
Define what combo has what combo color. [Added]

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This is a feature request. Feature requests can be voted up by supporters.
Current Priority: +0
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I recently started playing the DS Games again and noticed they have a pattern going on in song colors. Like the first few parts of the song they use yellow and blue colors and then at the chorus they switch to red combo's and stuff.

It would be nice to see this be implemented in osu! too :)
That would actually be pretty cool, and mappers would be able to define their beatmaps even more.

support ^_^
i cant find the topic, and im not sure if the topic was about that, however i think i read a feature request somewhere that at every red time stamp you should be able to change combo colors. i dont know if it got denied or not.

EDIT: what metalmario said in this post below me was what i meant ^^
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Support. I've been wanting something like this for a while ._.;
I can see this being used badly, and just being another annoying thing to mod. If used correctly it could be nice, but we have things like kiai time for extra touches on the chorus sections.
Topic Starter

foulcoon wrote:

I can see this being used badly, and just being another annoying thing to mod. If used correctly it could be nice, but we have things like kiai time for extra touches on the chorus sections.
Its not only that. Its also a original feature in the DS games and I think it should be in the game.

There is a easy fix for abuse though. Just make sure they can't select the color of the previous combo (or color grade)
If you're modding and you see there is an issue with combo colours, point it out. Otherwise, don't. You don't need to look for problems there unless you're approving the map.
I'm starting to think that this style of implementation has its merits, since it would allow you to honour the hitcircle colours provided by the skin. It would also be easier to implement.

And epic bump.
Shouldn't one of these be considered a duplicate? ;|
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
SUPPORT! Some songs look a lot nicer with specific colors in specific parts~
Neo Adonis
I wanna see that. I could look so good!

Implementation thoughts:

I'm imagining that a "combo count" value is kept and incremented each time an object with a New Combo marker is found. Combo colours are chosen by taking the mod-4 (or however many colours there happen to be) and looking up the corresponding RGB value in an array.

Mask a 4-bit "combo offset value" onto the "hit object type" field. (Hang onto this separately when the beatmap is parsed.) When an object with a New Combo marker is encountered, in addition to incrementing the counter, offset it by this new value.

GUI ideas:
1. Lazy: Double-click the New Combo button to increment the combo offset. If it reaches ColourCount - 2, set it to 0.
2. Fancy: Make the New Combo button expand into a menu, showing a choice of colours.

MetalMario201 wrote:

Implementation thoughts:

I'm imagining that a "combo count" value is kept and incremented each time an object with a New Combo marker is found. Combo colours are chosen by taking the mod-4 (or however many colours there happen to be) and looking up the corresponding RGB value in an array.

Mask a 4-bit "combo offset value" onto the "hit object type" field. (Hang onto this separately when the beatmap is parsed.) When an object with a New Combo marker is encountered, in addition to incrementing the counter, offset it by this new value.

GUI ideas:
1. Lazy: Double-click the New Combo button to increment the combo offset. If it reaches ColourCount - 2, set it to 0.
2. Fancy: Make the New Combo button expand into a menu, showing a choice of colours.
I see what you're saying, but I don't see how this would work.

I say, reserve maybe four bits (that should be enough, and is what you use) in the hit object line. This specifies combo colour. 0 = default/auto-increment; otherwise, set that combo's colour to the colour in the LUT given by this value (bleh English). The value would be effective only in the first object in a combo.

For the UI, I think a drop-down colour picker of all the normal combo colours, and an "auto" option, would work.
How the fuck do you specify 4-bits in a CSV format :P. Just use a new number and be happy with it. That said, I'm have no comment on this feature and see it being quite low prio.
I still don't see how this isn't a duplicate of the other request. i.e., What is being requested here would possible in the other request according to my understanding.

So I must be wrong... :o
You're already masking single bits onto there to decide the type of object / whether it's a New Combo.

Baby Cruisin' Love [Normal] is missing not having this since the lights don't line up with the combo colours.
I honestly prefer MM201's original request of being able to change colours on new timing sections. It's been mentioned that it would be especially useful for marathons/medleys and the such. And if new colours aren't specified at a new timing section, continue with the current colour set. That idea I definitely support, and see as being useful in a number of scenarios.

I don't support being able to change individual combo colours whenever you want though. I see it as something that would probably be too easy to mistake. And subsequently see myself, and very likely other finicky mappers, spending hours in cleanup after realizing that we've accidentally screwed up the order of our combo colours.
Edit / Reset Combo Colour Ordering

And I'm tired of my combo colours being so untidy. I want the same colours for the same patterns.
This was actually one of the biggest challenge I had when I was making my LQGR - OMG maps.

The way Combo color works is with a flag, which is 1 or 5 for hitcircles (1 being keep same color, 5 is go to next color), and for sliders, its 2 and 6. I'd actually be interested to know why it was made like this, but anyways.

Point is, I think it would be better if you could choose a number between 1 and 5 (which corresponds to the combo color #), and each of them is the specific color. Of course, by default, the in-game editor would be almost similar, with the only difference that you can keep on hitting new combo color to swap through the 5 different colors.

But I'd understand that backward compability could be a big issue here.

EDIT: fff I didn't read the entire thread, oh well I think mine is pretty similar to MM's, but more with the actual .osu code.
It's bit masking.

The first 2 bits and the 4th determine the type of object; the 3rd, if set, makes it a New Combo.

HitObjectValue = (IsHitCircle ? 1 : 0) | (IsSlider ? 2 : 0) | (IsSpinner ? 8 : 0) | (NewCombo ? 4 : 0);

My proposition would have added another term:
HitObjectValue |= ((NewComboOffset & 0x0f) << 4);

It's actually kind of silly that 3 bits are used to pick which kind of hit object it is. Since it can only be one of three kinds of objects, only 2 bits are really needed.

MetalMario201 wrote:

It's actually kind of silly that 3 bits are used to pick which kind of hit object it is. Since it can only be one of three kinds of objects, only 2 bits are really needed.
But what about my spinning sliders? =[
Funny how I forgot to mark [Added].
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