
Major Lazer - Bubble Butt (feat. Bruno Mars, Ty...

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Shohei Ohtani
This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Tuesday, March 23, 2021 at 8:24:04 PM

Artist: Major Lazer
Title: Bubble Butt (feat. Bruno Mars, Tyga & Mystic)
Tags: Free the Universe Reditum
BPM: 97
Filesize: 9839kb
Play Time: 03:17
Difficulties Available:
  1. Easy (1.8 stars, 157 notes)
  2. Hard (3.84 stars, 426 notes)
  3. Normal (2.43 stars, 230 notes)
Download: Major Lazer - Bubble Butt (feat. Bruno Mars, Tyga & Mystic)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing

kds pls
cancer cancer cancer cancer cancer cancer cancer cancer cancer cancer cancer cancer cancer cancer
Topic Starter
Shohei Ohtani
I'll finish this eventually
Topic Starter
Shohei Ohtani
Raging Bull
But you never finish maps.
I actually really like this map, great job on it! 8-)
Topic Starter
Shohei Ohtani
I'm going to say I'm going to rank this, then a BN is going to be like "needs an easier diff", so I'll proceed to sulk about it and let the map grave until I'm bored and actually make it
From your M4M Queue

Booby ova da booty babyyy, nice sb. keep it pls

MP3 over 192kbps

testimage13.jpg not in use

00:45:679 (3) - the hitsound on the head isn't correct because you're hitsounding 00:45:370 - in 00:45:679 (3) -

01:08:566 (3,1) - this doesn't play so smoothly imo because of where (1) is placed and where the slider is facing.

01:42:587 (2,3,4,1,2,3) - too dense for EZ?

02:28:360 (1) - hitsound on tail isn't correct

02:51:246 (2) - drum-sliderslide intentional? sounds good tho

03:11:968 (3) - better if you put drum-hitfinish on the head and uhh, I'm sure it's better to change this into 1/2 repeat slider to get the downbeat

02:22:484 (3) - what exactly are you hitsounding in the tail? lol

02:29:906 (3) - ^ guessing these are just additive hitsounds, which i kinda disagree with because that's adding to the music but ok

02:35:783 (1) - the amount of repeats here may be confusing

02:37:948 (3) - ends on a downbeat

03:02:381 (5) - you forgot the hitsound on tail

03:12:277 (5) - forgot the clap on head

Hard ;)
00:32:381 (1) - why is there a hitsound on head?

00:34:855 (1) - ^

00:34:855 (1) - forgot a clap here

00:40:731 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - this is extremely harsh of how this plays because of the angle of turns

01:00:834 (7) - there is no way people have enough reaction time to read this. I'm sure this is unrankable.

01:11:969 (1) - why hitsound

01:14:443 (1) - ^

01:18:463 (7) - clap

01:20:319 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - harsh

02:17:226 (1,2,3,4) - same tbh ^

02:25:267 (3) - might be a little bit hard to read

I believe this diff needs to be nerfed a little bit on the object density department because this is like a 194 BPM single tap map, that's pretty difficult, because there are linear patterns and a lot of sharp angles as well, paired it with high SV it's pretty damn difficult regardless of * diff.

That's it! :D Good luck! I totally want to see this ranked lmao.
m4m from your queue


01:08:566 (3,1) - you could blanket this, but it looks fine as is
01:13:206 (3,1) - feels like 1 should be a bit more down+left
01:41:350 (1) - ctrl+j amd rotate sliderend upwards a bit
01:55:576 (3,1) - little bit off blanket
02:25:886 (1) - rotate end a bit down
02:27:741 (3,1) - rotate sliderend up to blanket3?
03:01:762 (2) - m,pve end a little bit up

00:31:143 (4,1) - fix blanket
00:33:618 (5,1) - ^
01:09:185 (1) - curve like THIS?
01:51:246 (1,2) - fix blanket
01:59:597 (3) - move red point a little right so the slider aligns with 01:58:669 (1) -
02:23:411 (1) - sldierend needs to be moved ~1pixel right to align with previous sldier
01:06:710 (1) - I think a singletap + repeating 1/4 slider would fit better here

