FIRST!: Don't look at this as a thread for me to try to justify everything I've done, it's not. I'm making this thread to show you guys who I really am.
So, a little about me, and why I did as I did.
Since I was 4 the doctors has been suspecting I've been suffering from Mythomania, or 'Pseudologia Fantastica' which you can read about here
Yes, I'm a liar. I won't say that that is the whole reason for me taking it so long, it's just a factor. An important one that is.
However tho, I'm writing this in a moment of truthfullness, which I tend to have now and then.
So, most of you guys knows me as Danzai. And that's it. Actually... Everyone know me as Danzai on here, for the past year or so.
But, Danzai is not me. Or well, the personality belongs to me, but the pictures do not, nor a lot of what I've said about what I work as, my education.... And my age have varied from 20-25.
This has brought a lot of confusion upon you guys, which I neccesarly haven't done to be a douche, it's more like impulses from what I'm suffering from that I can't controll.
Quote from wiki: "The fabricative tendency is long lasting; it is not provoked by the immediate situation or social pressure as much as it is an innate trait of the personality."
I'm not going to list up everything I've said in the time I've been here, make a list and say "true/untrue", that would be silly.
My lies are not taken from thin air, all my lies have a little bit of truth in it. What I usually do is to twist them to sound better, in my favor.
As you probaly have figured, every single thing I've said, have been in favor to me. Some might have been suspicios, or well. That's just a feeling I get.
Last, but not least. All the picture of me, is not me.
It's my cousin. I know. I really do, that this is an horrible thing to do. Both against you, and my cousin. However, he knew all along that I was using them, and that is all cleared up now.
I hope this give a bit insight in me, and this is what I want to be remembered as, honest. Since that is what I strive to achieve in real life. I'm tired of lying about every single thing, but god help me. There are nothing I can do about it. Or well there is, but that's a slow process I'm working on. By f.ex making this thread.
Thanks for reading... And a couple of things.
1: DON'T FLAME. Yeah, I know. I know some might want to tear me inside out right now. But think about it before you do. Or best of all, don't say anything. Silence hurts more than any offensive word.
2: I will respond to questions that has a meaning, and are not made to make me look worse than I already do.
FIRST!: Don't look at this as a thread for me to try to justify everything I've done, it's not. I'm making this thread to show you guys who I really am.
So, a little about me, and why I did as I did.
Since I was 4 the doctors has been suspecting I've been suffering from Mythomania, or 'Pseudologia Fantastica' which you can read about here
Yes, I'm a liar. I won't say that that is the whole reason for me taking it so long, it's just a factor. An important one that is.
However tho, I'm writing this in a moment of truthfullness, which I tend to have now and then.
So, most of you guys knows me as Danzai. And that's it. Actually... Everyone know me as Danzai on here, for the past year or so.
But, Danzai is not me. Or well, the personality belongs to me, but the pictures do not, nor a lot of what I've said about what I work as, my education.... And my age have varied from 20-25.
This has brought a lot of confusion upon you guys, which I neccesarly haven't done to be a douche, it's more like impulses from what I'm suffering from that I can't controll.
Quote from wiki: "The fabricative tendency is long lasting; it is not provoked by the immediate situation or social pressure as much as it is an innate trait of the personality."
I'm not going to list up everything I've said in the time I've been here, make a list and say "true/untrue", that would be silly.
My lies are not taken from thin air, all my lies have a little bit of truth in it. What I usually do is to twist them to sound better, in my favor.
As you probaly have figured, every single thing I've said, have been in favor to me. Some might have been suspicios, or well. That's just a feeling I get.
Last, but not least. All the picture of me, is not me.
It's my cousin. I know. I really do, that this is an horrible thing to do. Both against you, and my cousin. However, he knew all along that I was using them, and that is all cleared up now.
I hope this give a bit insight in me, and this is what I want to be remembered as, honest. Since that is what I strive to achieve in real life. I'm tired of lying about every single thing, but god help me. There are nothing I can do about it. Or well there is, but that's a slow process I'm working on. By f.ex making this thread.
Thanks for reading... And a couple of things.
1: DON'T FLAME. Yeah, I know. I know some might want to tear me inside out right now. But think about it before you do. Or best of all, don't say anything. Silence hurts more than any offensive word.
2: I will respond to questions that has a meaning, and are not made to make me look worse than I already do.