Please read Rule
I may skip your beatmap, if I don't like your song or your beatmap is so awesome.
I can mod in Chinese and English.
I can't mod taiko and CTB. (I don't even play it)
I will skip bubbled/app diff. I will mod WIP, but it must be completed.
One beatmap set at once. Don't post more if you see another beatmap in queue.
I may post some other rules or information. Plz check my last post.
If my modding is terrible, feel free to ignore it.
Time Limit:
3m↑: 3 diffs
2m ~ 3m: 4 diffs
2m↓: 5 diffs
Please use this format

For Chinese~
我只能用英语和中文mod. 如果需要中文mod请注明~我轻松很多。。btw,my english is so poor.
我会跳过Bubbled/For app的diff。. WIP我会mod~但是必须是完成了的。。。
3m↑: 3 diffs
2m ~ 3m: 4 diffs
2m↓: 5 diffs
If ignore my rules and I ignore you. Baka☆♪~
Please read Rule

3m↑: 3 diffs
2m ~ 3m: 4 diffs
2m↓: 5 diffs
Please use this format
song name :
link: (Your map's URL)
mod language: (Chinese or English, maybe japanese~)♪~
~~~~~if it is ur 1st pending map plz tell me~
if u mod these songs, u can ignore rule~xD
BRIGHT - 1 year 2 months 20 days by Athena Tennos
Hanazawa Kana - SUPER STREAM by jesse7419
Shintani Ryoko - Kira Kira Serenade by __Ag
Yuyoyuppe - Reon by Irie Miyuki
Iguchi Yuka - Platinum Disco by Athena Tennos
__Ag's Extra rule~
only use Chinese & Japanese mod~
no more than 4 diff.~ if exceed, just choose 4 diff to mod~
no more than 5 min.~
only accept Chinese song & Japanese song~
also accept instruments song, but the instruments song only from Touhou!~
Irie's Extra Rules~
1. Maps for rank only.
2. I can't mod Taiko or CTB or mania, osu standard only.
3. I can mod in Chinese or English (but my English is poor ._.)
4. Chinese songs and VOCALOID songs have higher priority.
5. Chinese newbie mapper has higher priority. (btw 4>5)
6. If it's your first beatmap, mention it in your reply.
7. I'll skip your map if it's perfect for me or I don't like it.
Guest Diff request is open but only a normal or hard diff.
I'm a newbie modder, if my mod helps, I'll be happy. But if it's useless, just ignore it. :3
PS: I'm a newbie in modding. Maybe my modding will not be so helpful to you. I want to learn more about how to edit by modding others' beatmap. If I have some problems in modding, plz tell me how to improve it.If our friendship is mutual, you can always post your beatmap here regardless of rule

if u mod these songs, u can ignore rule~xD
BRIGHT - 1 year 2 months 20 days by Athena Tennos
Hanazawa Kana - SUPER STREAM by jesse7419
Shintani Ryoko - Kira Kira Serenade by __Ag
Yuyoyuppe - Reon by Irie Miyuki
Iguchi Yuka - Platinum Disco by Athena Tennos
For Chinese~

3m↑: 3 diffs
2m ~ 3m: 4 diffs
2m↓: 5 diffs

歌曲名 :
链接: (你map的链接~)
mod语言: (中文 或 英语)♪~
~~~~~~~~~~(如果是1st beatmap请注释~)
__Ag's Extra rule~
only use Chinese & Japanese mod~
no more than 4 diff.~ if exceed, just choose 4 diff to mod~
不能超过4个diff, 超过的话选择性mod~
no more than 5 min.~
only accept Chinese song & Japanese song~
also accept instruments song, but the instruments song only from Touhou!~
Irie's Extra Rules~
1. 只接准备rank的图
2. 我不会mod Taiko/CTB/mania..
3. 只会用中文和英文mod, 如果你的头像下方挂着中国国旗, 那我就直接中文mod了哟.这货英语渣的一比
4. 中文歌和V家歌曲优先
5. 新mapper也有优先权w(但是4的优先权高于5)
6. 如果这是你的第一张图,在回复的时候提一下
7. 如果你的图太好了,或者我不喜欢这歌,那我就跳过了
我可以接Normal或者Hard的GD request.
我是新跳坑的modder, 如果我的mod有用,我会很开心的w,如果你觉得没用,直接无视掉就好o.o
If ignore my rules and I ignore you. Baka☆♪~