
The REAL Guitar Hero Topic

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Agent BA8 Rookbie
I like me my Guitar Hero. Only played GHIII, but I wanna get 1 and 2.
Discuss the greatness that is Guitar Hero.
And don't worry about Friend Codes. I don't even know mine.
Less Hair/Glam and more Metal imo

I'd like to throw more Metal at anything, sure, but Guitar Hero is actually where it belongs. Metal is about awesome guitar riffs, so naturally GH is a perfect fit. Rock Band's a yes/no sorta situation, because most people wouldn't be able to keep up on the drums and very few people would want to perform gutteral vocals (it shreds your throat to hell if you're not experienced) but Guitar Hero? Come on, man.
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Agent BA8 Rookbie
I think there should be more Metal yeah. Because I think there is some good Metal out there.
AND, they need Tomoyasu Hotei with Russian Roulette. Best guitar in a Japanese song.
Plus they need more Dethklok.
I'm listening to Gonin-Ish (Japanese), and it's got some pretty fucking sweer in it. Not just Guitar, fucking sweet piano, as well.

awp wrote:

I'm listening to Gonin-Ish (Japanese), and it's got some pretty fucking sweer in it. Not just Guitar, fucking sweet piano, as well.
Piano Hero, anyone?
Best game series EVAR! I always thought they should incorporate at least one more queen song, though. I am one song away from full 5-stars in that is ;)

Raining blood. I'm lucky to get 4 stars.
Thrash/speed metal ftw. That's the only song other than the final guitar battle that I got hung up on.
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Agent BA8 Rookbie
Raining Blood is catchy,
but for a new player, damn, it's a bitch on Easy!
Only a non-Guitar Hero player, or an Expert can ridicule you for having trouble with Raining Blood. And deep down, the Expert knows what it feels like.
And if there's ever Piano Hero, they need to have Helicopter by The Feeling.
I fail @ Guitar Hero. Can't get through the 7th song list on Hard(GHIII). ;_;
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Agent BA8 Rookbie
That's your view of fail?
Loginer, no offense, but you have your standards too high for GHIII.
It's REALLY hard.
Not really.

Granted I haven't played on Expert - I've only played Hard - but I blew through every song first try until Raining Blood. Failed that 3 times, failed One one time, and then failed the final song a shitload of times, and that was it. It's not that hard. Until the end/some bonus songs.
Hate to break this to you, AWP, but you are very good at rhythm games. Just because you breeze through it doesn't mean it isn't pretty difficult :(
nnnnnnnnnnnnnnot true D=

then again you could be right

I can barely do normal in GH. Do I win?
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Agent BA8 Rookbie
Well, I used to have trouble on Medium.
I still kinda do on certain songs.

Saturos wrote:

I can barely do normal in GH. Do I win?
Nope, sorry. All the prizes are already taken.
Edit: So we've played GHII in school again(Music lessons FTW). Only one good player in our class, and I beated him by clearing a song on Expert. >;3
GH for school?!
whoah, I totally went to the wrong schools.
I guess phys ed is probably ddr and maths is either brain trainer or prof layton's curious village.

chan wrote:

maths is either brain trainer or prof layton's curious village.
Brain Age iirc

awp wrote:

chan wrote:

maths is either brain trainer or prof layton's curious village.
Brain Age iirc
Depends on the region.
Guitar Hero is the first skill game (as opposed to grind games where the only way to get better is to train your characters in game, not get better at the game) I've ever played EVER where I couldn't start naturally on the Normal difficulty (Most of the time I actually start on hard but ok). I had to start on Easy. I felt like such a freakin noob.

But now I'm on Expert. Still haven't beaten hard (vs. Lou is rly hard) but I'm also on the last level on Expert (BEFORE I FORGET IS THE HARDEST SONG EVER on expert BUT I BEAT IT WOOO).

LuigiHann wrote:

Depends on the region.
Oh. Well then, yeah - that one.

chan wrote:

GH for school?!
whoah, I totally went to the wrong schools.
I guess phys ed is probably ddr and maths is either brain trainer or prof layton's curious village.
Nah, we only play games(GH/Singstar) on the music lessons. Unless you count secretly playing Flash games on the Swedish/English/IT lessons. >:3
Also, we watched a movie last Spanish lesson. :>
I mostly play on Medium, but I'm getting better at Hard.

