
Improving your finger`s speed?

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Hey there, I`ve got a question, because I can`t really hit Z and X very fast, I can do streams, but not F.I Cry for Eternity`s streams, so I had this question:

Is there any way to improve your finger`s speed? Better hand positioning, or a practice method? Thanks in advance.

Neptune wrote:

Hey there, I`ve got a question, because I can`t really hit Z and X very fast, I can do streams, but not F.I Cry for Eternity`s streams, so I had this question:

Is there any way to improve your finger`s speed? Better hand positions etc?
Try different hand positions, different keyboard positions and if you feel like it change the hit buttons from "z x" to something else.
Also play high BPM maps with streams as often as it's possible.
If you still don't feel like hitting such fast streams, think about changing your keyboard to some better one. Mechanic keyboard should provide you AT LEAST 200bpm doable streams. Also flat keyboard is a bit better than regular one while streaming.
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fartownik wrote:

Neptune wrote:

Hey there, I`ve got a question, because I can`t really hit Z and X very fast, I can do streams, but not F.I Cry for Eternity`s streams, so I had this question:

Is there any way to improve your finger`s speed? Better hand positions etc?
Try different hand positions, different keyboard positions and if you feel like it change the hit buttons from "z x" to something else.
Also play high BPM maps with streams as often as it's possible.
If you still don't feel like hitting such fast streams, think about changing your keyboard to some better one. Mechanic keyboard should provide you AT LEAST 200bpm doable streams. Also flat keyboard is a bit better than regular one while streaming.
Thanks for this, I already have a flat keyboar due to playing on my laptop, can you give me an example of a mechanic keyboard? And what should that kinds of keyboard cost?
(Moving to General Questions) errrr oops~

The best way to improve is just to keep practicing, it will take a while but you will get better with time.
If you look around you can find some other threads with some suggestions on how to improve as well~

play my stream compilation until you can at least pass it
just play and play more till you are used to it and then try to improve more and more, there is no shortway to get faster
Yeah, 'teke's stream compilation is very good for that, atleast it was for me.
Once you can handle almost all the streams there, move on to chipscape or something.
Also I found out that I stream much better using wider key positions, c and s for me, instead of z and x.

lolcubes wrote:

I think it's not really that good for streaming, because you have to single tap 1/2 more than streaming itself
I suggest someting like:
Humanoid - MENDES
Shiraishi - Shinsekai

And yeah, hand position and slim keyboard like fartownik said helps a lot
I tried using different finger combinations. I noticed my index and ring finger could keep a more consistant streaming speed, but it felt weird, and was a bit slower when compared to using my index and middle finger.

I also tried different keys. I used to use ZX a lot, then switched to SD, then kinda went all over the keyboard going to 56, GH, Spacebar and Alt, etc... I'm back to ZX now.

I now just usually do some insane streaming practice right before going to bed.

With streaming, idk if I'm really consitant with it or not. Like there is times where I'll hit every stream perfectly in a song, then there are times where I can't even do the first stream on that same song. I guess I need to work on timing? Idk. Usually when I see a bunch of beat's right on top of each other, I don't count how many beats are there or anything, I just sort of spam Z and X. I guess it works out...

As for individual finger speed, my index and middle finger on my right hand are noticeably faster then the index and middle on my left hand. Problem is, I can't seem to do any mouse clicking at all without loosing accuracy :/

Natteke wrote:

play my stream compilation until you can at least pass it
This. Or just practice on Mei, Shinsekai (not aho's version), or DT some streamy maps.
When you stream, I find it better to stream with the keyboard only, as you can focus on the rhythm for your left hand (assuming you're right-handed) and just move with your right one.

This will of course lead to imbalances in your two hands' accuracies and stream hitting speed.