01:01:762 (1,3) - blanket is minimally off
02:03:154 (8,9) - ^
02:18:463 (1,2) - move sliderend up or 2 down a bit
02:29:597 (1,2) - those are slightly off, I think there are multiple of them with the exact same issue, or might it be intentionmally? but then 02:30:216 (3) - is properly aligned again
02:42:896 (10) - :!: slightly offscreen
03:07:948 (1,3) - making them the same shape might look better
Topic Starter
Shohei Ohtani
Will apply tomorrow

As for the SB, what I've gotten is generally every QAT I've talked to except one has said the SB is fine to go. So for the time being I'll be keeping the SB, unless a more majority opposition happens (NOTE: I don't tell QATs what the other opinions when I give them the map, so it's not biased)

Still haven't talked to every QAT tho and tbh I lost track of who exactly I've asked, but it's definitely 5+
alright, rapid mod

combocolors are not set, please use some
also repair tags
delete Major Lazer - Bubble Butt (ft. Bruno Mars, 2Chainz, Mystic, Tyga) (CDFA).osb

01:46:917 (1) - ar is pretty low so better to move this out, so easy players wont be confused with 01:45:370 (3,1) - overlap
rhythm can be improved by focusing more on downbeats
examples: 00:36:401 (4) - \\ 00:41:350 (3) -
generally fine

I don't see a reason why this are extended
00:45:370 (2) -
01:24:958 (2) -
01:42:277 (2) - works better is you want to stress lyrics
01:58:669 (1) -
02:24:339 (2) - etc

00:39:030 (8,9,10,1) - flow :\ is crappy here
00:40:731 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - can be improved a bit
00:43:205 (1,2,3,4) - flow way too sharp
01:03:772 (8) - should start on 01:03:618 (7) - to follow lyrics better
01:06:710 (1) - I'm not sure if this acceptable nowadays
01:08:875 (6,7) - downbeats usage as sliders end while they have strong emphasis is awful 01:13:824 (5) -
01:18:618 (8,9,10,1) - flow again
01:20:319 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - same as for 00:40:731 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7)
01:22:793 (1,2,3,4) - I don't like this copy-pasting here, change patterns a bit, also way too sharp flow again
01:50:473 (7,8,9,10) - ^ 01:50:473 (7,8,9,10) - same
01:56:813 (3) - end lands on emphasized beat and next hittable object on a very weak one 01:57:277 (4) - -> so this is bad rhythm placement
02:02:381 (4,5,6,7,8,9) - don't flow like this, this is not pleasant to play because of too sharp movements
02:20:937 (2,4) - remove trap overlap
02:22:793 (8,1) - better to place rhythm here based on lyrics, atm it's way too unrelated to music
02:28:360 (1,2,3,4) - dafuq this snapping
02:30:834 (2,3,4) - ^
02:49:391 (4) - ^
02:49:391 (4,5,6,7) - ^
02:34:236 (4) - slider end with strong hitsound, messes up rhythm feeling a lot

remove alldashit from hard, fix some of your sharp flows, stick more to emphasized beats and this will be awesome map
Topic Starter
Shohei Ohtani
wtf my hard diff is perf </////3

will apply changes soon owo
yay 500th post.

