
Kami no Mizo Shiri-tai - Koi no Shirushi

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2012年1月26日 at 13:22:40

Artist: Kami no Mizo Shiri-tai
Title: Koi no Shirushi
Source: Kami Nomi zo Shiru Sekai
Tags: Nao Toyama Kana Hanazawa Nakagawa Aoyama Mio Takahara Ayumi Kanae Ito SiRiRu wcx19911123 karenying pianiac hoLysoup YGOkid8 the world god only knows
BPM: 165
Filesize: 7238kb
Play Time: 04:12
Difficulties Available:
  1. Bridge (4.11 stars, 356 notes)
  2. Collab (4.93 stars, 608 notes)
  3. Easy (2.32 stars, 203 notes)
  4. Insane (5 stars, 685 notes)
Download: Kami no Mizo Shiri-tai - Koi no Shirushi
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
thank you guys!

  1. opening to 00:38:021 : S i R i R u
  2. 00:38:385 - 01:02:930 : L_P
  3. 01:03:294 - 01:14:749 : L_P
  4. 01:14:930 - kiai end : S i R i R u
  5. 01:35:294 - 01:52:749 : wcx19911123
  6. 01:52:930 - 02:30:385 : karenying
  7. 02:30:567 - kiai end : wcx19911123
  8. after break - kiai start : pianiac
  9. 02:50:930 - kiai finish: holysoup
  10. the rest : ygokid8

SB : pianiac
Bubble : lovhin456~
Heart : Breeze~
Sonico Makaron
Nice song~~!! And Good Map~~!!!!! ;>
here is replay :D
sorry to forget~
Download: 8efa4a8ecfeb08a5354455c0a2e0cf77-129662713823999457.osr

Topic Starter
wtf i think kanna is the first one to SS the song
yeah Register for Hard collab
Download: a9a891e93db208097560faba0953520f-129663618650078855.osr
好图~(我识图是个渣渣- -)

Topic Starter
你“识圖”是個渣渣還是“试圖”是個渣渣哦 T.T
I did utterly terrible on my first try; this Insane is well above my skill level. @_@ But here's the replay anyways. Contrary to what it may look like, I really was trying my hardest the whole time.

I like the song, though, and I'd be interested in seeing how the easier diffs turn out once you're done with them.

Download: PoochyEXE - Kami no Mizo Shiri-tai - Koi no Shirushi [Insane] (2011-11-23) Osu.osr
Shana Aisaka
Hi~ >~<" A request from My Modding Queue ~ :)

Purple - Seems Okay ~ ( Map )
Pink - Suggestion

01:03:294(1) = add finish ~
01:11:476(x) = add 1/2 slider >~<
01:14:930(1) = add finish
01:29:112(spinner) = ^
02:18:930(1) = ^
02:30:567(1) = ^
03:08:385(1) = ^
03:20:021(1) = ^
03:32:021(1) = ^
03:37:476(1) = ^
03:38:930(2) = ^

01:14:930(1) = add finish ~
02:18:930(1) = ^
02:30:567(4) = ^

That's all >~<"
Topic Starter
And now, here is the collab thing

Diff. : Hard - Insane , between 4.5 - 5
Hitsound : default soft and normal (any suggestion? i think default soft is enough, whistle can do many things)

and now the map is divided into:

opening to 00:38:021 : S i R i R u
00:38:385 - 01:02:930 : L_P
01:03:294 - 01:14:749 : L_P

01:14:930 - kiai end : S i R u R u
01:35:294 - 01:52:749 : wcx19911123
01:52:930 - 02:30:385 : Nymph
02:30:567 - kiai end : wcx19911123
holysoup跟kanna can do some adjustment?
02:50:930 - just b4 kiai :kanna
last whole kiai :holysoup
the rest : kanna

and now everybody has about 45 secs i think

now, any suggestion?
Topic Starter
if no problem, the collab shall start like this:
2 person a group.
me, siruru a group
wcx and nymph a group
holysoup and kanna a group

Siruru had to finish his part first then after that L_P is making
wcx 1st, then nymph.(same thing, however you dont need to care about other groups progression)
kanna 1st, then holysoup.(same thing)

plz reply first, the collab will only start after everyone posted and have no problem
i'll pm you and announce here to start the project
plz submit the collab diff, let me have a look at the difficulty settings, slider speed, spacing etc.

