
IOSYS - Geneology of Memories ~ Until the End of History

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on viernes, 21 de junio de 2013 at 0:53:55

Artist: IOSYS
Title: Geneology of Memories ~ Until the End of History
Source: Touhou
Tags: flandre scarlet touhou niconicodouga soyu
BPM: 50
Filesize: 9055kb
Play Time: 06:03
Difficulties Available:
  1. Collab (4,66 stars, 70 notes)
Download: IOSYS - Geneology of Memories ~ Until the End of History
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
00:00:500 - 00:19:400
00:19:700 - 00:38:600 Gabe
00:38:900 - 00:58:100 LunarSakuya
00:58:400 - 01:05:000 Break!
01:05:298 - 01:27:336 Gero
01:27:451 - 01:47:644
01:47:759 - 02:06:105 DakeDekaane
02:06:221 - 02:20:874 ThoomyyxD
02:20:990 - 02:35:759 Gabe
02:35:874 - 02:37:490 Break!
02:37:605 - 02:52:259 Vicho
02:52:374 - 03:07:028
03:07:144 - 03:21:798 ThoomyyxD
03:21:913 - 03:38:413
03:38:528 - 03:53:182 ThoomyyxD
03:53:298 - 04:09:798 Vicho
04:09:913 - 04:43:605 Break!
04:43:706 - 05:05:156
05:05:306 - 05:16:556
05:16:742 - 05:38:780 LunarSakuya
05:38:895 - 05:46:280 Gero
05:46:395 - 05:48:011 Little Break
05:48:126 - 05:55:395 ThoomyyxD
05:55:511 - 06:02:895 DakeDekaane
06:03:357 - 06:06:588 Spin (End)
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