Grab it here (v1.27):
xerxes_oli wrote:
actually i love the chocobo and the pixelated goodness but heres some of my suggestions
*is it possible to make the chocobo run correctly instead of backwards and upside down
*in the slider beats, can it be something more final fantalsy-sh than AP?
*can the beat circles be something else besides the materia?(maybe make the materia the slider beats)
*the ranks do look like balloons ( i barely notice that lolz)
but nonetheless its a great skin!!
Roller Coaster Minigame too >=|Xiaounlimited wrote:
(snowboard mini-game)
Yeah the roller coaster game was ehhhhhhhhhXiaounlimited wrote:
Snowboard > roller coaster game
Am I the only one who sees absolutely no difference in the two kana terms above?Hyperworm wrote:
playfield says ファンタジ一 (fantaji ichi) instead of ファンタジー (fantajii).
The last stroke is a bit different, but many kanji look the same anyway.awp wrote:
Am I the only one who sees absolutely no difference in the two kana terms above?Hyperworm wrote:
playfield says ファンタジ一 (fantaji ichi) instead of ファンタジー (fantajii).
Why do we always get people who pointlessly bump skin topics just to say "THIS IS SO GOOD"? And why do so many of them have anime avatars?DeeNinjaa wrote:
Yes. Friggen yes. It's beautiful. ;-;
Ilove this skin OwOXiao_old wrote:
Grab it here (v1.27):
The link does not workXiao_old wrote:
Grab it here (v1.27):
-umu- wrote:
The link does not workXiao_old wrote:
Grab it here (v1.27):