
How to Run osu! on Your Mac without using Boot Camp

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This (very detailed) guide will show you how to run osu! on Mac OS X without using Boot Camp.

Boot Camp is probably the best way to run osu!, unless you have some issues that prevent you from using Boot Camp / you want to run OS X and osu! at the same time.

This guide is split up into the following sections:
  1. Installing Virtualbox
  2. Configuring Virtualbox
  3. Installing Windows
  4. Installing osu!
  5. Closing Virtualbox Properly / Resuming osu! Play
System Requirements:
  1. A Mac with an Intel Processor (Check >About This Mac...)
  2. A minimum of 1 GB Memory (Also in >About This Mac...)
  3. A minimum of 10 GB of free Hard Disk Space (Highlight the Macintosh HD icon on the desktop and press ⌘I)
  4. A Windows XP disc or a disc image of a Windows XP disc

Installing Virtualbox
  1. Go to

  2. Find the Downloads section located on the left column.

  3. Select the download for Intel Macs.

  4. When the file has downloaded, open the disk image (This may be in your dock in the Downloads stack).

  5. Find and open the "VirtualBox.mpkg" file.

  6. When the Installer prompts you, simply press "Continue".

  7. Agree to the Terms and Conditions and then select the disk Macintosh HD to install to.

  8. After the install completes, you can eject the Virtualbox disk image by selecting it on the desktop and choosing "Eject".

Configuring Virtualbox
  1. Find VirtualBox in your Applications folder and open it.

  2. Select "Machine > New..." or press ⌘N.

  3. Select "Next >".

  4. Enter a name for your virtual machine. You can put anything you want - You can simply use "Windows XP".
    Make sure the Operating System says "Microsoft Windows" and the version says "Windows XP". Press "Next >".

  5. Set 512 MB of RAM to be allocated to the virtual machine. You can use the slider or type the number into the box.

    Select "Next >".

  6. Choose "Create new hard disk" and press "Next >".

  7. Select "Next >".

  8. Select "Dynamically expanding storage" and then click "Next >".

  9. Set the size of the disk to 10.00 GB and then click on the highlighted button.

  10. You should be presented with a dialog that looks like this:

  11. Find a suitable place to store your virtual disk. (If you're using Time Machine, move it to a place that is not backed up by it, as it will munch up your backup drive's space very quickly.)

  12. Click "Next >"...

  13. ...and then "Finish".

  14. Click "Finish".

  15. When you return to the main Virtualbox window, select the newly created virtual machine from the list and then choose "Settings".

  16. You will need to set the Base Memory Size to 512 MB, the Video Memory Size to 32 MB and Enable 3D Acceleration.

  17. Click on the "Storage" tab (1) and select "CD/DVD-ROM" (2).

    Users using a physical disc:
    (If you are using a disc image, skip ahead to "Users using a disk image:")
    1. Check the "Mount CD/DVD Drive" box and select "Host CD/DVD Drive".

    2. Move on to step 18.

    Users using a disc image:
    (If you are using a physical CD, skip ahead to step 18.)

    1. Check the "Mount CD/DVD Drive" box and select "ISO Image File". Select the button that is marked as 3 in the image below:

    2. Click "Add".

    3. Locate your iso disc image (1) and then select "Open" (2).

    4. Make sure the newly added image is highlighted, then press "Select".

    5. Move on to step 18.
  18. Click "OK".

Installing Windows
  1. Press "Start".

  2. Click "OK".
    Important Note: The moment you click inside the machine's window, your mouse and keyboard are captured, meaning OS X won't get any of the key or mouse presses. To release the virtual machine's control, tap the Left Command key.

  3. Press Enter. (This screen may take a while to appear.)

  4. Press F8 to agree to the Licence Agreement.

  5. Make sure the Unpartitioned Space (1) is selected, and then hit Enter.

  6. Select the NTFS Quick option (1) and then hit Enter.

  7. The setup program will begin to set up Windows.

  8. Click "Next".

  9. Enter your name and then click "Next".

  10. Enter your Product Key (1) and then click "Next" (2).
    Please do not ask for Product Keys here, as we will not give them out.

