
Mitei no Gekko - Feast

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Topic Starter
This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 12 มกราคม 2555 at 23:52:22

Artist: Mitei no Gekko
Title: Feast
Source: touhou
Tags: touhou piano broken moon ibuki suika
BPM: 100
Filesize: 2228kb
Play Time: 01:52
Difficulties Available:
  1. Easy (2.39 stars, 136 notes)
  2. Hard (4.47 stars, 284 notes)
  3. Normal (4.11 stars, 183 notes)
Download: Mitei no Gekko - Feast
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
this is Broken Moon, Piano Version. :)
My first beatmap, thanks to AngerShana, regenz, termerys and AsprikaQ for their help at the starting point.

Source's Song Info
i decided to use circle's name as artist. someone please check this if it's right or not. :?
Circle : 流派未確定
Title : 宴
Url :

oh, i don't have much confidence in my english skill, i hope it's not weird or wrong :?
Fixed Issues
*reupload due to normal diff problem 7/01/2012
*a bit easier normal diff 7/1/2012
*full length of beatmap on normal diff same as hard diff 7/01/2012
*add easy diff 8/01/2012
*normal diff is harder 08/01/2012
*hard diff fixed - thx to AsprikaQ 08/01/2012
*hard diff fixed a bit 08/01/2012
*soft silder sound changed - thx to AsprikaQ and regenz 08/01/2012
*longer lead-in 08/01/2012
*reupload soft slider sound - thx to 0OoMickeyoO0 08/01/2012
*longer lead-in for easy and normal diff same as hard diff - thx to 0OoMickeyoO0 08/01/2012
*slider tick rate : 2 - thx to dragonxcz 09/01/2012
*easy diff fixed - thx to Starry and No_Gu 09/01/2012
*normal diff fixed - thx to dragonxcz, Starry and No_Gu 09/01/2012
*hard diff fixed - thx to Starry and No_Gu 09/01/2012
*easy diff is fixed a lot!, the beginning is changed, overall is harder 09/01/2012
*normal diff fixed a bit 09/01/2012
*all diff have higher beat sound by 10% 09/01/2012
*fix timing - thx to Scorpiour 10/10/2012
*set preview time - thx to Scorpiour 10/10/2012
*fix stack leniency, east and normal diff to 7, hard diff to 4 - thx to Scorpiour 10/10/2012
*lead-in easy and normal diff fixed to 1 sec - thx to Scorpiour 10/10/2012
*song setup's difficulty fixed - thx to Scorpiour 10/10/2012
*kiai time fixed to be really same time on all diff - thx to Scorpiour 10/10/2012
*slider multipliers on all diff fixed - thx to Scorpiour 10/10/2012
*easy diff fixed - thx to Scorpiour 10/10/2012
*reconstruct hit sounds pattern on easy diff - thx to Scorpiour 10/10/2012
*normal diff fixed - thx to Scorpiour 10/10/2012
*reconstruct hit sounds pattern on normal diff - thx to Scorpiour 10/10/2012
*hard diff fixed - thx to Scorpiour 10/10/2012
*reconstruct hit sounds pattern on hard diff - thx to Scorpiour 10/10/2012
*remove all clap hitsounds and fix to fit the song on hard diff 11/10/2012
*reduce hit sounds' volume and set a new combo on hard diff 11/10/2012
*remove all clap hitsounds and fix to fit the song on easy and normal diff 11/10/2012
*reduce hit sounds' volume on easy and normal diff 11/10/2012
*add more finish hit sounds on every diff 12/10/2012
*fix after break offset to be more precise! try test it :3
note : finally finished Scorpiour's modding, it's seems a lot better on general things now!
note2 : going to fix normal and easy diff's hit sounds as well as hard diff
Modding second time for me! :D

