
Faylan - Blue Blaze (TV Size)

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Topic Starter
This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2013年12月10日 at 16:30:43

Artist: Faylan
Title: Blue Blaze (TV Size)
Tags: ARC system works AMI BakaHuang flower chloe
BPM: 190
Filesize: 13533kb
Play Time: 01:28
Difficulties Available:
  1. BakaHyper (5 stars, 257 notes)
  2. Chloe's Easy (2.71 stars, 98 notes)
  3. Extreme (5 stars, 375 notes)
  4. Flower's Normal (4.05 stars, 120 notes)
  5. Hard (4.86 stars, 274 notes)
Download: Faylan - Blue Blaze (TV Size)
Download: Faylan - Blue Blaze (TV Size) (no video)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Heaven and hell 3,2,1 go!
Easy done by Chloe
Flower's Normal done by Flower
Hard done by me
BakaHyper done by BakaHuang
Extreme done by me
hope you enjoy it~
oh Faylan~!!

Can i made insane diff?
Topic Starter

HabiHolic wrote:

oh Faylan~!!

Can i made insane diff?
oh I am not accepting guest diffs on this map,sorry

Sagisawa-Yukari wrote:

HabiHolic wrote:

oh Faylan~!!

Can i made insane diff?
oh I am not accepting guest diffs on this map,sorry
>_> opps.. sorry~
hi~ from my queue :D

00:05:827 (3,4) - change hitsound →(3)clap (4)nothing
00:06:458 (1) - add finish start point
00:23:985 (5) - ^
00:30:459 (1) - ^
00:35:354 (4) - ^
00:49:405 (1) - ^
00:56:985 - i think KIAI starting is here
00:42:458 (2) - i think this rhythm is better
00:52:721 (5,6,7) - i think more widely spacing. how about this?
00:56:353 (1,2,3,4) - i think not fit vocal. how about this?
00:59:352 (1) - add finish start point
01:01:721 (5,6) - remove finish (5) and add finish (6)
01:06:773 (7,1) - shift finish
01:08:984 (3) - remove finish
01:09:458 (5) - add finish
01:16:879 (4) - add finish end point

i feel normal whistle? slightly noisy...(pi-pi-sound)
i hope it is soft whistle
00:11:511 (1) - add finish
00:44:195 (1) - ^ start point
01:01:879 (1) - ^
01:04:406 (1) - ^
01:09:458 (1) - ^
01:20:985 (7) - remove. i think this note not fit rhythm
01:24:616 (1) - add finish start point

[Flower's Normal]
01:03:143 (4) - add finish start point?
01:10:721 (3) - ^
01:16:090 (3) - add finish end point

beautiful normal!

good luck~:3
sick mod hahaha

00:08:985 (1,2,3,4,5) - 这个Jump其实不怎么舒服
00:23:354 (2) - delete this note and remove 00:23:196 (1) new combo
00:23:670 (3) - new combo
00:52:721 (5,6,7) - 应该照着00:52:089 (2,3,4)反方向排列
00:56:352 (1,2,3) - 我建议这么下 like this ↓

01:04:564 (1,2,3,4) - like this ↓

Topic Starter

Pandiar wrote:

hi~ from my queue :D

00:05:827 (3,4) - change hitsound →(3)clap (4)nothing --sure~
00:06:458 (1) - add finish start point --OK~
00:23:985 (5) - ^ --^
00:30:459 (1) - ^ --^
00:35:354 (4) - ^ --^
00:49:405 (1) - ^ --^
00:56:985 - i think KIAI starting is here ---Ummm...But I think 00:56:353 - is right...
00:42:458 (2) - i think this rhythm is better
---oh..but I think it is ok now...
00:52:721 (5,6,7) - i think more widely spacing. how about this?
--oh,it's good.fixed~
00:56:353 (1,2,3,4) - i think not fit vocal. how about this?
---oh..but I think it is ok now...
00:59:352 (1) - add finish start point --OK~
01:01:721 (5,6) - remove finish (5) and add finish (6) --OK~
01:06:773 (7,1) - shift finish --OK~
01:08:984 (3) - remove finish --fixed
01:09:458 (5) - add finish --^
01:16:879 (4) - add finish end point --^

[Flower's Normal]
01:03:143 (4) - add finish start point? --fixed
01:10:721 (3) - ^ --^
01:16:090 (3) - add finish end point --^

beautiful normal!

good luck~:3


DeeN wrote:

sick mod hahaha

00:08:985 (1,2,3,4,5) - 这个Jump其实不怎么舒服 --我把3和4换了个位置
00:23:354 (2) - delete this note and remove 00:23:196 (1) new combo ---留着其实也不差,就这样吧
00:23:670 (3) - new combo ---前面留着了这里就不用了吧
00:52:721 (5,6,7) - 应该照着00:52:089 (2,3,4)反方向排列 --我最后换了种排列方法
00:56:352 (1,2,3) - 我建议这么下 like this ↓
01:04:564 (1,2,3,4) - like this ↓

thank you for modding~

00:56:827 - Kiai start? and downbeat change.. need new timing points?
I guess need AudioLeadIn: 1000

[Flower's Normal]
Nothing to say~~ :3

00:29:511 (3) - Ctrl+G try this~
00:42:774 (3) - ^
00:51:300 (10) - ^
fun <3

00:04:880 (5) - Nc 00:05:196 (1) - remove Nc?
00:07:564 (1) - More better rhythm,follow with lyrics,like this

00:27:933 (3,4) - Ctrl+G try this
00:52:721 (5) - Nc?
Cool :3!! sorry nazi~modding :o