  11. Enter a name for the computer. You can skip this if you want and just click "Next".

  12. Select your Time Zone (1) and click "Next" (2).

  13. Choose "Typical Settings" (1) and then click "Next" (2).

  14. Choose Option 1, then click "Next" (2).

  15. Click "OK"...

  16. ...then click "OK" again.

  17. Click "Next".

  18. Choose "Not right now" (1) and then click "Next" (2).

  19. Click "Skip".

  20. Choose "No" (1) and then click "Next" (1).

  21. Enter a username for the first user (1) and then click "Next" (2).

  22. Click "Finish".

  23. Now tap the left command key once. Go to the Devices menu and choose "Install Guest Additions...".

  24. Choose "Next".

  25. Agree to the Licence Agreement.

  26. Click "Install".

  27. If it prompts you with anything like the following picture, simply click "Continue Anyway".
    If the installation seems to stall, move the installer window around to see if it has hidden something underneath it.

  28. After the installation has finished, choose "Reboot now" (1) and then click "Finish" (2).

  29. The virtual machine will now reboot.

  30. When this dialog comes up, it means it is no longer necessary to use the left command key to move your mouse away from the virtual machine. You may use your mouse as usual. Press "OK".

    If the virtual machine window seems to be too small, you can now drag the bottom-right corner out to make it bigger

Installing osu!
From this point on, the instructions are the same for both Mac and Windows; You may refer to the FAQ for general questions. However, the instructions to run osu! will also be posted here.

  1. Click on the Start button (1) and click on "Internet Explorer" (2).

  2. Go to "".

  3. Click on the "Download" link.

  4. Click on "Download osu! NOW!".

  5. Select "Run".

  6. Allow the file to download...

  7. ...and then click on "Run" again.

    Only follow steps 8 - 13 if it prompts you with a dialog similar to this one. If it does not prompt you, continue at step 14
  8. Click "OK".

  9. .Allow the file to download.

  10. Click "Next".

  11. Accept the Licence Agreement (1) and then click "Install" (2).

  12. Wait for the install to complete.

  13. Click "Finish".

  14. Click "Install".

  15. After the installation completes, check the box marked with the 1 and then click "Finish" (2).

  16. Click "Yes" when it prompts you with this dialog:

  17. Have fun! :)

Closing Virtualbox Properly
There are two ways to do this:
  1. Suspending the Virtual Machine
  2. Shutting Down the Virtual Machine
Both methods will allow you to quit Virtualbox properly.

  1. Suspending the Virtual Machine:
    1. Quit osu!.
    2. Close the Virtualbox window. It will prompt you with a dialog. Choose "Save the Machine State" and click "OK".

    3. This may take a few moments.

    4. After this completes, you may quit Virtualbox.
  2. Shutting Down the Virtual Machine:
    1. Quit osu!.
    2. Click the Start button (1) and then select "Turn Off Computer" (2).

    3. Select "Turn Off".

    4. After this completes, you may quit Virtualbox.

Resuming osu! Play

  1. Start Virtualbox, click on the virtual machine in the list and press "Start".

  2. After it has started up, double-click on the osu! logo on the Desktop to start osu!.
Nice work ! Though I don't have a mac xD
Nice work !

Though I use BootCamp to achieve the same thing. :D
Topic Starter
So do I :P
[deleted user]
if i install windows will it switch all my settings to windows? Is there anyway to isolate it from all my other programs and only use it for osu? sorry for the questions i'm a noob with this.

otakunation wrote:

if i install windows will it switch all my settings to windows? Is there anyway to isolate it from all my other programs and only use it for osu? sorry for the questions i'm a noob with this.
Uh... You ARE isolating...