It's all suggestion you may fixes or not

Offset 154


00:00:154 - 00:00:754 - May be add 3 notes 'cuz there are some sound
00:00:154 (1,2,3,4) - Add whistle
00:07:954 (5) - Use note instead of this. I can hear many of sound and also add whistle
00:13:354 (7) - Use note instead of this.
00:22:354 (8) - New Combo
00:23:554 (10) - Added whistle
00:32:254 (6) - New Combo
00:37:204 (1) - This spinner should start at 00:37:354 (1) - and end 00:39:454
00:47:854 (1) - remove new combo
00:49:354 (1) - New combo
00:54:154 (10) - New combo
01:02:097 (1) - New combo
01:00:188 (1) - From this on I would prefer to use Logic Sound by place Clap at second and fourth white line. Also fixed the whistle.
Use this to help
01:06:188 (1) - Use note instead of this spinner
01:12:171 (8) - Remove Finish
01:13:807 (1) - Remove Finish
01:46:142 (6) - Remove this note.
01:50:352 (2) - Remove clap
01:52:398 (6) - Remove Finish
Oh I just forgot one thing

Added this sound(one that I attach) to your beatmap folder and change sound from Soft Default to Soft Custom 1. It makes sounds a lot better.

Credit for this sound will go to regenz.

Topic Starter

AsprikaQ wrote:

Modding second time for me! :D

It's all suggestion you may fixes or not

Offset 154


00:00:154 - 00:00:754 - May be add 3 notes 'cuz there are some sound
00:00:154 (1,2,3,4) - Add whistle
00:07:954 (5) - Use note instead of this. I can hear many of sound and also add whistle
00:13:354 (7) - Use note instead of this.
00:22:354 (8) - New Combo
00:23:554 (10) - Added whistle
00:32:254 (6) - New Combo
00:37:204 (1) - This spinner should start at 00:37:354 (1) - and end 00:39:454
00:47:854 (1) - remove new combo
00:49:354 (1) - New combo
00:54:154 (10) - New combo
01:02:097 (1) - New combo
01:00:188 (1) - From this on I would prefer to use Logic Sound by place Clap at second and fourth white line. Also fixed the whistle.
Use this to help
01:06:188 (1) - Use note instead of this spinner
01:12:171 (8) - Remove Finish
01:13:807 (1) - Remove Finish
01:46:142 (6) - Remove this note.
01:50:352 (2) - Remove clap
01:52:398 (6) - Remove Finish
very straight suggestion you have here
but it's seem very reasonable for many points too! Thanks a LOT! :D
Ibuki Suika
star for broken moon

Slider tick rate: 2 - it's better with music.


Try more style, don't make all linear.
Request from queue~ <3

I think you should play around with the notes because the map seems very boring when its just linear


00:22:937 (4) - New combo here
00:27:737 (4) - ^
01:37:261 (6) - ^
01:41:625 (4) - ^

Not much, Since song is short and not a lot of mapping.


00:06:737 (4) - New combo
00:07:937 (7) - ^
00:11:537 (4) - ^
00:27:137 (8) - ^
00:30:737 (4) - ^
01:26:898 (4) - ^
01:27:989 (7) - ^
01:36:716 (5) - ^


00:12:437 (4) - New combo
01:25:261 (1) - Remove new combo
01:26:898 (4) - ^
01:27:989 (7) - ^
01:30:171 (6) - ^
01:36:716 (6) - ^
01:44:352 (6) - ^

I could only find combo problems, But everything else is fine~ owo
Good Luck~
request from my queue

00:01:337 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5) - move 3.5 to center
01:33:989 (1) - spacing

00:06:737 (4) - spacing
00:07:937 (7) - NC
00:57:737 useless green line,only set something at red line is enough
01:03:443 (10) - spacing
01:24:716 (5) - ^
01:36:716 (5) - NC
01:50:352 (5) - too far

01:19:261 (9) - NC
Topic Starter
thank you so much for everybody's modding
i agree and have it fixed with almost every suggestion. however i disagree with some point too.
you can recheck it if you want. (yeah, if you want. :P )

oh, and about it seems too linear, i'll do something about it too since there are 2 comments about that
it may be not changed noticeably but i'll try my best

have a nice day!
Hi there, mod from queue~~
Please reply this post to tell me where u change or not, thx:)