Nymph wrote:

plz submit the collab diff, let me have a look at the difficulty settings, slider speed, spacing etc.
I'm fine with any part and whatever length. If kanna wants to map more/less I'm ok with it.
Topic Starter
ok here is the spacing, setting ( i think that AR may be can be 8 )currently is 7

plz reply reply~

and see what i posted before....the collab will only start when everyone is ok
Cyril Scarlet
k, i'll start when the collab diff is ready to map :o ~


Nymph wrote:

plz submit the collab diff, let me have a look at the difficulty settings, slider speed, spacing etc.
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L_P is up there ↑↑
and the spacing is approximately 1.2+ -
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Kanna wrote:

Hi L_P,
I want leave Collab because my mapping is not good yet, compared to other mappers in Collab. Besides some exams are coming at the end of December so i will not have much free time.
Really sorry :(
Thanks to understand.
and so... kanna left...and my cousin take his place (but he still wanna make SB)
so, the part before the last kiai will be his, and the last part will be like...all mappers.....later give details
I think you should tell us how many people will do the collab , how many diffs should collab , and how many parts in each diff for collab
then you should cut the song to many parts , and decide each part will mapped by who
after that , all collab members should decide the diffculty settings(HD CS AR OD SV DS etc..) and hitsounds
when all this done , we can start the collab :)
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19:53 <L_P> : 剩下nymph咯
19:55 <wcx19911123> : 恩
19:56 <L_P> : then现在我就用那个silence sliderslide上去罢了哦
19:56 <L_P> : 其他的看你们如果要加才加咯
19:56 <wcx19911123> : 恩好

20:18 <L_P> : okok
20:19 <L_P> : 那么你随时可以跟wcx开始了!
20:19 <Nymph> : ok
20:19 <L_P> : 丫collab start了!!!!


ATTACH[Apricot - Kami no Mizo Shiri-tai - Koi no Shirushi [Insane] (2011-12-01) Osu.osr]

01:16:021 (4) - Should new combo here or move away moar. It's too close to previous slider.
01:40:749 (5) - Add whistle to startpoint.
02:16:385 (3,7) - whistle.
02:23:658 (9) - Add whistle to startpoint.
02:24:749 (1) - whistle.
03:28:203 (1,2,3) - this spacing is weird o_o;
03:30:203 (2) - Add whistle to repeat.
03:30:749 (3) - Add whistle to startpoint.
03:38:567 (6) - It isnt same as (5).
03:42:203 (2,3,4) - hmmmm.... idk.

5min mod. lol
no kds.

Download: Apricot - Kami no Mizo Shiri-tai - Koi no Shirushi [Insane] (2011-12-01) Osu.osr
like this?..
第一次的成績打很差 有些地方圈圈順序搞不清楚 開了edit看才會打030

Download: latias380 - Kami no Mizo Shiri-tai - Koi no Shirushi [Insane] (2011-12-01) Osu.osr

Rein0527 - Kami no Mizo Shiri-tai - Koi no Shirushi [Insane] (2011-12-01) Osu.osr
hi, L_P
request from my queue

00:22:930 (2) - move to x:280 y:248
00:23:294 (3) - move to x:256 y:320
01:07:294 (2) - move to x:336 y:224
01:48:749 (3) - move to x:192 y:240 and add new combo
01:49:112 (4) - move to x:232 y:312
01:49:839 (5) - add new combo
01:59:658 (3) - add new combo
02:00:385 (1) - remove new combo
03:24:021 (2) - move to x:336 y:256
04:03:294 (4) - move to x:200 y:280

00:22:567 (6) - add new combo
00:52:385 (1) - remove new combo
00:53:112 (4) - add new combo
00:53:839 (1) - remove new combo
01:28:203 (6) - add new combo
02:30:749 (5) - ^
02:30:930 (1) - remove new combo
02:37:839 (8) - add new combo
02:38:021 (1) - remove new combo
02:39:294 (4) - add new combo
03:20:021 (5) - ^
03:40:021 (5) - ^
04:05:162 (5) - ^

That's all.
Want see a hard diiff ;)
nice map :)
Need some pictures of you am i suppose to make SB without your pictures!!!hm??!!!!
the nice guy_old
IRC modded..mainly stuff like tha

