
[resolved] [osu!mania] Invisible bars for better view of video

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This is a feature request. Feature requests can be voted up by supporters.
Current Priority: +9
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Sometimes when I play a map I like to watch the video/image that goes with it, but when I play in osu!mania mode, I can't get a full view of it. I would like a way to adjust the opacity of the black background (the bars) of the scroller in beatmap options, when starting the beatmap. Or, another way would be to shrink the video and put it slightly to the right side so you can view it completely, the rest of the background being black.
There are some skins that gives a bit of transparency. You may want to browse them for yourself. Imo, having videos on mania is pretty distracting. =w=
You can already skin the black BG completely transparent, I see no reason to make it a beatmap option.

Scaling the video and moving it is just a terrible idea. How would it be scaled, based on your skinned key's width? And with skins like these, where would it even fit? Transparent BG is a lot better way to see the video.

images taken from skin threads
A feature like this already exists. You must put a configuration ini file in your skin directory
Different ini files are needed for every keycount. Such as 4K.ini, 5K.ini to 8K.ini

For example in 5K.ini

Colour1: 0,0,0,225
Colour2: 0,0,0,225
Colour3: 0,0,0,225
Colour4: 0,0,0,225
Colour5: 0,0,0,225

Colour1 to Colour5 are the keycolumns.
0,0,0 is RGB color, in this case black.
and 225, being the opacity. The values are from 0 (invisible/100% transparency) to 250 (solid black/0% transparency).
since the request exists, gonna change tag to resolved >_<

Flanster wrote:

A feature like this already exists. You must put a configuration ini file in your skin directory
Different ini files are needed for every keycount. Such as 4K.ini, 5K.ini to 8K.ini

For example in 5K.ini

Colour1: 0,0,0,225
Colour2: 0,0,0,225
Colour3: 0,0,0,225
Colour4: 0,0,0,225
Colour5: 0,0,0,225

Colour1 to Colour5 are the keycolumns.
0,0,0 is RGB color, in this case black.
and 225, being the opacity. The values are from 0 (invisible/100% transparency) to 250 (solid black/0% transparency).
Where can I get 4K.ini, 5K.ini, 6K.ini,(bla bla bla)?
Caput Mortuum
In newer skin they are inside skin.ini, under [nK] section.
I'm having trouble using the 4K.ini and etcetera
I created the file in the skin directory and set some colours but it doesn't seem to work am I missing a step?
Full Tablet

juriann wrote:

I'm having trouble using the 4K.ini and etcetera
I created the file in the skin directory and set some colours but it doesn't seem to work am I missing a step?

In newer skin they are inside skin.ini, under [nK] section.
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