
osu! Fantasy VII v1.27

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Another best skin ever! :)
Ew. This thing isn't as good as your paint skin.

So, keep it up.

=P JK, great job on this one.
its better then i spected !!!!!!!!!!!!

In a nutshell:

*I really love how smooth and clean this is. It looks great.

*I'm a bit put off by the juxtaposition of high-res art and retro pixel stuff, but I don't have the nostalgia for FF7 that some do so maybe that's why. The chocobo sliderball in particular looks very out of place to me.

*The mod icon text is very hard to read.
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You mean all the mod buttons in general, or just selection-mods button?

I'm also planning on changing the hit50 etc. completely - they look gaudy IMHO.
actually i love the chocobo and the pixelated goodness but heres some of my suggestions
*is it possible to make the chocobo run correctly instead of backwards and upside down
*in the slider beats, can it be something more final fantalsy-sh than AP?
*can the beat circles be something else besides the materia?(maybe make the materia the slider beats)
*the ranks do look like balloons ( i barely notice that lolz)
but nonetheless its a great skin!!

xerxes_oli wrote:

actually i love the chocobo and the pixelated goodness but heres some of my suggestions
*is it possible to make the chocobo run correctly instead of backwards and upside down
*in the slider beats, can it be something more final fantalsy-sh than AP?
*can the beat circles be something else besides the materia?(maybe make the materia the slider beats)
*the ranks do look like balloons ( i barely notice that lolz)
but nonetheless its a great skin!!

Backwards is a bug by osu!. It's already set to flip horizontally when it reaches a reverse arrow. Upside down is inevitable.

I just tried your skin now. Chocobo looks fantastic (the thing that stands out for me), and the all the graphics are smooth. I feel like I'm playing the EBO skin. =P
Great job. When did you start this project? Almost two weeks ago?
To be perfectly honest, I think it'd look better without the x font. AP Gained: 123x doesn't feel appropriate to me. The chocobo going upside down is fine imo, but you'd almost have to get a model viewer to extract a top-down view of chocobo racing to really get the right feel. The pixel chocobo does stand out a bit.

wtf firefox chocobo is not a spelling error
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Xiaounlimited wrote:

(snowboard mini-game)
Roller Coaster Minigame too >=|
oh ok im sorry the balloons just threw me off
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Snowboard > roller coaster game

Xiaounlimited wrote:

Snowboard > roller coaster game
Yeah the roller coaster game was ehhhhhhhhh

Snowboard game was a bit too fast paced to predict things and plan shit
I hate to be picky but the japanese is "incorrect"

ファンタジー is the kana conversion of fantasy, not ファンタシー
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Thanks for the heads up, peppy. I didn't notice those two strokes (I can't read Japanese, I just mimicked the logo as best as I could :P). I'll fix that up along with other revisions upon next version.
Sweetawesomecool skin! It's now being used by me.
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osu! Fantasy VII v1.13, August 19, 2008
- Changed all hit explosions; they are now cleaner a la Xi-Style, and hopefully less distracting.
- Made a minor fix to playfield.jpg - the kana previously read "fantashi", but accurately it is "fantaji". It has been corrected (thanks peppy).
- Followpoint has been changed to a desaturated cut of star2.png.
- Replaced score-x with a transparent 1x1 image. It was out of place with the theme, especially with the results screen (thanks awp).

Grab it here:
thx Xi the is really great keep the awpsome skins coming!
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osu! Fantasy VII v1.21, August 29, 2008
- Added button-left, button-middle and button-right.png.
- Added sliderpoint-10 and sliderpoint-30.png.
- Added buttons for flashlight mod and autoplay.
- Added pretty badass Cloud comboburst.png.

Grab it here:
Don't forget editing your sig.
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osu! Fantasy VII v1.27, September 1, 2008
- Sliderpoint10 and 30 renamed; there was a hyphen in there that shouldn't have been.
- Enlarged sliderpoint10 and 30.
- Added selection-selectoptions and selection-selectoptions-over.

Grab it here:[/b]
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I'm content with it as it is and I don't really have anything I plan to fix in the near future, so I would say yes.
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
I have a couple picky issues with the font, which I'm going to mention even if they don't get corrected:

1. I think the "1" used for default-1.png (hitcircles) is an "I", it's different from the "1" used everywhere else in the skin which seems to be in the same font. A bit weird

2. Unless I'm very much mistaken, playfield says ファンタジ一 (fantaji ichi) instead of ファンタジー (fantajii). It |ooks as weird as using a vertica| bar instead of an L >_>

Otherwise great :)

Hyperworm wrote:

playfield says ファンタジ一 (fantaji ichi) instead of ファンタジー (fantajii).
Am I the only one who sees absolutely no difference in the two kana terms above?

awp wrote:

Hyperworm wrote:

playfield says ファンタジ一 (fantaji ichi) instead of ファンタジー (fantajii).
Am I the only one who sees absolutely no difference in the two kana terms above?
The last stroke is a bit different, but many kanji look the same anyway.
i really like this one, However XiStyle is better.
Yes. Friggen yes. It's beautiful. ;-;

DeeNinjaa wrote:

Yes. Friggen yes. It's beautiful. ;-;
Why do we always get people who pointlessly bump skin topics just to say "THIS IS SO GOOD"? And why do so many of them have anime avatars?
This looks great with Those Who Fight
You may add that one to your skin if you want :3

Very like

Xiao_old wrote:

Grab it here (v1.27):
Ilove this skin OwO
who's from youtube video?

Xiao_old wrote:

Grab it here (v1.27):
The link does not work

-umu- wrote:

Xiao_old wrote:

Grab it here (v1.27):
The link does not work
this post is quite literally made in 2008 my friend
if you mean you can't just drag it into osu then you'll wanna unzip it and manually put it into the skin folder
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