
Joe Hisaishi - Kimi wo Nosete (Instrumental)

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Topic Starter
This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2013年1月3日 at 15:08:08

Artist: Joe Hisaishi
Title: Kimi wo Nosete (Instrumental)
Source: Laputa: Castle in the Sky
Tags: Tenkuu no Shiro Rapyuta Carrying You Ending Studio Ghibli Laputa Sun Rainbow
BPM: 93
Filesize: 6342kb
Play Time: 02:32
Difficulties Available:
  1. Hard (3.9 stars, 223 notes)
  2. Laputa (4.53 stars, 289 notes)
  3. Normal (2.48 stars, 141 notes)
Download: Joe Hisaishi - Kimi wo Nosete (Instrumental)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
last fullsub at 12.6

Storyboard by Sun Rainbow

move to pending~


00:49:425 (3) - remove
00:58:296 (4) -
01:03:780 (5) - remove or add note at 01:03:941
01:30:393 (2) - add a note

almost all pentagons are not regular...
01:16:683 (4) - add a note or reverse 01:17:006 (4)
01:41:199 (x) -

01:01:200 (2,1) - remove break, then add a overlap note at 01:04:102
01:46:038 (1,1) - map here :!:

Love Love 宮崎駿~~ Love Love 天空の城ラピュタ~~
Athena Tennos
Topic Starter

cmn_891127 wrote:



00:49:425 (3) - remove 这个好像确实有点违和 不过准备先留着
00:58:296 (4) - 喵喵喵
01:03:780 (5) - remove or add note at 01:03:941 喵喵喵
01:30:393 (2) - add a note 喵喵喵

almost all pentagons are not regular... 手摆的将就着吧 :?
01:16:683 (4) - add a note or reverse 01:17:006 (4) reversed
01:41:199 (x) - ok

01:01:200 (2,1) - remove break, then add a overlap note at 01:04:102 stacked
01:46:038 (1,1) - map here :!: 于是就map掉了

Love Love 宮崎駿~~ Love Love 天空の城ラピュタ~~

Snowy Dream
Mod request from PM Req


[Inconsistency in uninherited (red) timing sections:]
- [Hard]
Red timing sections at: 00:00:238, BPM of 93.000

- [Laputa]
Red timing sections at: 00:00:238, BPM of 93.000

- [Normal]
Red timing sections at: 00:00:232, BPM of 93.000

[Inconsistency in Kiai Times:]
- [Hard] :
Kiai #1: Starts on 01:27:979, ends on 01:46:044
Kiai #2: Starts on 01:53:786, ends on 02:32:496

- [Laputa] :
Kiai #1: Starts on 01:27:979, ends on 01:46:044
Kiai #2: Starts on 01:53:786, ends on 02:32:496

- [Normal] :
Kiai #1: Starts on 01:27:973, ends on 01:46:038
Kiai #2: Starts on 01:53:780, ends on 02:32:490


02:32:490 (1) - Unsnapped spinner (end).重新拉下spinner..
01:22:812 (3) - Consider adding a NC on this spinner.
00:18:296 (1) - finish
02:01:844 (1) - 不需要return吧这里..

02:32:496 (1) - Unsnapped spinner (end).
00:18:302 (1) - finish
01:46:206 (1) - finish
02:14:432 (4) - 开头finish ..这里finish很明显的应该0.0...最好newcombo

02:32:657 (1) - Unsnapped spinner (end).
00:20:883 (2) - finish
01:01:205 (3) - jump
01:11:850 (1) - ..感觉不好看 这样被(8)挡着怎么可能大丈夫
01:28:947 (3) - ^
01:46:205 (1) - finish
Great Mapset
神曲 音效不错
Topic Starter

Snowy Dream wrote:

Mod request from PM Req
歌曲最后淡出过快...最好改下 改了

你搞了两张一模一样的图上传了干啥....自行删掉一张.....等另外张进坟了快删..或者直接找BAT来删 正在等进坟中 BAT好忙好忙的

这两个内容在我这边也是出问题的 应该不是传了两个pending弄出来的 改了MP3文件后又要调offset 所以这次自己检查了一次
[Inconsistency in uninherited (red) timing sections:]
- [Hard]
Red timing sections at: 00:00:238, BPM of 93.000

- [Laputa]
Red timing sections at: 00:00:238, BPM of 93.000

- [Normal]
Red timing sections at: 00:00:232, BPM of 93.000

[Inconsistency in Kiai Times:]
- [Hard] :
Kiai #1: Starts on 01:27:979, ends on 01:46:044
Kiai #2: Starts on 01:53:786, ends on 02:32:496

- [Laputa] :
Kiai #1: Starts on 01:27:979, ends on 01:46:044
Kiai #2: Starts on 01:53:786, ends on 02:32:496

- [Normal] :
Kiai #1: Starts on 01:27:973, ends on 01:46:038
Kiai #2: Starts on 01:53:780, ends on 02:32:490


02:32:490 (1) - Unsnapped spinner (end).重新拉下spinner.. 这里的snap问题都fixed
01:22:812 (3) - Consider adding a NC on this spinner. ok
00:18:296 (1) - finish 加finish的问题都fixed
02:01:844 (1) - 不需要return吧这里.. 嘛 听着没那么违和就留着了

02:32:496 (1) - Unsnapped spinner (end).
00:18:302 (1) - finish
01:46:206 (1) - finish
02:14:432 (4) - 开头finish ..这里finish很明显的应该0.0...最好newcombo 加nc了