Shael wrote:

just play and play more till you are used to it and then try to improve more and more, there is no shortway to get faster

that one is also nice for streams
put loads of effort into smashing the zx buttons rapidly

dNextGen wrote:

put loads of effort into smashing the zx buttons rapidly
isnt that what this whole game is about?
play streams until your muscles give you a hard hard hard pain.


try again

-> improve
play stepmania.

much better training than any osu map, especially because you can slow it down and speed it up .5-1.5x

but if you insist, play maps on half time and practice using 2 fingers until you know the rhythm of the song, then do it full size. Play maps that you know you can stream properly then increase the BPM slightly and play a map of similar bpm.

silmarilen wrote:

that one is also nice for streams
This is slow enough for one finger...

JesusYamato wrote:

silmarilen wrote:

that one is also nice for streams
This is slow enough for one finger...
we are talking about people who have trouble with streams here, not people who can 300 a full 260 BPM stream with more than 50 notes.
He likes to showoff
S o r c e r y
Press keyboard soft and fast, make sure that your fingers speed are keep constant for long stream. You will discover the typing speed craftsmanship after that. :idea:
Finger weights? 8-) or just practice streamy maps.

Sander-Don wrote:

Finger weights? 8-)

(the sweat bands actually exist too, I applied and got some in the mail for free :p)
use hacks

Jalatiphra wrote:

play streams until your muscles give you a hard hard hard pain.


try again

-> improve
this or take a lil 5 minute break, and keep on berserking until you gotta sleep, then wake up and repeat for the whole day.

my own song choice I picked in 5 seconds for noobies:

1: Syrsa - Mad Machine [Champion]

Fun 270bpm map, weak 180 bpm on half time, but I guess it will do before you attempt 220bpm.

2: 07th Expansion - rog-unlimitation [AngelHoney]
07th Expansion - rog-limitation [SOLO]

A few maps I can come up with, they're only 220bpm, so keep on trying to fc these maps, until you can you go on to faster stuff.

3: Mad Machine again, no half time lol. 270bpm is kinda fun.

4: DragonForce - Heroes of Our Time [Knight] + Double Time

Yay! 300bpm <3

there's better choices, and choosing different maps would be best.
who cares, play maps/songs you enjoy
But what if those maps happen to be super high bpm maps?

ragelewa wrote:

But what if those maps happen to be super high bpm maps?
even better \:D/
take a break from osu, come back stronger than ever.
i'm ranking dt that i couldn't even pass before atm. and i didn't play osu a lot these past 2months.
^ must try
i want to stream like -Shi :>
I wanna stream like NeverDie ._.
Play every osu! beatmap in existence on Insane mode and then you'll have some godlike finger speed.
Going to ask this here because it would make no sense to make a new topic for it:

Do you think that having hypermobile joints and cracking your knuckles all the time can have adverse effects on streaming speed, because I just can't do fast streams even if I have been training streams for like 8 months.

You should practice your single finger's speed first.Without high single finger's speed you can't play any map which have high bpm,so your ability on play streams will have not enough practice :)
- Play insane streamy song until hand feels like breaking
- Don't play osu! for a day or however long it takes for your hand to recover
- Come back stronger then ever
- Repeat
(results not guaranteed though, in theory this should work :p)
sort of reminds me of super saiyan on Dragon Ball Z on how they can "almost" die and then heal and become a lot more powerful afterwards
also a nice way is to play maps that are way too hard for you, and then go back to a map that had too fast streams but is slower than what you played before, for me it always seems a bit easier then.
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I have bought a new keyboard lately, not a mechanical one, but one with high keys, unlike my previous flat keyboard, I feel like streams are going better, but I still cannot follow 175+bpm streams. It goes like: 300-300-300-300-100-100-50-50 followed by mistimed hits.
I've been doing the stream compilation a lot, but I always fail at the first Marisa song.

If I watch how Cookiezi does his streams, it`s way more aberrant than how I do it, he mostly uses one finger, but if long streams come, he uses his other finger along with it. To know what I really mean you should watch this:
My hand refuses to move like this, unfortunately.
Push yourself.
Push yourself.
Push yourself.

Play with proper gear.