00:16:385 (3) - clap
00:17:658 (3) - make it curve more
00:20:567 (6,8) - add a note at middle part
00:22:021 (3) - 304 , 304
00:22:203 (4) - 400 , 280
00:30:203 (4) - not stacked properly
00:35:476 (5) - 40,216
01:07:476 (1) - cancel clap, add whistle at end
01:14:930 (1) - finish???
01:21:394 (4,2,3,4) - 打的时候被combo hit burst 遮住了
01:49:839 (5) - add new combo
01:59:658 (3) - add new combo
01:37:021 (5) - second dot grid left and up a bit
01:41:021 (1,3,5,7) - not nice to see... whether move note 7 to make a curve or stack them?
Topic Starter
all mods done
request from my queue


00:25:476 (3) - 后面两个repeat的finish删掉,吵
00:45:112 (2) - 用grid 4调下。往右点
01:06:203 (1) - 开头finish
01:17:839 (1) - 和前面有点叠
01:38:203 (3) - finish
01:46:930 加个音量小点finish的note
02:05:112 (2) - 结尾whistle
03:04:021 (2) - ctrl+H然后重新弄下spacing
03:14:203 (1,3) - 开头finsih
03:34:566 (1) - 和前面有点叠
03:54:930 (1) - 开头finish

slider tick 0.5好像不给ranked
00:26:930 (1) - 开头finish
00:42:930 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - 用网格4摆正点
00:56:021 (1) - finish
03:18:567 (1) - 开头finish

From my queue

Circle size +1
00:25:294 (3)-make it like this? and remove the finish in the reverse arrow and in the end of the slider
00:36:021 (1)-up to 00:38:021
03:14:203 (1)-finish in the head

Make this more easier because it looks normal and lower also the slider velocity

00:25:476 (7)-NC
02:23:476 (7)-^
03:20:021 (5)-^
03:38:203 (5)-finish in the end of the slider
03:38:930 (1)-finish in the first head part of the slider
03:39:476 (2)-finish
03:44:930 (7)-NC
03:54:930 (5)-NC

Yo modding this map because of ur request :) ill mod easy and insane just as u requested

00:15:294(1,2) - make these symmetrical
00:25:476(3) - remove the finish for the reverse arrow and the end
00:29:839(1) - make this slider better
00:45:112(2) - add a whistle at the end
01:07:658(3) - *nazi* 1 grid right
01:10:385(2) - move this somewhere else because the reverse arrow is under the previous slider
01:38:567 - get rid of the break since nothing bad is gonna happen
03:27:112(2) - same as 01:10:385
03:46:567 - same as 01:38:567

having a slider tick rate of .5 is unrankable please change it to 1
00:25:476(7) - NC
00:34:203(1) - since theres already 3 points to this slider make it a curved or get rid of the last point so that itd look like a straight slider.
02:23:112(6) - NC
02:34:749(5) - ^
02:39:476(5) - ^
03:10:203(5) - ^
03:12:567(6) - ^
03:20:021(5) - ^
03:21:839(9) - ^
03:22:930(1,2) - make a better blanket
03:24:385(5) - NC
03:33:294(5) - ^
03:35:839(6) - ^
03:40:385(6) - ^
03:41:839(1,2,3,4) - i understand that this is an insane diff but r u sure about this? i suggest that u move these apart. maybe something like this if u ignore this find a way to move these sliders
03:44:567(6) - NC
03:47:476(5) - ^
03:56:203(8) - ^

this is the best i can do. GL :D
Topic Starter
No one gives me star? T.T plz dude

No_Gu wrote:

request from my queue


00:25:476 (3) - 后面两个repeat的finish删掉,吵 恩
00:45:112 (2) - 用grid 4调下。往右点 随便啦
01:06:203 (1) - 开头finish 不要
01:17:839 (1) - 和前面有点叠 恩
01:38:203 (3) - finish 恩
01:46:930 加个音量小点finish的note 恩
02:05:112 (2) - 结尾whistle 不要
03:04:021 (2) - ctrl+H然后重新弄下spacing 恩
03:14:203 (1,3) - 开头finsih 不要
03:34:566 (1) - 和前面有点叠 随便啦
03:54:930 (1) - 开头finish

slider tick 0.5好像不给ranked opps
00:26:930 (1) - 开头finish ok
00:42:930 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - 用网格4摆正点 改了些
00:56:021 (1) - finish
03:18:567 (1) - 开头finish 不雅

thx for mod~


Genkishi wrote:


From my queue

Circle size +1
00:25:294 (3)-make it like this? and remove the finish in the reverse arrow and in the end of the slider thx for thinking it, but i think it is not good to put such a long repeat in easy
00:36:021 (1)-up to 00:38:021 ok :)
03:14:203 (1)-finish in the head ok

Make this more easier because it looks normal and lower also the slider velocity i prefer to rename it lol

