
OMG burai :O

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Or should I say, Saturos.

What's next? MAX Forever? 8-)
You're pretty imbalanced, burai. Great job.
Maybe you should get a custome title: "I eat insane beatmaps liek candies."

irc wrote:

( MeGaS-osu ) wait
( MeGaS-osu ) who the hell is buraimaster ?
( awp ) Saturos
( awp ) or SaturosJr
( MeGaS-osu ) ...
( MeGaS-osu ) S rank in shotgun symph
( awp ) On insane?
( MeGaS-osu ) yes
( MeGaS-osu ) 17 kk
( awp ) Did he clear his 9 million record?
( awp ) holy fuck what a bastard
( MeGaS-osu ) )))
( awp ) Saturos was beating himself up over the 9 mill
( awp ) but 17 million
A fucking PERFECT on Shotgun Symphony Insane

go to hell and teach the devil how to play
I already told him to pass me in rankings, as I'm not worthy anymore. I have no doubts he will in a couple weeks. Only thing I have left is my accuracy. :(
Doesn't burai use tablet?
I think so

but so do I =X

It's not an end-all solution by any means, because you basically have to memorize how far your hand movements affect your cursor. Now, if he had a TOUCHSCREEN, then it would be a bit more expected. The only clear-cut advantages I've found with the tablet are: Spinners are much easier, and osu! is more fun.
My god.

That's just not right.

James wrote:

You're pretty imbalanced, burai. Great job.
Maybe you should get a custome title: "I eat insane beatmaps liek candies."
Is that some sort of sarcasm/insult? :(

irc wrote:

( MeGaS-osu ) wait
( MeGaS-osu ) who the hell is buraimaster ?
( awp ) Saturos
( awp ) or SaturosJr
( MeGaS-osu ) ...
( MeGaS-osu ) S rank in shotgun symph
( awp ) On insane?
( MeGaS-osu ) yes
( MeGaS-osu ) 17 kk
( awp ) Did he clear his 9 million record?
( awp ) holy fuck what a bastard
( MeGaS-osu ) )))
( awp ) Saturos was beating himself up over the 9 mill
( awp ) but 17 million
I am buraimaster... and NO!! I am not SaturosJr!! and yes, I did clear my 9 million record on Hard...... :( (and you know, it's not like I'm really going to try to break my record on Hard right away, on the spot!)

Saturos wrote:

I already told him to pass me in rankings, as I'm not worthy anymore. I have no doubts he will in a couple weeks. Only thing I have left is my accuracy. :(
No, I don't want and will not to pass in rankings!!

Echo49 wrote:

Doesn't burai use tablet?
Yes, I do.

Was this something to make fun of me or some sort of warning or what?
Wow, a lot people must really hate me! :(
And you know what? I should take a long break away from Osu! ...

buraimaster1234 wrote:

Was this something to make fun of me or some sort of warning or what?
Wow, a lot people must really hate me! :(
And you know what? I should take a long break away from Osu! ...
Don't take it the wrong way! We think you're amazing to be able to get such a high score, that's all.
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Seriously burai, you're great. Thats all.
Oh... I guess I mistook you there! Thanks! :D
(but I seriously should take a break from Osu! for a little while... )
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We're guys we can only acknowledge your skill and express how impressed we are by swearing and acting aggressive and shit

I find it hard to feel contempt toward anyone with a Rockman avatar, too.

Can someone fraps that replay already damn it
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65 SH ranks as of now. I'm going for 100 now. After 100, going to take a short break from Osu! ;) Does that count? XD

Watch this: James is going to make a post, saying "AHHHhh!! I thought SSI SH!!" (or something like that). :D

edit: I almost FC'd it... 3 1 misses...

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AHHHhh!! I thought SSI SH!!

And you are Buraimaster1234!!!

