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Hi-yo! And welcome to InfinityGamerZ Summer Tour 2016 #2!

^Made by Sporadik^

Tour is for players ranked between 50 000 and 100 000.
IGZST #2 will be played over 2 Weekends. Groupstage 16th and 17th of July and Knockoutstage 23rd and 24th of July.
Max players 64.
Map difficulty for groups varies between 3,7->4,7 While for Knockouts it'll be around 4->5
Counts towards Summer Tour total standings -> Here
Might have some ref spots open again(?)

- Tournament will be played over 2 weekends of Groupstage and Double Elimination Knockout Stage for top players (schedule will be found on google docs)
- Mappools will consist of 7 NoMod, 3 HardRock, 3 Hidden, 3 DoubleTime, 3 FreeMod and 1 TieBreaker map totaling to 20 maps.
- Match times:
*16.7. Saturday Groups 1st round and Winners match 12:00UTC->
*17.7. Sunday Groups Losers match and Elimination match 12:00UTC->
*23.7. Saturday Knockout Ro32/16 LB R1 and R2 12:00UTC->
*24.7. Sunday Knockout QF-> LB R3-> 12:00UTC->
- Referee will create the room, unless if they’re still busy with their earlier match
- Room Name: IGZST[Player A – Player B]
- Room should be locked with a password
- No extra players, viewers or ghosts are allowed in the room, apart tournament referee/admin
- Respect your opponent
- Both players may choose 1 (One) Warm-up map each, MAP MUST NOT BE PART OF THE MAPPOOL
- Maximum length of the warm-up map is 4minutes
- Players are responsible for showing up on the scheduled time
- Players must be able to play matches starting 12:00 UTC on 23rd and 24th of July
- The player with higher !roll will start the ban/pick Phase
Higher roll Ban
Lower roll Ban
Higher roll Ban
Lower roll Ban
Higher roll Pick
Lower roll Pick
- Groupstage matches will be played as Bo5(First to 3 wins)
- Groupstage will be played with Korean-style (Double-elim groups)
- Knockout stage will be played as Bo5. SemiFinals, LBR6, WB Final, LB SF and LB Final Will be played as Bo7 (First to 4 wins). GrandFinal will be played as Bo9 (First to 5 wins)
- Players are allowed to ban 2 (Two) maps
- Player is only allowed to pick 1 consecutive map from the same pool. ( no HR+HR or HD+HD, yes HR+HD or FM+HD) Doesn’t apply to NoMod maps
- In case of tie (2-2,3-3,4-4) a Tie-Breaker map will be played (Pre-Determined)
- Each map is played with their respective mods, NoMod = no mods, HR = Hardrock etc...
- For FreeMod both players must pick atleast one mod (HR/HD/FL)
- If player Disconnects during a song and the result doesn't show up in MPlink will the map be reqistered as loss. (MPLink has the final say)
- No rematches, AT ALL.
- Double fail overwrites the rule above, the player who picked the map gets to re-pick a map

- After disconnecting player has 10mins to reconnect, if he fails to do so, will the match be marked as 0-3 loss
- Tie-Breaker will be played with LightFreeMod rules (Mods allowed, but not forced)
- Failed score does NOT count
- Tournament is open for players of 50k-100k rank, however if player goes below 50k is he/she still allowed to take part aslong as his/her rank doesnt go below 45k AT ANY POINT OF TOURNAMENT. Rank must be between 50 000 and 100 000 when registration closes
- Fail participation (Reqistrating but not showing up) will result in being banned for the rest of Summer Tour
- If a player misses their first match, will he/she be replaced with the highest seeded player from reserve list that is online at current point
- Arriving late results in following penalties
+5min Loss of warmup map
+10min DQ + Replacement from reserve list
- Showing disrespect towards rules/opponent/referee will result in DQ

Knockoutstage Mappool
TBA 17.7. (After Groups are done)

Player Requirements
- Rank between 50 000 and 100 000
- Higher play time than 50 hours
- Reading the rules

Don't even bother to leave a registration if you don't fill the requirements at the given point. We will NOT reserve slots.