00:25:476 (7)-NC
02:23:476 (7)-^
03:20:021 (5)-^ opps ive forgotten to tell you no NC not changing it again...(cause i changed it so many times, everyone has different idea about the NC stuff
03:38:203 (5)-finish in the end of the slider i put it in the next combo's 1st slider
03:38:930 (1)-finish in the first head part of the slider eh? thats what i just did
03:39:476 (2)-finish nah
03:44:930 (7)-NC um
03:54:930 (5)-NC um


thx for mod~


Byakugan249 wrote:

Yo modding this map because of ur request :) ill mod easy and insane just as u requested :)

00:15:294(1,2) - make these symmetrical um
00:25:476(3) - remove the finish for the reverse arrow and the end whoa sorry
00:29:839(1) - make this slider better grid something
00:45:112(2) - add a whistle at the end haiz i finally agreed
01:07:658(3) - *nazi* 1 grid right oh really
01:10:385(2) - move this somewhere else because the reverse arrow is under the previous slider um..thats intentional
01:38:567 - get rid of the break since nothing bad is gonna happen any suggestion? hard to map easy/normal here
03:27:112(2) - same as 01:10:385 ^
03:46:567 - same as 01:38:567 i think here is fine...

having a slider tick rate of .5 is unrankable please change it to 1 aaa ok
00:25:476(7) - NC
00:34:203(1) - since theres already 3 points to this slider make it a curved or get rid of the last point so that itd look like a straight slider. opps

03:22:930(1,2) - make a better blanket okok, tried

03:41:839(1,2,3,4) - i understand that this is an insane diff but r u sure about this? i suggest that u move these apart. maybe something like this if u ignore this find a way to move these sliders i know..i know...but i like to introduce some new thought

this is the best i can do. GL :D thank you! it helps~(though im not changing the NC is because everyone has new complain about it...and i had changed so many times...etc

Thx for mod~ whoa all done. submitting.
Cyril Scarlet
I want to know style of hit sounds

so, you call me again when other guest are finished >.< I'll look at the style and i'll try to add sounds

Download: Kami no Mizo Shiri-tai - Koi no Shirushi (L_P) [Example for collab].osu
Topic Starter
thx! so fast
Overall, very good map, hope to see it ranked soon. :)
However, some suggestions:

01:10:385 (2): overlapping Sliders on an easymap are bad. :/ Rearrange pls.
01:12:021 (1,2): Changeing rhythm if the rest of the song fits it perfectly is kinda weird. Move (1) to 01:12:203 and remove (2).
01:43:658 (1): Remove whistle from Sliderending, doesn't fit.
02:10:203 (1,2): These Sliders overlap ugly, rearrange.
03:14:203-03:19:658: This part breaks the great rhythm of the song. I would recommend you the following:
03:14:203 (1,3): Make them both reverse Sliders. Remove (4).
03:16:749: Make Spinner start here, end at 03:17:839
03:18:567: Add 1beat Slider.
03:19:294: ^
03:27:112 (2): Again this overlapping Slider. X__X Rearrange.
03:46:203: The Sound of the finishing Spinner is annoying. Maybe add timesection with sound at 5%?

Very nice Insane overall, just minor corrections:
01:25:112 (1,2,3,4): Stacked Sliders are bad, try to avoid them. -> Rearrange.
01:29:112 (9): REMOVE THE CLAP SOUND, it hurts. Q__Q
01:51:839 (2): Maybe remove Claps from Slider? Replace with whistle?
02:27:294 (2,3): I don't like the claps here, remove? Maybe put whistle on (1,2,3)?
02:43:839 (8): Remove clap.
03:16:203 (6): ^
03:32:567 (2): ^
03:41:839 (1,2,3,4): Stacked. Rearrange.

Hope I could help. :)
due to your modding queue rule, I'm here to post my first play result and .osr

Download: Tony - Kami no Mizo Shiri-tai - Koi no Shirushi [Insane] (2011-12-05) Osu.osr
Yutsuki yukari

几个slider叠的地方比较危险。我第一次看觉得是无法1PC readable的

02:17:839 (1) - 这里绝对是unrankable的。这个Spacing很有问题。就算NC了也会误读


no kd.

