
[Archived] Chat Tabs Bugged [Very Minor]

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[osu! version: 20150225.1beta]
Problem Details:
As the title implies, the chat tabs are bugged after something happened. While calling the error's cause "something" is very vague, it's because I'm not sure on what caused it(if I did, I would've fixed it, right?). See images.

What I think may have caused this

I was spectating someone, (causing #spectator to open) and they just quit the same really quick. Not sure of the cause of the quit, Alt-F4 or other methods. This may explain one of the holes in the bar. However most times people do that, this doesn't happen(of course). However this doesn't explain the second hole.

Explaining the Screenshots.
Screenshot One: You can see the holes in the chat tab bar inbetween #osu and #help, plus another hole between #userlog and another error. For whatever reason, BanchoBot's PM tab as well as Tillerino's have fused.
Screenshot Two: Practically the same thing, holes in different places. The purpose of this one is to simply show that you can move around the chat tabs(by clicking and dragging).
Screenshot Three: I can still join other channels, such as #english through the + button and /join english. If I close a tab that was there before (like #userlog) the hole still exists.
Screenshot Four: I was testing something out related to this, and I'm dragging BanchoBot's PM tab around, but the dragging doesn't behave like usual. (Usual meaning pushing the other tabs out of the way.) In this case, the BanchoBot tab stays where it originally was, BUT it still pushes tabs around as I drag the tab around, like it would. It was, in that case invisible but pushing nevertheless.

More to point out.
Normally, when I ctrl+tab, it cycles through the tabs going right. However, this time, it cycles in random order, not just going to whatever's to the right of it. It goes: #osu -> #ctb -> #announce -> BanchoBot PM tab -> #highlight -> #help. Use this screenshot as a reference to what I just said. Something to note is that I can't go to Tillerino's PM tab through ctrl+tab, despite it being open. I can still click on the tab though, it still functions. Chatting still works with it as well.
I also know that combining shift with ctrl+tab will make you cycle backwards, going left rather than right. The order in which the tabs cycle is: Tillerino -> BanchoBot -> #announce -> #ctb -> #osu. This is still based off of the screenshot before.
Obviously, playing a map doesn't do anything.

The final thing I tested was closing all the tabs. They all closed as they would, but something peculiar occurred. As I was closing, when I came upon the space, I was on that blank. There were no white tabs(signifying which tab I was in). BUT because I'm a completely idiotic moron, I didn't test if I could say anything. I moved on to delete more tabs, and it they closed as usual. I rejoined them, fixing the problem.

Just wanted to report this as a little bug, really doesn't affect anything at all. Just pointing it out is all. Thank you for reading through this mess of a bug report, if anyone does.
can you like drag them around so they get into the right positions again?
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I tried, but it didn't work. This wasn't really meant to be responded to, so sorry for the late response Olivarus D:
Anyway, when I tried to drag them around, the holes would still be there. I think in the screenshots you can see that I moved them around a bit.
does that just happen on beta or even on stable?
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