
[web] Add quote part to thread post and while editing [added]

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This is a feature request. Feature requests can be voted up by supporters.
Current Priority: +0
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Basically being able to quote anything said in the thread after you've made your reply or thread post.

Thread post on the left, reply post on the right:

You can quote things from any reply post, but why not the thread post? You can't quote when editing a post either. So that has to be fixed too.

Please come up with suggestions and criticism for this feature request.
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It would be useful in the collaborative threads

and a feature request which this would work together with very nicely:
You can't quote when editing a post either

But yeah, this would be really useful in collaborative threads like you mentioned
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Saten wrote:

You can't quote when editing a post either
good point! That should be fixed too.

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A big part of your making a reply screen is covered by a quote box.

Here you can quote anything said in the thread.

The problem is, you can't do this if you're editing your post or thread.
Well yeah, about the editing part i am aware of that, i got no idea about quoting the "thread post" seems i misunderstood that with quoting the opening post.

So as far as i take it, you're asking for being able to quote the Opening post on topic review? or am i getting something wrong here.
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Being able to quote anything said in the thread from the Opening post, or basically being able to quote anything said in the thread after you've made your reply or thread post.

I can already quote the opening post as I'm writing this.
Ah i get it, so you want to quote from the opening post AFTER you've made it, this looks like it's more of an issue with the fact that you dont get a topic review when editing posts, rather than just disabling you from quoting something on the opening post.
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I put it there too just in case.
I had issues while posting and it was a slow thread so I ended up triple posting. I wasn't able to quite while editing and i was honestly expecting people to post. This should be fixed or something.

happened here p/2072282
This should work now.
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thank you so much!

Will it ever be possible to be able to quote more than the 15 latest posts? In case you want to quote something from the previous pages.
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