我觉得这歌完全不适合AR8以上之类的... ->AR7
02:32:657 (1) - Unsnapped spinner (end).
00:20:883 (2) - finish
01:01:205 (3) - jump 滑条用了ctrl+R
01:11:850 (1) - ..感觉不好看 这样被(8)挡着怎么可能大丈夫 ...被吐槽了 不过没想出哪里好放就没改 这两个
01:28:947 (3) - ^
01:46:205 (1) - finish
Great Mapset
神曲 音效不错
哦哦 谢mod和星
Hi there~~M4M

  1. Normal难度下载出了问题,一直显示需要更新,即便点了更新也不行。下载列表里显示有2个diff (normal/hard)但是实际上下到的是3个…………所以估计你得找BAT帮你删掉多出来的一个
  2. 关掉Countdown
因为前面说的问题下载的osz里面多了一个Laputa难度……但是你的mapset list里面没有显示所以那个diff就先不看了,如果真的需要我mod的话再单独找我吧=v=

  1. 00:03:807 - 这里感觉可以加点什么,有点空了……比如说……
  2. 00:08:968 - ^
  3. 00:13:484 (4) - 做成这种节奏如何?volumn用绿线逐渐降低
  4. 00:28:646 (1) - 感觉上更适合3/4的长度而不是1/2……唔……这里试试看?
  5. 00:32:839 - 这里是个高音的起点……不考虑放点什么么?
  6. 00:38:968 - 同00:28:646 (1)的感觉……作为重音和新一句的起点感觉不适合放在slider结束上……试试改下节奏?
  7. 00:52:517 - 同样是不舒服的高音被空过去了
  8. 01:04:452 - 加点什么嘛?
  9. 好吧往后一直到整个kiai基本都是一个样子…………感觉上就是……完全相同的节奏/排列从头做到了尾缺少变化……虽然slider拉的很好看但是太单调了……
  1. 00:10:581 (1) - 1/2长度的折返条比一个1/1长度的条感觉要更好
  2. 00:20:904 (1) - 没有道理的蓝线折返呀……
  3. 00:26:065 (4) - 感觉上是个1/2的长度
  4. 00:31:226 (4) - 同样是不舒服的蓝线折返……
  5. 00:41:549 (2) - 其实蓝线折返的话,你可以试试用更常规一点的节奏:


mod Laputa Diff for mapper has fixed the submittion error

NO KDS please

  1. 00:03:807 (2) - 虽然确实playable但是可能会被issue折返箭头看不到的问题……所以尽管我认为不需要修改,但是对在寻找MAT/BAT时可能遇到的问题有个心理准备把:)
  2. 00:21:388 - 建议加note的地方,否则节奏感觉太单调了
  3. 00:39:613 (3) - 考虑做成折返?
  4. 00:47:194 - 继续建议可以考虑加note的位置~
  5. 00:58:323 (4) - 这里蓝线折返并不舒服,如果你想要放节奏在蓝线上的话也未尝不可,我认为最好取消折返,然后在00:58:968 - 到00:59:291 - 补个slider
  6. 01:07:355 (2,3,4,5) - 节奏不是很好听~~~试试这种?
  7. 01:11:871 (1) - 同样是纯粹的节奏调整建议……完全看你自己的~~
  8. 01:23:323 - 建议加note
  9. 01:42:678 - ^
  10. 01:56:387 (2,3,1,2,3,4,5) - 继续节奏修改建议…………只有1/1 1/2和三连的节奏太单调了……
  11. 02:03:323 - 建议加note
  12. 02:12:839 (3,4) - 向后移动到红线更好听~
Topic Starter

Scorpiour wrote:

Hi there~~M4M

  1. Normal难度下载出了问题,一直显示需要更新,即便点了更新也不行。下载列表里显示有2个diff (normal/hard)但是实际上下到的是3个…………所以估计你得找BAT帮你删掉多出来的一个
  2. 关掉Countdown

因为前面说的问题下载的osz里面多了一个Laputa难度……但是你的mapset list里面没有显示所以那个diff就先不看了,如果真的需要我mod的话再单独找我吧=v=

  1. 00:03:807 - 这里感觉可以加点什么,有点空了……比如说……
  2. 00:08:968 - ^
  3. 00:13:484 (4) - 做成这种节奏如何?volumn用绿线逐渐降低
  4. 00:28:646 (1) - 感觉上更适合3/4的长度而不是1/2……唔……这里试试看?
  5. 00:32:839 - 这里是个高音的起点……不考虑放点什么么?
  6. 00:38:968 - 同00:28:646 (1)的感觉……作为重音和新一句的起点感觉不适合放在slider结束上……试试改下节奏?
  7. 00:52:517 - 同样是不舒服的高音被空过去了
  8. 01:04:452 - 加点什么嘛?
  9. 好吧往后一直到整个kiai基本都是一个样子…………感觉上就是……完全相同的节奏/排列从头做到了尾缺少变化……虽然slider拉的很好看但是太单调了……
  1. 00:10:581 (1) - 1/2长度的折返条比一个1/1长度的条感觉要更好
  2. 00:20:904 (1) - 没有道理的蓝线折返呀……
  3. 00:26:065 (4) - 感觉上是个1/2的长度
  4. 00:31:226 (4) - 同样是不舒服的蓝线折返……
  5. 00:41:549 (2) - 其实蓝线折返的话,你可以试试用更常规一点的节奏:



Scorpiour wrote:

mod Laputa Diff for mapper has fixed the submittion error

NO KDS please

  1. 00:03:807 (2) - 虽然确实playable但是可能会被issue折返箭头看不到的问题……所以尽管我认为不需要修改,但是对在寻找MAT/BAT时可能遇到的问题有个心理准备把:) 这样摆的时候就有准备了:)而且也没找MAT的打算
  2. 00:21:388 - 建议加note的地方,否则节奏感觉太单调了 虽然说这样加三连听着稍微舒服点 但是排列上面得重新弄实在是不想改....
  3. 00:39:613 (3) - 考虑做成折返?
  4. 00:47:194 - 继续建议可以考虑加note的位置~
  5. 00:58:323 (4) - 这里蓝线折返并不舒服,如果你想要放节奏在蓝线上的话也未尝不可,我认为最好取消折返,然后在00:58:968 - 到00:59:291 - 补个slider
  6. 01:07:355 (2,3,4,5) - 节奏不是很好听~~~试试这种?
  7. 01:11:871 (1) - 同样是纯粹的节奏调整建议……完全看你自己的~~
  8. 01:23:323 - 建议加note
  9. 01:42:678 - ^
  10. 01:56:387 (2,3,1,2,3,4,5) - 继续节奏修改建议…………只有1/1 1/2和三连的节奏太单调了……
  11. 02:03:323 - 建议加note
  12. 02:12:839 (3,4) - 向后移动到红线更好听~
就这些了~~~嗯~~大概总结下是,这个曲子其实有很多适合下2/4连节奏的地方,就这样放过了之后你的节奏就变得很单调了呢……所以我把Hard里面放了很多蓝线repeat(死....) 嗯 其实 24连不是很会用 自己test也很是没感觉 所以还是不敢碰

Hi Banana~

Found this song randomly while browsing Pending Beatmaps... Catchy song :3


-> Your Normal diff keeps asking for an update >_< - submission error maybe? o.o...
-> I recommend to use PreviewTime: 113081, it lands perfectly on the point you want to use as preview point (:


  1. 00:00:259 (1) - Uhm, the whistle on slider's end here doesn't really fit if standing by oneself imo... Try to add a whistle to (3)'s repeat also to follow the piano's high note? xD
  2. 00:18:323 (1) - Move the 35% volume inherited section to spinner's end? imo the bird's chirping sound doesn't really fit with 35% o.o
  3. 00:28:646 (1,2) - (optional) Move (1) to ~x:311 y:77 and (2) to ~x:313 y:186? A less-narrow angle between (2,1) looks better imo...
  4. 00:47:355 (1) - Move around ~x:432 y:77? imo it's better like this because (3,1) forms a solid arc~
  5. 00:50:905 (3,1) - Try to curve (3) downward instead here? It looks really smooth with proper placing (:
  6. 00:56:711 (3) - (optional) ...curve this to the left instead perhaps? imo it fits better with your next fan pattern~
  7. 01:04:775 (2) - This is a big note from the song, perhaps use a louder volume (~40-45%) to emphasize the big note?
  8. 01:17:678 (1) - ...why 1/2 slider? 1/1 slider fits the flute better imo (it ends in 01:18:323, actually) - a simple arrangement without changing (2,3)'s shape would work good already:
  9. 01:20:259 (1) - Try to make this slider's start blanketed by (3)'s path? Gives a good impression before the spinner imo~
  10. 01:22:839 (1) - The flute continues here - start spinner 1/2 or 1/4 after and add note with finish here? :3
  11. 01:33:807 (1) - Err, the repeat doesn't really fit the song imo... Try this rhythm instead? (remove the repeat and add note 1/1 after)
  12. 01:42:839 (3) - (optional) ...put in ~x:114 y:54? Personally for pattern like this I feel better if (3) is placed slightly in the right of (2)'s end...
  13. 01:46:710 (4) - Same as 01:33:807, I personally feel it's better if the repeat is removed and a note is added 1/1 after (:
  14. 02:00:904 (3) - ...add clap on slider's start? (previously you have clap on yellow (3)'s end)
  15. 02:18:646 (2) - (optional) Curve slightly to the left instead? Personally I feel the antagonistic flow with (3) looks good here~
  16. 02:32:517 (1) - The flute continues here - start spinner 1/2 or 1/4 after and add note with finish here?

  1. 00:00:259 (1,2) - ...try something like this for the opening perhaps? Fancier than two circles imo:
  2. 00:18:323 (1) - Same as Normal about the spinner's volume~
  3. 00:32:517 (5) - Put the midpoint to ~x:434 y:256 and curve the previous (4) downward instead? imo (5,6)'s arc and (4,5)'s antagonistic direction will look more solid (:
  4. 00:37:678 (4,5,6,7) - (optional) On this pattern to get that "arc" effect I'd put (5) slightly higher than (4)'s end... Not a must, though~
  5. 00:45:742 (1,2,3,4) - Here, because the previous (5,6,7,8) is rotating, I prefer to make (1,2,3,4) rotating as well here - I watched this in autoplay and I feel hypnotized by the rotation o.o
  6. 00:57:678 (4) - Move to ~x:90 y:180 and move the midpoint to ~x:124 y:206? It'll make the angle from (3) looks less forced plus it'll correctly encircle (5)'s start (:
  7. 01:08:646 (8,9,1) - ...maybe accelerate the spacing here to get the pattern's flow more? (for example, put (1) in ~x:205 y:133 and arrange (9))
  8. 01:21:550 (3,4,5) - (optional) ...move a bit to the left to make it encircled by (2)?
  9. 01:26:066 (1) - Spacing here is quite tricky imo, I'd rather remove the repeat and add circle stacked to yellow (1)'s start in 01:26:710...
  10. 01:42:517 (2,1,2) - Uhm... Try this instead? Currently your purple (2)'s curve looks really forced imo >_<
  11. 02:09:937 (5) - (optional) I prefer curving this upward for a continuous flow with your (4) though...
  12. 02:29:292 (9) - imo you don't need to curve it this extreme, the midpoint in ~x:171 y:100 is enough imo (:

