're being as lazy as myself. Didn't I ask ya to mod this? Like a week or two ago?)
All difficulties:
Get a Background

Offset: 2.020

00:40:69 (4) - Seperate Start and end point so you actually can see in what direction this is going
00:57:65 (5) - New Combo
01:05:04 (5) - ^

01:08:08 (3) - The repeat of this slider sounds ugly
01:18:52 (6) - New Combo

01:15:04 (3) - Seperate Start and end point so you actually can see in what direction this is going

I like this. I really do.
starred because it already has been but has no priority

I still have the pre-video background which is not in the osz:

All beatmaps now need background images for the website and the background of the songs menu, even when there's a video. Please add this back. Also, your video isn't working. Rename it to pylons1.avi.

I was modding combo numbers but typing it out took sooh long, so here I am pulling a Mogsworth and posting .osu files with the correct combo numbering:

Download: Kajmaster Kajet - PYLON BALLS TRAP!! (ReploidArmada) [Easy].osu

Download: Kajmaster Kajet - PYLON BALLS TRAP!! (ReploidArmada) [Normal].osu
Attachment limit. Do not Kudosu this post.

Download: Kajmaster Kajet - PYLON BALLS TRAP!! (ReploidArmada) [Hard].osu
Topic Starter

MetalMario201 wrote:


I still have the pre-video background which is not in the osz:

All beatmaps now need background images for the website and the background of the songs menu, even when there's a video. Please add this back. Also, your video isn't working. Rename it to pylons1.avi.

I was modding combo numbers but typing it out took sooh long, so here I am pulling a Mogsworth and posting .osu files with the correct combo numbering:
Um... first of all, it IS pylons1.avi. Second, every time I've tried to put a static image before a video, it hasn't worked. Third, I'm doing an update right now with the updated .osu files, this time with a full submission.

BTW, just for reference, here is the portion out of the .osu's that is supposed to be giving me a background but isn't:

//Background and Video events
1. "pylons.jpg" must be within the .osz file.
2. Change -1000 to 0.
3. Full Submit Go!

Here's the working video+background code from Rage Your Dream for reference:
//Background and Video events
1,-3920,"(PV) move - Rage your dream.avi"

(Naturally, replace the filenames with yours, and keep the video offset (-3920 shown here) the way you have it.)
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fufe wrote:

very last combo jumps out of snap! but its still fine rite?
It's rankable, but I'm having second thoughts about it, myself, actually. It looks ugly. :( (It was October when I mapped this.)

MM's Intense:
[*]01:22:01 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - Move right by 2 grids.
[*]01:22:88 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - Move right by 1 grid.
[*]01:23:75 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - Remove claps from the even-numbered notes.[/list]
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This modding thread has been migrated to the new "modding discussions" system. Please make sure to re-post any existing (and unresolved) efforts to the new system as required.
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