Good luck star~ :)


  1. 啥都没。

[Flower's Normal]

  • Rhythm
  1. 00:23:985 (1,2,3) - slider节奏感觉完全没问题,但是连接的2明显感觉有点违和,怎么说呢,就是打起来的时候明显这里突然就变快了的那种感觉。前面slider给人很慢,但是note就会变得特别紧张,个人不喜欢这样。
  2. 00:28:248 (3) - 根据歌曲,我认为这个note完全是多余的,不仅没达到预期效果,反而影响了谱面的节奏。没必要刻意造节奏╮(╯_╰)╭。
  3. 01:00:458 (2,3) - 这里试试这个或者类似这个的节奏,我认为会好很多的。

  • Sound Effect
  1. ~


  1. 阿黄的diff没啥问题,不过我想吐槽一句,你的图就是"iPhone 5c 的壳子跳动着一颗iPhone 5s 的心"的一张图。
  • Rhythm
  1. 没问题。

  • Sound Effect
  1. 没。



  1. 跳的距离不是只有一倍两倍三倍的跳距离,还有1.5x,1.8x,2.1x等等呢。
  • Rhythm
  1. 00:01:722 (3,4) - 这个跳的间距变化过大,导致打起来会跳的太远而影响整个梗。
  2. 00:02:670 (3,4) - ^.
  3. 00:06:143 (4,1) - 这个地方目测40%的人会miss,非常不好读,或者这么说,基本读不出来。而且blanket做的也不好。或许可以这样,
  4. 00:07:248 (3,1) - blanket做的不好
  5. 00:08:196 (2,3,4,5) - 关于这个梗,咱这么说,如果想让23是跳的话,那么我建议2345全部跳,不然这种距离突变,真的很不舒服。
  6. 00:17:512 (3,1) - 确定这里是blanket嘛?如果是请做的好一点
  7. 00:18:301 (2,3) - ^
  8. 00:20:985 (8,9,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - 这个梗令我很疑惑,8和9,9和10之间的跳会变也就罢了,但是 2到3,3到4这个间距的变化实在是太大
  9. 00:21:143 (9,5,7,8) - 这个梗实在是不好看,而且勉强。
  10. 00:25:406 (5,6,7,8,9,10,11,1,1,1,1) - 我建议5,6,7,8,9,10,11用很短的距离做成stream,然后1111使用稍微大一点的jump效果会更好
  11. 00:28:091 (4) - 后面的blanket这种咱就不说了,问题还是挺多的。
  12. 00:36:143 (8) - NC
  13. 00:38:037 (1,3) - 和前面的2重合好。 166|130
  14. 00:42:932 (5,1) - 哇塞,距离超大,断的真爽。
  15. 00:44:985 (4,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) - 形状不好看啊。
  16. 00:56:826 (2,3) - 尾巴重合没做好。
  17. 01:04:879 (2,3,3,4,5,6,7) - 要直线建议就直线,要弧线就弧线,这种直线弧线不弧线真心不好看。
  18. 01:07:563 (3,5) - 真丑>_>。
  19. 01:10:879 (1) - 这个问题很大,因为我听得很明确重音在01:10:721 - ,而且01:10:879 - 是没有任何重音的,所以我建议用这种节奏
  20. 01:15:142 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - 这个形状太粗糙了啊,卖糕的...
  21. 01:19:089 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6) - 尾巴明显做的比之前的好。

  • Sound Effect
  1. 没啥问题。



Quote Code




[Flower's Normal]

[list][*]00:23:985 (1,2,3) - slider节奏感觉完全没问题,但是连接的2明显感觉有点违和,怎么说呢,就是打起来的时候明显这里突然就变快了的那种感觉。前面slider给人很慢,但是note就会变得特别紧张,个人不喜欢这样。
[*]00:28:248 (3) - 根据歌曲,我认为这个note完全是多余的,不仅没达到预期效果,反而影响了谱面的节奏。没必要刻意造节奏╮(╯_╰)╭。
[*]01:00:458 (2,3) - 这里试试这个或者类似这个的节奏,我认为会好很多的。

[notice][list][b][color=#0080FF]Sound Effect[/color][/b]


[list][*]阿黄的diff没啥问题,不过我想吐槽一句,你的图就是"iPhone 5c 的壳子跳动着一颗iPhone 5s 的心"的一张图。[/list]


[notice][list][b][color=#0080FF]Sound Effect[/color][/b][/list]