  1. 00:03:162 (1,2,3) - (optional) Uhm, it might sound crazy but... Curve these three slightly downward? Looks cute imo :3
  2. 00:08:323 (1,2,3) - Same as above
  3. 00:17:355 (4) - ...uhm, is it intentional to make this slider unsymmetrical? imo it's better to have a symmetrical slider here with (4)'s start higher than its end:
  4. 00:32:194 (3) - I don't feel really well with the jump on (3,4) here... orz, I'd make a triangle jump between (2,3,4) instead >_<
  5. 00:36:388 (2) - Minor stuff, put in ~x:316 y:352 to make the slider's start perfectly placed between (4)'s path? (yes, in play mode it's not offscreen)
  6. 00:49:291 (2,3,4,5,6) - Err... What's this stream's shape actually o.o - not a big problem though, but imo you can try something like this:
  7. 00:57:355 (2,3) - (3)'s placement looks quite forced in play mode imo, maybe you can try this:
  8. 01:11:227 (7) - Minor stuff, put in ~x:512 y:289 to encircle (4) better?
  9. 01:14:129 (4,5,6,1) -orz, I was expecting a jump like this (stacked to (2,3)) actually >_<
  10. 01:33:484 (3,4,5) - (optional) Make the arc go upward instead? imo this flows better with your (2)...
  11. 01:45:420 (4) - Again, is it intentional to make this slider unsymmetrical? I think making this symmetrical really won't hurt >_<
  12. 02:04:452 (2) - (optional) Add a slight curve downward to accentuate this slider?
  13. 02:10:258 (3) - I feel better if the endpoint is put in ~x:444 y:84, idk why ._.
  14. 02:18:323 (5,6,1,2) - ...again, accelerate the spacing here? This time like this:
  15. 02:31:226 (5) - Put slightly upper so it won't be overlapped by (4)'s path? (not a big problem though)
Great mapset~ (especially Hard diff, I can really feel the song's soul there :3)
Good luck Banana (:
Topic Starter

Niva wrote:

Hi Banana~

Found this song randomly while browsing Pending Beatmaps... Catchy song :3 :3


-> Your Normal diff keeps asking for an update >_< - submission error maybe? o.o... i think it should be ok now, for i've deleted the wrong copy in graveyard
-> I recommend to use PreviewTime: 113081, it lands perfectly on the point you want to use as preview point (: ok

if i reply nothing, then i followed your suggestion =w=


  1. 00:00:259 (1) - Uhm, the whistle on slider's end here doesn't really fit if standing by oneself imo... Try to add a whistle to (3)'s repeat also to follow the piano's high note? xD
  2. 00:18:323 (1) - Move the 35% volume inherited section to spinner's end? imo the bird's chirping sound doesn't really fit with 35% o.o opps, it must be a mistake
  3. 00:28:646 (1,2) - (optional) Move (1) to ~x:311 y:77 and (2) to ~x:313 y:186? A less-narrow angle between (2,1) looks better imo...
  4. 00:47:355 (1) - Move around ~x:432 y:77? imo it's better like this because (3,1) forms a solid arc~
  5. 00:50:905 (3,1) - Try to curve (3) downward instead here? It looks really smooth with proper placing (:
  6. 00:56:711 (3) - (optional) ...curve this to the left instead perhaps? imo it fits better with your next fan pattern~
  7. 01:04:775 (2) - This is a big note from the song, perhaps use a louder volume (~40-45%) to emphasize the big note?
  8. 01:17:678 (1) - ...why 1/2 slider? 1/1 slider fits the flute better imo (it ends in 01:18:323, actually) - a simple arrangement without changing (2,3)'s shape would work good already:
  9. 01:20:259 (1) - Try to make this slider's start blanketed by (3)'s path? Gives a good impression before the spinner imo~ i don't know the exact meaning of blanket, though i changed the placement
  10. 01:22:839 (1) - The flute continues here - start spinner 1/2 or 1/4 after and add note with finish here? :3
  11. 01:33:807 (1) - Err, the repeat doesn't really fit the song imo... Try this rhythm instead? (remove the repeat and add note 1/1 after)
  12. 01:42:839 (3) - (optional) ...put in ~x:114 y:54? Personally for pattern like this I feel better if (3) is placed slightly in the right of (2)'s end... opps, i think it was ok
  13. 01:46:710 (4) - Same as 01:33:807, I personally feel it's better if the repeat is removed and a note is added 1/1 after (:
  14. 02:00:904 (3) - ...add clap on slider's start? (previously you have clap on yellow (3)'s end)
  15. 02:18:646 (2) - (optional) Curve slightly to the left instead? Personally I feel the antagonistic flow with (3) looks good here~
  16. 02:32:517 (1) - The flute continues here - start spinner 1/2 or 1/4 after and add note with finish here?

