
Yoriko - Daia no Hana (TV Size)

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Topic Starter
Yuji Tokaji
This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on vendredi 20 août 2010 at 14:08:16

Artist: Yoriko
Title: Daia no Hana (TV Size)
Source: Black Cat
Tags: opening
BPM: 150
Filesize: 8439kb
Play Time: 01:29
Difficulties Available:
  1. Easy (2,47 stars, 94 notes)
  2. Insane (5 stars, 284 notes)
  3. Normal (3,79 stars, 125 notes)
Download: Yoriko - Daia no Hana (TV Size)
Download: Yoriko - Daia no Hana (TV Size) (no video)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
3rd Beatmap !

Black Cat-
Yoriko - Daia no Hana (TV Size)

Timing by Lybydose.

Edit :

- Add video.

Difficulty :

Easy - 100%
Normal - 100%
Insane - 100%

Modding :

1- banvi Mod
2- roflninja Mod
3- CracK Mod
4- CnF Mod
5- AngelHoney Mod
6- Drafura Mod
7- Death_the_kid Mod
8- Kioukiou Mod
9- Fartownik Mod
10- EEeee Mod
11- I_Tatsuo_I Mod
12- DiamondCrash Mod
13- Xgor Mod
14- Gladi Mod
15- Takuma Mod

Enjoy !!
cool i like this music
black cat :3
Topic Starter
Yuji Tokaji
Hi~ :D
timing point
00:50:987 I think better kiai time start 00:51:787... but vary between individuals
01:04:687 this tiimng point move to 01:03:387?
01:04:787 this timing point move to 01:04:587?
00:06:587 (3) finish to 00:06:987(white line)?
01:18:487 (1) start to 01:18:587(white line)?
00:09:187 (3) move to 00:09:387?
00:54:187 (n) add note on (5)'s silder at the end?
00:56:587 (4) +1 repeat?
01:10:987 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) change rhythm this pattern?
00:40:387 (4,5) spacing is close

sorry for late :o
star & gl ;)
Topic Starter
Yuji Tokaji


fine for me
00:32:253 (2) - did you purposly not line this up?
01:13:543 (4) - ^
01:18:587 (1) - I would end this on the white tick back or thr red one forward, but meh, its fine

fine for me

also fine
00:56:587 (5) - just something that bugs me, but a bit high? (its kinda in the hp bar)
01:00:787 (1) - same as ^

nice map ;)
Colin Hou
6th post in my queue... read the rule and check the situation next time plz.

do not post this song again, I can't mod it x_x really sorry for this.
Topic Starter
Yuji Tokaji

roflninja wrote:


fine for me
00:32:253 (2) - did you purposly not line this up?
01:13:543 (4) - ^
01:18:587 (1) - I would end this on the white tick back or thr red one forward, but meh, its fine

fine for me

also fine
00:56:587 (5) - just something that bugs me, but a bit high? (its kinda in the hp bar)
01:00:787 (1) - same as ^

nice map ;)

Thanks, fixed.
00:05:387 (5) - align with 4

00:20:387 (4) - it looks a bit ugly for my taste.. if the whole group of notessliders starting from 00:13:787 (1) were lowered by 3, I think it would be nicer
00:26:187 (1) - make this not touch the note below
00:37:387 (2,3,4) - make them not touch the slider below

00:02:587 (1) - I think it looks better when you move it by 1 up

After all of these remember to check spacing and move some parts of map lower or higher

Star ★
Topic Starter
Yuji Tokaji

Card N'FoRcE
I was curious since i mapped the exact same song looong time ago, so i had a quick look.

About technical issues:
offset: 575
You can remove "black cat" from the tags.

About the map themselves, i have the same problem i encountered in your other maps: i can't find them intuitive.
I mean, it seems like you mapped on a different song because there are beats that don't follow anything at all or patterns that skip beats you'd expect in the map.
I don't see this to be a big problem for Insane/Hard difficulties (actually your Insane is better if compared with the others), but I'd really like if you'll reconsider remapping some parts for at least Easy.
Here's a list of what i found really unintuitive in Easy:
00:19:575 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - 00:29:175 (3,4) - 00:59:375 (2,6) - 01:05:975 (2).