[list][*]00:01:722 (3,4) - 这个跳的间距变化过大,导致打起来会跳的太远而影响整个梗。
[*]00:02:670 (3,4) - ^.
[*]00:06:143 (4,1) - 这个地方目测40%的人会miss,非常不好读,或者这么说,基本读不出来。而且blanket做的也不好。或许可以这样,
[*]00:07:248 (3,1) - blanket做的不好
[*]00:08:196 (2,3,4,5) - 关于这个梗,咱这么说,如果想让23是跳的话,那么我建议2345全部跳,不然这种距离突变,真的很不舒服。
[*]00:17:512 (3,1) - 确定这里是blanket嘛?如果是请做的好一点
[*]00:18:301 (2,3) - ^
[*]00:20:985 (8,9,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - 这个梗令我很疑惑,8和9,9和10之间的跳会变也就罢了,但是 2到3,3到4这个间距的变化实在是太大
[*]00:21:143 (9,5,7,8) - 这个梗实在是不好看,而且勉强。
[*]00:25:406 (5,6,7,8,9,10,11,1,1,1,1) - 我建议5,6,7,8,9,10,11用很短的距离做成stream,然后1111使用稍微大一点的jump效果会更好
[*]00:28:091 (4) - 后面的blanket这种咱就不说了,问题还是挺多的。
[*]00:36:143 (8) - NC
[*]00:38:037 (1,3) - 和前面的2重合好。 166|130
[*]00:42:932 (5,1) - 哇塞,距离超大,断的真爽。
[*]00:44:985 (4,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) - 形状不好看啊。
[*]00:56:826 (2,3) - 尾巴重合没做好。
[*]01:04:879 (2,3,3,4,5,6,7) - 要直线建议就直线,要弧线就弧线,这种直线弧线不弧线真心不好看。
[*]01:07:563 (3,5) - 真丑>_>。
[*]01:10:879 (1) - 这个问题很大,因为我听得很明确重音在01:10:721 - ,而且01:10:879 - 是没有任何重音的,所以我建议用这种节奏[img][/img]
[*]01:15:142 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - 这个形状太粗糙了啊,卖糕的...
[*]01:19:089 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6) - 尾巴明显做的比之前的好。[/notice]

[notice][list][b][color=#0080FF]Sound Effect[/color][/b][/list]


Topic Starter

Rotte wrote:



  1. 啥都没。

[Flower's Normal]

  • Rhythm
  1. 00:23:985 (1,2,3) - slider节奏感觉完全没问题,但是连接的2明显感觉有点违和,怎么说呢,就是打起来的时候明显这里突然就变快了的那种感觉。前面slider给人很慢,但是note就会变得特别紧张,个人不喜欢这样。 --节奏没问题我不删了
  2. 00:28:248 (3) - 根据歌曲,我认为这个note完全是多余的,不仅没达到预期效果,反而影响了谱面的节奏。没必要刻意造节奏╮(╯_╰)╭。 --这里搭配不是挺好?
  3. 01:00:458 (2,3) - 这里试试这个或者类似这个的节奏,我认为会好很多的。


  1. 跳的距离不是只有一倍两倍三倍的跳距离,还有1.5x,1.8x,2.1x等等呢。
  • Rhythm
[list][*]00:01:722 (3,4) - 这个跳的间距变化过大,导致打起来会跳的太远而影响整个梗。 --1和3换了下位置
[*]00:02:670 (3,4) - ^. --^
[*]00:06:143 (4,1) - 这个地方目测40%的人会miss,非常不好读,或者这么说,基本读不出来。而且blanket做的也不好。或许可以这样,
[box=EXAMPLE] --很不巧,我找来试图的都是那剩下的60%,我只能说还有比我菜的,不如删游戏
[*]00:07:248 (3,1) - blanket做的不好 --全程我不想做blanket这种曲子包的太严实反而起反效果
[*]00:08:196 (2,3,4,5) - 关于这个梗,咱这么说,如果想让23是跳的话,那么我建议2345全部跳,不然这种距离突变,真的很不舒服。 --我打起来根本没问题
[*]00:17:512 (3,1) - 确定这里是blanket嘛?如果是请做的好一点 --全程我不想做blanket这种曲子包的太严实反而起反效果
[*]00:18:301 (2,3) - ^ --^
[*]00:20:985 (8,9,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - 这个梗令我很疑惑,8和9,9和10之间的跳会变也就罢了,但是 2到3,3到4这个间距的变化实在是太大
了,可以说是打得不可想象,举个例子,就好比是一个是2米,一个是4米,这落差简直难以想象。 --我后面改成相同间距的跳了至于8910迪西却说好
[*]00:21:143 (9,5,7,8) - 这个梗实在是不好看,而且勉强。 --这里前面改了所以后面也改了
[*]00:25:406 (5,6,7,8,9,10,11,1,1,1,1) - 我建议5,6,7,8,9,10,11用很短的距离做成stream,然后1111使用稍微大一点的jump效果会更好
[*]00:28:091 (4) - 后面的blanket这种咱就不说了,问题还是挺多的。--同前面的
[*]00:36:143 (8) - NC --这个三连是一起的啊,后面才是那个啥
[*]00:38:037 (1,3) - 和前面的2重合好。 166|130 --好了
[*]00:42:932 (5,1) - 哇塞,距离超大,断的真爽。 --直接默认1.2了改了点节奏
[*]00:44:985 (4,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) - 形状不好看啊。 --重新拉了下
[*]00:56:826 (2,3) - 尾巴重合没做好。 --没问题了
[*]01:04:879 (2,3,3,4,5,6,7) - 要直线建议就直线,要弧线就弧线,这种直线弧线不弧线真心不好看。--我觉得还行
[*]01:07:563 (3,5) - 真丑>_>。 --没问题
[*]01:10:879 (1) - 这个问题很大,因为我听得很明确重音在01:10:721 - ,而且01:10:879 - 是没有任何重音的,所以我建议用这种节奏 --音效重新改过
[*]01:15:142 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - 这个形状太粗糙了啊,卖糕的... --重新拉了下
[*]01:19:089 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6) - 尾巴明显做的比之前的好。


Satellite wrote:


00:56:827 - Kiai start? and downbeat change.. need new timing points?
I guess need AudioLeadIn: 1000 --now kiai time is 56353 in all diff,oh..beacuse here's a part of full lyrics and I change AudioLeadIn to 1000,downbeat..Ummm...the bpm hasn't change so I think don't add new time point..