Also, can we talk about Rock Band here?
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Agent BA8 Rookbie
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Agent BA8 Rookbie
Does that song even have Guitar in it?
It does now.
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Agent BA8 Rookbie
I guess I didn't hear it all the way through...
Or something.
I heard that Don't Fear The Reaper was in Rock Band.
I so wanna get it.
I was a little disappointed that they didn't rerecord/remix Still Alive for Rock Band. I've only seen a video of it, but it really seems like the backup instruments have very little to do. Still a fun song for the vocals, certainly.

Agent BA8 Rookbie wrote:

Does that song even have Guitar in it?
Did 'Devil Went Down to Georgia' have guitars? It does now

awp wrote:

It does now.
It did all the time. <_<
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Agent BA8 Rookbie
Technically, yeah. The Devil Went Down to Georgia did originally have guitar. Sure, it was only in about two parts, but there was guitar.
Anyone going to get GHIV? I hear it's going to be similar to Rock Band, but with more customization options, an extra drum pad, the ability to make your own songs, and this difficulty setting for kids, where all you need to do is strum (hey, kind of like Taiko mode!).
I was reluctant to nurture the thought at first, but I read up on it and now I'm fucking pumped.

Cymbals? Count me in.

Song creation? Oh, hell yes (my friend composes music~).

"Rumours" of Dream Theater being in it? FUCK yes.


awp wrote:

Cymbals? Count me in.
Hell, I'd buy a rhythm game dedicated entirely to cymbals.
Topic Starter
Agent BA8 Rookbie
I'm buying it.
I hate how those people say they're copying Rock Band, when Activision used to work with GH, and they would've complained by now.

Agent BA8 Rookbie wrote:

I hate how those people say they're copying Rock Band,

Considering Guitar Hero was developed by Harmonix and oh hey Rock Band is developed by Harmonix, so their roots are the same.

But look at the success of Rock Band - any future releases of Guitar Hero would be forever stunted by Rock Band because, the way I see it, you'd now be buying a third of a game. Guitar Hero 3 really is a third of Rock Band, so of course they needed to step it up. The best way to do that is to copy Rock Band, and improve upon it. Which is what they're doing.
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Agent BA8 Rookbie
I call it "Taking inspiration from a previous work member."
Copying Rock Band isn't a good idea, especially since Rock Band 2 has been announced and that will most likely top On Tour. They need to come up with more original ideas of their own, like the make-a-song feature, and not just do the same instrument lineup. There's no point in having to get two different sets of the same items if you want to play both games.
I hope all 3 games have completely distinct song lists, somewhat different play styles, and interchangeable hardware. I'd buy a drum kit if I could play 3 different games with it, but I wouldn't buy 3 different drum kits.
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Agent BA8 Rookbie
If someone takes an idea, and makes it better, I don't call it ripping off. I call it an improvement.
I'd still call it copying though.
It looks like only the RB mic will be compatible with GHIV. The guitar's going to be revamped, and RB drum kits won't work on GHIV, due to the extra cymbal. (maybe the reverse will tho). Whatever happens, I'm not getting one. No money and no next-gen system.

Edit: The RB guitar might work. GHIV will work with older GH guitars, so maybe the RB one will too.
I like GH. In 3, I played through all except set 8 on expert, everything on hard and/or lower. Not counting the bonus songs because I don't like them with one or two exceptions.

Got 1 and 2 too, but didn't get really far in 1 because I didn't play it much back then, all but set 7/8 on expert in 2. I really should try those again, I should be better now after more practice in 3...
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Agent BA8 Rookbie
Yeah, it's copying. But really, it happens all the time.
Anyway, I love the bonus songs, especially Go That Far, F.C.P.R.E.M.I.X and Mauvais Garcon.
Nice sig by the way Shirotora.
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Agent BA8 Rookbie
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That, and you can plug it into a computer and use it with Guitar Zero/Frets on Fire.
In other news, Rock Band is awesome. :>
So I have a hacked version of Guitar Hero: On Tour that can be played with the ABXY buttons. I've cleared Easy and Normal, and I'm at Greek Arena on Hard. It feels so great to clear a hard song by using a control scheme deemed impossible to use by most people. :>
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Agent BA8 Rookbie
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