And a suggestion for the last spinner: make it end at 1:23:775
Topic Starter
Yuji Tokaji


remove countdown
white combo color + Kiai ...oh my eyes ...:<
preview point is not the same on all difficulties O.O ( easy is


STR 1 feels better :3

00:10:175 (1) - end at 00:11:775 or 00:13:375 ?
00:28:175 (2) - repeat to this slider ?
00:51:775 - kiai time start here ?
00:59:175 (2,3) - spacing , and (3) repeat to this slider ?
01:01:175 (4) - move to 01:01:375 ?
01:02:575 (6) - end at 01:03:375 ?
01:04:575 (1) - move farther ?


00:00:600 - this green line is unnecessary ?
00:07:775 - add a note ?
00:09:775 (1) - end at 00:11:775 or 00:13:375 ?
00:28:375 (2) - this slider is ...hmm ..not good IMO :<
00:54:975 (1) - move farther ?
01:00:375 (1) - start at 01:00:575 ? ( 01:00:375 - add a note
01:20:975 (1) - end at 01:22:575 ? (same at Easy


Overall 7 feels better IMO =w=

00:47:675 (7,8) - move to 00:47:775 ?
00:51:775 (9,1) - switch new combo ?
00:53:975 (1) - remove new combo ?
01:03:575 (1) - ^
01:06:175 (1) - ^
01:20:775 (1) - end at 01:22:575 ?

:) :)
Topic Starter
Yuji Tokaji

Here we go for a little mod :

00:33:775 (5,6,7) - This triplet sounds a bit weird i think if you want a triplet in this combo you must put it here : 00:32:975 -
00:47:575 (6,7,8) - ^ put it here : 00:48:175 -
00:51:775 (1) - Why new combo ?

On slow parts of the song i think you should use the clap for the middle white tick of the great white ticks.

this one for example :

nothing found just if you use the claps on the insane use it the same way here

01:02:575 (6) - align with (5)
same for HS

Good map good song good anime :)
Topic Starter
Yuji Tokaji


00:05:375 - (2) - Move 1 Grid left, and fix spacing afterwards

01:00:375 - (3) - New Combo

01:02:575 - (6) - ^


00:05:375 - (5) - 1 Grid Down, and fix the spacing afterwards


I'm Fine With This One

Nice Job
Topic Starter
Yuji Tokaji

Cyril Scarlet
Topic Starter
Yuji Tokaji
Thanks for your star :3
disabled countdown only [Easy] diff?

you should disable countdown to ALL diff.

resnap all timing points,make them on the tick.


00:51:975 (1) - remove new combo.

Topic Starter
Yuji Tokaji


00:29:575 - Map this part? o.o


Map 'til the end (like in Hard).

00:29:575 - Map this part? o.o
01:09:575 (6) - Add a repeat.


00:13:375 - Start a normal-hitsound type section here?

Not bad, +star
Topic Starter
Yuji Tokaji
Thanks Farto.

Card N'FoRcE
Quick Recheck

Video Offset 500.

I rechecked the maps and i can say that they're better now, but i still have my impression that they feel somewhat "weird".
It seems it's just me, your maps just give me that impression and i dunno why xD

Anyway, starring now.
Topic Starter
Yuji Tokaji

looks great/Easy

Looks Great/normal

00:37:775 (2,3,4) - move these to the left a little, so it's perfectly positioned, to understand what i mean, try flipping 4 horizontally, and u see it doesn't fit with 1 too well

and that's all, really great map, also BLACK CAT!!!
Topic Starter
Yuji Tokaji
Thanks for you double star :33

Here's your mod~

I felt like an offset of 160 played better.




Just a bit of an offset tweak there. Nothing much to comment on, other than the offset change. Have a star
Topic Starter
Yuji Tokaji
Thanks for your mod, but I prefer current offset.

Hitsounds are very quiet.


00:06:575 (3) - New combo?
00:30:975 (2) - What's this supposed to be following? 1/2 shorter or 1/2 longer.