[Flower's Normal]
Nothing to say~~ :3

00:04:880 (5) - Nc 00:05:196 (1) - remove Nc? --sure~
00:07:564 (1) - More better rhythm,follow with lyrics,like this
--I add a cirle in 00:07:564 -
00:27:933 (3,4) - Ctrl+G try this's ok now
00:52:721 (5) - Nc? --sure~
Cool :3!! sorry nazi~modding :o

Good luck star~ :)

thank you for modding~
as your request

  1. 00:06:143 可以加個note其實

[Flower's Normal]

  1. 00:02:827 (6) 建議這裡的節奏跟前面一樣,結束在藍線然後紅線再放個note
  2. 00:21:143 (9) 放到 00:19:879 (3)、00:21:300 (10) 放在 00:20:827 (1,2,3) 這疊上,然後這疊的1可以NC
  3. 00:42:774 建議ctrl+G 然後 00:43:248 移到 x64, y340
  4. 01:16:879 加個slider結束在 01:17:037
  1. 很多blanket可以拉好,都是小細節...
  2. 00:55:089 (3,4,5,6,1) 不排好五角形嗎0.0?
  3. 01:06:458(3,4,5,6,7) 要嘛直線要嘛弧形都比現在好..
  4. 01:11:510 (1,1,1) 這裡的NC感覺沒意思
  5. 01:16:879 (4) 這個可以跳遠一點
00:26:196 (1,1,1) - remove NC
00:28:091 (4) - reverse it
00:31:564 (1) - i don't like this shape... just use 3 slider points
00:32:196 (3) - ^
00:36:459 (1,1) - remove NC
00:37:879 - add note here this is more exciting!
00:49:405 (1) - reverse?

00:02:195 (3) - 0.1 distance is not beauty try 0.6
00:03:932 (2) - ^
00:23:827 (9) - i don't like this pattern... how about this?
00:33:300 (4) - so far... i think you can use this pattern this is more easier then previous pattern
00:47:511 (2) - this is out of rhythm little bit and strange for me, i recommend this
00:57:458 - add note here?
01:06:616 (8) - this is more better then previous

00:25:090 (2) - 190 BPM 1/2 is hard to newbie player i mean remove this note
00:35:195 (2) - ^
00:57:932 (2) - ^
01:00:458 (2) - ^
01:08:037 (2) - ^
(these are just my opnion)
looks good

Asgard wrote:

00:02:195 (3) - 0.1 distance is not beauty try 0.6 0.1 is ok X3
00:03:932 (2) - ^
00:23:827 (9) - i don't like this pattern... how about this? sorry, i want to make a jump
00:33:300 (4) - so far... i think you can use this pattern this is more easier then previous pattern yeah nice advice
00:47:511 (2) - this is out of rhythm little bit and strange for me, i recommend this uhh,your rhythm also is little strange for me
00:57:458 - add note here? no
01:06:616 (8) - this is more better then previous sure fixed
thanks for modding

Azure wrote:

as your request

  1. 00:02:827 (6) 建議這裡的節奏跟前面一樣,結束在藍線然後紅線再放個note ok fixed
  2. 00:21:143 (9) 放到 00:19:879 (3)、00:21:300 (10) 放在 00:20:827 (1,2,3) 這疊上,然後這疊的1可以NC 我觉得现在这样挺好<3
  3. 00:42:774 建議ctrl+G 然後 00:43:248 移到 x64, y340 按照自己的想法改了
  4. 01:16:879 加個slider結束在 01:17:037 如果还有人提的话我就改
@satellite : all fixed :3 nice modding thanks!
@Pandiar : fixed all finish hitsound on my diff thanks :3
@Rotte : 哈哈 _(:з」∠)_ 的确如此 好比喻
Topic Starter

Azure wrote:

as your request

  1. 00:06:143 可以加個note其實

  1. 很多blanket可以拉好,都是小細節...
  2. 00:55:089 (3,4,5,6,1) 不排好五角形嗎0.0? --行,我重新调整过了
  3. 01:06:458(3,4,5,6,7) 要嘛直線要嘛弧形都比現在好.. --fixed
  4. 01:11:510 (1,1,1) 這裡的NC感覺沒意思 --这里和前面一样啊间距变成1.0了所以用NC区分
  5. 01:16:879 (4) 這個可以跳遠一點



Asgard wrote:

00:26:196 (1,1,1) - remove NC --no fixed
00:28:091 (4) - reverse it --no fixed
00:31:564 (1) - i don't like this shape... just use 3 slider points --no fixed
00:32:196 (3) - ^ --^
00:36:459 (1,1) - remove NC --no fixed
00:37:879 - add note here this is more exciting! --no fixed
00:49:405 (1) - reverse? --no fixed

00:25:090 (2) - 190 BPM 1/2 is hard to newbie player i mean remove this note --no fixed
00:35:195 (2) - ^ --^
00:57:932 (2) - ^ --^
01:00:458 (2) - ^ --^
01:08:037 (2) - ^ --^
(these are just my opnion)
looks good

thank you for modding
From my queue~
Thank you for M4M request!

[Chloe's Easy]
  1. 00:34:248 (1) - it is better to end at 00:35:985
  2. 00:56:354 (1) - end at 00:56:827 and add finish at 00:56:827
  3. 01:05:827 (2) - I prefer this (and add finish at 01:06:932)
  4. 01:12:774 (2) - move to 01:12:616
  5. 01:13:406 (3) - move to 01:13:248
  6. 01:15:774- add a note and finish
  7. 01:16:090 (1,1,2) - For Easy-diff, this stack pattern after spinner is too difficult. I suggest to delete 01:20:037 (1) - or remap
[Flower's Normal]
  1. 00:52:721 (2,3) - I prefer this
  2. 01:23:511 (3) - it looks awkward. how about this?