Each player who wants to join should fill this on top of reading rules :

Player Name:
Current Rank:

Registration ends 13.7. 16:00 UTC

1. elinesse
2. siletkaratan
3. pavelbere
4. Dasvi
5. KaitouXFlandre
6. Skires
7. Sithlordben
8. Phx_Blaster007
9. Ardent
10. CharmCaster
11. Asrea
12. Jordy013
13. PlasticMemor
14. YoshiLover456
15. iLoveKristel
16. Tripper
17. WeebWoofWolf
18. NikolasM2453
19. kkyrulez99
20. TropicalX
21. Gawain69
22. BeatingHeart
23. Kilometr
24. Cartoonz_S
25. Astaroth
26. Hikai
27. -[ R A V E N ]-
28. Prissa
29. auchi391
30. cinis7
31. M-O-P-S-I

Host: Tbag188
Referees: Electoz; Cedohran; Mark9870(?); StephOsu...
Mappool Selecters: Tbag188; el shinra
Stream: ?
Cast: Tbag188(?) ?

Staff Application form
(Old faces don't need to fill this ;))
Available times on (In UTC):
Applying for: (Ref/Commentator)
Earlier experience:

Winner 1month supporter
and POINTS!!1!!

Uhm... that's everything right? Anyhow, feel free to ask anything. Read rules before asking the question... they often tell the answer.
S > Spot PM me

Applying for staff :D

Quick edit: My internet is going to be fixed. NO MORE DISCONNECTIONS FINALLY
Another edit: giving away 1month supporter for #1 :)
Player Name: Elinesse
Current Rank: #66,811
Nationality: Russia

When do we get our pizza and salad?
Player Name: siletkaratan
Current Rank: #60,859
Nationality: Indonesia

well this is my first time joining this tournaments tho xD Goodluck everyone :D
Player Name: pavelbere
Current Rank: #82,664
Nationality: Italy
Topic Starter

elinesse wrote:

When do we get our pizza and salad?
Never >.<
Player Name: Dasvi
Current Rank: 66,854
Nationality: Greece
With 2 Mappools this time so the refs don't have to listen to the same songs for the whole tournament, NICE :D
Oh and yeah also applying for staff again ^^
I can't ref the Group Stage this time around, but the knockout stage is a possibility. I get back the day before so I won't really know until then if I'm up for it.
5 in the morning where I live at
Name: KaitouXFlandre
Current Rank: 92,177
Nationality: United States
I´d like to join, but i have no time between 15.6-18.6 xDDDD

Good Luck for your tournament <3
Player Name: Skires
Current Rank: #56,066
Nationality: Egypt
Player Name: Sithlordben
Current Rank: 89856
Nationality: UK
Player Name: Cobreh
Current Rank: 50,000
Nationality: Merican
I can ref if my rank drops any lower, im availble UTC 14:00-4:00
Wait realize im going to be away the entire tourney, i withdraw my registration rip :(
Ayy I'm applying:

Player Name: Phx_Blaster007
Current Rank: 71601
Nationality: America

Also, will this be livestreamed and commentated? (I don't really care, I'm just wondering)
Player Name: Ardent
Current Rank: 84,517
Nationality: American

I can't believe I almost took down Cobreh and he went all the way to the finals XD
Player Name: CharmCaster
Current Rank: (#71,246)
Nationality: Singaporean

trying to not mix up the timing this time (wasted my quarter final match on the prev ST )
Topic Starter

Phx_Blaster007 wrote:

Also, will this be livestreamed and commentated? (I don't really care, I'm just wondering)
We had commentated (well mostly commentated) stream last time for the knockoutstage, trying to get one again for the second weekend.
Player Name: Asrea
Current Rank: 67,271
Nationality: USA

