
Last Note. - Route Sphere

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 22 July 2015 at 22:52:14

Artist: Last Note.
Title: Route Sphere
Tags: Megpoid gumi vocaloid vocaloid2 EXIT TUNES PRESENTS GUMing
BPM: 124
Filesize: 6100kb
Play Time: 04:30
Difficulties Available:
  1. Hard (2.83 stars, 571 notes)
  2. Insane (3.72 stars, 806 notes)
  3. Normal (1.53 stars, 289 notes)
Download: Last Note. - Route Sphere
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
I am quite busy now, will continue to work after it :3

Normal - Finished!
Hard - Finshed!
Insane - Finished!
Finished at 14/5/2013
BG update at 1/5/2015
:) Mio加油w
_你正呀喂 :)

  1. BG換1024*768/1366*768?
  2. BG用jpeg格式減file size
  3. Audio Lead In 換番2000
  4. Tags 加 vocaloid & vocaloid2
  1. 00:54:905 (1) - del finish at slider head? 音樂聽個時冇;w; 做的話後面相似的都要改
  2. 01:10:389 (3) - NC?
  3. 02:02:647 (1) - 漏左加finish
  4. 02:29:744 (3) - NC?
  5. 03:12:324 (4) - 1 grid down 同番前面直線
  6. 04:07:970 (3) - finish at the end?
  1. 02:54:421 (4,5,1) - 咁放? 想跟番個flow
  2. 03:58:655 (5,1) -
  3. 04:25:268 (2) - 好似唔係幾對音;w; 放1個折返slider係 04:25:147 ?
  1. 00:46:074 (3) -
  2. 01:10:994 (2) - 個音係 01:11:115 開始
  3. 04:25:873 (5) - finish
8-) 加油
Topic Starter

happy623 wrote:


  1. BG換1024*768/1366*768?
  2. BG用jpeg格式減file size
  3. Audio Lead In 換番2000
  4. Tags 加 vocaloid & vocaloid2 以上All fixed
  1. 00:54:905 (1) - del finish at slider head? 音樂聽個時冇;w; 做的話後面相似的都要改 我聽到有啵
  2. 01:10:389 (3) - NC?
  3. 02:02:647 (1) - 漏左加finish fixed
  4. 02:29:744 (3) - NC? :o
  5. 03:12:324 (4) - 1 grid down 同番前面直線 好www
  6. 04:07:970 (3) - finish at the end?
  1. 02:54:421 (4,5,1) - 咁放? 想跟番個flow 太遲睇MOD依家無左張圖;_;我覺得依家都OK
  2. 03:58:655 (5,1) - 同上
  3. 04:25:268 (2) - 好似唔係幾對音;w; 放1個折返slider係 04:25:147 ?
我係跟keyboard d聲

  1. 00:46:074 (3) - 我喺(4)度做左D手腳
  2. 01:10:994 (2) - 個音係 01:11:115 開始 fixed
  3. 04:25:873 (5) - finish

8-) 加油
哟,这是我的M4M,我先摸了,希望能够快点看咱的图~~~ :D :D
首先我记得rank指南(ranking guidelines )中有说到,一个图中最多只能接受3个滑条速度(包括1x),具体请看wiki,里面有写
00:00:712 (1,2) -这里两个很不错的,但是00:01:679 (1,2) - 这里2个突然放这么近好突兀..要么都这么近,要么都是像第一个和第二个一样远
00:05:550 (1,2) - ↑
00:15:953 (7,1) - 平行一下
00:21:276 (4,5) - ↑
01:01:679 (1,2,3) - ↑
01:28:655 (3,5) - ↑
01:16:921 (4,5,6) - 你的图里面感觉有很多这样的挤在一起的滑条,总感觉难看啊
01:36:276 (4,5,6) - ↑
01:42:082 (2,1,2) - ↑
02:01:800 (4) - 前面几个挤的还可以。。。这个就感觉是个叛徒了2333
02:10:873 (2,3,4,5,6,1) - 总觉得这些叠起来好看多了比如:
02:25:268 (6,7) - good
02:40:147 (2,3,4) - 这几个挤不说而且感觉节奏好怪
02:44:018 (3,4) - 叠一下
03:51:518 (2,3) - .....感觉有很多都是这样挤在一起的结尾,可以考虑改成这样,跟下面的那个滑条对的上,而且感觉好看多了
04:18:131 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - 每次看到这样的都会觉得难受...弄成这样整齐多了不说还可以当作是读图梗来坑人2333
04:26:357 - 从这里开始放这么多绿线干什么?绿线对滑条又没有什么影响....
00:14:744 (3,4) - .....跟insane一样。。。感觉不好看
01:45:711 - 一直看到这里,我都感觉前面有些地方东西方少了,比如01:06:760 -01:17:405 - 01:18:373 - ,或者说,全部用滑条,比如01:16:195 (1,2) - 这里可以考虑滑条01:17:526 (4,5) - 滑条01:20:066 (1,2) - 滑条
01:59:260 (2,3) - 我决定就算在看到这样的让我不舒服的滑条摆法我还是无视算了...
02:45:228 (1,2) - 平行

03:13:776 (4,1,2,3) - 这个大blanket中夹03:13:776 (4) - 这个叛徒是什么鬼2333
04:04:582 (1,2,3,4) - 这个4方跳没放好

最后,good luck~~
这几天能够看看咱的图吗? :D :)
Topic Starter

blueloniess wrote:

哟,这是我的M4M,我先摸了,希望能够快点看咱的图~~~ :D :D 今天會看完XDD
首先我记得rank指南(ranking guidelines )中有说到,一个图中最多只能接受3个滑条速度(包括1x),具体请看wiki,里面有写
這只是guide line,我也想清楚才用這些SV的

00:00:712 (1,2) -这里两个很不错的,但是00:01:679 (1,2) - 这里2个突然放这么近好突兀..要么都这么近,要么都是像第一个和第二个一样远
00:05:550 (1,2) - ↑ 同上
00:15:953 (7,1) - 平行一下 不,現在我覺得很好看 XDD
00:21:276 (4,5) - ↑ 同上
01:01:679 (1,2,3) - ↑ 同上
01:28:655 (3,5) - ↑ 同上
01:16:921 (4,5,6) - 你的图里面感觉有很多这样的挤在一起的滑条,总感觉难看啊這個我改了一點
01:36:276 (4,5,6) - ↑ 把(4)移開了一點
01:42:082 (2,1,2) - ↑ 這個我覺得可以
02:01:800 (4) - 前面几个挤的还可以。。。这个就感觉是个叛徒了2333 我是跟vocal + 鼓MAP的
02:10:873 (2,3,4,5,6,1) - 总觉得这些叠起来好看多了比如:
02:25:268 (6,7) - good
02:40:147 (2,3,4) - 这几个挤不说而且感觉节奏好怪 vocal
02:44:018 (3,4) - 叠一下 這是我個人的喜好...我不太喜樂太多的stacking
03:51:518 (2,3) - .....感觉有很多都是这样挤在一起的结尾,可以考虑改成这样,跟下面的那个滑条对的上,而且感觉好看多了

04:18:131 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - 每次看到这样的都会觉得难受...弄成这样整齐多了不说还可以当作是读图梗来坑人2333 我裡我再看也覺得自己MAP得很難看 XD 用了類似的方法,但沒stack
04:26:357 - 从这里开始放这么多绿线干什么?绿线对滑条又没有什么影响.... spinner會有漸細聲

00:14:744 (3,4) - .....跟insane一样。。。感觉不好看
01:45:711 - 一直看到这里,我都感觉前面有些地方东西方少了,比如01:06:760 -01:17:405 - 01:18:373 - ,或者说,全部用滑条,比如01:16:195 (1,2) - 这里可以考虑滑条01:17:526 (4,5) - 滑条01:20:066 (1,2) - 滑条 明白0.0 改了很多
01:59:260 (2,3) - 我决定就算在看到这样的让我不舒服的滑条摆法我还是无视算了...
02:45:228 (1,2) - 平行
固意的 xD
03:13:776 (4,1,2,3) - 这个大blanket中夹03:13:776 (4) - 这个叛徒是什么鬼2333
04:04:582 (1,2,3,4) - 这个4方跳没放好

[*]排版我个人不是很喜欢的,特别是那些挤在一起的滑条...希望能够改进。。。另外总觉得节奏有点怪啊,然后就是音效的声音有点小的说~希望能够加大~~~ 我個人不好stacking www,那些滑條有部份也確實不太好...但整腽來說我蠻喜歡的0.0
最后,good luck~~ thanks :)
这几天能够看看咱的图吗?就今天吧www,M4M有優先權 :D :)
對不起不過我真的不會MOD normal OWO
我的MOD給你作參考 可改可不改你決定@@


00:08:453 (1) - NC用掉
00:08:937 (2) - NC
00:16:195 (1) - NC用掉
00:16:679 (2) - NC
01:16:437 - 加個NOTE八
01:22:244 - ^
02:17:526 (4) - 滑條延長至02:17:889
03:23:816 (1) - SPIN從03:23:937開始
03:27:687 (1) - SPIN從03:27:808開始
03:33:857 (1) - SPIN從03:33:857開始
03:50:550 (3) - 改成2個滑條


00:06:760 (2,3,4) - 排列可在好一點
00:44:260 (4) - 改為1個滑條
01:10:994 (2) - 應該在01:11:115
01:11:720 (3) - 改為1個NOTE並放在01:11:841
01:17:889 (7) - 改為2個NOTE
01:25:268 (7) - 應該在01:25:147
02:01:800 (4) - 改為2個NOTE
02:38:211 (3) - 改為1個NOTE
02:39:058 (2) - ^
03:15:470 (4) - 改為2個NOTE
03:19:945 (1) 03:23:816 (1) 03:27:687 (1) 跟HARD一樣
03:49:824 (1,2,3) - 分開一點
Topic Starter

SnowNiNo_ wrote:

對不起不過我真的不會MOD normal OWO
我的MOD給你作參考 可改可不改你決定@@
整體而言就是滑條過度頻繁使用ww 筆記~


我的NC是跟小節分的 (很大可能是因為我彈結他吧www),所以就不改了

00:08:453 (1) - NC用掉
00:08:937 (2) - NC
00:16:195 (1) - NC用掉
00:16:679 (2) - NC
01:16:437 - 加個NOTE八 因為是hard,我不想太多1/4後立刻有notes
01:22:244 - ^ ^
02:17:526 (4) - 滑條延長至02:17:889 vocal是現在這樣的
03:23:816 (1) - SPIN從03:23:937開始 不,因為結他是左前一條紅線開始的,不想有太多delay
03:27:687 (1) - SPIN從03:27:808開始 ^
03:33:857 (1) - SPIN從03:33:857開始 ^
03:50:550 (3) - 改成2個滑條 改為減少一個repeat,不想用連續1/4 slider


00:06:760 (2,3,4) - 排列可在好一點 我完全看不到問題 0.0 還是我的審美觀有點兒那個 xD
00:44:260 (4) - 改為1個滑條 不,有鼓聲
01:10:994 (2) - 應該在01:11:115 對www 明明改了一次,手殘邋原了www
01:11:720 (3) - 改為1個NOTE並放在01:11:841 有drum roll
01:17:889 (7) - 改為2個NOTE 不,太難了
01:25:268 (7) - 應該在01:25:147 vocal
02:01:800 (4) - 改為2個NOTE
02:38:211 (3) - 改為1個NOTE不,前面也是這樣
02:39:058 (2) - ^ 不,跟後面的pattern對齊
03:15:470 (4) - 改為2個NOTE 不,跟前面的pattern對齊
03:19:945 (1) 03:23:816 (1) 03:27:687 (1) 跟HARD一樣 我也跟HARD一樣www
03:49:824 (1,2,3) - 分開一點 固意stack的