With this, you're running Windows inside of your Mac OS. The only way Windows can touch your Mac OS is through special means such as file shares (which you configure manually) and sound and video.

Your Mac setup won't be changed when changing settings inside the Windows VM.
Thank you so much for this I've been wanting to install Windows on my mac for a while but haven't been able to find guides that haven't made me paranoid that I would mess it all up and it's just a great install guide in general, thank you so very much!
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Thanks :D I'm glad you liked it

If you find it runs too slowly, you can also simply use Boot Camp to run Windows instead. (Ask me for instructions if you need then, although they are available on the Apple support site and on the "Everything Mac" booklet
will this work without laggs?

is there also a change to use crossover or crossover games?
means: do you know how to install .net framework on crossover?
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You can just install it the same as installing any other application, however the .NET Framework doesn't seem to be receiving very good ratings (See here)...
Is there a way of moving files to/from the virtual machine?
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Yes actually there is...

If you open the virtual machine's settings and go to "Shared Folders", you will be able to add folders to share and set permissions and stuff like that. To connect to the shared folder, start up the virtual machine, open "My Network Places" and then "Add a network place". Next next until you get to the screen where it asks you for the address of the shared folder. Click "Browse" and your shared folders will be available from "Entire Network > Virtualbox Shared Folders". Select the share and press "OK". Hit Next and type in a real name for the share (not some weird one with slashes and dollar signs and what not). Hit Next again and your shared folder will be available from within "My Network Places".
Awesome guide, thank you very much.

Which one works better, bootcamp or virtualbox?
Bootcamp will probably be more reliable, but virtualboxx you can run simutaneously with mac stuff.
Topic Starter
If you can, Boot Camp is definitely the better way to go
It's possible to run it with Crossover / Darwine.

See other Thread
Where can I see this thread on running Osu on Mac using Crossover/Darwine?
I'm also pretty new at this thing, and the fact that Osu can run on OpenGL doesn't that mean that porting it to Mac wouldn't be much of a problem? Since Mac uses OpenGL.
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Fritsc wrote:

Where can I see this thread on running Osu on Mac using Crossover/Darwine?
As far as I know, it does not run on Darwine, however osu! has been run successfully with Crossover (search around the forums)
I like this way better (virtualbox) cuz I can just dedicate a virtual desktop space for vbox. (every mac user knows expose/spaces right?? just go option+f4) No need to reboot :D I have 4 spaces an use #2 for vbox. it's pretty useful; ppl should try it. ( ゚▽゚)/
It's a strange way to play on Mac ...
And it implies that you have a version of windows bought.
It's better to emulate the game with Wine (on ubuntu for example)
I don't know what kind of shareware you can use on MacOS.

oh, it can exist an other way to play to Osu!... wait a multi-version OS....
I'm dreaming about a free version of Osu!...

wolfmic wrote:

It's a strange way to play on Mac ...
And it implies that you have a version of windows bought.
It's better to emulate the game with Wine (on ubuntu for example)
I don't know what kind of shareware you can use on MacOS.

oh, it can exist an other way to play to Osu!... wait a multi-version OS....
I'm dreaming about a free version of Osu!...
No, it's not. I play on my Macbook Pro with a external 22".
It does not imply that you have bought Windows, depending on the software you use.
Wine is not a part of OSX, don't get off the subject with shit opinions.
If you don't know what kind of shareware you can use, why are you posting here?

osu! is free?
sonic master_old
Yeah i got a problem........when i play the sliders aren't even shown and i checked with all the songs i have....they all do the same thing HELP!!
sonic master_old
got the picture for my problem


Welcome to the future.