  1. 00:00:259 (1,2) - ...try something like this for the opening perhaps? Fancier than two circles imo: a nice suggestion~
  2. 00:18:323 (1) - Same as Normal about the spinner's volume~ seems to be ok here
  3. 00:32:517 (5) - Put the midpoint to ~x:434 y:256 and curve the previous (4) downward instead? imo (5,6)'s arc and (4,5)'s antagonistic direction will look more solid (:
  4. 00:37:678 (4,5,6,7) - (optional) On this pattern to get that "arc" effect I'd put (5) slightly higher than (4)'s end... Not a must, though~
  5. 00:45:742 (1,2,3,4) - Here, because the previous (5,6,7,8) is rotating, I prefer to make (1,2,3,4) rotating as well here - I watched this in autoplay and I feel hypnotized by the rotation o.o acturally, i don't want to move these notes, for (4) is on the down beat and i think it shuold be different
  6. 00:57:678 (4) - Move to ~x:90 y:180 and move the midpoint to ~x:124 y:206? It'll make the angle from (3) looks less forced plus it'll correctly encircle (5)'s start (:
  7. 01:08:646 (8,9,1) - ...maybe accelerate the spacing here to get the pattern's flow more? (for example, put (1) in ~x:205 y:133 and arrange (9))
  8. 01:21:550 (3,4,5) - (optional) ...move a bit to the left to make it encircled by (2)? not prefer encircled here.. so i keeped what it was
  9. 01:26:066 (1) - Spacing here is quite tricky imo, I'd rather remove the repeat and add circle stacked to yellow (1)'s start in 01:26:710...
  10. 01:42:517 (2,1,2) - Uhm... Try this instead? Currently your purple (2)'s curve looks really forced imo >_< it once be like what you suggested, and i changed it later for fare of being pointed out about the invisible repeat arrow
  11. 02:09:937 (5) - (optional) I prefer curving this upward for a continuous flow with your (4) though...
  12. 02:29:292 (9) - imo you don't need to curve it this extreme, the midpoint in ~x:171 y:100 is enough imo (:

  1. 00:03:162 (1,2,3) - (optional) Uhm, it might sound crazy but... Curve these three slightly downward? Looks cute imo :3 it's cute :3
  2. 00:08:323 (1,2,3) - Same as above
  3. 00:17:355 (4) - ...uhm, is it intentional to make this slider unsymmetrical? imo it's better to have a symmetrical slider here with (4)'s start higher than its end:
  4. 00:32:194 (3) - I don't feel really well with the jump on (3,4) here... orz, I'd make a triangle jump between (2,3,4) instead >_< not a triangle, but i changed
  5. 00:36:388 (2) - Minor stuff, put in ~x:316 y:352 to make the slider's start perfectly placed between (4)'s path? (yes, in play mode it's not offscreen)
  6. 00:49:291 (2,3,4,5,6) - Err... What's this stream's shape actually o.o - not a big problem though, but imo you can try something like this: opps..that's not cute to me..
  7. 00:57:355 (2,3) - (3)'s placement looks quite forced in play mode imo, maybe you can try this: changed, thouth not follow the image following
  8. 01:11:227 (7) - Minor stuff, put in ~x:512 y:289 to encircle (4) better?
  9. 01:14:129 (4,5,6,1) -orz, I was expecting a jump like this (stacked to (2,3)) actually >_< yes~
  10. 01:33:484 (3,4,5) - (optional) Make the arc go upward instead? imo this flows better with your (2)...
  11. 01:45:420 (4) - Again, is it intentional to make this slider unsymmetrical? I think making this symmetrical really won't hurt >_< i won't hurt but i don't like symmetrical here..
  12. 02:04:452 (2) - (optional) Add a slight curve downward to accentuate this slider?
  13. 02:10:258 (3) - I feel better if the endpoint is put in ~x:444 y:84, idk why ._. ._.
  14. 02:18:323 (5,6,1,2) - ...again, accelerate the spacing here? This time like this:
  15. 02:31:226 (5) - Put slightly upper so it won't be overlapped by (4)'s path? (not a big problem though)
Great mapset~ (especially Hard diff, I can really feel the song's soul there :3) top honor to me, thanks
Good luck Banana (: thanks~

Thanks again, to your mod and star~

在02:14:291加一条去掉kiai的绿线 在02:14:452把kiai加回来

00:11:226 (2,3) - 感觉上是不是有点近
00:54:452 - finish?
01:34:775 (2,3) - 叠起来会不会对新手比较坑 尤其考虑到你下面是个条子
01:47:678 (5,6) - ^

01:39:614 (4) - 这个finish可以不要
01:56:388 (5) - finish?
02:05:421 (6) - 头尾调转会不会屌一些
02:14:453 - 这个finish可以不要
02:27:355 - finish?

感觉没啥 不过节奏有点单调 打起来蛮平淡的...
另外00:03:162 (1,2,3) - 00:08:323 (1,2,3) - 还是再拉开点比较好 免得被吐槽什么箭头看不见
Topic Starter

JauiPlaY wrote:

哇噻怎么有种古装剧的感觉 哇塞

在02:14:291加一条去掉kiai的绿线 在02:14:452把kiai加回来 加了

00:11:226 (2,3) - 感觉上是不是有点近 改了点
00:54:452 - finish? 音效全改
01:34:775 (2,3) - 叠起来会不会对新手比较坑 尤其考虑到你下面是个条子 这个没动 音比较高而且不知道排列怎么弄 下面的改了
01:47:678 (5,6) - ^

01:39:614 (4) - 这个finish可以不要
01:56:388 (5) - finish?
02:05:421 (6) - 头尾调转会不会屌一些 咱是善良mapper(笑
02:14:453 - 这个finish可以不要
02:27:355 - finish?