Mio_chan wrote:

blueloniess wrote:

哟,这是我的M4M,我先摸了,希望能够快点看咱的图~~~ :D :D 今天會看完XDD
首先我记得rank指南(ranking guidelines )中有说到,一个图中最多只能接受3个滑条速度(包括1x),具体请看wiki,里面有写
這只是guide line,我也想清楚才用這些SV的

00:00:712 (1,2) -这里两个很不错的,但是00:01:679 (1,2) - 这里2个突然放这么近好突兀..要么都这么近,要么都是像第一个和第二个一样远
00:05:550 (1,2) - ↑ 同上
00:15:953 (7,1) - 平行一下 不,現在我覺得很好看 XDD
00:21:276 (4,5) - ↑ 同上
01:01:679 (1,2,3) - ↑ 同上
01:28:655 (3,5) - ↑ 同上
01:16:921 (4,5,6) - 你的图里面感觉有很多这样的挤在一起的滑条,总感觉难看啊這個我改了一點
01:36:276 (4,5,6) - ↑ 把(4)移開了一點
01:42:082 (2,1,2) - ↑ 這個我覺得可以
02:01:800 (4) - 前面几个挤的还可以。。。这个就感觉是个叛徒了2333 我是跟vocal + 鼓MAP的
02:10:873 (2,3,4,5,6,1) - 总觉得这些叠起来好看多了比如:
02:25:268 (6,7) - good
02:40:147 (2,3,4) - 这几个挤不说而且感觉节奏好怪 vocal
02:44:018 (3,4) - 叠一下 這是我個人的喜好...我不太喜樂太多的stacking
03:51:518 (2,3) - .....感觉有很多都是这样挤在一起的结尾,可以考虑改成这样,跟下面的那个滑条对的上,而且感觉好看多了

04:18:131 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - 每次看到这样的都会觉得难受...弄成这样整齐多了不说还可以当作是读图梗来坑人2333 我裡我再看也覺得自己MAP得很難看 XD 用了類似的方法,但沒stack
04:26:357 - 从这里开始放这么多绿线干什么?绿线对滑条又没有什么影响.... spinner會有漸細聲

00:14:744 (3,4) - .....跟insane一样。。。感觉不好看
01:45:711 - 一直看到这里,我都感觉前面有些地方东西方少了,比如01:06:760 -01:17:405 - 01:18:373 - ,或者说,全部用滑条,比如01:16:195 (1,2) - 这里可以考虑滑条01:17:526 (4,5) - 滑条01:20:066 (1,2) - 滑条 明白0.0 改了很多
01:59:260 (2,3) - 我决定就算在看到这样的让我不舒服的滑条摆法我还是无视算了...
02:45:228 (1,2) - 平行
固意的 xD
03:13:776 (4,1,2,3) - 这个大blanket中夹03:13:776 (4) - 这个叛徒是什么鬼2333
04:04:582 (1,2,3,4) - 这个4方跳没放好

[*]排版我个人不是很喜欢的,特别是那些挤在一起的滑条...希望能够改进。。。另外总觉得节奏有点怪啊,然后就是音效的声音有点小的说~希望能够加大~~~ 我個人不好stacking www,那些滑條有部份也確實不太好...但整腽來說我蠻喜歡的0.0
最后,good luck~~ thanks :)
这几天能够看看咱的图吗?就今天吧www,M4M有優先權 :D :)
M4M for your Q >w</


00:14:260 (2) - could try extending this by 1/2, feels more interesting to play

00:22:002 (4) - I personally feel like this slider covers too many sounds to be worth keeping :c

00:37:244 (4) - consider adding a circle?

00:43:050 (6) - ^ vocals feel rather strong, and I feel as though this works as a build-up for the downbeat. your call!

00:57:082 (3) - beat on this red tick feels very strong, adding a circle might work

01:34:824 (4) - skipping vocals here feel a bit weird =w=

01:43:413 (1) - could move this to start on the blue tick instead

02:16:437 (3) - you mapped this 'du du' sound previously, so adding a circle here might work. not sure if you mind this being 1/2 heavy though uwu

02:27:324 (4,2) - why not stack these

02:43:292 (1,2) - sloppy blanket

03:33:373 (5) - this beat feels very strong, so consider adding a circlee c:


00:21:034 (3,4) - I feel as though this would looks better if both of these slider looked the same :c (copy 3 and then rotate it until it fits)

00:22:970 (1,2,3) - seems a liiiitle to spaced out, they don't feel that much stronger than the previous 3 mapped to the same sound

00:31:437 (6,1) - dont really feel like this should be a jump too. the previous ones highlight the vocals, but I feel like also highlighting the downbeat here feels a bit to much and hurts the flow

00:47:163 (1,2,3,4) - why not implement some symmetry here

00:52:970 (1) - a bit strange to have no emphasize on this when you did it for all previous downbeats

00:58:171 (5,1,2) - feels too harsh ><

01:18:131 (1,2) - why not make this a slider instead? the gap between 1 and 2 feels a tad bit weird

01:35:066 (4,5,1) - looks kinda sloppy :c

01:56:841 (1) - feels very strong but has very little emphasize on it :c

02:07:970 (6,1) - ^

02:52:970 (1,2) - pointed out something similar previously I think. gap between 1 and 2 feels sorta odd while having vocals going on in the background

03:04:341 (1) - feels like this downbeat should have something clickable on it :c

03:15:953 (4) - ^ there are a lot of these 1/4 sliders, but these are two examples where I feel like having the tail on the downbeat doesnt feel as nice

03:58:292 (4,5,1) - looks a bit sloppy ><


00:06:518 (1,2,3,4,1) - feels a bit overdone :c

00:22:970 (1) - might just be me, but I feel as though the big SV change feels kinda unreasonable

00:26:841 (4,5) - flow between these is kinda meh

00:35:792 (1,2,3) - why are these so close?:c

00:56:841 (1,2) - ^

01:00:711 (1,2) - ^ all these feel rather strong, so it feels like the spacing between them could be a little more taxing

01:18:131 (1,2) - same thing with the Hard, I PERSONALLY feel like this gap feels rather weird

01:45:953 (2) - sliderpointsss =w=

02:06:518 (9,1) - flows kinda meh because the emphasize is a bit off :c

02:21:760 (3,1) - feels like this jump could be a little meaner

02:38:695 (1,2) - these two feels sorta unfitting :c I don't think they accurately represent the song

03:06:276 (8,1) - space these out just a liiiiitle more

03:27:324 (4,5) - again, feels like this needs to be more spaced out

Good luck =w=b
Topic Starter
I will make changes and mod your map tmr, too tired
Topic Starter

Peachtrees wrote:

M4M for your Q >w</


00:14:260 (2) - could try extending this by 1/2, feels more interesting to play no because i follow the keyboard

00:22:002 (4) - I personally feel like this slider covers too many sounds to be worth keeping :c ok fixed

00:37:244 (4) - consider adding a circle? to hard imo

00:43:050 (6) - ^ vocals feel rather strong, and I feel as though this works as a build-up for the downbeat. your call! ok

00:57:082 (3) - beat on this red tick feels very strong, adding a circle might work no, I don't think it is strong enough to add sth in normal

01:34:824 (4) - skipping vocals here feel a bit weird =w= change the previous note to slider

01:43:413 (1) - could move this to start on the blue tick instead you're right

02:16:437 (3) - you mapped this 'du du' sound previously, so adding a circle here might work. not sure if you mind this being 1/2 heavy though uwu no because I map to the cymbal crash

02:27:324 (4,2) - why not stack these ok, though I don't think it's stacking lol

02:43:292 (1,2) - sloppy blanket fixed

03:33:373 (5) - this beat feels very strong, so consider adding a circlee c: not strong imo, it's just a transitional note


00:21:034 (3,4) - I feel as though this would looks better if both of these slider looked the same :c (copy 3 and then rotate it until it fits) I think it doesn't matter whether they look the same or not, so no

00:22:970 (1,2,3) - seems a liiiitle to spaced out, they don't feel that much stronger than the previous 3 mapped to the same sound they have higher pitch

00:31:437 (6,1) - dont really feel like this should be a jump too. the previous ones highlight the vocals, but I feel like also highlighting the downbeat here feels a bit to much and hurts the flow but I think it's fun to highlight them because of the pitch and the absense of vocal in the downbeat of the next bar

00:47:163 (1,2,3,4) - why not implement some symmetry here oh yeah

00:52:970 (1) - a bit strange to have no emphasize on this when you did it for all previous downbeats I don't understand this 0.0

00:58:171 (5,1,2) - feels too harsh >< alright, reduced

01:18:131 (1,2) - why not make this a slider instead? the gap between 1 and 2 feels a tad bit weird 1.5x spacing to emphasize the 3-3-2 pattern of vocal

01:35:066 (4,5,1) - looks kinda sloppy :c reshaped

01:56:841 (1) - feels very strong but has very little emphasize on it :c I think crash is kinda enough

02:07:970 (6,1) - ^ the spacing change is enough I think

02:52:970 (1,2) - pointed out something similar previously I think. gap between 1 and 2 feels sorta odd while having vocals going on in the background
similar to 01:18:131 (1,2), I will take note on this to see any other point out this

03:04:341 (1) - feels like this downbeat should have something clickable on it :c no change because similar patterns

03:15:953 (4) - ^ there are a lot of these 1/4 sliders, but these are two examples where I feel like having the tail on the downbeat doesnt feel as nice

03:58:292 (4,5,1) - looks a bit sloppy >< this one I think is alright


00:06:518 (1,2,3,4,1) - feels a bit overdone :c haha I just want to build up the atmosphere

00:22:970 (1) - might just be me, but I feel as though the big SV change feels kinda unreasonable actually it is similar to hard, 1.5x spacing and SV

00:26:841 (4,5) - flow between these is kinda meh you;re right, fixed

00:35:792 (1,2,3) - why are these so close?:c it's just normal 1.5x, there is jump before so it seems to be close

00:56:841 (1,2) - ^ ^ xD

01:00:711 (1,2) - ^ all these feel rather strong, so it feels like the spacing between them could be a little more taxing I think it's enough

01:18:131 (1,2) - same thing with the Hard, I PERSONALLY feel like this gap feels rather weird I like the vocal here so I put 1.5x jump

01:45:953 (2) - sliderpointsss =w= oh yeah XDD

02:06:518 (9,1) - flows kinda meh because the emphasize is a bit off :c
no , reason similar to hard 00:31:437 (6,1)

02:21:760 (3,1) - feels like this jump could be a little meaner
no, you are mean xDDD just kidding

02:38:695 (1,2) - these two feels sorta unfitting :c I don't think they accurately represent the song noted, if someone else point out this I will make changes

03:06:276 (8,1) - space these out just a liiiiitle more ok a liiiiittle more

03:27:324 (4,5) - again, feels like this needs to be more spaced out yeah

Good luck =w=b
From my queue~

  1. tags suggetion:
  1. 01:43:413 (1,1) - I prefer to move spinner-end to big white line 01:45:228
  2. 02:47:163 (1,2) - you can make better blanketting. how about this?

  3. 03:07:486 (2,3) - why not blanket correctly, keeping symmetric pattern with 03:06:518 (1) - ?