00:13:775 to 00:25:375 - This doesn't make much sense. I'm not sure what to say, but if I were to mod it, it wouldn't resemble anything like it is now... Mind you, neither do the choruses. I think you were trying to follow the lyrics but don't quite... I really don't know.


A lot of those 1/4 triples make little to no sense musically, I'd get rid of the majority of them.
Anime is a useless tag as it exists as a genre, remove it.

[All difficulites]
Even if I know you ended it when she stopped singing it's just feels wrong right now.

Please decide on one thing you follow for the most part, all those switches between the vocals and the other music is very confusing and not fun.

This Is more like an Normal imo

I think it would be better if you ended the difficulity at 01:17:375 or 01:30:175.

00:00:575 (1,3) - Please make these sliders symmetrical to each other, It bugs me how it is right now.
00:07:375 (4) - (Suggestion) Remove this circle. (Change the spacing afterwards if you do this.)
00:27:175 (1) - I think this plays better if you make this 1/2 shorter and move it 1/2 forward on the timeline.
00:58:175 (1,2) - Please make these sliders symmetrical too
01:01:375 (2,3) - Move down a grid.

I think it would be better if you ended the difficulity at 01:17:375 or 01:30:175.

00:01:575 (2) - Please move this 1/2 backwards on the timeline.
00:03:975 (2,3) - Remove (3) and move (2) forward by 1/2 as this doesn't make that much sense to the music. (Compared to what I suggested)
00:20:375 (4,5) - Move 2 grids up maybe?
00:47:575 (5) - It's kinda hard to hear that you followed the lyrics with those unfitting whistles, remove them.... Although I think it plays better if you remove this and place a circle at 00:47:775.

Also, the stuff DiamondCrash said is a big problem.
When 50% of the map doesn't make much sense it's something wrong.


00:56:575 (5) - Eww touching the HP bar

Bit hesitant to star this and because of I kinda want to see this better I won't star this for now.
Topic Starter
Yuji Tokaji

DiamondCrash wrote:

Hitsounds are very quiet.


00:06:575 (3) - New combo?
00:30:975 (2) - What's this supposed to be following? 1/2 shorter or 1/2 longer.


00:13:775 to 00:25:375 - This doesn't make much sense. I'm not sure what to say, but if I were to mod it, it wouldn't resemble anything like it is now... Mind you, neither do the choruses. I think you were trying to follow the lyrics but don't quite... I really don't know.


A lot of those 1/4 triples make little to no sense musically, I'd get rid of the majority of them.
Okay, thanks.


Xgor wrote:

Anime is a useless tag as it exists as a genre, remove it.

[All difficulites]
Even if I know you ended it when she stopped singing it's just feels wrong right now.

Please decide on one thing you follow for the most part, all those switches between the vocals and the other music is very confusing and not fun.

This Is more like an Normal imo

I think it would be better if you ended the difficulity at 01:17:375 or 01:30:175.

00:00:575 (1,3) - Please make these sliders symmetrical to each other, It bugs me how it is right now.
00:07:375 (4) - (Suggestion) Remove this circle. (Change the spacing afterwards if you do this.)
00:27:175 (1) - I think this plays better if you make this 1/2 shorter and move it 1/2 forward on the timeline.
00:58:175 (1,2) - Please make these sliders symmetrical too
01:01:375 (2,3) - Move down a grid.

I think it would be better if you ended the difficulity at 01:17:375 or 01:30:175.

00:01:575 (2) - Please move this 1/2 backwards on the timeline.
00:03:975 (2,3) - Remove (3) and move (2) forward by 1/2 as this doesn't make that much sense to the music. (Compared to what I suggested)
00:20:375 (4,5) - Move 2 grids up maybe?
00:47:575 (5) - It's kinda hard to hear that you followed the lyrics with those unfitting whistles, remove them.... Although I think it plays better if you remove this and place a circle at 00:47:775.

Also, the stuff DiamondCrash said is a big problem.
When 50% of the map doesn't make much sense it's something wrong.


00:56:575 (5) - Eww touching the HP bar

Bit hesitant to star this and because of I kinda want to see this better I won't star this for now.

