
Coraline - Updated Oct. 10, '09

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[deleted user]
Based on the stop-motion animated film.

(Cobweb brushes courtesy of Obsidian Dawn)

It's amazing! It's stupendulous! It's button-tastic!

But, you can't help but wonder...are you playing it, or is it playing you?

Version 2.0:

Original version:
This is pretty sweet. Just in time for Halloween! But those dragonflies looked like spats of goo when I first saw them. And there's a severe lack of Coraline herself. Perhaps a combo-burst or the doll as the miss marker?
[deleted user]

SuzumiyaKyon wrote:

This is pretty sweet. Just in time for Halloween! But those dragonflies looked like spats of goo when I first saw them. And there's a severe lack of Coraline herself. Perhaps a combo-burst or the doll as the miss marker?
Thanks for the feedback! I've updated the skin, a couple of the changes being a (hopefully) more dragonflyish-looking dragonfly and the Coraline Doll as the comboburst. When you get the chance, kindly let me know what you think!

By the way, the overall lack of Coraline herself was intentional. Even though she's the titular character, I wanted there to be a fairly dark feel to the skin, so I tried to focus mainly on the Other Mother and her world.
[deleted user]
wow i was trying to find a coraline one thx :)
I quite like this theme. Haven't tried CtB yet, but the screencap looks very nice. The star 2, that's in the shape of Coraline's hairpin, right? :3 Nice touch along with the Coraline doll as the combo burst. I like the subtle difference in color for the filling of the spinner bar. though what's the HP bar's BG supposed to be? It's rather odd and I'm not sure it looks well with the other elements.

Keep up the work on this, it's coming along nicely. :3
I love this theme. I loved watching Coraline in theaters. THE THEME ROCKS!!!

And just a suggestion, can you add more images of coraline or whoever is in the movie. thanks
queen lorelei
Nice skin,What did you use to edit it because this is a really good skin. Love the spin sync.
wonky screenshots...

try Shift+F12... wait for the browser... copy the link and embed it here



OsuMe65 wrote:

wonky screenshots...

try Shift+F12... wait for the browser... copy the link and embed it here


Tue Oct 06, 2009 11:44 pm (over 3 years ago)
aw, deleted user, looks like the user is now a ghost who got captured in Beldam's trap

-Poka- wrote:

aw, deleted user, looks like the user is now a ghost who got captured in Beldam's trap
why did you necro that thread
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