  4. 03:13:776- clap
  5. 04:08:453- I prefer to add clap or finish
  1. about SV, 0.5x~1.5x is too big and changing point is too many. so, very difficult with respect to StarRating.
    I recommend to decrease them at least hard-diff
  2. 00:03:857 (2) - this reverse is very hard to see...
  3. 00:07:244 (4) - ^. espesially, stack is not good
  4. 01:43:413 (1) - end at 01:45:228
  5. 02:18:010 (5,1,2) - too difficult. I recommend to decrease spacing between 02:18:131 (1,2) - and avoid 5-1 stack.
    u~m, suggetion, here
  6. 03:17:163- whistle
  7. 04:08:937 (1,2) - I prefer to delete
  1. 00:07:728 (2,3,4,5) - I suggest to change to reverse slider like 00:03:857 (4) -
    1/6 circle stream is hard to find rhythm
  2. 00:38:453- um, I prefer to add a note
  3. 01:07:849 (6,7,8) - 1/2 slider is better for following vocal
  4. 02:27:203 (6,7,8) - ^
  5. 02:17:284 (5,6,7,8) - this stream is not suitable for this part, imo
  6. 03:49:824 (1,2) - hard to see. I suggest not to stack correctly
  7. 04:10:026 (3) - delete
pleasant song!

~Good Luck~
Topic Starter

RandomEffect wrote:

From my queue~

  1. tags suggetion:
  1. 01:43:413 (1,1) - I prefer to move spinner-end to big white line 01:45:228 no because vocal ends there
  2. 02:47:163 (1,2) - you can make better blanketting. how about this? oh yeah

  3. 03:07:486 (2,3) - why not blanket correctly, keeping symmetric pattern with 03:06:518 (1) - ? ok

  4. 03:13:776- clap oh yeah O.o
  5. 04:08:453- I prefer to add clap or finish
there's nothing in the music I think
  1. about SV, 0.5x~1.5x is too big and changing point is too many. so, very difficult with respect to StarRating. I think is just fine, 0.5x is used seldom so I think it's ok, but I will take a note of that
    I recommend to decrease them at least hard-diff
  2. 00:03:857 (2) - this reverse is very hard to see... the default skin shows it clearly
  3. 00:07:244 (4) - ^. espesially, stack is not good oh I will unstack this
  4. 01:43:413 (1) - end at 01:45:228 no, vocal ends here
  5. 02:18:010 (5,1,2) - too difficult. I recommend to decrease spacing between 02:18:131 (1,2) - and avoid 5-1 stack.
    u~m, suggetion, here
    Hmm, I think mine flows SLIGHTLY better since the vocal very fluent, actually I plan to repeated sliders at this point but it is way to hard to read
  6. 03:17:163- whistle yeah, forgotten xD
  7. 04:08:937 (1,2) - I prefer to delete
no due to vocal
  1. 00:07:728 (2,3,4,5) - I suggest to change to reverse slider like 00:03:857 (4) -
    1/6 circle stream is hard to find rhythm I think it's okay because (1) the pattern happens the second time already (2) the music is building up
  2. 00:38:453- um, I prefer to add a note hmm, may consider it in future, now no
  3. 01:07:849 (6,7,8) - 1/2 slider is better for following vocal you're right
  4. 02:27:203 (6,7,8) - ^ ^
  5. 02:17:284 (5,6,7,8) - this stream is not suitable for this part, imo changed sth
  6. 03:49:824 (1,2) - hard to see. I suggest not to stack correctly It's just fine I think as the slider is on top
  7. 04:10:026 (3) - delete
pleasant song! thanks :)

~Good Luck~
hi there!
you requested a reverse m4m in my queue
00:20:550 (2,4) - overlap i think
00:22:002 (4,1) - ^^
00:42:566 (5) - nc?
01:01:195 (4,1) - overlap
01:20:066 (1,3) - ^^
01:41:841 (4,6) - ^^
the problems keep coming just fix overlaps...
00:31:679 (1,2) - swap nc?
00:39:421 (1,2) - ^^
00:47:163 (1,2) - ^^
try to be more consistent with your DS the patterns are fine but hard diffs should contain atleast 80% in DS
also fix the rest of the nc swaping
00:29:623 (7,1) - swap nc
00:33:373 (5,3) - not perfectly stacked
00:54:663 (5,1) - this is a bit to hard for 3.9 diff
00:58:534 (8,1) - ^^
00:59:986 (3) - nc
01:21:397 (7) - 64 33 stack
01:23:937 (1) - dont stack
01:50:792 (6,1) - ^^ - make a triangle with the two notes after for both
02:14:502 (2) - toooo far
02:15:711 (3) - nc
02:18:373 (2) - far again...
02:19:341 (3) - nc
02:27:687 (1,2) - not good flow, also hard..
02:30:469 (2,3,4,5) - make this a repeat slider
02:55:873 (5) - nc
03:33:615 (8) - ^^
03:50:550 (4) - ctrl g this and then 03:50:792 (5) - ctrl g this
04:25:873 (5) - nc
thats all!
sorry if it was a bit short i just couldn't find anything in normal/hard except for repeating things..
ill send you my map in PM
Topic Starter

ohad1881 wrote:

hi there!
you requested a reverse m4m in my queue
00:20:550 (2,4) - overlap i think fixed
00:22:002 (4,1) - ^^ ^^
00:42:566 (5) - nc? no because I like to put NC on long white line
01:01:195 (4,1) - overlap this is acceptable I think
01:20:066 (1,3) - ^^ so little lol, move by 1 grid
01:41:841 (4,6) - ^^ this is not avoidable
the problems keep coming just fix overlaps... ok :3
00:31:679 (1,2) - swap nc? no, I like NC on white line :3
00:39:421 (1,2) - ^^ ^^
00:47:163 (1,2) - ^^ ^^
try to be more consistent with your DS the patterns are fine but hard diffs should contain atleast 80% in DS
also fix the rest of the nc swaping well, too boring to have constant DS, but I remap the second verse since I make a serious mistake
00:29:623 (7,1) - swap nc no, reason like the other diff
00:33:373 (5,3) - not perfectly stacked well it is a coincidence lol, i have no intention to stack and I cannot see the reason for this
00:54:663 (5,1) - this is a bit to hard for 3.9 diff the beat is so strong that I feel a big jump is needed, btw this is an insane I think it's okay to leave it as now
00:58:534 (8,1) - ^^ ^^
00:59:986 (3) - nc yeah
01:21:397 (7) - 64 33 stack I can't understand 0.0
01:23:937 (1) - dont stack oh right
01:50:792 (6,1) - ^^ - make a triangle with the two notes after for both no change for this, since this part of the map is special
02:14:502 (2) - toooo far mentioned already above
02:15:711 (3) - nc ^^
02:18:373 (2) - far again... ^^
02:19:341 (3) - nc ^^
02:27:687 (1,2) - not good flow, also hard.. the flow is alright I think 0.0 no jerky movement
02:30:469 (2,3,4,5) - make this a repeat slider no xD I like 1/6
02:55:873 (5) - nc no, i don't have nc in similar parts of this song
03:33:615 (8) - ^^ this is an exceptional case where I won't put NC, singleton NC due to spinner afterward is weird imo
03:50:550 (4) - ctrl g this and then 03:50:792 (5) - ctrl g this ok
04:25:873 (5) - nc just like 03:33:615 (8)
thats all!
sorry if it was a bit short i just couldn't find anything in normal/hard except for repeating things..
gl! nvm, your mod help me a lot and makes me think more about my map :)
ill send you my map in PM
Came from my queue.

  1. 00:06:518 (1,2) - I think it would be more legit if these distant is same as 00:04:582 (1,2) - and 00:05:066 (3,4) -
  2. 00:22:002 (1,2) - blanket would be improved a bit
  3. 00:49:099 (8) - add Nc and remove NC from 00:49:341 (1) -
  4. 00:51:034 (8) - add NC and remove NC from 00:51:276 (1) -
  5. 01:11:720 (3) - 1/8 sound imo better, just suggest!
  6. 01:52:486 (1) - remove NC
  7. 02:08:454 (7,7) - maybe stack these
  8. 02:30:469 (2,3,4,5) - 1/6 stream isn't needed here. maybe make it 1/4?
  9. 03:33:736 (1) - maybe add Finish hitsound
  10. 03:49:824 (1) - same as before ^
  11. 04:07:970 - add Finish hitsound
  12. 04:08:453 (7) - add Finish hitsound
  1. 00:02:647 (1,2) - keep same distant as 00:01:679 (1,2) - and 00:00:712 (1,2) -
  2. 00:08:211 (7,8,1) - I don't recommend to stack NC in hard.
  3. 00:22:002 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - this part will be maybe too difficult for hard players. Replace them with reverse slider.
  4. 02:12:808 (2,3,4) - keep distant same between these circles
  5. 03:33:615 (7) - add NC
  6. 03:33:736 (1) - add Finish hitsound
  7. 04:07:970 (4) - add Finish hitsound, it fits there imo
  8. 04:23:937 (1,2,3,1,2,3,4) - same as before ^
Good Luck! ^^
Ps. sorry for being this late... I have been recently so busy :/
Topic Starter

smsh150 wrote:

Came from my queue.

  1. 00:06:518 (1,2) - I think it would be more legit if these distant is same as 00:04:582 (1,2) - and 00:05:066 (3,4) - the spacing is 0.8x, 1.6x, 2.4x, 3.2x, so no fix for now
  2. 00:22:002 (1,2) - blanket would be improved a bit fixed
  3. 00:49:099 (8) - add Nc and remove NC from 00:49:341 (1) - I understand the reason behind this mod... but I will not change this as all similar pats has the same comboing, and even same DS
  4. 00:51:034 (8) - add NC and remove NC from 00:51:276 (1) - just similar to above
  5. 01:11:720 (3) - 1/8 sound imo better, just suggest! I will note this down, since that part has a drum roll(idk how to call that continuous hitting) it sounds great and tense to me now, but may change in future
  6. 01:52:486 (1) - remove NC no because this is differ from ths previous pattern, I do combo by following the string sound
  7. 02:08:454 (7,7) - maybe stack these no, because keeping this part consistent with other similar part
  8. 02:30:469 (2,3,4,5) - 1/6 stream isn't needed here. maybe make it 1/4? listen carefully to the music and you can here a drum similar to 01:11:720 (3)
  9. 03:33:736 (1) - maybe add Finish hitsound no because the chorus is calm after the spinner
  10. 03:49:824 (1) - same as before ^ no finish sounds in music
  11. 04:07:970 - add Finish hitsound ^
  12. 04:08:453 (7) - add Finish hitsound
  1. 00:02:647 (1,2) - keep same distant as 00:01:679 (1,2) - and 00:00:712 (1,2) - It is the same distance if you are using the space between the sliders groups instead of simple DS
  2. 00:08:211 (7,8,1) - I don't recommend to stack NC in hard. why??? it is clear readable of hard players imo
  3. 00:22:002 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - this part will be maybe too difficult for hard players. Replace them with reverse slider.
  4. 02:12:808 (2,3,4) - keep distant same between these circles I want to build up the atmosphere of the gameplay
  5. 03:33:615 (7) - add NC refer to the previous mod post for detail
  6. 03:33:736 (1) - add Finish hitsound similar to insane
  7. 04:07:970 (4) - add Finish hitsound, it fits there imo no because there isn't in the music
  8. 04:23:937 (1,2,3,1,2,3,4) - same as before ^ ^
Good Luck! ^^
Ps. sorry for being this late... I have been recently so busy :/ nvm :) thanks for your modding

03:03:373 (2) - remove repeat?
03:11:115 (2) - ^


03:32:163 (2,3,4) - inconsistent distance snap


00:51:760 (2,3,4) - make more straight?
02:01:437 (3,4,5) - ^
01:11:720 (3) - oh... too short... look so bad by overlapped reverse arrow...
01:21:034 (6,7) - i'd like to make clearly about reading, in relax map.
01:25:147 - add note?
02:04:099 (6,7,1) - inconsistent distance snap
02:26:841 (4,5,6,7) - ^
02:21:760 (3) - ctrl+G
03:49:824 (1,2,3) - recommend to change another partten. so bad for playing

01:34:341 (2) - and etc...... im not sure whether this is fine or not, about using diff hitsound in slider tick with slider's start and etc...
Do not use sliderslide, sliderwhistle, and spinnerspin hitsounds in a way that would replicate a hitsound on a circle, slider start, slider end, slider tick, or slider repeat. Sliderslide, sliderwhistle, and spinnerspin hitsounds are considered continuous hitsounds, meaning that their files play from start to end and loop as one continuous sound for the length of the held object. Do not alter any section of a held object to play a single hitsound.
since my modding is short ,i don't mind your modding's(m4m) length. Seriously
Topic Starter
Will look into and reply your mod with in today (GMT+8) :3
thanks for modding
From your queue
00:09:784 (6,7,1) - Flow不好
00:17:526 (6) - 节奏不对把。 而且00:17:526 (6,7) - 这样放感觉好难看

00:19:582 (3,3) - Stack?