  3. 01:26:984 (4) - end at 01:27:143
  1. 00:41:669 (6) - it is better to delete
  2. 01:15:774 (5) - it is better to change for 1 circle at 01:15:774
  3. 01:17:195 (1) - start at 01:17:037
  4. 01:20:037 (2) - it is better to stack on the end of 01:19:564 (1) -
  1. According to AI-Mod, object isn't snapped!
  2. Audio-leadin should be 1000 in common with other diffs
  3. 00:15:616 (2,3,4,5,6,1) - how about pyramid-pattern?

  4. 00:26:512 (1,1) - blanket correctly
  5. 00:42:932 (5,1) - I prefer this rhythm
new anime OP~ , fine!
~Good Luck~
hi :3 from my queue


it has many not blanket well like 00:06:459 (1,1) I don't know is it on your purpose but I think perfect blanket is better.
00:05:827 (5,6) - unstack this is more readable in HD mods imo.
00:11:353 - add note at 324|72 or 256|136 is fit the song and more playable imo. its weird when break with (1) spacing.
00:14:038 (1) - just basic slider like this is better imo.
00:14:670 (3,5) - move to 328|128 , 372|228 for more star symmetry? maybe fix the blanket of (5) too.
00:16:091 (4,5,6,1,2) - make it more symmetry like this?
00:19:091 (5) - move to 188|96 is more symmetry.
00:19:406 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - try this rhythm with this pattern?
00:25:248 (4) - move to 348|84 for better blanket.
00:26:196 (1,1,1) - I think NC is unnecessary :X
00:31:564 (1,3) - just use 3 slider points is better.. slider like this seems messy.
00:35:354 (4) - ctrl+g is more flow and playable.
00:36:143 (8) - if you really need to keep this NC pattern, please NC this note too.
00:36:774 (1) - add finish on head.
00:43:721 (4) - add NC, same reason as 00:36:143 (8).
00:44:985 (4) - NC this for more readable that spacing.
00:52:879 (2) - move to 76|260 is more symmetry and move balance spacing.
00:55:089 (3,5,6) - move to 164|250 , 276|272 , 144|152 for better star symmetry.
00:59:352 (1) - ctrl+G here, also make jump for a strong beat here.
01:11:510 (1,1,1) - I don't know the reason for NC here, its different from before imo.
01:13:405 (2) - make this stack perfectly.
01:16:089 (1) - this spacing is too short/near imo, maybe move it far out.
01:25:405 (3) - 1 grid up and move (6,2) 1 grid up and 1 grid left.
01:28:090 (3,5,6) - aw this pattern looks like something, lol nothing.


I should say this is so nice hard but have something to say,
don't have video.
I think the spacing or jump is too hard or far for Hard diff, I can't image to play this spacing with DT (the normal hard, mostly player can DT too but this hard is different, too hard with DT for normal player D:
look like an Insane, harder than insane on my map lol but the pattern is nice. gj


00:35:353 (3) - move center point to 176|252 and move tail to 112|228 for make it nearer to be perfect parallel with (1) and move (4,5) to 40|164 , 92|68 for this pattern.
nice normal :3


don't have video.
00:04:406 (1) - please avoid overlap here even its just a bit overlap.
00:10:880 (2) - this stack is too hard for beginner, its too long break between two notes so please move 1 to somewhere else.
00:28:564 (2) - try curve this for blanket?
01:07:721 (1) - I think this spinner is not fit.
01:15:300 - add a slider and end on 01:15:774.

that's all, good luck :3

RandomEffect wrote:

From my queue~
Thank you for M4M request!

  1. 00:41:669 (6) - it is better to delete fixed
  2. 01:15:774 (5) - it is better to change for 1 circle at 01:15:774 sorry cant getcha X3
  3. 01:17:195 (1) - start at 01:17:037 fixed
  4. 01:20:037 (2) - it is better to stack on the end of 01:19:564 (1) - no
~Good Luck~
01:28:721 (1) - 放远点
00:02:353 (1) - 放远点
00:06:143 (6) - 这个摆远点或者00:06:459 (1) - 这个摆远点
00:06:459 (1,1) - 这两个滑条中间有音,你考虑一下
00:08:196 (2,3,4,5) - 这几个摆成大跳,至少也别stack,因为这里的音调比较高,像00:13:248 (2,3,4,5) - 这里就挺好
00:16:721 - 到00:20:669 - 这里结束,如果是我的话会把滑条变慢,0.75差不多
00:58:721 - 加note

就这些 :)
Topic Starter

RandomEffect wrote:

From my queue~
Thank you for M4M request!

[Chloe's Easy]
  1. 00:34:248 (1) - it is better to end at 00:35:985 --sure
  2. 00:56:354 (1) - end at 00:56:827 and add finish at 00:56:827 --I keep the end at 00:56:985 - and add finish in slider end
  3. 01:05:827 (2) - I prefer this (and add finish at 01:06:932)
    --keep it now
  4. 01:12:774 (2) - move to 01:12:616 --at last I change a slider
  5. 01:13:406 (3) - move to 01:13:248 --ok~
  6. 01:15:774- add a note and finish --oh..I think it is ok
  7. 01:16:090 (1,1,2) - For Easy-diff, this stack pattern after spinner is too difficult. I suggest to delete 01:20:037 (1) - or remap --oh..I think it is ok

[Flower's Normal]
  1. 00:52:721 (2,3) - I prefer this
    --no fixed
  2. 01:23:511 (3) - it looks awkward. how about this?

