
Searches are no longer saved after switching modes [confirmed] [resolved]

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Issue: Searches are no longer saved after switching modes
• [Instructions] Change modes (to any, even the current mode) while not searching for anything.
• [Expected behavior] When using search later, search terms are remembered, as usual.
• [What happens] Search terms are now lost when switching modes (during a search), or on returning to search results (after playing a beatmap on them).
• [Additional comment] Changing modes while searching does not cause this problem.

Tested on two separate computers. I've run into this issue with searches not being saved several times over the last couple months. I finally figured out how to replicate it while working on this post: p/2232391
Now that's a weird bug.

Replication Steps.

1. Change mode
2. Search
3. Change mode again
R. Search will delete for all future instances when the mode is changed.
Fixed in next build.
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