
Everyone is beta

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Everyone is beta as fuck:
Yeah just noticed. What are this
Accuracy ranking? New accuracy counting system? 2nd sounds more interesting though.
it's a new counting system, some people already have something in there.

Tanzklaue wrote:

it's a new counting system, some people already have something in there.
Profile link?

still there for the people who already have it, atleast it was that way when I wrote that post
Topic Starter

peppy wrote:

I am planning on changing the accuracy formula, so I wouldn't bother trying to protect your awsm accuracy.
Hmm.. This sounds.. :/
I spoke with peppy a bit.

He threw me this


jesse1412 wrote:

that acc
nahtzee #1
I don't even...

133% I can understand, press a third of the beats in the map with two buttons. :D
But over 200% accuracy? this is madness!
My Beta Accuracy suddenly disappeared, ok.
Also, it was 0 some hours ago
99.63 real, 99.62 beta. OP

If you want to see your new accuracy, just make your pp go up a bit :p.
Hit Accuracy: 93.57% (beta: 95.14%)
I'm okay with this!
Oh, please stay that way xD I always though my accuracy is lower than it should be.


88.8% (beta: 91.46%)
As this directly ties in with pp calculations, you may want to check out the new infographic I made: ... points.png

peppy wrote:
This is beautiful

But didn't PP use to count anything up from online rank #1000? Why did it go down to #500? I was even considering suggesting earlier to make it count from 3000 and up because honestly the less far it goes on this, the less accurate the system feels. You can get knocked out of top 500 very fast... after all a lot more players are active on osu right now.
Does this limit stem from system limitation in PP calculations load, or just an arbitrary number? If it's the latter, please make it go further down...
This is why I didn't want to include numbers. It will likely change over time so don't dwell on it. There are technical reasons for reducing it for the moment.
"I bet this new accuracysystem will kill my acc, which was crappy anyway"

I love the new system <3

so basically, the new accuracy is the accuracy of the maps that count towards your pp, and better scores with higher pp-value will affect the accuracy more?
3. Resulted Scores are sorted descending
Will we be able to see a list of our scores with the most worth?

Tanzklaue wrote:

so basically, the new accuracy is the accuracy of the maps that count towards your pp, and better scores with higher pp-value will affect the accuracy more?
Correct. It uses exactly the same process but applies the results to accuracy rather than weighted rank.

JappyBabes wrote:

Will we be able to see a list of our scores with the most worth?
I have considered this, and may make it available in the future :).
Shohei Ohtani

Me gusta.

peppy wrote:

If you want to see your new accuracy, just make your pp go up a bit :p.
My pp is rather high, so I guess I should try playing on a really hard map so that I can see the new Accuracy stats, eh?

Now I'm curious... :P /me goes to play

Just a question to peppy: will you keep the old Accuracy stats or replacing it?
I don't know how this works, but my acc is much higher now, so of course I like it so far XD, I'm guessing it's a counter for acc farming (which is very related to score farming) in some way.
So playing older maps for training doesn't contribute toward your PP? That's somewhat disappointing. I may have to re-organize my song folder haha.

oh well. at least its higher

and floks, its not older maps, its older scores

Oh well

Also, just as a question to the part which says that maps older than a year wont give you pp anymore.

Does this mean, if I get a hidden SS from an older map, like an example , you won't be awarded pp at all? :(

Valentiino wrote:

Also, just as a question to the part which says that maps older than a year wont give you pp anymore.

Does this mean, if I get a hidden SS from an older map, like an example , you won't be awarded pp at all? :(
I thought peppy meant "age of record" rather than "age of beatmap"? silmarilen already said it:

silmarilen wrote:

and floks, its not older maps, its older scores
Guess peppy realized getting ~96% on OD 10 is actually harder than getting SS on OD 8@the same map. And that getting a top accuracy on a hard map (like obtaining 95% at some stupidly hard map where everyone gets ~90%) is worth a lot more than a random 99,9% on [Easy1200ComboMap].

Winshley wrote:

Valentiino wrote:

Also, just as a question to the part which says that maps older than a year wont give you pp anymore.

Does this mean, if I get a hidden SS from an older map, like an example , you won't be awarded pp at all? :(
I thought peppy meant "age of record" rather than "age of beatmap"? silmarilen already said it:

silmarilen wrote:

and floks, its not older maps, its older scores
Ah kk, thx for clearing this out
having a beta accuracy is so mainstream

thelewa wrote:

having a beta accuracy is so mainstream
I got a strange beta accuracy ;_;
Complaining about mainstream is so mainstream

thelewa wrote:

having a beta accuracy is so mainstream
Not being mainstream is too mainstream these days /superhipster
taNa 99.98 :o

SunnyMario wrote:

I got a strange beta accuracy ;_;
lol 100%
@SunnyMario: That's what you get for SSing all the time. >:( You've SS'd so much that your 50-something S's have, like, no weight!

silmarilen wrote:

and floks, its not older maps, its older scores
Are you certain? His info-graphic says that the maps stop giving, which makes it seem like it's the map age, not the score age. Can Peppy clarify?
it says 'age of record'

Floks wrote:

silmarilen wrote:

and floks, its not older maps, its older scores
Are you certain? His info-graphic says that the maps stop giving, which makes it seem like it's the map age, not the score age. Can Peppy clarify?
I can assure you from my own experience these past few days that yes, old maps definitely count. I'm talking from 2009 here, too. A lot of really old maps are extremely easy and have very low contention, though, so be careful of which ones you bother with; naturally, nobody cares if you get into the top 20 on an extremely easy map where there are only two mod scores, and the system probably reflects this.

EDIT: There; 3 minutes worth of editing later I finally worded it right.
I'm not beta

peppy wrote:

As this directly ties in with pp calculations, you may want to check out the new infographic I made: ... points.png
So why I gain more pp farming new ranked maps than making a #1 on an old insane ?

I've tested on insane maps some days ago (all maps were insanes diff and totally random on CtB) :

One day : I did more than 20 top#20 to top#4 (with HD DT) and gained 0 pp.

Another day : 1 top#1 (HR HD) the map hasn't been FC'd with these mode gained almost 30pp.( Link for the ranking date/contention)

Another day : 2 top#1, the 2 maps were FC'd with those modes I passed the #2 on spinners, gained 1pp. ( & Link for the ranking date/contention)

Finally I spend the same time as the other days farming the new ranked maps not even FCing sometimes just to get top#40, gained almost 10pp.

So I think the maps I've played were considered too easy for my "pp level" but, why people above me still gain pp just by FCing random maps with HD, and when I FC with HD DT I don't even get one pp ? This is really frustrating and not motivating me to get #1

Drafura wrote:

peppy wrote:

As this directly ties in with pp calculations, you may want to check out the new infographic I made: ... points.png
So why I gain more pp farming new ranked maps than making a #1 on an old insane ?
Older than 1 year?... yes.

iMercurial wrote:

Older than 1 year?... yes.
So basically I did a better performance on playing 1 try not even FCing a random new map than getting a #1 on an old beatmap wich ton of players played it ?

Is this a joke ?
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