00:22:365 (2,2) - 只有我感觉节奏怪吗;w;

00:48:373 (5,4) - Stack

01:01:679 (1,2) - 试试这个节奏?

01:05:308 (3,5) - 平行会好看很多

01:15:107 (4,3) - 尽量不要碰到

01:34:341 (2,3) - Flow怪怪的

01:42:808 这个音挺明显的,01:42:687 (2) - 这里换连打?

00:31:679 (9,1) - 02:06:518 (9,1) - 交换NC 后面的不提了

03:50:066 (2,3) - 感觉放出来好

04:06:034 (1,1) - 不要碰到

00:46:437 (4,4,5) - Stack?

01:26:720 (3,3) - 为什么在kiai里的间距比前面的要小

02:29:744 (1,2,3) - W'histle

02:51:034 (1,1) - Stack

04:04:582 (1,2,3,4) - 放的太随意了

2015-05-19 00:16 -Teina-: 分番好段先~
2015-05-19 00:16 -Teina-: ctrl+b 可以落mark
2015-05-19 00:17 Mio_chan: 0.0? 我平時懶得用www 加番?
2015-05-19 00:18 -Teina-: 00:08:453 - 00:22:002 - 00:23:937 - ..
2015-05-19 00:18 -Teina-: 加左會方便睇d喔
2015-05-19 00:18 Mio_chan: ok 0.0
2015-05-19 00:19 -Teina-: 用黎變調同變風格~
2015-05-19 00:20 Mio_chan: 我每一段仔加一個bookmark啦咁
2015-05-19 00:20 -Teina-: 00:31:921 - 00:39:421 - 00:47:405 - 01:02:647 -
2015-05-19 00:20 -Teina-: 嗯~
2015-05-19 00:21 Mio_chan: 我無加咁密啵 0.0
2015-05-19 00:21 Mio_chan: 大概係咁
2015-05-19 00:22 Mio_chan:
2015-05-19 00:22 -Teina-: 差唔多~
2015-05-19 00:23 -Teina-: 00:00:712 (1,2,1,2,1,2) - e度個12 12 12 係同音 唔建議00:01:679 (1,2) - 突然縮短距離喔
2015-05-19 00:23 Mio_chan: insane?
2015-05-19 00:23 -Teina-: 嗯~
2015-05-19 00:25 Mio_chan: 我記得我咁MAP係因為00:00:712 (1,2) - 有高音part 但係00:01:679 (1,2) - 無 0.0
2015-05-19 00:25 Mio_chan: 因為呢度個音樂係有兩層0.0 你覺得玩落好怪 ?_?
2015-05-19 00:26 -Teina-:
2015-05-19 00:27 -Teina-: 咁改改flow會唔會好d._.
2015-05-19 00:28 Mio_chan: 我試下先
2015-05-19 00:29 Mio_chan: 如果00:02:163 (2) - 放去 x:284 y:188會唔會好d,因為我想00:01:679 (1,2) - 個spacing細d
2015-05-19 00:29 Mio_chan: 如果OK我就改埋00:05:550 (1,2) -
2015-05-19 00:30 -Teina-:
2015-05-19 00:31 Mio_chan: 你果個我覺得00:02:163 (2,1) - 隔得太開
2015-05-19 00:31 -Teina-: 隨便~
2015-05-19 00:32 Mio_chan: 不過的確好睇左
2015-05-19 00:32 -Teina-: 我剛才隔便放的- -"
2015-05-19 00:33 Mio_chan: 結他intro其他D野我自己搞番應該OK
2015-05-19 00:33 Mio_chan: I mean 好靜果段www
2015-05-19 00:33 -Teina-: o..
2015-05-19 00:34 -Teina-: e段比較平靜 可以唔好整咁遠既jump~
2015-05-19 00:34 Mio_chan: 係呀www
2015-05-19 00:35 -Teina-: 00:06:518 (1,2,3,4) - d幾個都未變調 如果改番做00:04:582 (1,2,3,4) - 距離會好d?
2015-05-19 00:36 Mio_chan: BASS喺00:06:760 (2) - 入
2015-05-19 00:37 -Teina-: ....
2015-05-19 00:37 -Teina-: 唔係00:07:244 - ?
2015-05-19 00:38 Mio_chan: 我聽到係00:06:760 (2) - ,佢果度已經有音
2015-05-19 00:38 -Teina-: 嗯..
2015-05-19 00:38 Mio_chan: sorry,我有一個位好想問www
2015-05-19 00:38 Mio_chan: 01:11:720 (3) -
2015-05-19 00:38 Mio_chan: 你覺得呢個slider有無問題
2015-05-19 00:39 -Teina-: ._.
2015-05-19 00:39 -Teina-: 應該有
2015-05-19 00:40 Mio_chan: 因為呢我個skin睇到arrows
2015-05-19 00:40 Mio_chan: 但係有人話無,你睇唔睇到個arrows 0.0
2015-05-19 00:40 -Teina-: 00:07:728 (2,3,4,5) - 無咩特別理由應該唔比1/6
2015-05-19 00:41 Mio_chan: 係啵
2015-05-19 00:41 -Teina-: 個slider又似得又似唔得>_<
2015-05-19 00:41 Mio_chan: 我諗都係改左佢好~_~
2015-05-19 00:42 Mio_chan: 1/12我驚比人插~_~
2015-05-19 00:42 -Teina-:
2015-05-19 00:43 -Teina-: 如果改成咁節奏會唔會好d..?
2015-05-19 00:43 -Teina-: 因為重音00:08:453 - 用slider會比較好?
2015-05-19 00:44 Mio_chan: 好
2015-05-19 00:46 -Teina-: 將00:09:784 (5) - 取消 改做00:09:905 - 加個圈
2015-05-19 00:47 -Teina-: 好似易跟d 同埋節奏易捉d..
2015-05-19 00:50 Mio_chan: 嗯
2015-05-19 00:51 Mio_chan: 我喺00:09:300 加左個notes
2015-05-19 00:52 -Teina-: 00:10:389 (1,2) -
2015-05-19 00:53 -Teina-: 上面困2個形狀一樣但節奏好似唔同
2015-05-19 00:54 Mio_chan: 上面果2個?
2015-05-19 00:55 -Teina-: 00:10:389 (1,2) -
2015-05-19 00:55 -Teina-:
2015-05-19 00:55 -Teina-: 試下咁會唔會好D...
2015-05-19 00:58 -Teina-: 00:10:389 (1) - E個用長音係因為想突顯00:11:115 (2,3,4) -
2015-05-19 01:00 Mio_chan: 我唔係咁想用1/1 slider因為 0.0 成段無啦啦用一個好似怪怪地
2015-05-19 01:00 -Teina-: 噢..
2015-05-19 01:01 -Teina-: 00:20:913 (3,4) - 不如變成圈
2015-05-19 01:02 -Teina-:
2015-05-19 01:04 Mio_chan: 我覺得果兩個blue tick都應該要有野 0.0 因為兩個位都有音
2015-05-19 01:04 -Teina-: ._.
2015-05-19 01:04 -Teina-: 但好似有點亂..
2015-05-19 01:06 Mio_chan: 但係轉circles會好D?
2015-05-19 01:06 Mio_chan: 定係*
2015-05-19 01:08 -Teina-: 其實看你的..
2015-05-19 01:08 Mio_chan: www
2015-05-19 01:08 Mio_chan: 因為我未做過IRC mod orz
2015-05-19 01:08 Mio_chan: 你繼續啦www
2015-05-19 01:08 -Teina-: 嗯~
2015-05-19 01:09 -Teina-: 01:18:131 - 01:18:494 - 01:18:857 - E度有3個重音 試唔試下跟佢?
2015-05-19 01:10 Mio_chan: 我試過跟但係玩落無想像中咁好,所以放左JUMP就算
2015-05-19 01:11 -Teina-:
2015-05-19 01:11 -Teina-: 試試~
2015-05-19 01:13 Mio_chan: 最主要原因係我想01:18:978 - 有野,因為成個副歌每一個小節都有
2015-05-19 01:14 -Teina-: 可以加個圈~
2015-05-19 01:16 -Teina-: 02:27:808 - 02:28:776 - E度有重音 可以試下跟一跟~
2015-05-19 01:16 Mio_chan: ok
2015-05-19 01:16 Mio_chan: 不過 01:18:494 (2) - 我KEEP住唔轉circle
2015-05-19 01:16 -Teina-: 嗯..
2015-05-19 01:16 Mio_chan: 好,改左
2015-05-19 01:17 -Teina-: 02:37:486 (1,2,3) - 同頭先一樣~
2015-05-19 01:17 -Teina-: 02:46:195 (1,2,3,4,1) - nice~
2015-05-19 01:17 Mio_chan: 嗯
2015-05-19 01:18 Mio_chan: =D thanks
2015-05-19 01:19 -Teina-: 03:50:550 (4,5) - 可以轉成圈喔 始終好似沒咁快(節奏上)
2015-05-19 01:19 -Teina-: 好似仲快過後面
2015-05-19 01:20 Mio_chan: 嗯,好
2015-05-19 01:21 -Teina-: timing => slider Tick Raye 2 => 1
2015-05-19 01:21 -Teina-: 好似正常都係1
2015-05-19 01:22 Mio_chan: 呢首歌我諗要用2 /_\
2015-05-19 01:23 -Teina-: 唔知比唔比._.
2015-05-19 01:23 Mio_chan: 因為我用左slidertick hitsound/_\
2015-05-19 01:23 Mio_chan: 我睇RULES就無明文禁止既
2015-05-19 01:23 -Teina-: 都係既..
2015-05-19 01:23 Mio_chan: 不過我都驚出事~_~
2015-05-19 01:23 -Teina-: e個BM多一個BREAK TIME 會好d
2015-05-19 01:26 Mio_chan: 但係我搵唔到位放 0.0
2015-05-19 01:26 -Teina-: 01:45:711 - 我諗就e度....
2015-05-19 01:27 -Teina-: hard~
2015-05-19 01:27 -Teina-: 02:44:502 - 可以加個圈
2015-05-19 01:28 -Teina-: 02:52:244 - ^
2015-05-19 01:29 Mio_chan: 加左好似D音好密
2015-05-19 01:30 -Teina-: 但無喇喇無左有d難跟...
2015-05-19 01:32 Mio_chan: Hmmm
2015-05-19 01:32 Mio_chan: 等我記低先
2015-05-19 01:32 -Teina-: 嗯~
2015-05-19 01:33 -Teina-: normal 得直線同彎._. 可以整多d形狀
2015-05-19 01:34 -Teina-: 但都冇咩問題喔~
2015-05-19 01:34 Mio_chan: 嗯,下個map我會試多D野 0.0
Topic Starter

intoon wrote:


03:03:373 (2) - remove repeat?
03:11:115 (2) - ^
no to both, intended


03:32:163 (2,3,4) - inconsistent distance snap fixed


00:51:760 (2,3,4) - make more straight? intended, absolutely straight looks weird
02:01:437 (3,4,5) - ^ ^
01:11:720 (3) - oh... too short... look so bad by overlapped reverse arrow... changed to 1/8
01:21:034 (6,7) - i'd like to make clearly about reading, in relax map. change to sth else since it is ugly imo now www
01:25:147 - add note? no, due to vocal
02:04:099 (6,7,1) - inconsistent distance snap fixed
02:26:841 (4,5,6,7) - ^ fixed
02:21:760 (3) - ctrl+G intended, to make the pattern consistent
03:49:824 (1,2,3) - recommend to change another partten. so bad for playing yea

01:34:341 (2) - and etc...... im not sure whether this is fine or not, about using diff hitsound in slider tick with slider's start and etc...
Do not use sliderslide, sliderwhistle, and spinnerspin hitsounds in a way that would replicate a hitsound on a circle, slider start, slider end, slider tick, or slider repeat. Sliderslide, sliderwhistle, and spinnerspin hitsounds are considered continuous hitsounds, meaning that their files play from start to end and loop as one continuous sound for the length of the held object. Do not alter any section of a held object to play a single hitsound.
I think I am just changing the slider tick sound, which is not included in the rule.

since my modding is short ,i don't mind your modding's(m4m) length. Seriously

FlyingRUPig wrote:

Finally got around to doing this mod xP

I had no issues with Normal :)

00:08:695 Add note? no, the keyboard sound is long

00:16:437 ^ no, the keyboard sound is long

01:42:324 Seems a bit too far of a jump for Hard actually it is just 1.5x

02:18:010 (5,1,2) Seems a bit too hard for Hard players will expect a jump here since this is already the forth time of the jump

02:48:010 (3) Maybe move a bit to the left (minor issue) nah, due to DS

02:49:099 (1,2) Blanket can be tweaked slightly (very minor insignificant issue)ok

00:37:486 (1,2,3,4,5) I know you're mapping to the vocals but seems a bit empty and off compared to the rest of the song.
this line appears only once in the whole song, so i think it's ok

00:58:776 (1,2) Distance may be a little too far. I think it's ok since this should be expected after the first jump

01:34:945 (1) Flows fine, but looks weird to me being on the left. idk why :P I make use of slider leniency

01:48:615 (3,4,1) Why not do the thing you did at 01:07:002 (2,3,4)? idk either XD, but it looks fine to me

01:52:486 (1,2,1) Ditto, but not really as neccessary with the way these sliders are. what does ditto mean?

02:14:260 (1,2) Again, may be too much of a jump for the star diff. I don't think it is really too much, since the spacing of this diff is quite large actually

03:49:824(1,2,3) Weird comboyea fixed

Great mapset! It's very good right now and I had only a few issues. :) Good luck with the ranking process
Thanks for using my M4M queue!

sodarose wrote:

From your queue
00:09:784 (6,7,1) - Flow不好 nice
00:17:526 (6) - 节奏不对把。 而且00:17:526 (6,7) - 这样放感觉好难看 沒不對,跟了KEYBOARD

00:19:582 (3,3) - Stack? ????

00:22:365 (2,2) - 只有我感觉节奏怪吗;w; 跟了KEYBOARD

00:48:373 (5,4) - Stack stack反而沒那麼好看我覺得

01:01:679 (1,2) - 试试这个节奏? 不行,因為有鼓聲

01:05:308 (3,5) - 平行会好看很多

01:15:107 (4,3) - 尽量不要碰到 ???

01:34:341 (2,3) - Flow怪怪的 用slider leniency處理

01:42:808 这个音挺明显的,01:42:687 (2) - 这里换连打?先記錄,因為我當初也有這個想法,但覺得這樣MAP太沒特色了

00:31:679 (9,1) - 02:06:518 (9,1) - 交换NC 后面的不提了 不,細心想過的

03:50:066 (2,3) - 感觉放出来好 改了一點節奏,但疊起來比較好,因為都是SNARE聲

04:06:034 (1,1) - 不要碰到

00:46:437 (4,4,5) - Stack? 不太愛stack

01:26:720 (3,3) - 为什么在kiai里的间距比前面的要小 沒有呀

02:29:744 (1,2,3) - W'histle 有點吵耳

02:51:034 (1,1) - Stack

04:04:582 (1,2,3,4) - 放的太随意了用DS角度來看不是


Thanks for all the mod!! :) :)
Hi,Sorry for the long wait


  1. 00:22:970 (5) - make straight the slider,just a suggestion
  2. 01:11:599 - decrease the volume inherited point,maybe somewhere in the 40%,because it's too loud
  3. 01:11:841 - ^
  4. 02:37:486 (4) - copy 02:36:518 (3),paste,ctrl+J,ctrl+H and put it in the same place,try this
  5. 04:07:970 (3) - try on the last lap to put a finish,just a suggestion

Try to make CS a 3.5,because the Normal 3,and Insane 4.

  1. 00:03:857 (2) - try to delete the whistle from the 2 and the last of the circles,just a suggestion
  2. 02:27:808 (1,2) - blanket?
  3. 02:44:623 (3) - copy 02:44:018 (2),paste,remove reverse,ctrl+J,ctrl+H and put in place
  4. 02:45:228 (1) - copy 02:45:711 (2),paste,ctrl+H,ctrl+J and put it back
  5. 02:52:365 (4) - copy 02:51:760 (3),paste,remove reverse,ctrl+J,ctrl+H and put in place
  6. 02:56:236 (4) - copy 02:55:631 (3),paste,remove reverse,ctrl+J,ctrl+H and put in place
  7. 03:04:341 (1) - copy 03:03:373 (3),paste,remove reverse,ctrl+J,ctrl+H and put in place
  8. 03:56:236 (4) - copy 03:55:631 (3),paste,remove reverse,ctrl+J,ctrl+H and put in place

  1. 00:54:420 (4,5) - the distance is smaller,because during the game confused at what point to press
  2. 01:37:486 (1) - copy 01:36:881 (6),paste,ctrl+H,ctrl+J to add a reverse and put in place
  3. 01:58:776 (1) - rotate - 19 degrees and put on x:88 y:244,just a suggestion
Topic Starter

Chamue wrote:

Hi,Sorry for the long wait


  1. 00:22:970 (5) - make straight the slider,just a suggestion I make it curver instead lol
  2. 01:11:599 - decrease the volume inherited point,maybe somewhere in the 40%,because it's too loud I think it;s alright now because theI want to put emphasis on the drum
  3. 01:11:841 - ^
  4. 02:37:486 (4) - copy 02:36:518 (3),paste,ctrl+J,ctrl+H and put it in the same place,try this good
  5. 04:07:970 (3) - try on the last lap to put a finish,just a suggestion
no because there is no such sound in the music


Try to make CS a 3.5,because the Normal 3,and Insane 4. .5 CS is ridiculous to me

  1. 00:03:857 (2) - try to delete the whistle from the 2 and the last of the circles,just a suggestion
  2. 02:27:808 (1,2) - blanket? no
  3. 02:44:623 (3) - copy 02:44:018 (2),paste,remove reverse,ctrl+J,ctrl+H and put in place
  4. 02:45:228 (1) - copy 02:45:711 (2),paste,ctrl+H,ctrl+J and put it back
  5. 02:52:365 (4) - copy 02:51:760 (3),paste,remove reverse,ctrl+J,ctrl+H and put in place
  6. 02:56:236 (4) - copy 02:55:631 (3),paste,remove reverse,ctrl+J,ctrl+H and put in place
  7. 03:04:341 (1) - copy 03:03:373 (3),paste,remove reverse,ctrl+J,ctrl+H and put in place
  8. 03:56:236 (4) - copy 03:55:631 (3),paste,remove reverse,ctrl+J,ctrl+H and put in place
sorry I know why you would like to do those suggestion, but all no to above because those sliders are not a pair imo. In terms of rhythm and pitch, I can't see why they need to be parallel


  1. 00:54:420 (4,5) - the distance is smaller,because during the game confused at what point to press If you are familiar with the music, you will know the pattern
  2. 01:37:486 (1) - copy 01:36:881 (6),paste,ctrl+H,ctrl+J to add a reverse and put in place similar to hard
  3. 01:58:776 (1) - rotate - 19 degrees and put on x:88 y:244,just a suggestion
no, I like the curvature now