We've fixed some placement/blanket/stack issues.
11:24 Mortem: Milosh Zeman.
11:25 *Mortem is editing [ Major Lazer - Bubble Butt (ft. Bruno Mars, 2Chainz, Mystic, Tyga) [Easy]]
11:26 Mortem: Wouldn't you mind IRC mod?
11:26 Reditum: butt owo
11:26 Reditum: uhhh sure owo
11:27 Mortem: Ok~
11:28 Mortem: Enable custom colors.
11:29 Reditum: ;w;
11:29 Mortem: I would suggest you AR:3 or 3,5 for an Easy difficutly.
11:30 Mortem: 00:45:679 (3,4) - What about rhythm like this: Fits more into song.
11:32 Mortem: 01:15:061 (3,4) - Same here. (Only the slider number (4)).
11:32 Mortem: 01:25:267 (3,4) - ^
11:33 Mortem: Also your mp3 isn't in 192kbps.
11:33 Reditum: :(
11:34 Mortem: You also have two .osbs in a folder.
11:35 Mortem: There is also image that it's not used in SB.
11:35 Mortem: Are you planning to remake the SB?
11:35 Reditum: no owo
11:35 Mortem: Since the 4:3 is not commonly used.
11:35 Mortem: Ok.
11:36 Mortem: Tags conflict.
11:36 Mortem: Add "CDFA" to every difficulty.
11:37 Mortem: 02:32:071 (2,3) - The same thing as before.
11:38 Mortem: You can add a reverse slider at downbeat.
11:38 Mortem: It would fit to "bang bang bang".
11:38 Mortem: xD
11:38 Reditum: oooh ouo
11:39 Mortem: 02:38:257 (3) - New combo?
11:40 Mortem: 02:55:576 (1) - What about make this slider more curvy like this.
11:41 Mortem: R̶e̶a̶l̶ ̶s̶l̶i̶d̶e̶r̶ ̶h̶a̶v̶e̶ ̶c̶u̶r̶v̶e̶s̶
11:41 Mortem: *sliders
11:41 Mortem: If you need a code for it, tell me.
11:42 Reditum: okay owo
11:43 Mortem: That butts tho
11:43 *Mortem is editing [ Major Lazer - Bubble Butt (ft. Bruno Mars, 2Chainz, Mystic, Tyga) [Normal]]
11:43 Reditum: B)
11:43 Mortem: AR5 please.
11:44 Reditum: :(
11:44 Mortem: 01:01:143 (5,2) - You could stack these two.
11:45 Mortem: Also, these are only suggestions. Feel free to ignore them.
11:45 Reditum: okay owo
11:45 Mortem: 01:02:999 (3,1) - Stack?
11:45 Mortem: 01:10:731 (4,1) - Move (1) to the right for making a blanket.
11:45 Mortem: 01:13:206 (5,1) - Fix blanket.
11:46 Mortem: 01:51:246 (1,2) - ^
11:47 Mortem: 02:22:484 (3,2) - Stack?
11:47 Mortem: 02:24:339 (2,3) - You can also move (3) little bit down for better flow.
11:48 Mortem: Otherwise seems fine.
11:48 *Mortem is editing [ Major Lazer - Bubble Butt (ft. Bruno Mars, 2Chainz, Mystic, Tyga) [Hard]]
11:49 Mortem: 00:43:205 (1,2) - Move little bit up for better flow + you would stack 00:42:432 (2,2) -
11:50 Mortem: btw. where the f♥♥k does the Bruno Mars sing?
11:51 Reditum: i don't know i don't even know when 2chainz comes in
11:51 Reditum: because 1st and 2nd rap is mystic and 3rd is i think tyga
11:51 Mortem: I don't listen to rap/hip-hop & pop tbh.
11:51 Reditum: </3
11:51 Mortem: :|
11:51 Mortem: Sorry, but I don't like it.
11:51 Mortem: 01:39:494 (3,4) - Blanket?
11:53 Mortem: 02:54:958 (8,3) - Stack?
11:53 Mortem: This is more like insane than hard.
11:53 Reditum: :(
11:54 Mortem: I don't quite like the style of this map but that's my problem. Anyways except some things I guess it's okay. :)
11:54 Reditum: yay owo
11:54 Reditum: do you like storyboard owo
11:54 Mortem: yea. it's great. but the 4:3 :|
11:54 Reditum: ;w;
11:54 Reditum: It is hard finding 16:9 storyboard of anime butts that can scroll owo
11:54 Reditum: and are SFW ow
11:55 Reditum: (Although I want to make a nsfw version of the SB owo)
11:55 Mortem: That would be unrankable I'm afraid.
11:55 Reditum: i know ;w;
11:55 Mortem: Anyways, I'll post a log to the thread.
11:55 *Reditum cry
omg it's back

Raose wrote:

omg it's back
yay! Go Reditum owo
NM from my queue

For a start, briefly my opinion on storyboard!

