
Youtube video collection!

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osu! playlist

Calling all osu! players to make more footage of the game available to spread the word :D. We really need to get some footage using non-default skins, and on some of the beatmaps out there that are really awesome but haven't been recorded yet. If you do youtube any footage, please add the keywords "osu! beatmap simulator" (any others you can think of?) and add a link in this thread so I can add to the existing playlist.

For a guide on making your own Youtube videos, click here.

theowest wrote:

I've made new gameplay video topics for each new game mode forum, so post in the right game mode specific topic now:
Catch the Beat

This topic will now contain just osu! standard mode videos.
Perhaps adding Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan! and Elite Beat Agents would work well.

I'll do my best to get some good replay footage, but FRAPS seems to suck at recording this game. Dunno why. Maybe it's just Vista. Any ideas on other progs to use?

EDIT: Also, none of my vids will have combo fire. My lappy can't handle the combo fire.
Bah! I have a video of a run through the song I'm working on but it's since been changed around so kind of not valid.

As for recording programs, I have one that records a region of your desktop but it's one of those trial versions and I haven't bothered to crack/pirate it properly so an "Unregistered QuickCam!" (or something like it) dialogue box will be watermarked in SOLID BLACK BAR on the top. You can always just crop that out of your video...I haven't actually tested it yet so I'll give it a try and report back. FRAPS tends to lag my machine down a bit and I have to run it through various media tools four times to get an end product via FRAPS which is a bit much.
Well, seems like you already found two of my videos, but here are all three videos that I have recorded:

Dango Daikazoku(Beatmap by Hitoshirenu Shourai)
Dango Daikazoku(Beatmap by Donryu)
Never Gonna Give You Up

I would happily do more, but for some unkown reason no video recording sofware I've tried records sounds properly with Osu! and Stepmania(All other games come up properly), and they end up full of crackle if the song isn't "calm" like the Dango ones.
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Demicol wrote:

Well, seems like you already found two of my videos, but here are all three videos that I have recorded:

Dango Daikazoku(Beatmap by Hitoshirenu Shourai)
Dango Daikazoku(Beatmap by Donryu)
Never Gonna Give You Up

I would happily do more, but for some unkown reason no video recording sofware I've tried records sounds properly with Osu! and Stepmania(All other games come up properly), and they end up full of crackle if the song isn't "calm" like the Dango ones.
Try either lowering the volume in osu!, or your Wave playback volume in windows settings. Actually, you should also check the recording source (What-U-Hear?) for the volume there. One of these should fix it! osu! generally has a high sound volume, which would cause this.
Lowering the master volume on osu! worked. Thank you very much!
Here are some more videos.

Cheer! ~Makkana Kimochi~
Tori no Uta
Ready Steady Go!
EDIT:Angry Video Game Nerd Theme
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Great stuff :).
Would someone be so kind as to record my replay on Wizards in Winter [Insane]? I've attempted to but my computer is going ballistic over it.

awp wrote:

Would someone be so kind as to record my replay on Wizards in Winter [Insane]? I've attempted to but my computer is going ballistic over it.
I'll see what I can do.

Here you go:
YouTube link Wizards in Winter If you want me to remove it incase you're uploading it your self, just say so.
Download link Wizards in Winter
I tried uploading one but youtube said it was copyright infringement :cry:
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gyrus wrote:

I tried uploading one but youtube said it was copyright infringement :cry:
fsck youtube. Lately I can't find any PVs/MVs on there because they are ALL TAKEN DOWN. Seriously, they are going too far...
Awesome, thanks Demicol
My vid just randomly appeared!:

sorry, Jean, but you knew this was coming.
Kanda Aoi
Can anyone make a video of Hanamaru Sensation, Summer Festival and Naraku no Hana? I really wanna see 'em in action ._.
Also can someone upload the mp3 of Summer Festival? I swear to god I've looked across the whole frickin' 'net and I can't find a plain Mp3 of it v_v
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Kanda Aoi wrote:

Can anyone make a video of Hanamaru Sensation, Summer Festival and Naraku no Hana? I really wanna see 'em in action ._.
Also can someone upload the mp3 of Summer Festival? I swear to god I've looked across the whole frickin' 'net and I can't find a plain Mp3 of it v_v
if you want the mp3, download the osz file and rename it to a zip.
Kanda Aoi

peppy wrote:

Kanda Aoi wrote:

Can anyone make a video of Hanamaru Sensation, Summer Festival and Naraku no Hana? I really wanna see 'em in action ._.
Also can someone upload the mp3 of Summer Festival? I swear to god I've looked across the whole frickin' 'net and I can't find a plain Mp3 of it v_v
if you want the mp3, download the osz file and rename it to a zip.
I had no idea I could do that :O
Thanks! :D
there is a university in oklahoma with the same name as OSU! maybe you should rename it :ugeek:

gyrus wrote:

I tried uploading one but youtube said it was copyright infringement :cry:
I find the best way to avoid that is to make the video title as vaguely descriptive as you can. As long as one tag will make it easy enough for those who are looking (people who aren't ban drones) to find there's a chance it will stay up there for quite a while.

Kanda Aoi wrote:

Can anyone make a video of Hanamaru Sensation, Summer Festival and Naraku no Hana? I really wanna see 'em in action ._.
Also can someone upload the mp3 of Summer Festival? I swear to god I've looked across the whole frickin' 'net and I can't find a plain Mp3 of it v_v
Clearly my replay must be used.

Nazi represent.
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Shake Hands with Beef

P.S. Should I make a new post every time I upload a new vid, or should I edit a previous post?
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Either works. People will probably respect you more if you edit existing - double-posting is generally looked down upon.
OK, I'll edit when I can do so to avoid double-posting, but I guess I'll make new replies when that's not the case, to alert people that there's new content.
When you edit a post is the post flagged as unread for other users to see that something has changed?
Kanda Aoi
Can anyone upload a video of that Hare Hare Yukai over in the completed forum that apparently is really awesome?

Demicol wrote:

Hare Hare Yukai [Hard]
Sorry but I also uploaded one before I read your post (I apparently don't read this thread very often). Mine has the video though so uh... I'll post it anyway. :(

Because I'm such an egotist I recorded my own replay. Sorry and all that because I kinda suck at this game (55% accuracy?! :().

Hare Hare Yukai [Hard] by Kharl.

Also I uploaded this because it's probably my best scores <:( Pretty sad. Woulda been a perfect, too, if it weren't for that pesky slider.

Pusuit ~ Caught [Hard] (I always call it cornered so that's the name in the title) by Kharl with Hidden.

rtsmarty wrote:

Sorry but I also uploaded one before I read your post (I apparently don't read this thread very often). Mine has the video though so uh... I'll post it anyway. :(
It's not like it's a bad thing that there are multiple videos of the same song. And yours has a video so its all good :D
I can make some videos, i have a good quality videocamera but i think it would better recorded from the pc. If you know any free software that lets you do that please tell me.
FRAPS is what most people use.

It's pretty gay on my machine though and can't keep a consistant fps. Also, make sure you have video compression software, because a 5 minute FRAPS video is 1.5 gigs.
FRAPS spits out garbage files for me.

I was gonna use this shareware program I found, but in trying to use it, I found out that my Sigmatel onboard audio... even though Stereo Mix is visible, it doesn't work.

EDIT: I got my Stereo Mix to work, and if you happen to have a Gateway lappy with Sigmatel audio, I can send you drivers to make it work. I also found out that FRAPS isn't spitting out garbage... Just no media player can view the stream. So after I record a few of mine and convert 'em, I'll upload 'em to YouTube and post the links here.
Okay, here's:

Unknown Orchestra
Ichirin no Hana ~HHM~

And, a really bad quality I Just Can't Wait to be King

The background video freezes up in the middle and at the end. My lappy handles Unknown Orchestra just fine, but not this. I was hoping I could recode it to a format easier to play. But nothing's worked yet; the middle and end always freeze up. Any advice? It's one of my favorite beatmaps; I'd like to get it working smoothly.
I use ZD Soft Game Recorder. Though an older version I found for free.
It gives good audio and pretty good video quality, but uploading it to YouTube makes the video look not so great.

Okkusenman Hard run. Why isn't this thread stickied? Stickying it, hopefully I won't piss anyone off by doing this.
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omg I want a tablet lcd :?

plasmathunderdx wrote:

omg I want a tablet lcd :?
They're quite expensive if you want a halfway-decent one.
Joint project from tcbrin123 and I.

Kiss Kiss Hajimaru Miracle
Super Mario TECHNO

And his:
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Great stuff rolled. All added to playlist :). Keep them rolling!
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m-flo - Love Comes and Goes ~Relax~
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devkit4384 wrote:

EBO & OTO2 Skin
That's really cool. :D
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