  1. Timing error! Your second red line is not snap to downbeat, and wrong bpm, i try to test it for u:
    Timing Points:
    BPM=65, offset=58024
    BPM=25.4, offset=59580
    maybe not exactly, but i suppose here should be two red lines
  2. You must set a preview time for ur mapset, and make them same in all diffs. You can find it in timing menu
  3. Please check ur SliderMultipliers of All diffs in .osu file, they're strange now and maybe unrankable.
  4. Stack Leniency = 2 is unrankable, please fix it
  5. Kiai time are not the same, u must make them same in all diffs (except guest diffs)
  6. Overall Difficulty (OD) is not allowed to higher than Approach Rate (AR), and it is highly recommended to make OD lower than AR at least 1.
  7. Audio Lead-in are not the same, and i suppose u can set ur audio lead-in to 1s in Easy and Normal diff, and keep 2.5s in Hard.
  1. HP-4,OD-4,AR-2, too high for an easy diff, and od > ar means unrankable
  2. Your hit sounds is...err...really mess. I highly recommend you to make them consistent. Using white/red line to find out where you should put hit sounds. Generally, from downbeats (Long white line), there will be 4 white lines , and we call the first one (the long white) as 1, and then 2,3,4. For instance, when u put hit sounds, u can put whistle on 2/4, or w2,c4; of course, u can also choose 1/3 as well. Finishes are always put on downbeats, and only special downbeats.
  3. 00:05:537 (1,2) - i'd like to reduce the length of them, just from white line to white line, it's heard weird now.
  4. 00:18:137 (5) - the finish here is noisy, please reduce the volumn, and other finishes' volumn D:
  5. 00:32:537 (2,3,4,5) - confusing pattern for an easy diff, 00:34:937 (1,2,3,4) - is much better
  6. 01:07:261 (4,5,6) - ^
  7. 01:31:807 (3,4,5,6) - this pattern is unrankable for an easy diff. Remember, don't use overlap or stack in easy diff, because easy diff is make for beginners, and these pattern are to hard for them. And, this rules is same for Normal diff.
  1. similar problems as Easy. And, HP=8? omg it must be mad...HP3,AR4,OD3 is reasonable difficulty for a normal diff but HP8 is...err...i'm sorry, it's absurd...
  2. I just go through this diff rapidly, please fix all stacks and overlaps which are not allowed for a Normal diff.
  1. Them main problem is hit sounds and Difficulty as other diffs. i suppose HP6 AR7 OD6 is fit for this diff
  2. 00:16:187 (4) - it's heard good, why not use it in other part? for example, 00:23:537 (3,4,5) - and 00:33:137 (4,5,6) - , there're five notes, and such a reverse slider is fit for these parts:)
  3. 00:43:937 (1) - from here, it's really boring, no change on beats or style...please make it more funny and attractive
  4. 00:56:987 - remove this short break
  5. 01:34:261 - - boring again, but a little better than prev one.
that's all.
i suppose it is ur first map. Mapping is really a hard work and u should prepare for it, good luck:)
Topic Starter
epic modding is epic! (am i say it correctly ? :) )

i really need an amount of time to understand those thing
so i can't tell you now where to change it or not (what is main requirements will surely on the way),

thank you so much for these. i'll fix it as fast as i can.

May i ask you something please?
i don't understand this line.

Please check ur SliderMultipliers of All diffs in .osu file, they're strange now and maybe unrankable.

how to check it ? i can't use in-game tool to fix this ?
and which is okay and not okay ? i worry about it so much
the other things seems perfectly fine for me to have them fixed.
Please open ur .osu file in ur song's folder with notepad, and find out SliderMultipliers.

generally, there should be only one or two digits after point.
Topic Starter

Scorpiour wrote:

Please open ur .osu file in ur song's folder with notepad, and find out SliderMultipliers.

generally, there should be only one or two digits after point.
roger that!

11/10/2012 : everything has been fixed now! thank you so much for your effort and information. have a nice day!
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