Is Buraimaster1234F a girl or something? But I know its not you.
Actually, buraimaster1234F is me. I don't know, but that's just how it showed up on the local scoreboard. I also overwrite that with a 5.6 mil score (with Hidden mod ;) ).

lol my lowest score is like 3 mil now...

edit: out of the top 37, I have the lowest accuracy: 82.9%. :)
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Can I borrow your hand or something?
i envy anybody with a tablet and I envy anyone more if they had a touch screen like ont he DS.
FC'ed. :) Reikin beat me to first FC though.
four out eight of these are done with Hidden mod. ;) I keep missing that one damned note.
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omg youre so awesome someone started a fanclub already

( James ) ahahahaha
( James ) !stats brainmaster1234
( BanchoBot ) Stats for brainmaster1234 (Idle):
( BanchoBot ) Score: 16,766 (#6101)
( BanchoBot ) Plays: 5
( BanchoBot ) Accuracy: 69.43%
( Meracath ) LOL
Card N'FoRcE
Hey, burai is going for the billion :o

Now he's got: 999.413.664 points

If anyone wants to overtake burai it's now. He's gonna be gone for a few days apparently.
Card N'FoRcE
OMG Saturos :O
only five days ago he did something we didn't expect:

Now I want Agony insane FCed :twisted:
SSI is easy compared to agony insane. I was meaning to get around to that SSI FC a long time ago, but I kept putting it off. ;x

You'll likely never see a legit (read: non-halftime) FC of agony insane from me, though.

burai, though...probably.
I'm back. SSI is, indeed, very easy compared to Agony Insane. Really, the only problem I have with Agony is the triplets. I miss lots of sliders. My accuracy on agony is MUCH better though, which I still need to work on. :P

Well, I'm just going back to upgrade most of my ranks to S's, and then SH's for now.

I also need to reclaim my position for SSI. I only ever play SSI with Hidden Mod now-a-days... :|

edit: Not only FC'ed once... or twice... but THREE times! XD

edit2: YESS!! FINALLY FC'ED!! :)

Obviously your next step is to FC MAX 300 on Oni.
Card N'FoRcE

buraimaster1234 wrote:

edit2: YESS!! FINALLY FC'ED!! :)
I hate J00 :(
I'ma gonna FC it someday. I don't know how but i'll do it, I'm trying everyday... :?
Don't worry, you'll get it. ;) Only took me 338 tries anyway! and 2 mil below the maximum score.

FC'ed and S Ranked Cornered (actually pretty easy), and almost Allegro. Going to try again today
I'm still waiting on that SSI SH, but I'd be more impressed if you SH'd Emptiness And on Ultimate under the condition that it wasn't your map.

It'd still be an impressive feat even though it's your map, though. I can't fucking FC SSI.
I'm coming for you, burai. <3

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Actually, I think I'll be taking Sphere.

Shirotora_old ... hot005.png

Dammit burai. How'd you do it? =/

[edit:] Ah, n/m. Sorry if this stretches the forum:


[edit2:] 308 tries. [/edit2]
I've been taken... ;_; I try again later. Well... at least I'm still the only one to FC it without any Decreasing-Difficulty mods. :P If I can just FC it again with Hidden mod... That would be so awesome...
Looks like you'll have to hit Sphere again =o

ps secret message from awp

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i made 11m at agony insane using saturnos account first try but failed at the last few seconds of the song thinking "did i really FC upto here?"

no screenie because i was shocked i made it till the end and just stared at the monitor after failing for a minute
you can still see score through the fail screen~
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im going to beat it again using ivalshet account
it's like 98% black, or maybe that's just on some skins
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cant see anything on default skin :(

dw i dont lie i will beat that thing again

Download: Ashley Tisdale & Lucas Grabeel - Bop to the Top (CDFA) [DC's Bop].osu
Card N'FoRcE
Ewww, so close :(
But the error was at the beginning, so I'm confident about a FC now :roll:

I guess I'm going to have to start playing agony with hidden now (also, need to improve accuracy, the highest I ever got was 92.79% (dang!! I was so closer to FCing that one too! :( ))! :P
lol old score:
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I got bored after i got a stupid miss (pressed twice instead of thrice) on my favorite part (second chorus) so i almost fail at the end ha ha

I wish osu can save replay even though it failed.

btw, new mouse settings~

EDIT: i made a lame mistake at the end of the second chorus my cursor was already at the triplet and then i only pressed one circleand then my momentum went *poof* look what happened in the end :|

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Having lots of fun with doubletime!! :)

Least amount of misses: 7.HAHAAHAHAA!!! :P

edit: and here is new replay, better score than one in screenshot. 7 misses again. :(
Download: buraimaster1234 - Brandy - Love Fighter (20080725121941).osr

AAWWW!! so close! three misses!! :( I'll post a replay, once I clear with FC. :P
OMG burai :O
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