  • [General]
  1. Need tags. I could not find the necessary information about the album, but you need to write even a genre of songs
  2. It is unusual to see the lack of green lines, although they are not needed here
  3. I saw a few arts that are directly related to the titles. I think they should be add to the description
  • [Easy]
  1. In general, everything is good, but I think you miss a lot of important bits (for example: 00:32:381 00:34:855 etc). Although apparently it's your idea, so I'll just I will note this fact
  2. 01:05:164 (2,3,1) - You can do something similar to the blanket. For example
  3. 01:39:803 (2) - ^
  • [Normal]
  1. 01:01:143 (5,2) - stack?
  2. 01:02:999 (3,1) - You can stack with end slider
  3. 01:40:112 (4) - Isn't it better to do this slider more proportional?
  4. 01:58:669 (1,3) - I think that the curves of these sliders should be done in parallel
  5. 02:22:484 (3,2) - stack
  • [Hard]
  1. 00:42:432 (2,2) - stack
  2. 01:22:020 (2,2) - ^
  3. 02:23:566 (1,3) - they are not parallel D:
  4. 02:30:216 (3) - ^ (although it may be so conceived, so will no longer pay attention to this)
  5. 02:50:628 (1,3) - It can be made more smoothly
need rank this (つಠ_ʖಠ)つ. Goold luck!
Topic Starter
Shohei Ohtani
Fixed things.

I also fixed the metadata. Turns out 2Chainz isn't in this. Here's the version with 2Chainz. Although the metadata is only found through the google search of the album, so I don't know if it's correct.

Nyark Tolegna

- 00:32:690 (3) - finish this slider in 00:32:999 and circle in 00:33:308 and in 00:33:463
- 01:01:298 (9) - begin this slider at 01:01:143
- 01:12:278 (3) - finish this slider in 01:12:587 and circle in 01:12:896 and in 01:13:051
- delete this slider 01:38:875 (1) - and circle at 01:38:875
- slider here 01:39:185 at here 01:39:339
- 01:41:040 circle here
- 02:20:319 (3) - end this slider here 02:20:628
- begin this slider here 02:23:721
- 02:28:978 (2,3,4) - unplayable i think
- 02:30:679 (1) - delete this
- 02:31:040 (3,4) - unplayable
- 02:31:968 (6) - unplayable
- 02:50:009 (5,6,7) - ...

Good luck !
Topic Starter
Shohei Ohtani
applied some stuff from mod owo

ByBy is planning on modding this so woohoo
Hi~ ! :3


• Mp3 bitrate is more than allowed maximum 192kb. You 320
• Duplicated unused osb. file - delete the one that you do not need
• Put a warning for epileptics. because here there are outbreaks
• In your map is not inserted colors new combo. I think nonstandard would look better


hm, OD +1 mb?

01:06:092 (3,2,3,2) - overlap. I think here it is possible to do without it
01:40:731 (3,2) - ^
01:46:917 (1,3) - ^
02:34:855 (x) - here are not enough notes


00:45:370 (2) - hm, You can ends it here 00:45:679 ? otherwise overlooked is the bit on a white tick
01:24:958 (2) - ^
01:42:277 (2) - ^ blue tick here I do not understand.much better if the slider ends a white
02:44:133 (2) - ^
03:00:525 (1) - ^
01:08:875 (x) - add note. here is very clearly heard that the missing note

most of all I do not like the fact that the end sliders to blue ticks. and because missed of this a blow against white tick.