Neptune wrote:

I have bought a new keyboard lately, not a mechanical one, but one with high keys, unlike my previous flat keyboard, I feel like streams are going better, but I still cannot follow 175+bpm streams. It goes like: 300-300-300-300-100-100-50-50 followed by mistimed hits.
I've been doing the stream compilation a lot, but I always fail at the first Marisa song.
I fail on that first marisa song too. Thing is, I passed that song a few times before too. Either I hit the stream near perfectly, or hit half of it then miss the rest :/
F m L_old
I usually can stream 200bpm streams but i cant do well on long streams like Cry of eternity or Revolution deathsquad (Deathstream rape)
-> 300 300 300 100 100 50 50 X X X X X

Well, My tip would be to play stream maps.

ragelewa wrote:

I just can't do fast streams even if I have been training streams for like 8 months.
i know how you feel :(
Play Taiko specific maps on relax, and configure your keys to your standard keyboard keys.
Should improve streaming a lot.
It's not really about the max speed that's the issue I think, atleast not for me.
I have serious problems staying onbeat on low and high bpm streams (streams longer than, lets say 12 notes or so). ;x;
Even though my max streaming speed is quite fast.

Practicing every day though, hopefully I get used to it. (not being a keyboard player is also a big minus, I'm a mouse clicker, only stream on keyboard ;x;)

ragelewa wrote:

Do you think that having hypermobile joints and cracking your knuckles all the time can have adverse effects on streaming speed, because I just can't do fast streams even if I have been training streams for like 8 months.
This. I'm not sure if I'm hypermobile, but my index finger phalanges does bend 90 degrees or something. Is that some kind of bane? Some people has the power to tackle 200 bpms even when they were playing first time.

JesusYamato wrote:

take a break from osu, come back stronger than ever.
i'm ranking dt that i couldn't even pass before atm. and i didn't play osu a lot these past 2months.
Best idea ever. I did the exact same and it had the exact same effect.

tastelikecoke wrote:

Some people has the power to tackle 200 bpms even when they were playing first time.
Well, depending on the person's background, it varies.
I am pretty sure since this is a music game (or rhythm game, whichever works) I bet some musicians or players from other rhythm games are playing this, having some experience in button mashing.
Best way to improve finger speed on both hands:
Path to Glory (beneath James training)
Play Taiko Play Taiko Play Taiko Play Taiko Play Taiko Play Taiko Play Taiko Play Taiko Play Taiko Play Taiko Play Taiko Play Taiko Play Taiko Play Taiko Play Taiko Play Taiko Play Taiko Play Taiko Play Taiko Play Taiko Play Taiko Play Taiko Play Taiko Play Taiko Play Taiko Play Taiko Play Taiko Play Taiko Play Taiko Play Taiko Play Taiko Play Taiko Play Taiko Play Taiko Play Taiko Play Taiko Play Taiko Play Taiko Play Taiko Play Taiko Play Taiko Play Taiko Play Taiko Play Taiko Play Taiko Play Taiko Play Taiko Play Taiko Play Taiko Play Taiko Play Taiko Play Taiko Play Taiko Play Taiko Play Taiko Play Taiko Play Taiko Play Taiko Play Taiko Play Taiko Play Taiko Play Taiko Play Taiko Play Taiko Play Taiko Play Taiko Play Taiko Play Taiko Play Taiko Play Taiko Play Taiko Play Taiko Play Taiko Play Taiko Play Taiko Play Taiko Play Taiko Play Taiko Play Taiko Play Taiko Play Taiko Play Taiko Play Taiko Play Taiko Play Taiko Play Taiko Play Taiko Play Taiko Play Taiko Play Taiko Play Taiko Play Taiko Play Taiko Play Taiko Play Taiko Play Taiko Play Taiko Play Taiko Play Taiko Play Taiko.
Energy Drinks ftw!
Especially monsters (the ripper version is guaranteed for results).
But it's pretty bad for your health..
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