
Channel indication for highlighting [Resolved]

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This is a feature request. Feature requests can be voted up by supporters.
Current Priority: +0
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Duplicate of: viewtopic.php?f=4&t=14410

I have this little quirk all the time. I'm on #osu!, #mod, #forumshit, and sending IRC PMs to 3 different people. Everytime someone says something, the channel window gets updated. That's fun and handy, right? and when osu! isn't the active thing on your PC, the icon in your start bar flashes when someone highlights you with your name/tags. Now what I'd like is the channel window where I was highlighted to flash/become a certain colour aswell, this would be good, since I don't have to szearch every conversation for my name/tags.

Since highlighted messages are greem, my idea is to have the channel in which you were highlighted become more green. Any support on this?

See the Image for a crappy paint rendition of the idea.

Sounds nice, can reduce a bit of confusion at times.
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