
Which method you use to play osu?

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How do you play osu?

Using both mouse and Z-X buttons
Using graphic tablet with a pen
Using both mouse & mouse buttons
Other method
Total votes: 1006
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Hello everyone so i was just wondering how you guys play osu
pick your option from the poll:

1- Using both mouse and Z-X buttons
2- Using graphic tablet with a pen
3- Using both mouse & mouse buttons
4- Other method




1 - 同時使用鼠標和Z - X按鈕
2 - 使用圖形片的筆
3 - 同時使用鼠標和鼠標按鈕
4 - 其他方法



1 - ボタンマウスの両方とZ - Xを使用する
2 - ペンを使って、グラフィックタブレットを使用して
3 - を使用して両方のマウス&マウスのボタンを
4 - 他の方法



1 - 버튼을 모두 마우스 및 Z - X를 사용하여
2 집 - 펜을 사용하여 그래픽 타블렛
3 - 모두를 사용하여 마우스 & 마우스 버튼
4 - 또 다른 방법은



1 - Sử dụng cả hai con chuột và Z-X nút
2 - Sử dụng đồ họa viên thuốc với một bút
3 - Sử dụng cả hai con chuột và các nút chuột
4 - Các phương pháp



1 - दोनों और माउस Z-एक्स बटन का उपयोग करना
2 - एक कलम से ग्राफिक गोली का उपयोगका उपयोग कर
3 - दोनों माउस और माउस बटन
4 - अन्य विधि

thread has been posted at least twice before, I imagine you can find three or four versions of this thread if you dig deep enough
mouse to move, z-x to hit
Mostly I do mouse clicking, but sometimes I go for Z only. (And in VERY rare occasions I go for Z/X.)
I usually go Z-only on maps I put Double Time on and which are like 145 ish or higher. If they involve some 1/4 I usually switch to mouse clicking then fast to click the 1/4. But sometimes I can even pass them with z/x, if I'm lucky :)
tablet pen without touch and keyboard (1 and 2) <3
Maybe this should be moved to Gameplay and Rankings first, then locked or something?
I had no idea you could use keyboard buttons to hit >< No wonder i struggle iwht 5 star maps.
Tablet pen (Mouse buttons disabled ingame), and < and > to hit
I use Table pc name "wacom bamboo pen & touch" and keyboard with z,x :D

because this are easy
I use left click on mouse, but when my fngers aren't enough fast.. I use z key of my keyboard :D
( Most of time, during buttons' cloud >< )
I use zx mapped on my belkin n52te but for very hard streams I also use the left mouse button I mapped left of the z on the same n52te I also mapped right mouse click but I never used it
I tried playing with only the mouse the first time I played osu! but I found it hindering the movement of my mouse so I started using the keyboard instead I could use more keys then than the two osu! allows now.

edit 400th post
I play left click on my mouse primarily, using q and e (a spill over from my stepmania days) for any streams.
Firo Prochainezo
Mouse + Keyboard. Now I use zx, but before that I used ctrl+alt (mainly ctrl).
Ever 14
tablet + w + e
other: tablet + s/d, mouse + s/d, mouse + click/d, depends on song and mood
I use mouse for movement and S + Mouse1 to hit
Atelier Nugra
other method : tapping with tablet and without touch.. on streams i always using keyboard K + L :D
I'm a mouse and z/xer, one thing I really can't cope with well though are streams. Godamn streams!
I use mouse only, except where that's impossible in places (Yes, insane mode for Trans-Siberian Orchestra - Wizards in Winter, I'm talking to you!)

I tried z/x, but it just puts me off and makes me fail, plus, I play better using my left hand as support by keeping it close to my mouse (dunno why... maybe cos I'm left handed... I either keep it close or on the WASD keys, which is kinda pointless for Osu, but it just feels right)
Left click + S key for streams
I used to play with mouse and mouse buttons, only because I didn't know you could use the keyboard keys as a click. Once I saw this thread I switched over and haven't looked back.
Used to play with mouse + z/x but now I am using graphic tablet.Still trying to master streams on tablet XD
I was wondering how you guys with Z-X keys didn't press every try the fatal windows key ? *.*
i can turn it off on logitech g15 xD
but srsly, you can always use different keys hmm
however i dont use keyboard in osu much.
Sup A Noob

Drafura wrote:

I was wondering how you guys with Z-X keys didn't press every try the fatal windows key ? *.*
I don't get how you can press the fatal windows key by accident...all the time?