Thanks for modding :3 :)
irc mod
2015-06-12 21:05 ken2010123: ACTION is editing [ Last Note. - Route Sphere [Insane]]
2015-06-12 21:05 Mio_chan: ok :3 thx
2015-06-12 21:05 ken2010123: 建議HP6會好D
2015-06-12 21:06 Mio_chan: 因為個MAP太易?_?
2015-06-12 21:06 ken2010123: 唔係,主要係因為124BPM
2015-06-12 21:06 Mio_chan: ok done
2015-06-12 21:06 ken2010123: 同埋HR後9.8都好難下
2015-06-12 21:07 ken2010123: 00:07:728 (2,3,4,5) -
2015-06-12 21:07 ken2010123: 雙數連打其實好難玩架x.x
2015-06-12 21:07 Mio_chan: 因為果度係1/6 0.0
2015-06-12 21:09 ken2010123: 咁前面3個變成折返slider啦
2015-06-12 21:09 Mio_chan: try try sin
2015-06-12 21:10 ken2010123: 00:22:728 (3,4) -
2015-06-12 21:10 ken2010123: 呢度都有D難
2015-06-12 21:11 ken2010123: slider後連打要雙數,加上後面個slider又變成單數
2015-06-12 21:12 ken2010123: 00:23:696 (3,4) - 同上
2015-06-12 21:12 ken2010123: 同埋大間距好難玩=_=
2015-06-12 21:14 Mio_chan: 00:07:728 改左啦
2015-06-12 21:16 Mio_chan: 其餘兩個我覺得無咩問題 0.0 因為我想有個加速喺度,同埋我本身玩全換XD
2015-06-12 21:16 ken2010123: =A=但係大部分玩家都會被呢個坑左(包括我
2015-06-12 21:17 ken2010123: 00:22:365 (2) - 呢個直接變成3個圓圈
2015-06-12 21:17 ken2010123: 而且本身00:22:486 - 有鼓音
2015-06-12 21:18 Mio_chan: 咁樣突出唔到個keyboard 0.0
2015-06-12 21:19 ken2010123: 00:22:728 (3,4,3,4) - 一係呢兩個換成slider?
2015-06-12 21:20 ken2010123: 不過都係隨你喜歡啦,總之我覺得連打既數量比較重要,普通既單數,slider後雙數
2015-06-12 21:21 Mio_chan: slider做唔到我想要個效果xox
2015-06-12 21:22 ken2010123: 00:51:760 (2,3,4) - 呢個建議先兩個圓圈再折返slider
2015-06-12 21:24 Mio_chan: ok
2015-06-12 21:24 ken2010123: 01:25:147 - 漏鼓音
2015-06-12 21:25 ken2010123: 見你普通都係跟vocal多
2015-06-12 21:25 ken2010123: 普遍
2015-06-12 21:26 Mio_chan: ok
2015-06-12 21:26 Mio_chan: 係呀~
2015-06-12 21:26 ken2010123: 以前我高難度都跟vocal多,但係發現其實跟樂器更加好玩,變化亦會多D
2015-06-12 21:26 ken2010123: 低難度跟vocal就會好D
2015-06-12 21:27 ken2010123: 02:09:300 (4,5) - blanket?
2015-06-12 21:27 ken2010123: 02:10:146 (6,2) - 6放去2個尾到?
2015-06-12 21:28 Mio_chan: 我依家呢個MAP係咩都跟LOL
2015-06-12 21:29 Mio_chan: 02:09:905 (5) - 係完全放錯位
2015-06-12 21:29 Mio_chan: 我本身諗住對稱,可能唔小心郁錯左
2015-06-12 21:29 ken2010123: 0.0
2015-06-12 21:29 ken2010123: ok
2015-06-12 21:30 Mio_chan: lol 玩咁多次我都check唔到www
2015-06-12 21:30 ken2010123: 02:20:066 (1,2,1,2) -
2015-06-12 21:30 ken2010123: 02:19:582 (2,1) - 呢兩個spacing可能太近
2015-06-12 21:31 ken2010123: 之前成日被人指出spacing問題x.x
2015-06-12 21:31 Mio_chan: done
2015-06-12 21:32 ken2010123: 02:27:203 (5,6,7) - 盡量唔好slider後單數連打了,真係好難
2015-06-12 21:33 ken2010123: 02:30:469 (2,3,4,5) - 呢個換做折返slider會好D?
2015-06-12 21:34 Mio_chan: 我個得circle好D,因為呢度d鼓聲係咁打出黎
2015-06-12 21:34 Mio_chan: 覺得
2015-06-12 21:35 ken2010123: 不過玩起上嚟會有難度;w;
2015-06-12 21:35 ken2010123: 通常我都做善良圖
2015-06-12 21:36 ken2010123: 呢種梗比較難玩
2015-06-12 21:36 ken2010123: 02:52:728 (6) -
2015-06-12 21:36 ken2010123: 呢個slider尾係重音,唔建議放slider尾
2015-06-12 21:37 ken2010123: 放圓圈會好D
2015-06-12 21:37 ken2010123: 因為重音係玩家會禁落去果下
2015-06-12 21:37 ken2010123: slider尾唔需要重新禁一下
2015-06-12 21:38 Mio_chan: ya
2015-06-12 21:38 Mio_chan: 改左佢先,同埋我發現個Finish好似多左XDDD
2015-06-12 21:39 ken2010123: qwq
2015-06-12 21:39 ken2010123: 03:12:808 -
2015-06-12 21:39 ken2010123: 漏音
2015-06-12 21:40 ken2010123: 成個圖好少有多過5個既連打,估計你係故意既=_=
2015-06-12 21:40 ken2010123: 其實長連打(5-9個)係適合一般玩家玩
2015-06-12 21:41 ken2010123: 反而太多2連、3連,會搞到覺得難玩
2015-06-12 21:41 ken2010123: 大膽D放多幾個單數連打係好既√
2015-06-12 21:41 Mio_chan: 因為我覺得長連打唔係好岩呢首歌XD
2015-06-12 21:42 ken2010123: 咁就睇你系唔系想做善良圖了=_=
2015-06-12 21:42 ken2010123: 隨你喜歡啦
2015-06-12 21:42 ken2010123: 03:18:857 (3,5) - blanket
2015-06-12 21:44 Mio_chan: ok
2015-06-12 21:45 ken2010123: 01:33:857 - 漏音
2015-06-12 21:47 Mio_chan: 成首歌全部位果度都無音 0.0
2015-06-12 21:48 ken2010123: 01:33:857 - 你用50%細心聽下,有個好微既鼓音
2015-06-12 21:48 ken2010123: 50%playback rate
2015-06-12 21:48 Mio_chan: 有個tom sound
2015-06-12 21:49 Mio_chan: bass drum- -
2015-06-12 21:49 Mio_chan: 呢個我諗多陣先,你繼續住先啦xd
2015-06-12 21:55 ken2010123: 01:31:316 (5,1) -
2015-06-12 21:56 ken2010123: 排版上1擺去5既前面
2015-06-12 21:57 ken2010123: normal果度,drain時間太長了
2015-06-12 21:57 ken2010123: 最低難度要求係每1:30就係break time一次
2015-06-12 21:57 ken2010123: *就要
2015-06-12 21:57 Mio_chan: 我delete左(5)整其他野
2015-06-12 21:58 ken2010123: normal既01:46:679 - 至01:58:776 - 可以整break time
2015-06-12 21:58 ken2010123: 咁就冇問題了
2015-06-12 21:58 Mio_chan: 真架 0.0?
2015-06-12 21:59 ken2010123: rank準則係咁寫既
2015-06-12 21:59 Mio_chan: 好啦咁/.\...
2015-06-12 21:59 ken2010123: 前面1:46就冇問題,因為根據歌既節奏唔同,都可以接受
2015-06-12 22:01 ken2010123: 個人認為hard個排版好睇幾多下
2015-06-12 22:01 ken2010123: =。=
2015-06-12 22:03 Mio_chan: @@
2015-06-12 22:04 ken2010123: 睇到你系音效方面都落左唔少功夫
2015-06-12 22:04 ken2010123: 不過我覺得排版可以更好既
2015-06-12 22:04 Mio_chan: 當然xD
2015-06-12 22:04 Mio_chan: 沒有最好www
2015-06-12 22:04 ken2010123: www
2015-06-12 22:05 ken2010123: 03:53:937 (3,4) -
2015-06-12 22:05 ken2010123: hard
2015-06-12 22:05 ken2010123: 呢度未blanket好
2015-06-12 22:05 Mio_chan: done
2015-06-12 22:06 ken2010123: 01:08:453 (1,3) - 點解呢兩個好似咁奇怪既
2015-06-12 22:06 ken2010123: slider D描點飛左出嚟
2015-06-12 22:07 Mio_chan: 唔明xox
2015-06-12 22:07 ken2010123: 01:33:978 (2,3) - blanket
2015-06-12 22:07 ken2010123: 唔明就算啦,冇影響
2015-06-12 22:07 ken2010123: XD
2015-06-12 22:08 Mio_chan: 下www
2015-06-12 22:08 ken2010123: 01:48:615 (3,1) - blanket
2015-06-12 22:08 Mio_chan: 果個其實無諗住blanket 0.0 blanket麻麻地 133978
2015-06-12 22:08 Mio_chan: 148615 ok
2015-06-12 22:08 ken2010123: ok
2015-06-12 22:09 ken2010123: 02:28:776 (3) -
2015-06-12 22:09 ken2010123: 02:27:808 (1,2,3) -
2015-06-12 22:10 ken2010123: 類似咁既feel
2015-06-12 22:11 Mio_chan: ok
2015-06-12 22:12 ken2010123: 02:29:744 (1,2,3,4) - spacing可以大小小
2015-06-12 22:13 Mio_chan: anti-jump得幾好呀睇落 0.0 (我覺得www)
2015-06-12 22:14 ken2010123: 咦
2015-06-12 22:14 ken2010123: 你睇緊你insane定hardx.x
2015-06-12 22:14 ken2010123: 岩岩我講果幾個都係hard嚟
2015-06-12 22:14 Mio_chan: ?_?
2015-06-12 22:14 Mio_chan: 我知呀
2015-06-12 22:15 ken2010123: 哦,咁就ok
2015-06-12 22:15 Mio_chan: XD
2015-06-12 22:20 ken2010123: normal都做得好好
2015-06-12 22:20 Mio_chan: (Y)
2015-06-12 22:20 ken2010123: 加翻breaktime就ok
2015-06-12 22:23 ken2010123: insane都係盡量少D難玩既連打梗啦(依家嚟講DT都幾難玩下
2015-06-12 22:23 Mio_chan: oh 0.0
2015-06-12 22:23 Mio_chan: 我呢個遲D先汁,要D時間諗下點處理 0.0
2015-06-12 22:23 ken2010123: 嗯
2015-06-12 22:23 Mio_chan: 同埋睇下邊D要改邊D唔洗
2015-06-12 22:23 Mio_chan: XD
2015-06-12 22:24 Mio_chan: (全換既人係唔會明呢D野幾痛苦LOL)
2015-06-12 22:24 ken2010123: 我mod唔到其他大問題了,祝順利起飛~
2015-06-12 22:24 Mio_chan: thanks =D
Topic Starter

ken2010123 wrote:

irc mod
2015-06-12 21:05 ken2010123: ACTION is editing [ Last Note. - Route Sphere [Insane]]
2015-06-12 21:05 Mio_chan: ok :3 thx
2015-06-12 21:05 ken2010123: 建議HP6會好D
2015-06-12 21:06 Mio_chan: 因為個MAP太易?_?
2015-06-12 21:06 ken2010123: 唔係,主要係因為124BPM
2015-06-12 21:06 Mio_chan: ok done
2015-06-12 21:06 ken2010123: 同埋HR後9.8都好難下
2015-06-12 21:07 ken2010123: 00:07:728 (2,3,4,5) -
2015-06-12 21:07 ken2010123: 雙數連打其實好難玩架x.x
2015-06-12 21:07 Mio_chan: 因為果度係1/6 0.0
2015-06-12 21:09 ken2010123: 咁前面3個變成折返slider啦
2015-06-12 21:09 Mio_chan: try try sin
2015-06-12 21:10 ken2010123: 00:22:728 (3,4) -
2015-06-12 21:10 ken2010123: 呢度都有D難
2015-06-12 21:11 ken2010123: slider後連打要雙數,加上後面個slider又變成單數
2015-06-12 21:12 ken2010123: 00:23:696 (3,4) - 同上
2015-06-12 21:12 ken2010123: 同埋大間距好難玩=_=
2015-06-12 21:14 Mio_chan: 00:07:728 改左啦
2015-06-12 21:16 Mio_chan: 其餘兩個我覺得無咩問題 0.0 因為我想有個加速喺度,同埋我本身玩全換XD
2015-06-12 21:16 ken2010123: =A=但係大部分玩家都會被呢個坑左(包括我
2015-06-12 21:17 ken2010123: 00:22:365 (2) - 呢個直接變成3個圓圈
2015-06-12 21:17 ken2010123: 而且本身00:22:486 - 有鼓音
2015-06-12 21:18 Mio_chan: 咁樣突出唔到個keyboard 0.0
2015-06-12 21:19 ken2010123: 00:22:728 (3,4,3,4) - 一係呢兩個換成slider?
2015-06-12 21:20 ken2010123: 不過都係隨你喜歡啦,總之我覺得連打既數量比較重要,普通既單數,slider後雙數
2015-06-12 21:21 Mio_chan: slider做唔到我想要個效果xox
2015-06-12 21:22 ken2010123: 00:51:760 (2,3,4) - 呢個建議先兩個圓圈再折返slider
2015-06-12 21:24 Mio_chan: ok
2015-06-12 21:24 ken2010123: 01:25:147 - 漏鼓音
2015-06-12 21:25 ken2010123: 見你普通都係跟vocal多
2015-06-12 21:25 ken2010123: 普遍
2015-06-12 21:26 Mio_chan: ok
2015-06-12 21:26 Mio_chan: 係呀~
2015-06-12 21:26 ken2010123: 以前我高難度都跟vocal多,但係發現其實跟樂器更加好玩,變化亦會多D
2015-06-12 21:26 ken2010123: 低難度跟vocal就會好D
2015-06-12 21:27 ken2010123: 02:09:300 (4,5) - blanket?
2015-06-12 21:27 ken2010123: 02:10:146 (6,2) - 6放去2個尾到?
2015-06-12 21:28 Mio_chan: 我依家呢個MAP係咩都跟LOL
2015-06-12 21:29 Mio_chan: 02:09:905 (5) - 係完全放錯位
2015-06-12 21:29 Mio_chan: 我本身諗住對稱,可能唔小心郁錯左
2015-06-12 21:29 ken2010123: 0.0
2015-06-12 21:29 ken2010123: ok
2015-06-12 21:30 Mio_chan: lol 玩咁多次我都check唔到www
2015-06-12 21:30 ken2010123: 02:20:066 (1,2,1,2) -
2015-06-12 21:30 ken2010123: 02:19:582 (2,1) - 呢兩個spacing可能太近
2015-06-12 21:31 ken2010123: 之前成日被人指出spacing問題x.x
2015-06-12 21:31 Mio_chan: done
2015-06-12 21:32 ken2010123: 02:27:203 (5,6,7) - 盡量唔好slider後單數連打了,真係好難
2015-06-12 21:33 ken2010123: 02:30:469 (2,3,4,5) - 呢個換做折返slider會好D?
2015-06-12 21:34 Mio_chan: 我個得circle好D,因為呢度d鼓聲係咁打出黎
2015-06-12 21:34 Mio_chan: 覺得
2015-06-12 21:35 ken2010123: 不過玩起上嚟會有難度;w;
2015-06-12 21:35 ken2010123: 通常我都做善良圖
2015-06-12 21:36 ken2010123: 呢種梗比較難玩
2015-06-12 21:36 ken2010123: 02:52:728 (6) -
2015-06-12 21:36 ken2010123: 呢個slider尾係重音,唔建議放slider尾
2015-06-12 21:37 ken2010123: 放圓圈會好D
2015-06-12 21:37 ken2010123: 因為重音係玩家會禁落去果下
2015-06-12 21:37 ken2010123: slider尾唔需要重新禁一下
2015-06-12 21:38 Mio_chan: ya
2015-06-12 21:38 Mio_chan: 改左佢先,同埋我發現個Finish好似多左XDDD
2015-06-12 21:39 ken2010123: qwq
2015-06-12 21:39 ken2010123: 03:12:808 -
2015-06-12 21:39 ken2010123: 漏音
2015-06-12 21:40 ken2010123: 成個圖好少有多過5個既連打,估計你係故意既=_=
2015-06-12 21:40 ken2010123: 其實長連打(5-9個)係適合一般玩家玩
2015-06-12 21:41 ken2010123: 反而太多2連、3連,會搞到覺得難玩
2015-06-12 21:41 ken2010123: 大膽D放多幾個單數連打係好既√
2015-06-12 21:41 Mio_chan: 因為我覺得長連打唔係好岩呢首歌XD
2015-06-12 21:42 ken2010123: 咁就睇你系唔系想做善良圖了=_=
2015-06-12 21:42 ken2010123: 隨你喜歡啦
2015-06-12 21:42 ken2010123: 03:18:857 (3,5) - blanket
2015-06-12 21:44 Mio_chan: ok
2015-06-12 21:45 ken2010123: 01:33:857 - 漏音
2015-06-12 21:47 Mio_chan: 成首歌全部位果度都無音 0.0
2015-06-12 21:48 ken2010123: 01:33:857 - 你用50%細心聽下,有個好微既鼓音
2015-06-12 21:48 ken2010123: 50%playback rate
2015-06-12 21:48 Mio_chan: 有個tom sound
2015-06-12 21:49 Mio_chan: bass drum- -
2015-06-12 21:49 Mio_chan: 呢個我諗多陣先,你繼續住先啦xd
2015-06-12 21:55 ken2010123: 01:31:316 (5,1) -
2015-06-12 21:56 ken2010123: 排版上1擺去5既前面
2015-06-12 21:57 ken2010123: normal果度,drain時間太長了
2015-06-12 21:57 ken2010123: 最低難度要求係每1:30就係break time一次
2015-06-12 21:57 ken2010123: *就要
2015-06-12 21:57 Mio_chan: 我delete左(5)整其他野
2015-06-12 21:58 ken2010123: normal既01:46:679 - 至01:58:776 - 可以整break time
2015-06-12 21:58 ken2010123: 咁就冇問題了
2015-06-12 21:58 Mio_chan: 真架 0.0?
2015-06-12 21:59 ken2010123: rank準則係咁寫既
2015-06-12 21:59 Mio_chan: 好啦咁/.\...
2015-06-12 21:59 ken2010123: 前面1:46就冇問題,因為根據歌既節奏唔同,都可以接受
2015-06-12 22:01 ken2010123: 個人認為hard個排版好睇幾多下
2015-06-12 22:01 ken2010123: =。=
2015-06-12 22:03 Mio_chan: @@
2015-06-12 22:04 ken2010123: 睇到你系音效方面都落左唔少功夫
2015-06-12 22:04 ken2010123: 不過我覺得排版可以更好既
2015-06-12 22:04 Mio_chan: 當然xD
2015-06-12 22:04 Mio_chan: 沒有最好www
2015-06-12 22:04 ken2010123: www
2015-06-12 22:05 ken2010123: 03:53:937 (3,4) -
2015-06-12 22:05 ken2010123: hard
2015-06-12 22:05 ken2010123: 呢度未blanket好
2015-06-12 22:05 Mio_chan: done
2015-06-12 22:06 ken2010123: 01:08:453 (1,3) - 點解呢兩個好似咁奇怪既
2015-06-12 22:06 ken2010123: slider D描點飛左出嚟
2015-06-12 22:07 Mio_chan: 唔明xox
2015-06-12 22:07 ken2010123: 01:33:978 (2,3) - blanket
2015-06-12 22:07 ken2010123: 唔明就算啦,冇影響
2015-06-12 22:07 ken2010123: XD
2015-06-12 22:08 Mio_chan: 下www
2015-06-12 22:08 ken2010123: 01:48:615 (3,1) - blanket
2015-06-12 22:08 Mio_chan: 果個其實無諗住blanket 0.0 blanket麻麻地 133978
2015-06-12 22:08 Mio_chan: 148615 ok
2015-06-12 22:08 ken2010123: ok
2015-06-12 22:09 ken2010123: 02:28:776 (3) -
2015-06-12 22:09 ken2010123: 02:27:808 (1,2,3) -
2015-06-12 22:10 ken2010123: 類似咁既feel
2015-06-12 22:11 Mio_chan: ok
2015-06-12 22:12 ken2010123: 02:29:744 (1,2,3,4) - spacing可以大小小
2015-06-12 22:13 Mio_chan: anti-jump得幾好呀睇落 0.0 (我覺得www)
2015-06-12 22:14 ken2010123: 咦
2015-06-12 22:14 ken2010123: 你睇緊你insane定hardx.x
2015-06-12 22:14 ken2010123: 岩岩我講果幾個都係hard嚟
2015-06-12 22:14 Mio_chan: ?_?
2015-06-12 22:14 Mio_chan: 我知呀
2015-06-12 22:15 ken2010123: 哦,咁就ok
2015-06-12 22:15 Mio_chan: XD
2015-06-12 22:20 ken2010123: normal都做得好好
2015-06-12 22:20 Mio_chan: (Y)
2015-06-12 22:20 ken2010123: 加翻breaktime就ok
2015-06-12 22:23 ken2010123: insane都係盡量少D難玩既連打梗啦(依家嚟講DT都幾難玩下
2015-06-12 22:23 Mio_chan: oh 0.0
2015-06-12 22:23 Mio_chan: 我呢個遲D先汁,要D時間諗下點處理 0.0
2015-06-12 22:23 ken2010123: 嗯
2015-06-12 22:23 Mio_chan: 同埋睇下邊D要改邊D唔洗
2015-06-12 22:23 Mio_chan: XD
2015-06-12 22:24 Mio_chan: (全換既人係唔會明呢D野幾痛苦LOL)
2015-06-12 22:24 ken2010123: 我mod唔到其他大問題了,祝順利起飛~
2015-06-12 22:24 Mio_chan: thanks =D
Fix many things
adding break for normal
changing shapes of sliders in hard and insane
rearranging patterns etc,
thx :)

00:03:857 (4) - better rhythm is this just a warning
00:07:728 (2) - same ^, remove this and add circle to 00:07:728? if follow drum, I think good rhythm
00:07:970 (3) - add clap here? I think you are forget add clap
00:17:526 (6,7) - better rhythm, if change, you can add clap to 00:17:647
00:22:365 (2,3) - ^ same, you can add clap to 00:22:486
00:22:970 (1,2) - ^ same, if possible, please follow drum rhythm
00:31:921 (1,2) - I feel this stack doesn't fit in this part
00:33:857 (1,2) - ^ same
00:57:082 (2) - 1 grid left, maybe better than now
01:18:373 - I think need note to here
01:33:373 (8) - you can fix this overlap, try this pattern
01:33:857 - same as 01:18:373 -
02:37:728 - same as 01:18:373 -
03:57:082 - same as 01:18:373 -
04:25:994 (1) - in this case, fade down volume isnt fit, overall 70% is fine but doesn't include 04:30:711's 10%

00:03:857 (2) - same as Insane
00:07:728 (6) - same as Insane
00:22:970 (1,2,3) - 00:22:002 (1,2,3) - are fine, but this part should follow drums
01:03:857 (4,5,1) - maybe hard a bit in Hard.
01:33:978 (2,3) - too big this jump
01:42:687 (4,5) - same ^
02:30:470 (4) - why 02:30:711- this sound follow at slidertick? I think slider's end is better
02:53:332 (2,3) - too big this jump
04:24:905 (1,2,3) - same as 00:22:970 -
04:25:631 (3,4) - I think this too big jump are wrong, 04:24:905 (1,2,3) - here is 3/4 rhythm part, but when (3) to (4), 1/2 rhythm and big jump :o maybe player is confuse.
04:25:994 (1) - same as Insane

do not use 3/4 snap slider if possible
04:14:986 (2,3,4) - make a perfectry triangle here? or fix a (2,4)'s overlap please.
04:25:994 (1) - same as Insane

good luck~
Topic Starter

Muya wrote:


00:03:857 (4) - better rhythm is this just a warning The notes are snapped in 1/6 actually
00:07:728 (2) - same ^, remove this and add circle to 00:07:728? if follow drum, I think good rhythm ^
00:07:970 (3) - add clap here? I think you are forget add clap yes
00:17:526 (6,7) - better rhythm, if change, you can add clap to 00:17:647 yes
00:22:365 (2,3) - ^ same, you can add clap to 00:22:486 no because I follow the keyboard pretty much
00:22:970 (1,2) - ^ same, if possible, please follow drum rhythm no because I follow the keyboard pretty much
00:31:921 (1,2) - I feel this stack doesn't fit in this part fixed
00:33:857 (1,2) - ^ same fixed
00:57:082 (2) - 1 grid left, maybe better than now fixed
01:18:373 - I think need note to here no because I want to emphasize vocal
01:33:373 (8) - you can fix this overlap, try this pattern fixed
01:33:857 - same as 01:18:373 - same
02:37:728 - same as 01:18:373 - same
03:57:082 - same as 01:18:373 - same
04:25:994 (1) - in this case, fade down volume isnt fit, overall 70% is fine but doesn't include 04:30:711's 10% fixed

