
Ignore empty osbs on mapsets

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They're only 197 Byte iirc and are a pain to remove as they require full submission to remove.
Even if you had 2000 maps on your PC and all of them had osbs in it, you'd only have around 400 additional Kilobyte on your PC, which is not even half a Megabyte, so it would hardly make a difference at all. So, when you come across them, you can gladly ignore them.
This does not mean you should ignore all unused files though. If there is an image or an audio file in the folder that doesn't do anything, you're still allowed to mod that! This is just about ridiculously small files that would not have an impact at all.

In the rare case that there are two or more osbs in the folder, kill em all.
19:58 <Apoorsoulwhoshallnotbenamed> : hey xgor
19:59 <imeanreallyleavethatguyalone> : remove your OSB :U
19:59 <Xgor> : FFFFFFFFFFFF
19:59 <Mashley> : No
19:59 <Mashley> : Fuck that
19:59 <Mashley> : why would you care if there's an osb there
19:59 <Mashley> : seriously
19:59 <Mashley> : it's a tiny file that osu! automatically generates
19:59 <Mashley> : just ignore it
19:59 <ppy> : Mashley: seriously
19:59 <ppy> : tell every single person this for me
20:00 <ppy> : i dont' know how many times i've seen people say "delete .osb"
20:00 <ppy> : i have no idea who started it and why
20:00 <ppy> : but it's pointless and stupid

Stickied for a month or so, until the message gets through to everyone.
YES!! so happy over this, this and the kudo topic in such a sort time.

so much win lately x)
lol you actually did a topic on this, ok

(I only said it because when I was learning to mod ages ago everyone else said it)
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James2250 wrote:

(I only said it because when I was learning to mod ages ago everyone else said it)
Yeah, most people did it. Someone started it, and everyone followed him/her.

And this is the end!
I like how I'm the one who got outed for it when it was my first time ever pointing it out and I only started checking for them since I started bubbling and I never thought it was necessary but I thought we were supposed to point it out since everyone else did and I'M SORRY ;_;
Suddenly, kudosu ammount per map will decrease in an incredible way

Rivers will get dry, and crops won't grow

People will start starving, no more kudosu will be at hand, and modders won't star maps wihout Kudosu in echange, SP per map will decrease and decrease, until every single map has below 7 SP

Then, BATs and MATs won't be able to give bubbles, and there will be no more ranked maps.

Osu! will then start to fall appart. Memories of the times on where 1 map was ranked per day will be as precious as water itself. #modHelp will eventually stop being so active and it will get closed, after that, it's just a matter of time...

...just a matter of time...
Well, I never imaged my rage has the power to remove one of the stupidest mod stuff in osu! history!

Well now i know :D
Well, I did it because of how no unused files should be in the folder, and well, empty .osbs are unused aren't they? Even if they're so tiny they don't really make a difference.

Oh well. I'll ignore them from now on.
This makes me happy on so many levels
Oh thank GOD.

I'm pretty sure this was brought up in the MAT HQ before, and multiple BATs said that we WERE supposed to tell mappers to remove the .osbs. Oh well. (:

EDIT: @Krisom -

Doomsday wrote:

Well, I did it because of how no unused files should be in the folder, and well, empty .osbs are unused aren't they? Even if they're so tiny they don't really make a difference.

Oh well. I'll ignore them from now on.
My thoughts exactly. Every single word. ._.
What if they have 2 empty .osb's? Or three. Or eighty. JUST SAYIN'.
*adds to bookmarks so that whenever someone says "delete osb" he will give a link to this topic*
I guess it wasn't required after all.
There goes free kudosu
not like removing empty osb is worth a kudosu
Colin Hou
Great, and how about the Thumbs.db?

Shinde wrote:

What if they have 2 empty .osb's? Or three. Or eighty. JUST SAYIN'.
The game generates an empty .osb. Just one. The mapper has to fail at life to have more than one empty .osb. >:(

Ekaru wrote:

Shinde wrote:

What if they have 2 empty .osb's? Or three. Or eighty. JUST SAYIN'.
The game generates an empty .osb. Just one. The mapper has to fail at life to have more than one empty .osb. >:(
I saw 3 in a map once, no idea how they got there.
If title/artist change, it generates another .osb with the new title/artist

Shinde wrote:

What if they have 2 empty .osb's? Or three. Or eighty. JUST SAYIN'.
brb exploiting bad wording of thread
Anyone that was giving free kd for posts that only contained things such as "remove .osb and full submit" needs to be smacked. Hard. With a large fish or something. :c
I guess this rule should be applied only when there is 1 .osb file into the folder.
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Post edited!

Larto wrote:

Post edited!
IIRC a BAT started this stupid modpost. I'm not telling who~ ^^

Larto wrote:

In the rare case that there are two or more osbs in the folder, kill em all.
That's going to be quite detrimental to the map if it actually has a storyboard.
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Jarby wrote:

hurp durp it's absolutely clear that this topic is about empty osbs but i'll just be ignorant hurp.
Card N'FoRcE

Finally my prayers come to an end.

Larto wrote:

I'm mad cause I'm not as pro at English as Jarby-sama.
i don`t need to post silly things

At last...
I've been victim of this :(
Card N'FoRcE
Oh, now that i'm here, another question.

Thumbs.db anyone?
Thumbs.db will die anyway. Vista and Win7 don't do that anymore.
So how I'm suppose to get kudosus now? :(
By providing actual input.

It doesn't even need to be in the traditional format as long as the input's useful. Ex. "Your map is boring to me. This is because you use the same patterns over and over and don't pay as much attention to the music as you could, which probably would make the map funner. Also, 4 and a half minutes of the same song seems overkill to me, I would consider cutting it to a more reasonable length. And no, no one cares about your desire for purism."

As long as it's not like, "I LOVE IT" or "THIS MAP SUCKS" without anything even vaguely constructive in the post, then it can often be useful and kudosu-worthy.
Yeah pretty sure that was a joke.
Or you posted on the wrong thread? I mean, that should go on the kudosu thread :x

0_o wrote:

Yeah pretty sure that was a joke.
That was the point.

That and I was in a bad mood after being out in the cold for half an hour because our class couldn't make two lines that were painted on the ground. ~ Though it could go in the kudosu thread but I'm too lazy to copy and paste so meh.
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I guess everyone got the message. Unstickied.
inb4 my map gets popped due to that it has a osb

Natteke wrote:

*adds to bookmarks so that whenever someone says "delete osb" he will give a link to this topic*
Actually those "delete the empty osb" still exist ~.~
:idea: This explains everything...
Must bump THIS @.@
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