00:39:030 (8,9,10,1) - hmm, this should have been done in the shape of a rhombus? is aligned
01:18:618 (8,9,10,1) - ^
01:01:298 (9) - try to finish the slider on the red tick and make a return. it would sound much better. because you are lost this rhythm
01:13:051 (x) - add note. Why are skipped note? because in other similar rhythms notes there
01:53:102 (3,3) - overlap. Make superposition
02:28:360 (1) - Now what is intuitively not play at all do so @_@ best to set them on the ticks
02:31:040 (3,4) - ^
02:31:968 (6) - ^
02:49:391 (4,5,6,7)- ^

Put all the notes on ticks. That's how the notes are now located not on ticks - intuitively does not play. It is difficult to understand. :<

• Oh yes. and further. I would recommend this option diffs names: Beginner-Advanced-Challenging. (or Normal-Hard-Insane) because the name does not correspond to reality

Good luck!
Topic Starter
Shohei Ohtani
Will apply when I get home

Missin u byby
Topic Starter
Shohei Ohtani
23 days later I finally got to this

Applied some of the changes. Mostly cleaning up stuff

The 1/3 snapping is staying atm because it's following the vocals. But if it's really a big issue I could make it follow the backing track more.

I'll update the mp3 when I feel assed to deal with adjusting the storyboard but don't worry im gonna do it

Thanks so much for modding owo


  1. lo ur mp3 quality isnt pleb enuf : /
  2. i wud still add the epilepsy warning cuz of how u do the pic transitions


  1. nic


  1. the sv for this diff looks rlly high compared to the ez diff d
  2. stak view is nic u kno (1.11x ds)
  3. 03:09:185 (3,4,5) - 0.90x ds llo
  4. yheja G aside from the fukd ds cuz staking view


  1. hoyl all these diagonal sliderz :L
  2. 01:05:937 (5,6) - this fukd blankt is triggring m e
  3. 01:38:875 (1,3) - i thikn itd b visually better if u just used the same slidr shape for both lo
  4. 01:55:731 (6,7) - u and ur shity blanketz ddddddd
  5. actualy a lot of ur blanketz trigr me cuz ther not pROperly blanketign the circlz/sliderheads fkg54raec
  6. 02:30:679 (1) - blu tik nc y........... it actualyly makes it worse 2 read lo
  7. 02:33:154 (1) - this nc doesnt mak sense tho..
5/7 sb Xd
Topic Starter
Shohei Ohtani
fuck I'll fix the mp3 eventually i always "forget" :(

also I fixed things B) I did most of the things in hard, but when I looked at Normal, the spacing was fine at 1.0x so uhHHHhhh
Topic Starter
Shohei Ohtani
Doing random storyboard fixes (aka NSFW fixes mostly) and fixed snapping in some places

ill fix the mp3 eventually tm
Topic Starter
Shohei Ohtani
So here's pretty much a changelog that I'll keep for the images in this lmao

QATs looked by (2016): 3
Users looked by (2016: 2

1: No Complaints
2: No Complaints
3: Replaced June 5th (May change if further complaints are made)
4: Replaced June 5th
5: Replaced June 5th
6: No Complaints
7: No Complaints (Present in original 2013 storyboard)
8: No Complaints (Present in original 2013 storyboard) (May change if further complaints are made)
9: No Complaints (Present in original 2013 storyboard)
10: Replaced June 5th
11: Replaced June 5th
12: No Complaints (Present in original 2013 storyboard) (May change if further complaints are made)
13: Pending further complaints (Present in original 2013 storyboard)
RAP 2:
14: Replaced June 4th (Pending further complaints)
15: No Complaints (Present in original 2013 storyboard)
16: No Complaints (Present in original 2013 storyboard)
17: No Complaints
18: No Complaints (Present in original 2013 storyboard)
19: No Complaints (Present in original 2013 storyboard)
20: No Complaints (Present in original 2013 storyboard)
21: No Complaints (Present in original 2013 storyboard)
22: No Complaints
23: No Complaints (Present in original 2013 storyboard)
24: No Complaints (Present in original 2013 storyboard)
25: Pending further complaints
26: Replaced June 5th
27: Pending further complaints
28: No Complaints
Topic Starter
Shohei Ohtani
So far I've asked 3 QATs to look at the map and while they've either said it's fine or made me change things, they want me to get approval from ztrot/Loctav before anything happens.

or p3n

but RIP p3n
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