感觉没啥 不过节奏有点单调 打起来蛮平淡的... 怎么都这么说- -
另外00:03:162 (1,2,3) - 00:08:323 (1,2,3) - 还是再拉开点比较好 免得被吐槽什么箭头看不见 先这样吧 在开头retry就是了
感谢您在百忙之中抽空帮咱mod 谢谢你
Steph De Chine
From Steph De Chine's Queue
首先,作者对难度的标准似乎有点……大家可以简单地将Normal称为Easy,将Hard称为Normal,将Laputa称为Hard :)

00:51:872 (1,2) - 都拉长半拍,增加紧凑性和与乐曲的配合程度
01:12:194 - 考虑加个Spinner或者把00:58:969 (2) - 去掉一个折返,删掉01:00:259 (1,2),再把Spinner放在00:59:613
01:27:355 (1) - 把折返箭头去掉,拉长Slider,让它只发两个音
01:30:581 (1) - 这个可以考虑加折返,然后把01:31:549 (2) 删掉
01:40:904 (1) - 这个的Slider tick的声音有点……,把它缩短一半,改成折返吧
02:00:904 (3) - 把折返箭头去掉,拉长Slider,让它只发两个音
02:04:129 (1) - 考虑把它缩短一半,然后加2个折返
02:09:291 (1) - 考虑把它缩短一半,然后加2个折返
02:10:581 (2) - 为啥要加这个的Slider Tick声音呢?考虑删掉
02:13:162 (3) - 这个也是
02:16:388 (3) - 把折返箭头去掉,拉长Slider,让它只发两个音
02:22:194 (1) - 为啥要加这个的Slider Tick声音呢?考虑删掉
02:24:775 (1) - 为啥要加这个的Slider Tick声音呢?考虑删掉
02:26:065 (2) - 去掉折返箭头,然后往前拉长半拍,让它只发两个音
02:27:355 (1) - 这个的Slider Tick也不算很好听的
02:28:646 (2) - 往前拉长半拍,Slider Tick可以考虑去掉,不去掉也可以,看你本人的意见了
02:29:936 (1) - 加到2个折返箭头
02:30:904 (2) - 删掉
02:31:549 (3) - 往前拉长一个半拍到02:31:226

00:40:581 (1) - 去掉折返箭头,往后挪到00:40:904
01:51:227 (1,2) - 考虑删掉,改成Break Time
02:12:517 (1,2) - 这两个是留着做坑的吗?也可以考虑在这里搞大跳
02:31:862 - 这里也可以加个note

00:00:259 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3) - 这一段只是单纯的Copy+Paste吗?考虑水平/垂直翻转下
00:03:162 (1,2,3) - 折返不好听,考虑消音或者拉长slider
00:08:323 (1,2,3) - 折返不好听,考虑消音或者拉长slider
00:13:484 (1,2) - 折返不好听,考虑消音或者拉长slider
00:18:000 (5) - 这个可以换成超长创意Slider或者Spinner
00:28:969 (4,5) - 可以加三连击
00:38:968 (2) - 在末端加三连击
00:44:452 (2,3) - 把这一段改成像00:49:291 (2,3,4,5,6)那样的连击
00:58:323 (4) - 缩短半拍会更合适
01:15:420 (2,3) - 去掉折返,把Slider拉长会好些,同时增加难度
01:30:742 - 这里可以加一个,增加连续性
01:51:226 (1,2) - 这两个实在没有存在的必要啊,删了吧
Topic Starter

Steph De Chine wrote:

From Steph De Chine's Queue
首先,作者对难度的标准似乎有点……大家可以简单地将Normal称为Easy,将Hard称为Normal,将Laputa称为Hard :) 难度名没问题
然后,最大的问题是作者似乎对"Slider+Tick"和"Slider+折返箭头"的用法不大合适……重新检查下所有难度里面的Slider吧~~ 虽然肯定程度不及上一个 但是用的不算太糟

00:51:872 (1,2) - 都拉长半拍,增加紧凑性和与乐曲的配合程度 我觉得跟陶笛不合适 所以就把这个音跳过去了
01:12:194 - 考虑加个Spinner或者把00:58:969 (2) - 去掉一个折返,删掉01:00:259 (1,2),再把Spinner放在00:59:613
01:27:355 (1) - 把折返箭头去掉,拉长Slider,让它只发两个音
01:30:581 (1) - 这个可以考虑加折返,然后把01:31:549 (2) 删掉
01:40:904 (1) - 这个的Slider tick的声音有点……,把它缩短一半,改成折返吧 Slider Tick音确实有点问题 但是不至于要删掉 我把音量调小了
02:00:904 (3) - 把折返箭头去掉,拉长Slider,让它只发两个音
02:04:129 (1) - 考虑把它缩短一半,然后加2个折返
02:09:291 (1) - 考虑把它缩短一半,然后加2个折返
02:10:581 (2) - 为啥要加这个的Slider Tick声音呢?考虑删掉
02:13:162 (3) - 这个也是
02:16:388 (3) - 把折返箭头去掉,拉长Slider,让它只发两个音
02:22:194 (1) - 为啥要加这个的Slider Tick声音呢?考虑删掉
02:24:775 (1) - 为啥要加这个的Slider Tick声音呢?考虑删掉
02:26:065 (2) - 去掉折返箭头,然后往前拉长半拍,让它只发两个音
02:27:355 (1) - 这个的Slider Tick也不算很好听的
02:28:646 (2) - 往前拉长半拍,Slider Tick可以考虑去掉,不去掉也可以,看你本人的意见了
02:29:936 (1) - 加到2个折返箭头
02:30:904 (2) - 删掉
02:31:549 (3) - 往前拉长一个半拍到02:31:226