    --no fixed
  3. 01:26:984 (4) - end at 01:27:143

  1. According to AI-Mod, object isn't snapped! --resnap all notes,It's my mistake.Thanks~
  2. Audio-leadin should be 1000 in common with other diffs --change it,now Audio-leadin is 1000 now
  3. 00:15:616 (2,3,4,5,6,1) - how about pyramid-pattern?

    --fixed,copy your code now.Good idea
  4. 00:26:512 (1,1) - blanket correctly --sure
  5. 00:42:932 (5,1) - I prefer this rhythm
--oh,this part I follow the drum not vocal

new anime OP~ , fine!
~Good Luck~


P A N wrote:

hi :3 from my queue


it has many not blanket well like 00:06:459 (1,1) I don't know is it on your purpose but I think perfect blanket is better. --sure
00:05:827 (5,6) - unstack this is more readable in HD mods imo. --I found three or four players to test,no problem,you can ask snowwhite,MoMiZi,sora and kiddly
00:11:353 - add note at 324|72 or 256|136 is fit the song and more playable imo. its weird when break with (1) spacing. --....but there haven't any rythem...
00:14:038 (1) - just basic slider like this is better imo.
--I fixed some parts,according to your mods,but with my additional thoughts
00:14:670 (3,5) - move to 328|128 , 372|228 for more star symmetry? maybe fix the blanket of (5) too.'s better now
00:16:091 (4,5,6,1,2) - make it more symmetry like this? --You can see RandomEffect's mod,I fixed his suggest
00:19:091 (5) - move to 188|96 is more symmetry. --sure
00:19:406 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - try this rhythm with this pattern?'s better now
00:25:248 (4) - move to 348|84 for better blanket. --sure
00:26:196 (1,1,1) - I think NC is unnecessary :X -there is 1.0 ds,so use NC
00:31:564 (1,3) - just use 3 slider points is better.. slider like this seems messy. --sure
00:35:354 (4) - ctrl+g is more flow and playable. --fixed
00:36:143 (8) - if you really need to keep this NC pattern, please NC this note too. --fixed
00:36:774 (1) - add finish on head. --fixed
00:43:721 (4) - add NC, same reason as 00:36:143 (8). --fixed
00:44:985 (4) - NC this for more readable that spacing. -Ummm...keep it
00:52:879 (2) - move to 76|260 is more symmetry and move balance spacing.'s better now
00:55:089 (3,5,6) - move to 164|250 , 276|272 , 144|152 for better star symmetry. --I changed 00:54:774 (2) -
00:59:352 (1) - ctrl+G here, also make jump for a strong beat here. --fixed
01:11:510 (1,1,1) - I don't know the reason for NC here, its different from before imo.'s better now
01:13:405 (2) - make this stack perfectly. --fixed
01:16:089 (1) - this spacing is too short/near imo, maybe move it far out.'s better now
01:25:405 (3) - 1 grid up and move (6,2) 1 grid up and 1 grid left. --fixed
01:28:090 (3,5,6) - aw this pattern looks like something, lol nothing. --?!


00:35:353 (3) - move center point to 176|252 and move tail to 112|228 for make it nearer to be perfect parallel with (1) and move (4,5) to 40|164 , 92|68 for this pattern.
nice normal :3


don't have video. --add it now,thank you
00:04:406 (1) - please avoid overlap here even its just a bit overlap. --no problem
00:10:880 (2) - this stack is too hard for beginner, its too long break between two notes so please move 1 to somewhere else. --OK,I remove the stack
00:28:564 (2) - try curve this for blanket? --no,it's ok
01:07:721 (1) - I think this spinner is not fit. --OK,I remap this part
01:15:300 - add a slider and end on 01:15:774. --OK

that's all, good luck :3


jyc-Binggan wrote:

00:02:353 (1) - 放远点 --我这里按照间距摆的,没法再远了。。
00:06:143 (6) - 这个摆远点或者00:06:459 (1) - 这个摆远点 --这里是做blanket
00:06:459 (1,1) - 这两个滑条中间有音,你考虑一下 --我仔细听了,这里没音啊。。。
00:08:196 (2,3,4,5) - 这几个摆成大跳,至少也别stack,因为这里的音调比较高,像00:13:248 (2,3,4,5) - 这里就挺好 --先让玩家适应下嘛
00:16:721 - 到00:20:669 - 这里结束,如果是我的话会把滑条变慢,0.75差不多 --这里感觉变速好违和。。
00:58:721 - 加note --这里虽然有低音的颤音但是感觉不明显,这样空一拍反而更有层次感

就这些 :)

thank you for modding
Black: Suggestions
Blue: Importance.You might consider
Red:Unrank issues. You Must Fix

  • Add “opening ブレイブルー”to tags
    Source: BLAZBLUE ALTER MEMORY, 我觉得每个都要大写,看视频里1:24那里和1:28那里
    00:56:827 –KIAI从这里开始(PS:KIAI是可以从红线开始的)
    统一所有难度 widescreen support


  • HP+1
    00:07:879 –这有音啊,被长滑条盖住了
    00:22:406 (5) –加nc易读图,后同
    00:32:195 (3,4,1,2) –这几个间距太近了
    00:33:932 (4,5) –我觉的4的跳不行,应该把3和4放进点,然后5是重音离4远点
    00:35:195 (3,4) –包好?
    00:35:195 (3) –对着2的滑条尾
    00:35:353 (4,5,6,7,1) –flow不好,试试这样排
    00:36:774 (1) –滑条盖掉音了
    00:43:090 (1) –注意flow0,0向左放点
    00:43:879 (1,1) –去NC
    00:45:458 (1,2 ) -我觉得这样放舒服多了
    00:49:090 (6,7,1) –这flow也太那个了吧。。。1往下面放点
    00:57:458 (4,5) –包好
    01:05:827 (1) –这个滑条头大白线没音啊,前面的6改成长滑条
    01:08:669 (1) –CTRL+G,flow更好,打起来更舒服
    01:20:353 –漏音
    01:21:616 (3,4,5) –等间距?