I play C/V by the way, and sometimes press the Windows Key because my pause is set to CTRL.
Reonu Konpaku
mouse to move and hit simple notes/sliders and z key for streams
Mouse, left click + X
Tablet with X as main, Z as secondary.. I only ever let the pen touch the tablet when I do spinners.
Changed to z/x recently, it really helps with streams and I'm adjusting to how to move with the mouse (which is my biggest problem).

Nekoroll wrote:

Tablet with X as main, Z as secondary.. I only ever let the pen touch the tablet when I do spinners.
How do you play with tablet and z/x keys?Hard for me to do it >.<

Niz_45 wrote:

How do you play with tablet and z/x keys?Hard for me to do it >.<
Wow, play tablet? You sure rich.. XD

Me mouse (point) + keyboard(click, x,z) only, the most user define.. lolz..
Circles and sliders - Mouse for movement and Z/X for hitting them.
Spinners - Pressing both mouse buttons and move with my mouse again. Now you're asking, why the hell, do you press the mouse buttons for spinning? O.o Well, I expired a better mouse-control then ;)
Yu Zero
I'm curious about a tablet pen is it a expensive one? can i know how much the price in dollar?
might to try tablet soon if i already bought one though :oops:

Yu Zero wrote:

I'm curious about a tablet pen is it a expensive one? can i know how much the price in dollar?
might to try tablet soon if i already bought one though :oops:
Btw i'm kinda new here and i'm mouse + z/x user for the begining :D I've tried using Left/Right click mouse(only) before it's harder to me for the spinner and streams ;(
I play using a Bamboo Pen and it cost me like 50€ to get, so I think that it would cost something like 50-60$. It's really accurate and for osu you don't want a tablet with a big active area anyway so the small size won't hinder you.

Oh and I play by using a tablet with the active area set fairly small, probably 3 x somethingaslongasitis16:9 cm or something along those lines (really hard to pull numbers from my head when I'm on another computer without my tablet here). and use Z/X to do everything.
I play with only the mouse, but i use z/x/c/v in Taiko mode (noisy as hell with my keyboard).
I also use my wiimote to play CTB.
Ive recently swapped mouse to tablet (which only cost 15 € so it wasnt really expensive) and got to say its rather fun

And of course im using z + x on keyboard :p
+ what lewa said, i also have a fairly small play area (so small that i actually dont have to move my wrist anywhere to play).
am i the only person in this thread that just alternates the mouse buttons? (not that i'm that great, only been playing like a month lol) but i can't stand using the z/x keys, which is weird considering how stepmania is my main game

NixXSkate wrote:

am i the only person in this thread that just alternates the mouse buttons? (not that i'm that great, only been playing like a month lol) but i can't stand using the z/x keys, which is weird considering how stepmania is my main game
It depends on how fast the music is going, sometimes I alternate the mouse buttones. Sometimes I just do it for the lols.
Two mice, one to move, one to alternate. Put tape over the alternating one's sensor.
Mouse + f/d.
mouse with z as main and x for streams, but i fail at streams longer than 7 notes.
Mouse with left-click.
But whenever there is a stream, I panic and mash n/m randomly.
So I guess you could say I play with mouse/keyboard. Kinda~
Mouse only. Which works rather well for most stuff tbh.
Can't stand playing with x/z since then I wont be able to tell myself that what I do will help my normal computer use in any way! Which I suppose is lying to myself anyways, but well, need something to motivate me to play what would otherwise be rather pointless :p
tablet pen (touch when doing spinner) and zx
F1+F2 / mouse.
I've used nothing but mouse for about 2 years.

I had broken my right hand around age 18 and as im aging (now almost 25) it's taking its toll so its becoming painful to put so much stress on it (click + moving fast) so I'm beginning to learn how to use S and D on my keyboard (which I always thought was more efficient anyways, but didnt feel like relearning to play the game).

The things we do to play games lol
I stare at my monitor and scream at the circles.

chinokami wrote:

I stare at my monitor and scream at the circles.
How effective is that, compared to clicking the circles?

those wrote:

chinokami wrote:

I stare at my monitor and scream at the circles.
How effective is that, compared to clicking the circles?
It's super effective.
I use mouse and z/x buttons to play.
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