00:40:581 (1) - 去掉折返箭头,往后挪到00:40:904
01:51:227 (1,2) - 考虑删掉,改成Break Time 这边有音的 原曲 仔细听
02:12:517 (1,2) - 这两个是留着做坑的吗?也可以考虑在这里搞大跳
02:31:862 - 这里也可以加个note

00:00:259 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3) - 这一段只是单纯的Copy+Paste吗?考虑水平/垂直翻转下 rotate 11°
00:03:162 (1,2,3) - 折返不好听,考虑消音或者拉长slider
00:08:323 (1,2,3) - 折返不好听,考虑消音或者拉长slider
00:13:484 (1,2) - 折返不好听,考虑消音或者拉长slider
00:18:000 (5) - 这个可以换成超长创意Slider或者Spinner
00:28:969 (4,5) - 可以加三连击 确实可以 但是改起来有点麻烦
00:38:968 (2) - 在末端加三连击
00:44:452 (2,3) - 把这一段改成像00:49:291 (2,3,4,5,6)那样的连击
00:58:323 (4) - 缩短半拍会更合适 这里就是要改也是1/4 而且我觉得这样挺好的
01:15:420 (2,3) - 去掉折返,把Slider拉长会好些,同时增加难度
01:30:742 - 这里可以加一个,增加连续性
01:51:226 (1,2) - 这两个实在没有存在的必要啊,删了吧
hi, mod for 233 (?



  1. 00:40:581 (1) - 中间clap
  2. 01:43:484 (2) - 0.0挡住了啊
  3. 01:51:872 (2) - 变速75%吧...
  4. 02:09:292 (4) - 不是很整齐0.0
  5. 02:22:840 (7) - 中间的改成25%-35%的音量..

  1. 00:35:742 (1) - 头上加个c2 whistle什么的?
  2. 00:37:355 (3) - 这里吧..
  3. 00:40:904 (1,2) - 这里跳一下比较舒服0.0
  4. 00:49:452 (3) - 感觉好奇怪...
  5. 00:55:420 (4) - 最后那里往里一点
  6. 01:04:129 (1) - 这样怎么样
  7. 01:12:839 (2) - 这个从下面吧 感觉比较符合这里的意境...
  8. 01:16:065 (3) - 有点多..
  9. 02:02:516 (3) - 这样吧o.o 那中间不好看了
  10. 02:25:742 (3,4,5) - ctrl+r o.o
  11. 02:31:226 (5) - 最后这里音量大点

  1. 00:26:710 (1,2) - 形状对称0.0
  2. 00:44:775 (1,2) - ^
  3. 01:01:227 (2) - 加个reverse 0.0
其实我也觉得laputa diff的节奏有点单调, 不加点二连四连什么的么0.0

给个star, 嗯0.0
Topic Starter

[CSGA]Ar3sgice wrote:

hi, mod for 233 (? 233 (?

话说鸟叫的梗好神0.0 我看了十分感动(拖走


  1. 00:40:581 (1) - 中间clap
  2. 01:43:484 (2) - 0.0挡住了啊 Niva说没问题..
  3. 01:51:872 (2) - 变速75%吧...
  4. 02:09:292 (4) - 不是很整齐0.0 ...虽然想动来着 但是不知道怎么下手就懒了
  5. 02:22:840 (7) - 中间的改成25%-35%的音量.. ->三十五 顺便最后面三个圈也渐弱了

  1. 00:35:742 (1) - 头上加个c2 whistle什么的? clap怎么办...算了
  2. 00:37:355 (3) - 这里吧.. 2.16*有点远了..前一个音调高一些才2.08,两个连着有点..(overlap什么的请不要在意..
  3. 00:40:904 (1,2) - 这里跳一下比较舒服0.0 为了保证转啊转的风格(误)改成ds1.3*
  4. 00:49:452 (3) - 感觉好奇怪... 喵一下就过去了(死)
  5. 00:55:420 (4) - 最后那里往里一点 done
  6. 01:04:129 (1) - 这样怎么样 大概是这样弄了
  7. 01:12:839 (2) - 这个从下面吧 感觉比较符合这里的意境... 意境么..改了
  8. 01:16:065 (3) - 有点多.. 嘛...这个真不想动了
  9. 02:02:516 (3) - 这样吧o.o 那中间不好看了 图片打开太多显示一半断掉了- -嘛 把这个圈移了个位置
  10. 02:25:742 (3,4,5) - ctrl+r o.o nice!
  11. 02:31:226 (5) - 最后这里音量大点 哦哦..

  1. 00:26:710 (1,2) - 形状对称0.0 done
  2. 00:44:775 (1,2) - ^ 这个对称了不好排 算了
  3. 01:01:227 (2) - 加个reverse 0.0 我想跟笛子怎么破..
其实我也觉得laputa diff的节奏有点单调, 不加点二连四连什么的么0.0 一定是绕啊绕的弄得很单调的样子...好不甘心...话说不想动了..嘛

给个star, 嗯0.0 喵~
Sun Rainbow
Topic Starter

Sun Rainbow wrote:

Athena Tennos
哪天闲着没事干来mod试试=w=........just ign me/.\
Topic Starter

Athena Tennos wrote:

哪天闲着没事干来mod试试=w=........just ign me/.\
谢关注和星 也谢很久以前的sssssssss和sunshy的星星(们)
SB mod
17:23 *Sun Rainbow is editing [ Joe Hisaishi - Kimi wo Nosete (Instrumental) [Laputa]]
17:23 nold_1702: 在dl
17:23 Sun Rainbow: 你说我做了SB别人要不要把我ID加进TAG
17:23 nold_1702: 加
17:26 nold_1702: sb在00:20:259 (1) - 開始一直放大放大20幾秒超悶的
17:26 nold_1702: 但是放大頭10秒很好的
17:26 nold_1702: 很有意境
17:26 Sun Rainbow: 不是有snow吗
17:26 nold_1702: 不會留意吧...因為不是重點
17:27 Sun Rainbow: 这个地方表现出来的是这个国家的雪景
17:27 nold_1702: 再之前的黑色忽現美境是好梗
17:27 nold_1702: 但是一直放大超悶的
17:27 Sun Rainbow: O O
17:27 nold_1702: 我的個人意見而已吧
17:28 Sun Rainbow: 有办法
17:28 nold_1702: 個人認為在01:38:323 (2) - 要換一換風景
17:29 nold_1702: 頭20秒做得很好,造出意境來
17:29 nold_1702: 後面的不太好...
17:29 nold_1702: 還有點悶
17:29 Sun Rainbow: 嗯
17:29 nold_1702: 可能是沒梗吧
17:29 Sun Rainbow: 我换了
17:30 Sun Rainbow: 冬转为春的场景
17:30 Sun Rainbow:
17:31 Sun Rainbow: 这个怎么样
17:31 Sun Rainbow: 我在想要不要加点那个阳光的文件ORS
17:31 Sun Rainbow: ORZ
Sun Rainbow
Give Nold KD Plz 文件我会给的

  1. Artist: Hisaishi Jou(ひさいし じょう 久石譲)

  1. sb\black.jpg, sb\light.png, sb\white.png didn't used
  2. 02:14:452 - 这里开始的那个樱花飘落...所有樱花都同样大小同样朝向...至少旋转一下改下大小吧, 都一样看起来总觉得很不自然. 还有这里背景虽然是粉红色, 但是始终觉得那些都是枫树而不是樱花树lol. 在02:22:373这个时间点一堆樱花瓣都在中间也很不好看, 我觉得你可以让樱花瓣在不同时间出现不同时间结束的, 不一定非要都同时出来. 不知道你有没有看过我那张中岛美嘉的图, 大概就是01:25:440 - 02:09:205这种感觉, 这样会比较觉得樱花瓣是一直在飘落而不是像是摇了树一下然后就掉了那么几瓣下来_(:3」∠)_

  1. 00:21:549 - 00:21:710 - I can hear sliderslide sound during this period, it's just, feel something is wrong, I think you need another silenced normal-sliderslide1 sound
  2. 00:31:871 - 00:32:033 - ^
  3. 00:42:194 - ^
  4. 00:52:517 - ^
  5. 01:05:420 - ^
  6. 01:18:323 - ^
  7. 01:29:936 - ^
  8. 01:33:807 - ^
  9. 01:44:129 - ^
  10. 01:54:452 - ^
  11. 02:02:194 - ^
  12. 02:07:355 - ^
  13. 02:16:388 - ^
  14. 02:21:549 - ^
  15. 02:28:000 - ^
Ohters all good
Call me back when you have reply
Topic Starter

Breeze wrote:


  1. Artist: Hisaishi Jou(ひさいし じょう 久石譲)
查了一下 英文名确实是Joe Hisaishifrom wiki


  1. 00:21:549 - 00:21:710 - I can hear sliderslide sound during this period, it's just, feel something is wrong, I think you need another silenced normal-sliderslide1 sound added
  2. 00:31:871 - 00:32:033 - ^
  3. 00:42:194 - ^
  4. 00:52:517 - ^
  5. 01:05:420 - ^
  6. 01:18:323 - ^
  7. 01:29:936 - ^
  8. 01:33:807 - ^
  9. 01:44:129 - ^
  10. 01:54:452 - ^
  11. 02:02:194 - ^
  12. 02:07:355 - ^
  13. 02:16:388 - ^
  14. 02:21:549 - ^
  15. 02:28:000 - ^
Ohters all good
Call me back when you have reply 嗯 我先找Sun Rainbow看看SB去
Sun Rainbow
Athena Tennos


  1. Turn off countdown in [Hard] diff

  1. hana.png didn't used, check it
Topic Starter

Breeze wrote:



  1. Turn off countdown in [Hard] diff

  1. hana.png didn't used, check it
fixed all ( 我似乎是知道recheck不要kd的不过一冲动然后就点上去了...
Topic Starter

Breeze wrote:

thanks Breeze~
Oh I remember this song... Beautiful new SB o.o
Only mentioning few things though, please don't kd:

  1. Hard: 01:43:484 (2) - This new combo is VERY hard to read, due to yellow (2)'s comboburst... One possible solution I can think of is like this:
  2. End your last kiai in Normal diff at 02:32:517, or alternatively you can end last kiai on all diffs to 02:35:097 xD
That's all~


EDIT : Yep (:

Ranked ~
Topic Starter

Niva wrote:

Oh I remember this song... Beautiful new SB o.o Happy to know it ._.
Only mentioning few things though, please don't kd:

  1. Hard: 01:43:484 (2) - This new combo is VERY hard to read, due to yellow (2)'s comboburst... One possible solution I can think of is like this:
    Fixed in a different way, though.
  2. End your last kiai in Normal diff at 02:32:517, or alternatively you can end last kiai on all diffs to 02:35:097 xD
    It's not a bad idea to kiai the last spinner, and I extended all diff.s kiai to the end.
That's all~
Thanks for recheck, Niva~
Snowy Dream
Congratz! 1st Rank
恭喜rank :3
P o M u T a
crying song ;x;
Topic Starter
oh thanks everyone~

香蕉老爺~~~~~ !!

angelfix wrote:

恭喜first rank~~~
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