
IPV6 support (client and server)

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This is a feature request. Feature requests can be voted up by supporters.
Current Priority: +35
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Hi all.
I'm currently running an IPV6 rev-proxy for for those one who cannot access IPV4(or it's too slow, or it cost more). The browser(Fx, Cr, etc.)works well. But it seems the client doesn't support INET6 connection to the server.

IPV6 is a trend, so maybe osu! should add support of IPV6 earlier(seems not hard to do that, but it seems that you are using Clever? I'm not familiar with the code since the obfuscation)

Then for server.
It's not hard to get an IPV6 address, both native V6 from Softlayer( or Tunnel Broker from HE ( are OK.
Then for nginx, just use "listen [::]:80" instead of "listen 80" or "listen" works well.
For, CloudFlare also support IPV6 option, just check it.

If the official do these, many player can benefit from IPV6. ;)

Great thanks.
I will not be enabling ipv6 until there is valid reason for it. It requires considerations system-wide wherever IPs are involved and in my opinion is not worth the effort in the current ecosystem. If you can provide a use-case where it is cheapter/faster to access the internet via ipv6, I will consider this further.

tyeken8 wrote:

Hi all.
I'm currently running an IPV6 rev-proxy for for those one who cannot access IPV4(or it's too slow, or it cost more). The browser(Fx, Cr, etc.)works well. But it seems the client doesn't support INET6 connection to the server.

IPV6 is a trend, so maybe osu! should add support of IPV6 earlier(seems not hard to do that, but it seems that you are using Clever? I'm not familiar with the code since the obfuscation)

Then for server.
It's not hard to get an IPV6 address, both native V6 from Softlayer( or Tunnel Broker from HE ( are OK.
Then for nginx, just use "listen [::]:80" instead of "listen 80" or "listen" works well.
For, CloudFlare also support IPV6 option, just check it.

If the official do these, many player can benefit from IPV6. ;)

Great thanks.
I almost CANNOT downlaod an intact osu songs pack(.osz)through IPV4 network in China inland。I feel too bad to play this game。 :(
Okay, sure, but how does IPv6 help this, unless you are using different ISPs or avoiding firewalls due to the different routing? I need to see specific use cases where IPv6 is successful and IPv4 isn't.
Spencer Velicue
I totally agree with dangojyan. In universities of china, ipv4 connections are very expensive for us to use (for about 100RMB per month), and it's very slow. But if we use ipv6 connection it's free and its speed is high. And ipv4 connections suffer from Great Firewall, cencorship of china so many foreign websites can't be visited, but ipv6 doesn't have this restriction. In china through ipv4 connection it's almost impossible to download map pack, but through ipv6 it's possible.

peppy wrote:

Okay, sure, but how does IPv6 help this, unless you are using different ISPs or avoiding firewalls due to the different routing? I need to see specific use cases where IPv6 is successful and IPv4 isn't.
Spencer Velicue
Althougn enabling this will almost only benefit chinese users, but if you don't enable ipv6 connections, almost all the students studying in chinese universities unwilling to afford a high cost of internet connections will not be able to download beatmaps and play the games. I hope you can help us. @peppy
From what I'm seeing, I understand that there's a good, valid benefit for using IPv6, so it wouldn't be a bad idea.

However, for other users such as myself, I almost NEVER find the need to use IPv6, or more specifically I don't even come across it in the first place. Since it mostly will only benefit chinese users, the overall impact of this feature will be reduced.

So while I think it's a good idea that we can consider for implementation, I think that some other features deserve higher priority than this at least. *Some* support from me~
If this gets implemented, I don't think it'll affect many people downloading beatmaps in different nations.

Spencer Velicue wrote:

Althougn enabling this will almost only benefit chinese users, but if you don't enable ipv6 connections, almost all the students studying in chinese universities unwilling to afford a high cost of internet connections will not be able to download beatmaps and play the games. I hope you can help us. @peppy
There might be a larger increase in beatmap downloads from China, as this will considerably increase download speed for them, apparently, but I don't see many others benefiting from this.

"Semi-"support :|

Unless it'll speed up my connection too ;)
Support. I am all for helping the Chinese. Anything that gives better functionality and provides more expansive support is a good thing.
better prepare now than be too late...

My1 wrote:

better prepare now than be too late...
Ikr, so true :|
add listen to IPV6
,it seems that the forum server support ipv6 access?
any way, in China,most colleage supply free&highspeed IPV6 network service,compare to hig-hcost and low-speed IPV4 network,
in IPV6 network,100Mb/s or1Gb/s provide us more,without limit.

if peppy could add ipv6 support to client and server ,it wuld be a great banifit to our country,those love osu game but hard to connect to this game.

zihexing wrote:

add listen to IPV6
,it seems that the forum server support ipv6 access?
any way, in China,most colleage supply free&highspeed IPV6 network service,compare to hig-hcost and low-speed IPV4 network,
in IPV6 network,100Mb/s or1Gb/s provide us more,without limit.

if peppy could add ipv6 support to client and server ,it wuld be a great banifit to our country,those love osu game but hard to connect to this game.

Did not know you need to be connected to the net to play this. It would be better if it could be played offline with no scores being recorded.

Wow i did not know a bit bigger header on IP4 causes this much trouble. If you guys really want PPY to move to IP6 why don't you guys open a donation (with a money goal) tab specific for this.
the website already tentatively supports ipv6 via a compatibility later. full ipv6 support including bancho is on my short-list. i am even willing to give an expected delivery time of 3 months max.
The website should now completely support ipv6. I will be adding support to the game client itself in the future.
even if I am not involved, nice...
thx ppy
Spencer Velicue
BTW, I find I can connect Bancho and play multi by using some tools(proxies, accelerators, etc.) but none of them helped me to update my ranking score, nor showing the global ranking score. I've heard that the score database is odoroki not bancho, so supporting ipv6 connection for odoroki will be a higher priority choice.

Besides ipv6 helps other countries' users as well. Maybe 2-3 years later most of internet users will have an ipv6 address, and most of time it's faster.

I've written a proxy server before and I think to support ipv6 isn't complicated, you just listen to a new socket address and accept connections from client. But I know ppy is busy trying to make osu better, so I can wait. Anyway thx ppy very much.
As soon as I have a test environment for this (read: have an internet connection which gives me IPv6 access) I will make this happen.
Request complete as of recently or is it still in the works?

abraker wrote:

Request complete as of recently or is it still in the works?
I would say is still in the works. It's currently disabled in CE.
I disabled temporarily to get networking stable. It will definitely be back (is just a flag toggle away).

peppy wrote:

I disabled temporarily to get networking stable. It will definitely be back (is just a flag toggle away).

Is this already supported?

peppy wrote:


Thank you
I may be wrong but, isn't ipv6 compatible. Therefore everything works, with the exception of downloading beatmaps.

I'll try it on lazer to see if osu!direct works.
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