
[Archived] Endless scrolling the beatmap list

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Osu! scrolls the whole beatmap list and does not stop. It only stops when the bancho is on, but when i turn it off - mega scroll again. I tried restarting osu! several times, but it doesn`t works. My mouse and other things are normal. What shall i do now?
Where is your mouse when it scrolls? Does it scroll up or down? How quickly or slowly?
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It spins very fast, and it doesn`t matter where is my mouse. Even if it in the middle and not going anywhere...
Have you got any external controllers plugged in? joypads, joysticks etc. That could be causing it I guess.
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No, i do not.
This lag appears not always. I have logged several times, and sometimes it spins, sometimes not. I played normally today, but when i tried it a bit later it lagged again. :(
I had that problem too. But only once. After restart all goes normally. :)
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This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
Check that "Absolute Scrolling" is unchecked under Selection Options on the song selection list. Also check that your F2 key is working right.
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