Mapper 31
May I make taiko diff?
Topic Starter
Yuji Tokaji
No, sorry.
  1. You need TAGs.
  2. I would love to hear more hitsounds on the ending part of the song on every difficulty.
  3. Timing might be wrong? Asked Card N' FoRcE and I was right~
  1. Overall Difficulty +1 please.
00:27:175 (7) - Add New Cobmo.
00:27:775 (1) - Remove New Combo.
01:09:175 (7) - Add New Combo.
01:09:975 (1) - Remove New Combo.

  1. Map till the end.
  1. Map till the end.
00:27:175 (1) - Remove New Combo.
01:02:575 (1) - ^

Card N'FoRcE
Seems like there were some timing issues i didn't notice ;~;

After a recheck, here's a timing that worked great to me (Average peaks -2/+1ms, Insane SS'd)

BPM: 150,000; offset: 565
BPM: 150,000; offset: 26158
BPM: 150,000; offset: 54904
Topic Starter
Yuji Tokaji

GladiOol wrote:

  1. You need TAGs.
  2. I would love to hear more hitsounds on the ending part of the song on every difficulty.
  3. Timing might be wrong? Asked Card N' FoRcE and I was right~
  1. Overall Difficulty +1 please.
00:27:175 (7) - Add New Cobmo.
00:27:775 (1) - Remove New Combo.
01:09:175 (7) - Add New Combo.
01:09:975 (1) - Remove New Combo.

  1. Map till the end.
  1. Map till the end.
00:27:175 (1) - Remove New Combo.
01:02:575 (1) - ^


Mod Fixed.

Card N'FoRcE wrote:

Seems like there were some timing issues i didn't notice ;~;

After a recheck, here's a timing that worked great to me (Average peaks -2/+1ms, Insane SS'd)

BPM: 150,000; offset: 565
BPM: 150,000; offset: 26158
BPM: 150,000; offset: 54904

Timing Fixed.
Tomoka Rin
Topic Starter
Yuji Tokaji
Thanks for your star.

00:02:965 (4) - Spacing.

Card N'FoRcE wrote:

Seems like there were some timing issues i didn't notice ;~;

After a recheck, here's a timing that worked great to me (Average peaks -2/+1ms, Insane SS'd)

BPM: 150,000; offset: 565
BPM: 150,000; offset: 26158
BPM: 150,000; offset: 54904
I disagree. These timing points actually threw me off and had to delete them in order to testplay it. It sounds offbeat with it. I'm not a timing expert, but if someone can confirm this, then please do.
Topic Starter
Yuji Tokaji

Takuma wrote:


00:02:965 (4) - Spacing.

Mod fixed.

Card N'FoRcE wrote:

Seems like there were some timing issues i didn't notice ;~;

After a recheck, here's a timing that worked great to me (Average peaks -2/+1ms, Insane SS'd)

BPM: 150,000; offset: 565
BPM: 150,000; offset: 26158
BPM: 150,000; offset: 54904
I disagree. These timing points actually threw me off and had to delete them in order to testplay it. It sounds offbeat with it. I'm not a timing expert, but if someone can confirm this, then please do.

I ask to Lybydose for check timing.
Timing seems good if you use one section:

150.00 BPM
565 Offset

With this timing I could SS it with Hidden (well, I could if I wasn't bad and randomly missed 4 notes and didn't have to totally guess when to hit the first note because the music hasn't started yet)

As the map is right now, the 3rd section is way off, I get like 90% mistimed hits in that part, and it sounds bad even at 100% speed.
Card N'FoRcE
I wonder why i got that timing.
Redownloading the map gave me a totally different result, maybe something got screwed up D:

Sorry for giving you wrong timing D:
Topic Starter
Yuji Tokaji
No problem.
Simple map :]

00:02:965 (4) - Isn't fixed yet
Topic Starter
Yuji Tokaji

congrats! ;)
Topic Starter
Yuji Tokaji
Yeaah !

Thanks guys ^.^
God , ta map est dans les mosts played !!

4252 plays.

GG !!! :D
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