  • 难度名改成GDer’s Hard/Hyper???
    00:29:511 (3) –交换滑条头音效?
    00:56:353 –这里有跟绿线多余,在1/16上的那根,还有,调音量的绿线为什么设置成x1.0了?虽然没什么影响,其实建议加滑条静音音效就是,没必要这么麻烦
    01:11:985 –add note with clap
    01:27:458 (2,3,4) –试试不重叠,可以左右对称摆
整洁干净的diff,没什么好挑的, just little suggestions,but the diff spread between normal and hyper is bad


  • 01:26:984 (4) –Unsnapped slider
    00:26:669 (1) –略难看,把下面直的部分给curve了
    00:29:195 (1) -^
    00:31:564 (1) –摆中线上?
    00:36:774 (1,2,1,2) –boring
    01:06:458 –太空,你不是大多数跟的人声吗
    01:21:616 (4,5,1,2) –平行四边形
    01:23:511 (3) –毛毛虫也太不好看了吧0.0
Nice normal,but the diff spread between normal and hyper is bad


  • 圈巨大感觉巨蠢,只是个GD的easy弄那么多颜色差不多的combo颜色,zzz
    00:04:406 (1,2) –你这把节奏梗全都弄乱了,有重重音滑条尾的感觉。参考00:01:406 (1,2) –
    应该是00:03:932 - 00:04:406 –是滑条00:04:879 –到00:05:353 –是滑条,你这样打起来真心难过,建议00:03:301 (3) –别折返

    00:10:248 (1,2,3,1,2,3) –干脆break算了,节奏不明不白的
    00:17:827 (2,1,2) –几乎一个音都没对上,明明没鼓音你下成这种白线节奏干嘛,全跟人声,否则巨bad,还给人懒的感觉
    00:23:512 (2) –仔细听啊00:23:985 –这里是重音,你这滑条尾结束还结到大白线上去了0.0不知道你怎么想的
    00:56:354 (1) –为何执着于重音滑条尾
    00:58:880 (3) –首的finish难听
    01:05:827 (2) –应该从这里01:05:669 –起

    01:05:827 (2,3,4) –节奏密度突然大了,排列看起来一坨
    01:08:985 (5) –重音01:09:458 –其他懒说了
整个diff 几乎无脑下满2/1滑条偶尔来点note,玩起来没有任何演绎这音乐的感觉,不要以为只是个EAZY就take it for granted。ar3的作图器做的节奏都比这强。

good luck
Topic Starter

Fycho wrote:

Black: Suggestions
Blue: Importance.You might consider
Red:Unrank issues. You Must Fix

  • Add “opening ブレイブルー”to tags
    Source: BLAZBLUE ALTER MEMORY, 我觉得每个都要大写,看视频里1:24那里和1:28那里 --fixed
    00:56:827 –KIAI从这里开始(PS:KIAI是可以从红线开始的) --hyper让作者自己来看,我就没法改了
    统一所有难度 widescreen support


  • HP+1 --我感觉6可以了,7的话太难而且hyper本来也是6是我提议她才改成了5
    00:07:879 –这有音啊,被长滑条盖住了 --这又不是单个的鼓点
    00:22:406 (5) –加nc易读图,后同 --不用了,我这图NC用的已经有点频繁了
    00:32:195 (3,4,1,2) –这几个间距太近了 --干脆我把前面的1拉到等间距了
    00:33:932 (4,5) –我觉的4的跳不行,应该把3和4放进点,然后5是重音离4远点 --就这样4这边已经开始提高音了吧
    00:35:195 (3,4) –包好? --包了我没法保持1.2的间距了
    00:35:195 (3) –对着2的滑条尾 --对着了间距不对了我要重新调整2了
    00:35:353 (4,5,6,7,1) –flow不好,试试这样排 --为什么我打着的时候没感觉
    00:36:774 (1) –滑条盖掉音了 --仔细听白线的鼓
    00:43:090 (1) –注意flow0,0向左放点 --fixed
    00:43:879 (1,1) –去NC --fixed
    00:45:458 (1,2 ) -我觉得这样放舒服多了 --真不舒服那为什么试玩到现在的人都没反应?
    00:49:090 (6,7,1) –这flow也太那个了吧。。。1往下面放点 --我不知道这种玄乎的东西到底谁扯出来的,大概这就是我和你们不一样的原因吧
    00:57:458 (4,5) –包好 --这里包了不是显得和前后格格不入
    01:05:827 (1) –这个滑条头大白线没音啊,前面的6改成长滑条 --还行
    01:08:669 (1) –CTRL+G,flow更好,打起来更舒服 --这个不是单点么
    01:20:353 –漏音 --这是一个长音好吗
    01:21:616 (3,4,5) –等间距? -这里的跳不好?


