
Allow users to search for mode-specific diffs. [added]

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This is a feature request. Feature requests can be voted up by supporters.
Current Priority: +16
Topic Starter
Shohei Ohtani
In Ranked Beatmaps and in osu!direct, you should be able to search for maps with taiko diffs >:3~. It'd be useful for people who want to play taiko maps.

This request seems very familiar, so I dunno if somebody has requested it before (or if I've requested it before B3~).

Millhiore edit: This request has been modified from taiko-only to all mode-specific maps.
CDFA, if you really think something is that familiar you should perhaps search.

Duplicate of viewtopic.php?f=4&t=42833&hilit=taiko

Edit: Read post below.
i wouldn't call this a dulicate of that thread bliss..that feature request focus more on filtering out taiko map..this focus more on finding them both ingame and in the osu direct(i guess this counts as ingame but w/e). i could see this being usefull so people like rodoko or arien666 can find more maps with a taiko only diff.

it shows up on the website anyway so at least at a option for in the osu direct showing that the map has at least 1 taiko diff :)
Sorry CDFA. I guess Deadbeat is right on this.
(Yeah I was about to post that other thread too until I saw they were slightly different)

Could be useful to save taiko players some time~
Topic Starter
Shohei Ohtani
I guess I'll bump this~.
Why wasn't this bumped more? I love this idea. Sometimes you can search by typing in "Oni" or "Muzukashii" or any of the other difficulty types, but that's only about half of them. If you type in "Taiko" you will sometimes find OSU only maps that use TnT songs, and that can be quite annoying. There's some maps that don't have mention of either and will only have a creator's name or a general difficulty directed to the song title or something strange like that, and then you can't find those songs at all.

My point is, while there are ways to find them already, they're tedious and they don't retrieve them all. This request needs more views! D:
Hm, since Taiko maps are now rankable, this would be probably usefull?
Also because of modding stuff. Easier to find.

OnosakiHito wrote:

Hm, since Taiko maps are now rankable, this would be probably usefull?
Also because of modding stuff. Easier to find.
Topic Starter
Shohei Ohtani
woah wth when did I suggest this
Archangel Tirael
And why only taiko? For
completeness, you can search
and CtB diffs do. :)
Topic Starter
Shohei Ohtani
When this request was made, CtB diffs didn't exist.

But yeah if you wanna search for CtB diffs that's cool too and all
i still agree with this. now the CtB only diff's are rankable as well, having a search filter for them would benefit a lot of players
Personally, I would like to see the following: (Nevermind the fact that osu! has a Taiko diff instead of an osu! Diff, you should know what I mean)

IMO OP is a good idea and should definitely be implemented.
That looks pretty nice Azure, supporting!

Sakura wrote:

That looks pretty nice Azure, supporting!
ilu Azure
Didn't saw the imgs, too bad.
requesting thread gets updated to search for any mode-specific difficulty :3
This request is too limiting. It could very well include both CtB and osu!mania

t/80237 this request however allows you to filter all game modes. Much easier.

theowest wrote:

This request is too limiting. It could very well include both CtB and osu!mania

t/80237 this request however allows you to filter all game modes. Much easier.
I moved this discussion over there, because it has more support and is not limited to just taiko. (ctb difficulties are rankable now)
Except this means a web filter to FIND maps with mode-specific difficulties. The other request is for filtering them to find ones you already have downloaded. I'm removing the duplicate tag on this one.
Sorry about that. I came from the duplicate request which lead me from this one, thinking they were exactly the same. since he didn't mention the word web, osu!direct or anything that would've given me the clue that it wasn't for the song select.

in any case, it will still be a kind of filter
Added for the web:
awesome :D works pretty fine ^^ (took me a bit to find it though xD
Yessssss \o/
Well done.

No more "CTB" tags! /o/
That was there for quite a long time. Why are we celebrating now? Noone cared enough to notice it on the far right of the screen when they forum searched.

This will not remove the need for tags, because searching in-game doesn't bring up beatmap sets with CTB or taiko by search.
According to the changelog, it was just added 3 days ago. I wouldn't call that "quite a long time."

MillhioreF wrote:

According to the changelog, it was just added 3 days ago. I wouldn't call that "quite a long time."


^ posted 8 days ago, mode specific option existed at least that long ago.

I'm not sure exactly how old it is. 8 days is still not a lot.
That filter is for maps that you have played (or not) on said mode, the one this feature request is talking about and that got added is for mode-specific difficulties.
If we're talking about

Then it existed 8 days ago.

This banter is irrelevant. it was added (and i think peppy forgot to include it in the changelog). So horray for mode specific searching.
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