More coming soon.

in the meantime, install wine-devel from macports alongwith winetricks and then use winetricks to install dotnet20, gdiplus and corefonts on your wine prefix - then simply download osume.exe from the website, and use wine to run that on your machine. hey presto - you have osu! working and almost fully functioning with no clumsy virtual machines to manage!
Holy shit

is that what I think it is
thx 4 sharing, nice 1
but most mac users is using double OS these days
u should considering of changing your title to
how to run osu! on mac OS :)
Topic Starter

FTLaxus wrote:

thx 4 sharing, nice 1
but most mac users is using double OS these days
u should considering of changing your title to
how to run osu! on mac OS :)
Running osu! on Mac OS X is pretty much the same as running without Boot Camp right?

But running with wine seems much easier to deal with than setting up a whole virtual machine, so this guide might become more or less obsolete when running using wine becomes more widely used.
effing epic
I tried doing this the other week. It did not work for me. I am using a 2011 13" Macbook Pro. i7 2.7GHz.
Intel HD Graphics 3000 with 384MB of DDR3 SDRAM shared with main memory

I downloaded the most recent (intel based) version of Virtual Box and used the settings described in the tutorial. I even messed with different settings with the same result. I have tried using the bootcamp drivers CD for it; and same thing. Pics below.

Outside the menu screen it looks normal but slow as ***. Like 5FPS. I'm guessing VirtualBox doesn't recognize the graphics because of the 2nd pic but I have no idea how to fix it.

@Saph1: You should install graphic card driver into VirtualBox. I'm not sure if it has to be the one coming from Intel or the one that comes with VirtualBox. Have you installed VirtualBox Guest Additions yet?

I tried running osu! on a PC without graphic card driver, and I get the very same issue. So I guess the guest OS isn't recognizing your VirtualBox virtual graphic card.
Honestly, I don't understand why Osu can't be developed on Mac. Switching to a bootcamp windows is such a tedious process. Hope they'll make one available soon.
k..difference between Bootcamp and the virtualbox.. trying to run virtual machine as windows xp? :0 sux

Winshley wrote:

@Saph1: You should install graphic card driver into VirtualBox. I'm not sure if it has to be the one coming from Intel or the one that comes with VirtualBox. Have you installed VirtualBox Guest Additions yet?

I tried running osu! on a PC without graphic card driver, and I get the very same issue. So I guess the guest OS isn't recognizing your VirtualBox virtual graphic card.
To make use of the hardware 3D acceleration support within VirtualBox, you not only need to install the video driver, but the hardware acceleration drivers as well.

To install the drivers, you need to boot the guest Windows in safe mode, then install the VirtualBox additions, selecting the Direct3D drivers. They will not install in normal mode since the files that need replacing are in use.

And also, the VirtualBox method should (key word) also work under Linux or other Unix platforms on which VirtualBox can run as a host with hardware 3D acceleration, but I cannot authoritatively say that since I have not tried it.

gavinlljn wrote:

k..difference between Bootcamp and the virtualbox.. trying to run virtual machine as windows xp? :0 sux
BootCamp runs Windows on the machine's "bare metal", meaning there is no virtualization to deal with.

Would scores still be ranked with these methods?

YodaSnipe wrote:

Would scores still be ranked with these methods?
I don't see why not. As long as the guest OS has some manner of Internet access, that's all that matters, assuming we're talking about this site's scoreboards/leaderboards.

[deleted user]
I found your post really helpful. Thanks for posting such informative content. Keep posting.
[deleted user]
Sorry that the picture is so big...
But what can I do against this little problem? I did everything exact like in the description.
Osu! working on OS X Mountain Lion (OS X 10.8)
Osu! working on OS X Mountain Lion (OS X 10.8)
How do you do It is daichi-hopping you are using :) Mac Where are the ISO file of windowsXP alleged that though it is not a question :?: (Do you'll have to download in windowsXP CD?
I need a video of this.

Badly :?
Is there something wrong with the native mac client?

There has been serious development in the last 3 years. If you can't install virtualbox, you probably don't have a legit windows XP key either, so it's not really useful. On top of that, XP is old as hell and virtualbox is terrible with osu (even on my 2014 macbook pro).
Honestly Virtualbox is the worst solution.
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