Download: Yutsuki yukari - Kami no Mizo Shiri-tai - Koi no Shirushi [Insane] (2011-12-05) Osu.osr

-Baby Strawberry-

:) :)
Topic Starter

Kokatsu wrote:

Overall, very good map, hope to see it ranked soon. :)
However, some suggestions:

01:10:385 (2): overlapping Sliders on an easymap are bad. :/ Rearrange pls. ok
01:12:021 (1,2): Changeing rhythm if the rest of the song fits it perfectly is kinda weird. Move (1) to 01:12:203 and remove (2). another way round..
01:43:658 (1): Remove whistle from Sliderending, doesn't fit. um..o:
02:10:203 (1,2): These Sliders overlap ugly, rearrange. youre right, im just slacking
03:14:203-03:19:658: This part breaks the great rhythm of the song. I would recommend you the following:
03:14:203 (1,3): Make them both reverse Sliders. Remove (4). ok
03:16:749: Make Spinner start here, end at 03:17:839 no!
03:18:567: Add 1beat Slider.
03:19:294: ^ no...this will break the recovery time for easy
03:27:112 (2): Again this overlapping Slider. X__X Rearrange. ok ok
03:46:203: The Sound of the finishing Spinner is annoying. Maybe add timesection with sound at 5%? no, lol

Very nice Insane overall, just minor corrections:
01:25:112 (1,2,3,4): Stacked Sliders are bad, try to avoid them. -> Rearrange. actually im not stacking...however, changed to stack
01:29:112 (9): REMOVE THE CLAP SOUND, it hurts. Q__Q whatever....removed
01:51:839 (2): Maybe remove Claps from Slider? Replace with whistle?
02:27:294 (2,3): I don't like the claps here, remove? Maybe put whistle on (1,2,3)? um... i like the way it sounds, no change sorry
02:43:839 (8): Remove clap. ok
03:16:203 (6): ^ ok
03:32:567 (2): ^ nonono, however, softend
03:41:839 (1,2,3,4): Stacked. Rearrange. this is a sign of this map T.T

Hope I could help. :) yeah, thanks boss, it is a pretty nice mod for a newbie

Yutsuki yukari wrote:

几个slider叠的地方比较危险。我第一次看觉得是无法1PC readable的 是啊 就是我的目的

02:17:839 (1) - 这里绝对是unrankable的。这个Spacing很有问题。就算NC了也会误读 同上,哈哈(但是还是有人可以,下一次做更难的

几个slider尾部相接的stack,既然想这么摆就干脆摆的完美一点全部stack掉。 嗯。本来我不就是stack的其实= =

no kd. = =
yeah, thanks boss, it is a pretty nice mod for a newbie
Ty ^__^ trying to do my best. :P

Topic Starter
thx dude
Yutsuki yukari

whatever. MAT BAT肯定会吐槽。

Topic Starter
我忘了哪一個MAT說過的:unrankable的rules就只是一個guideline, 最重要是覺得好玩,FUN,(爲了輔佐新mapper才會有unrankable的rules呀,怕mapper亂亂map,比如說用十種slider velocity等等)
雖然unreadable可能會讓一些player vote 1分等等。。。= =

Furawa wrote:

hmm,,its a game isn't it? not a movie or sth....when you play a game,you just need to challenge,,,yes,some player is pro,like osu,some player can 1pc to fc a lot of map,,,but I think,,mapper not need to think about it..its not a movie,why we must map it to let all player can read it in 1pc,,,it just like,why we make a game must think about how to make people to pass the game in 1 life or the others?....
i think havent challenge's game is not a good game,we need to study how to read the map read the rhythm ,thats all challenge in osu isnt it?not only take exercise with your finger then challenge the high bpm,,,
but...yes,,i have afk a long time,,,,i dont know about new rank rule, but alot of new map...feel just hard in high bpm not the other,,if music havent bpm,,,it feel all the same ... why all map must let allplayer can read it in first try...i like challenge in play,not 1 pc fc
if my standpoint unrankable or player not like it now,,i just give up to get rank in my map,,XD,,i map because is fun,,maybe player dont like hard to read map but i like :3
thx for your attentive mod~i dont want you be embarrassed in it to pubbled or what,,never mind XD rank or graveyarded is the same,if a player like my map,he will just play it XD
sorry for my poor chinglish lol XDD
Yutsuki yukari
呜其实能读了之后遮挡slider确实算是亮点._. 不管怎么说还是尽量找这方面比较松的MAT和BAT吧,或者1 slider 1 NC也可以

Topic Starter
i need mod. i need star. i need someone make collab.
sry for the huge delay :(
hope you like this

Download: Kami no Mizo Shiri-tai - Koi no Shirushi (L_P) [wcx part].osu
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