
The (osu!) Mole [Episode 3: Spelling C's]

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The easy way:

Post who has sent in their quiz answers so we (the active-ish players) can bug them.

Or, send them a PM. Don't rely on them to be paying attention.
Sorreee, my PCs diededed. I just sent my quiz answers ;|
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The first execution video is up. Good luck, everyone.

The video can be found here.

gamerrox wrote:

The first execution video is up. Good luck, everyone.

The video can be found here.
Private >:(
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Really? So links don't work...damn. Going to fix that. (soon)
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Wait, 2 people died? Really? (MittenMasterzz and kuwarudo)

Zekira wrote:

Wait, 2 people died? Really? (MittenMasterzz and kuwarudo)
I can't view uTub videos.

What's happenin' guise. D=
[deleted user]
MittenMasterzz and Kuwarudo were both executed. I thought that after the first one it was over and almost missed my name being typed.
kuwardo's the first to go... again? Stop getting yourself killed, you fool.

gamerrox wrote:

The first execution video is up. Good luck, everyone.

The video can be found here.

That was epicly boring.

Please just make a post about it.

I feel asleep watching 10 seconds. Set your resolution to blah blah blah.

emole wrote:

MittenMasterzz and Kuwarudo were both executed.
I'll have to trust you on that one.
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I was going to add audio but got lazy. (And couldn't find it)
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Alright, time to get this ball rolling!

The first episode was simply to get to know your fellow players, this is when the actual game begins.

Episode 2 is where we will introduce the "pot". Over your time in this game, you will have several co-operative missions where you must all work together to earn money for the "pot". If you fail to earn money for the pot or lose money out of it, it goes to the "Mole Bank". Your goal as a player is not only to be the last player remaining, but also have more cash in your pot than in the Mole Bank. At the end of the game, if the Mole has more cash in their bank than the players have in the pot, then the Mole has won their own objective.

Perhaps it's time for a new mission.
Before we proceed, I need two players to step forward.
Two players who "have good co-ordination".
Once I know of the two players that have stepped forward, we will proceed with the mission.

If it involves playing osu! I can't do it 'cus I can't play osu! at the moment.

Otherwise, yeah.
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strager wrote:

Otherwise, yeah.
Good enough for me.
[deleted user]
I'll say me.
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Relay for Death
$15,000 Mission

Alright, this first "co-op" mission requires a LOT of co-ordination with the entire team. Your goal as a team is to send me 50 PMs counting from 1-50. However, there is a pattern you MUST follow strictly, or the PMs will not count.

strager and emole have been considered as the players with "good co-ordination" for this mission. They will be starting off. The goal is for the two chosen players to PM me back and forth. For instance, strager will PM me #1 and emole will PM me #2. It alternates, so strager will then PM me #3. If a number is skipped or something makes the PMs out of pattern, I will not accept those PMs that are out of pattern.

Because it is difficult for two players to do this entire mission, you are allowed to switch players positions. However, the player who is switching OUT MUST PM me that they ARE switching out and WHO is taking their place. After that, the player switching IN may proceed with the counting. If I fail to receive a PM about a switch, I will assume the same two players are keeping their roles and any PMs coming from anyone else will not count.

We will start with strager and then emole. This missions requires communication and that everyone understands what they are doing and what position they are in. I will NOT give updates on the PMs UNTIL all 50 correct PMs are sent in. You will not know if you are doing it correctly.

For PM'ing me a number, simply make the topic title of the PM the number that you are counting, anything can be inside the PM as long as the number is also in the PM body. If you PM me a switch, make sure somewhere in your title has the word "switch" in it.

Example PMs
Title: 1
Counting first with 1 -strager

Title: 2
2 -emole

(Switching out)
Title: Switching out
I'm going to switch out and gamerrox will be taking my place.

You have 72 hours to complete your task, which is at about 9:30 PM PST on September 4.

gamerrox wrote:

Example PMs
Title: 1
Counting first with 1 -strager

Title: 2
2 -emole
Are these just examples or the required format?

Do I have to write "Counting third with 3 -strager" or some shit like that? Fugly.
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strager wrote:

gamerrox wrote:

Example PMs
Title: 1
Counting first with 1 -strager

Title: 2
2 -emole
Are these just examples or the required format?

Do I have to write "Counting third with 3 -strager" or some shit like that? Fugly.
Just examples of what you can say, but the title must be labeled with the number you are counting.
Where the fuck are you, emole.

I posted #3. Jesus.
Why don't you two just get on irc and send all the pm's in one go?
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[deleted user]
Sorry I completely forgot. My bad.
[deleted user]
Want me to switch off with somebody?
I ended up doing it with strager. I continued since 10, can be verified. I almost went mental. Never. Again.

So yeah, it's done now.
[deleted user]
Good job, guys. Sorry I was unable to continue. Did you get it done in time?
Dunno. We haven't heard from fagbag gamerrox.
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Congratulations on the job. You guys did this really well.
strager played for the whole game while emole played from 1-9 and Ekura took over for him for the rest of 10-50. You guys are off to a fantastic start with $15,000 in the pot.

Before we proceed with our next mission, I need someone who is a "great scavenger" and someone else who is a "geometric wiz".

gamerrox wrote:


gamerrox wrote:

Before we proceed with our next mission, I need someone who is a "great scavenger" and someone else who is a "geometric wiz".
I guess I can fit either.
Scavenger reporting for duty~
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Before we continue, I need everyone except for the scavenger hunter (which is DxS) to PM me THREE INTERESTING FACTS about them that not that many people know about. Once I receive them, we may proceed with the mission.
Do they have to be interesting?
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Something that not many people know about you.
Sleep Powder

gamerrox wrote:

Before we continue, I need everyone except for the scavenger hunter (which is DxS) to PM me THREE INTERESTING FACTS about them that not that many people know about. Once I receive them, we may proceed with the mission.
This sounds fun~
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