00:03:857 (2) - same as Insane same
00:07:728 (6) - same as Insane same
00:22:970 (1,2,3) - 00:22:002 (1,2,3) - are fine, but this part should follow drums noted on this, I don't want to change it due to the keyboard sound... but I may change my mind
01:03:857 (4,5,1) - maybe hard a bit in Hard. I don't know what to do with this 0.0
01:33:978 (2,3) - too big this jump slider leniency will cause this to be a jump with same DS with (1),(2)
01:42:687 (4,5) - same ^ same
02:30:470 (4) - why 02:30:711- this sound follow at slidertick? I think slider's end is better oh yeah fixed
02:53:332 (2,3) - too big this jump same
04:24:905 (1,2,3) - same as 00:22:970 - same
04:25:631 (3,4) - I think this too big jump are wrong, 04:24:905 (1,2,3) - here is 3/4 rhythm part, but when (3) to (4), 1/2 rhythm and big jump :o maybe player is confuse. fixed
04:25:994 (1) - same as Insane fixed

do not use 3/4 snap slider if possible ow... It's quite hard to fixed at this stage and I think it's ok, will take this in mind in future mapping
04:14:986 (2,3,4) - make a perfectry triangle here? or fix a (2,4)'s overlap please. fixed
04:25:994 (1) - same as Insane fixed

good luck~
Thanks for your mod :) :)
M4M requestttttttttttttttttttt~

00:10:389 (1) - 我個人就覺得呢度用折回會有啲怪._. 建議00:10:873 - 可以用circle代替~
00:11:679 - 真係要放棄1/6 ;w;? 感覺個音存在感好大_(:3
00:13:050 (4) - 可以放上啲到大約x:176 y:116 感覺個型會好睇啲 \:D/
01:01:679 (1,2) - 01:10:389 (1) - slider中間同尾要唔要試下加whistle :o
01:16:437 (2,3,4) - 01:21:397 (7) - 頭加clap?
01:21:760 (8) - clappppppppppp
03:12:324 (3,4) - 有少少怪:o NC一下?
03:17:042 (3) - 中間粒點拉上一格 ow<

00:00:712 (1,2,1,2,1,2) - 呢一類型hi邊會唔會唔太好._. 可以試下用至少ds1.8分開佢地少少
01:02:647 (1) - 未blanket好
01:11:841 (5,1) - nc互換\:D/
01:30:711 (3) - 感覺有啲遠,可以ctrl g一下 /w\ 之後用1.1放返好01:31:437 (4,5,1) -
01:51:034 (1) - 拉落兩格
01:56:357 (4) - ctrl < 之後放返好好似比較順
02:20:066 (1,2,1,2,3) - 這不是Insane的梗嗎lol
02:37:849 (2) - ctrl g?
04:00:711 (1,2) - nc互換\:D/

感覺沒什麼問題 _(:3

good luck~~~~

01:05:308 (3,4) - Maybe keep it consistent with the previous pattern (the one at 01:02:405 (3,1) - )
03:14:260 (1,2) - Doesn't really end up flowing into each other
03:57:203 (2,3) - ^
Wow this difficulty was incredibly awkward trying to play this

00:06:518 (1,2,3) - 00:08:211 (7,8,1) - Be careful with this, hard players might mistake the stacked (1,2,3) as a triplet or tap (7,8,1) the same way they did for (1,2,3)
00:22:970 (1,2,3) - Since Hard usually revolves around the idea of "Following mostly "what you can hear", you can't ignore the strong beats at 00:23:211 and 00:23:453. There isn't anything at 2 beat-wise
01:08:453 (1,2) - It really feels like the 2 should be blanketed by 1
01:48:615 (3,1) - blanket slider end in 1?
02:20:066 (1,2,1,2) - spacing inconsistent, players might think they will have to press the second 2 later since the previous 1,2 sequence wasn't spaced far at all
02:22:486 (2) - I would stack this on top of 02:20:792 (2) - and move 3 slightly close since it's far when you move the 2

03:16:679 (1,2) - the straight slider into a curved slider like that looks real ugly imo
03:22:002 (1,2,3) - You can stack the on the end of slider 1
03:25:873 (1,2) - Blanket~
04:23:937 (1) - Move over slighter to be in the center of slider 3

04:24:905 (1) - if you fixed ^, stack this on top of the 1, slight move the positions of 2,3,4 to make it more triangular again, also, look at what I said for 00:22:970 (1,2,3) -

When I say slider #, just ignore the fact that I said slider since it really sounds confusing

That's all I got .3.

Edit~ Whoops, forgot to mention that your kiai time aren't consistent, and you have no GDs so fix it .w.
Topic Starter

[-Deemo-] wrote:


01:05:308 (3,4) - Maybe keep it consistent with the previous pattern (the one at 01:02:405 (3,1) - fix previous pattern instead
03:14:260 (1,2) - Doesn't really end up flowing into each other make both sliders curve a bit
03:57:203 (2,3) - ^ rearrange the shape a bit
Wow this difficulty was incredibly awkward trying to play this why you say so 0.0?

00:06:518 (1,2,3) - 00:08:211 (7,8,1) - Be careful with this, hard players might mistake the stacked (1,2,3) as a triplet or tap (7,8,1) the same way they did for (1,2,3) approaching circle should be enough
00:22:970 (1,2,3) - Since Hard usually revolves around the idea of "Following mostly "what you can hear", you can't ignore the strong beats at 00:23:211 and 00:23:453. There isn't anything at 2 beat-wise it is weird to me if I following the keyboard for half and then drum for half
01:08:453 (1,2) - It really feels like the 2 should be blanketed by 1 blanketing does not suit the pattern, though moving the position of (2) a bit
01:48:615 (3,1) - blanket slider end in 1? yeah
02:20:066 (1,2,1,2) - spacing inconsistent, players might think they will have to press the second 2 later since the previous 1,2 sequence wasn't spaced far at all use 1.5x instead
02:22:486 (2) - I would stack this on top of 02:20:792 (2) - and move 3 slightly close since it's far when you move the 2 I think the flow now is better

03:16:679 (1,2) - the straight slider into a curved slider like that looks real ugly imo change the shape a bit
03:22:002 (1,2,3) - You can stack the on the end of slider 1 Not following your instruction but I do make some changes
03:25:873 (1,2) - Blanket~ no since I don't want symmetry here
04:23:937 (1) - Move over slighter to be in the center of slider 3 the spacing don't allow me to do so

04:24:905 (1) - if you fixed ^, stack this on top of the 1, slight move the positions of 2,3,4 to make it more triangular again, also, look at what I said for 00:22:970 (1,2,3) -

When I say slider #, just ignore the fact that I said slider since it really sounds confusing

That's all I got .3.

Edit~ Whoops, forgot to mention that your kiai time aren't consistent, and you have no GDs so fix it .w.

Foreverends wrote:

M4M requestttttttttttttttttttt~

00:10:389 (1) - 我個人就覺得呢度用折回會有啲怪._. 建議00:10:873 - 可以用circle代替~ 我跟keyboard所以兩個都有repeat
00:11:679 - 真係要放棄1/6 ;w;? 感覺個音存在感好大_(:3 點解我咩都聽唔到xox,唔理呢個住www
00:13:050 (4) - 可以放上啲到大約x:176 y:116 感覺個型會好睇啲 \:D/ 郁左去第二個位 \:D/
01:01:679 (1,2) - 呢個我諗左好耐,決定mark低佢,因為我又想跟vocal但係又真係無左下drum聲~_~
01:10:389 (1) - slider中間同尾要唔要試下加whistle :o added
01:16:437 (2,3,4) - 好正,但係呢個MAP唔係咁岩放random spacing www
01:21:397 (7) - 頭加clap? 唔岩位,加左好怪聽落
01:21:760 (8) - clappppppppppp ^
03:12:324 (3,4) - 有少少怪:o NC一下? yeah~
03:17:042 (3) - 中間粒點拉上一格 ow< 結果我用no grid 整左XD

00:00:712 (1,2,1,2,1,2) - 呢一類型hi邊會唔會唔太好._. 可以試下用至少ds1.8分開佢地少少 good
01:02:647 (1) - 未blanket好 fixed
01:11:841 (5,1) - nc互換\:D/ 唔想www 想白線NC
01:30:711 (3) - 感覺有啲遠,可以ctrl g一下 /w\ 之後用1.1放返好01:31:437 (4,5,1) - stack左算數 www感覺仲好
01:51:034 (1) - 拉落兩格 done
01:56:357 (4) - ctrl < 之後放返好好似比較順 依家個FLOW都OK
02:20:066 (1,2,1,2,3) - 這不是Insane的梗嗎lol 根本就係www
02:37:849 (2) - ctrl g? no, 呢個圖特登整成咁
04:00:711 (1,2) - nc互換\:D/ 呢個圖比較老土所以想用D老土既comboing www

感覺沒什麼問題 _(:3

good luck~~~~
placeholder, I think

你的音效总体来说加得不错 不过drum finish的音量太小了 建议都调高一些

AR加到4 不然直接到Hard的AR7差距太大了
00:25:389 (3,4) - 4的形状画得怪扭曲的 把3往右下挪一些 4就可以画舒展一点了
00:50:550 (5) - 和前面衔接不太好 调到(264,232)一带会好一些
01:12:324 (1,2,3,4) - 这里flow感觉很僵硬 试试这样调整一下02:01:195 - 这种没用的绿线都删掉 其他diff也是
03:08:453 (3,4,5,6,1) - 你这种摆成弧线的circle要注意一下弧度 像这个6的位置明显就很不舒服 把它往右下挪到(452,288)一带 再相应调整一下后面的1的间距就会舒服得多
03:22:002 (1,2,3) - 这里flow太扭曲了啊 转盘后面还自由的一段 重新调整一个舒服点的flow吧
04:22:486 (2) - 挪到(292,304)一带会打得舒服些吧

总体来说这Hard里有这么大跨度的段落变速有点奇怪 主歌0.75 副歌1.25 差别还是很大的 但是这个歌给人的感觉好像没有那么大的强弱对比 让人觉得变速变得有点夸张
00:06:518 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - 和Normal里一样的问题 把6的位置往右下调一下 这角度移动很不自然
01:19:582 (4,5,1,2,3) - flow也不太舒服 最后调整一下1 2 3的弧度
02:20:550 (1) - 这NC没什么必要建议去掉
02:24:421 (2,3,4) - 02:25:752 (7,1) - 你这些连打的间距最好统一一下啊 这样显得很乱
03:01:679 (3,2) - 这种遮挡很难看 最好调一下
03:29:744 (1,1) - 03:30:228 (2,2) - 也是不要遮挡会好看一些 而且03:30:711 (1) - 这个NC完全是没必要的最好去掉

这个diff总体上还好但是会显得很乱 因为你有很多需要注意保持一致性的地方 比如连打什么时候是00:09:179 (3,4,5) - 这样分开的 什么时候是00:14:018 (7,8,1) - 这样叠着的 滑条尾巴后面接的三连也是00:11:841 (3,4,1) - 00:14:986 (3,4,5) - ;这种1/4滑条后面再接滑条的梗什么时候摆成像00:27:566 (7,1) - 这样错开的 什么时候摆成像01:05:308 (3,4) - 这样叠着的。因为整张图里面这种东西你用了很多回 然后要找不出什么规律 显得非常随机 有时候可能是迫于空间不够大 但是意思不是说你必须把它们全都弄成一样的 而是说你自己要有一个所谓的套路 比如什么时候用0.8x间距的连打 什么时候又是用0.4x的 还有那些1/4滑条之后的物件的间距也是 这些最好都是由曲子的强弱来决定 然后每当你要摆这种梗的时候就根据曲子来确定应该怎么摆 而不是随机地放
还有一些比较突兀的地方像01:19:703 (2,3,4,1) - 和我之前唯一断了combo的这个03:12:324 (1,2,3,4) - 最好都改一下 后面这个曲子里明显没有什么适合放二连的节奏 就两个三连就好了 毕竟红线03:12:566 - 这里是有鼓的
另外 还要多加注意你滑条之间夹circle的三连的flow 像01:24:905 (6,7,8) - 这种的 明显打起来就很不舒服
03:32:970 (4) - 这个折返的拍子感觉是不对的 没有什么六分拍 最好去掉 倒是03:30:953 - 这里有六分拍你没有跟

就这些吧 Good luck
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=D =D Thanks so much :)
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