Hi. Please remember that you don't have to follow all of my suggestions because they are mostly only suggestions.
Audio lead in should be 1500 (1,5 seconds) in all difficulties.
00:00:705 - the timing section should be 00:01:063
00:02:134 (5) - place this circle directly under the end of the slider
00:12:134 (2) - delete and extend the previous slider by one repeat
00:14:277 (2,3,4,5) - don't you think this pattern looks weird, because of the inconsistent spacing?
00:18:205 - the kiai time has to end here already
00:19:098 (2) - this one isbit too close to the previous slider imo
00:28:384 (2,4) - stack them directly under the end of the respective previous sliders
00:29:277 (5,6,7) - this is just awkward, make a long slider instead?
00:33:027 (2) - this slider could be curved more evenly (move the second node a little bit down)
00:36:062 (3) - same here (move the last node a bit to the right)
00:43:027 (5,6) - this jump (especially the direction) breaks the flow
00:46:777 (8) - finish
01:02:312 (1) - remove new combo
01:02:670 (3) - this one feels unfitting
01:03:205 (1,2,3,4,5) - so do these
01:08:027 - add circle
01:14:634 (8) - new combo
01:15:348 (1) - remove new combo
01:17:670 (9) - stack it completely under the end of the previous slider
01:23:205 (1) - no double-return-slider please
01:23:920 - the kiai time has to end here already
01:27:491 (3) - shorten by one repeat
Your use of claps sounds very random to me, maybe rework you usage?
00:00:705 - the timing section should be 00:01:063
00:03:205 (2) - if you move this to x:176 y:236 and re-position the follwing circles it will look much better imo
00:18:205 - end the kiai time here
00:24:813 (1) - remove new combo, shorten by on repeat and add a circle at 00:25:348
00:27:848 (1) - remove new combo
00:36:777 (1) - this is just uncreative
00:39:634 (1) - same with this
00:43:920 (1) - move the last node a bit down ad to the right, so that this slider doesn't look so angular
00:49:634 (4,1) - please increase the spacing between these two sliders
00:51:598 (5) - this one doesn't fit. Even if you want to keep this, you should shorten it by one repeat and add a circle instead.
00:53:205 (1,3) - to angled, they look a bit ugly, make them more straight (but not totally straight ofcourse)
00:54:455 (5) - same as 00:51:598
00:57:313 (1) - uncreative
00:59:634 (4) - but this one totally fits
01:00:705 (1) - this return slider is not good, because one wants to stress 01:01:063, so you put a circle/start of a slider there
01:01:777 (2) - ...
01:06:777 (1) - please, these are boring
01:20:170 (4) - shorten by one repeat, move to 01:20:348 and add a circle at 01:20:170 instead
01:23:920 - the kiai time has to end here already
Your claps sound random here, too.
CS 3?
00:16:598 (4) - this curve doesn't look good, it could be more evenly
00:20:348 (2,3) - they are touching and it doesn't look good, maybe curve (2) more
00:34:277 (5) - move this to x:84 y:236 so that it looks nicer together with the previous slider. Don't forget to re-position the following circles then ofcourse.
00:48:205 (5) - move the second noce a bit up and to the left
00:52:491 (6) - new combo
01:00:348 - the kiai time has to start here already
01:03:205 (1) - make this a little bit more straight
01:07:848 (2,3,4) - this should look more like this:
http://osu.ppy.sh/ss/33481401:17:491 (5) - you want to stress 01:18:205, so shorten the slider by one repeat and add a circle instead
01:23:920 - the kiai time has to end here already
Again (at least for me) random claps.
That's it, I hope there are some useful suggestions.