I better not get any higher XD and this time im planning on going further >^>
- Akemi
Player Name: TropicalX
Current Rank: 99k
Nationality: Lithuanian
I think you messed up Charm's nationality
Player Name: Jordy013
Current Rank: 68 k
Nationality: Neterlands
Player Name:PlasticMemor
Current Rank: 50K *barely*
Nationality:United States
Name: YoshiLover456
Rank: 50,881
Nationality: USA

I've been on the downfall and trying to pick myself up. :D
Hopefully maybe my rank won't go up suddenly this time around.
Player Name: iLoveKristel
Current Rank: #68167
Nationality: The Netherlands

Goodluck to everyone!
Player Name: Tripper
Current Rank: 69k
Nationality: The Netherlands
Player Name: WeebWoofWolf
Current Rank: #68,504
Nationality: Dutch, The Netherlands

Getting surgery done on my leg on the 8th of july, hoping nothing goes out of the ordinary so I won't have to miss the tourney. I think I'll have the time and energy to join in but I just can't predict the future. ;)
Might be joining again, idk if ill make it though
Player Name: NikolasM2453
Current Rank: #50,133 (pls peppy stop banning people)
Nationality: Slovakia
Is it okay if im lower then 50k? Like 36k. I only want to say that im not 36k because im good. I only farmed alot thats why i got there

if yes here are my informations.

Player Name: elsiexkatsuragi
Current Rank: #36,412 (only because alot of farming)
Nationality: Germany

elsiexkatsuragi wrote:

Is it okay if im lower then 50k? Like 36k. I only want to say that im not 36k because im good. I only farmed alot thats why i got there

if yes here are my informations.

Player Name: elsiexkatsuragi
Current Rank: #36,412 (only because alot of farming)
Nationality: Germany
''- Tournament is open for players of 50k-100k rank, however if player goes below 50k is he/she still allowed to take part aslong as his/her rank doesnt go below 45k AT ANY POINT OF TOURNAMENT. Rank must be between 50 000 and 100 000 when registration closes''

I think that answers it :o
Player Name:kkyrulez99
Current Rank:#70,718

Topic Starter

BeatingHeart wrote:

I think you messed up Charm's nationality
Jan Pawel II
Player Name: Gawain69
Current Rank: #51,834
Nationality: Poland
Player Name: Lathalian
Current Rank: #56763
Nationality: British

:P Looking forward to this
Player Name: BeatingHeart
Current Rank: #93,401
Nationality: Sweden
Player Name: StephOsu
Current Rank: #18214
Nationality: Malaysia
Am I in?
Player Name: Kilometr
Current Rank: #68,468
Nationality: Poland
Player Name: Cartoonz_S
Current Rank: #69,759
Nationality: Ukrainian

Can i have some PIZZA :) :) :)
Player Name: Astaroth
Current Rank: #52,652
Nationality: USA bois

(Note: I am not Available July 24th, would that be a problem or would this all be done on July 23rd?)
Player Name: Hikai
Current Rank: #87,552
Nationality: USA

Woot, first tournament!

StephOsu wrote:

Player Name: StephOsu
Current Rank: #18214
Nationality: Malaysia
Am I in?

No you need to fix the spelling of your name first duh
And i availble to ref group stage it turns out <3
-[ R A V E N ]-
Player name: -[ R A V E N ]-
Current Rank: #57,707
Nationality : Indonesia

It's my first tournament, please be nice 😅
Topic Starter

StephOsu wrote:

TL:DR Steph is an ass and we won't work with him anymoe (plz I need you)
Player Name: Yukki156
Current Rank: #85,701
Nationality: Poland

tbag188 wrote:

TL:DR Steph is an ass and we won't work with him anymoe (plz I need you)
Looking for my name to be in participants list instead of staff list jk I'm in
Player Name: Prissa
Current Rank: 81,235
Nationality: Poland

I like cheese
(you dont see this :o Add yukki156. SHE is good in this game) *le lenny face*
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