  • 01:26:984 (4) –Unsnapped slider --现在好了
    00:26:669 (1) –略难看,把下面直的部分给curve了 -他本人说这个很好
    00:29:195 (1) -^ -^
    00:31:564 (1) –摆中线上? -这歌词的最高音不是红线开始的么
    00:36:774 (1,2,1,2) –boring -仔细听听他跟的是什么
    01:06:458 –太空,你不是大多数跟的人声吗 -我问问他自己想怎么搞
    01:21:616 (4,5,1,2) –平行四边形 -这个不是挺好么
    01:23:511 (3) –毛毛虫也太不好看了吧0.0 -我觉得挺有创意
Nice normal,but the diff spread between normal and hyper is bad

good luck

thank you for modding

Fycho wrote:


  • 圈巨大感觉巨蠢,只是个GD的easy弄那么多颜色差不多的combo颜色,zzz
    00:04:406 (1,2) –你这把节奏梗全都弄乱了,有重重音滑条尾的感觉。参考00:01:406 (1,2) –
    应该是00:03:932 - 00:04:406 –是滑条00:04:879 –到00:05:353 –是滑条,你这样打起来真心难过,建议00:03:301 (3) –别折返

    00:10:248 (1,2,3,1,2,3) –干脆break算了,节奏不明不白的
    00:17:827 (2,1,2) –几乎一个音都没对上,明明没鼓音你下成这种白线节奏干嘛,全跟人声,否则巨bad,还给人懒的感觉
    00:23:512 (2) –仔细听啊00:23:985 –这里是重音,你这滑条尾结束还结到大白线上去了0.0不知道你怎么想的
    00:56:354 (1) –为何执着于重音滑条尾
    00:58:880 (3) –首的finish难听
    01:05:827 (2) –应该从这里01:05:669 –起

    01:05:827 (2,3,4) –节奏密度突然大了,排列看起来一坨
    01:08:985 (5) –重音01:09:458 –其他懒说了
整个diff 几乎无脑下满2/1滑条偶尔来点note,玩起来没有任何演绎这音乐的感觉,不要以为只是个EAZY就take it for granted。ar3的作图器做的节奏都比这强。

good luck

thx for mod.

改的比较多 我也不知道该怎么回.. 这EZ确实不咋的 我当初做的时候也没啥思路 基本等于是随机作图器做的. 好像没啥了 就这样吧0.0..
reply to reply

Sagisawa-Yukari wrote:


  • HP+1 --我感觉6可以了,7的话太难而且hyper本来也是6是我提议她才改成了5 现在insane多数都是7,6很的很少,三维和图的难度要平衡啊,降低三维不会实质的改变难度
    00:07:879 –这有音啊,被长滑条盖住了 --这又不是单个的鼓点
    00:22:406 (5) –加nc易读图,后同 --不用了,我这图NC用的已经有点频繁了
    00:32:195 (3,4,1,2) –这几个间距太近了 --干脆我把前面的1拉到等间距了
    00:33:932 (4,5) –我觉的4的跳不行,应该把3和4放进点,然后5是重音离4远点 --就这样4这边已经开始提高音了吧
    00:35:195 (3,4) –包好? --包了我没法保持1.2的间距了 我觉得美观度比间距重要,感觉有时候间距制约了太多的东西
    00:35:195 (3) –对着2的滑条尾 --对着了间距不对了我要重新调整2了
    00:35:353 (4,5,6,7,1) –flow不好,试试这样排 --为什么我打着的时候没感觉 触手
    00:36:774 (1) –滑条盖掉音了 --仔细听白线的鼓
    00:43:090 (1) –注意flow0,0向左放点 --fixed
    00:43:879 (1,1) –去NC --fixed
    00:45:458 (1,2 ) -我觉得这样放舒服多了 --真不舒服那为什么试玩到现在的人都没反应? 没说你原来不舒服啊,你可以试试这个,而且别人test的时候也不可能把所有不舒服都指出来啊
    00:49:090 (6,7,1) –这flow也太那个了吧。。。1往下面放点 --我不知道这种玄乎的东西到底谁扯出来的,大概这就是我和你们不一样的原因吧 什么是玄乎的东西0.0?
    00:57:458 (4,5) –包好 --这里包了不是显得和前后格格不入
    01:05:827 (1) –这个滑条头大白线没音啊,前面的6改成长滑条 --还行
    01:08:669 (1) –CTRL+G,flow更好,打起来更舒服 --这个不是单点么 1和2,漏打了个。。
    01:20:353 –漏音 --这是一个长音好吗01:20:353 -这个音是很强烈的, 不建议忽略
    01:21:616 (3,4,5) –等间距? -这里的跳不好? 感觉4又不是什么重音强拍,4到5的间距大点到可以,或者是2到3


  • 01:26:984 (4) –Unsnapped slider --现在好了
    00:26:669 (1) –略难看,把下面直的部分给curve了 -他本人说这个很好
    00:29:195 (1) -^ -^
    00:31:564 (1) –摆中线上? -这歌词的最高音不是红线开始的么 是中线,排列上的,不是节奏上的,(节奏上哪有中线啊orz)
    00:36:774 (1,2,1,2) –boring -仔细听听他跟的是什么
    01:06:458 –太空,你不是大多数跟的人声吗 -我问问他自己想怎么搞
    01:21:616 (4,5,1,2) –平行四边形 -这个不是挺好么
    01:23:511 (3) –毛毛虫也太不好看了吧0.0 -我觉得挺有创意

thank you for modding
00:06:458 (1) - 为了blanket用这么短的间距玩起来不是很舒服

00:06:932 - 不建议在这空note 你后面的段落基本都是填满的这里空了略虚

00:07:721 (1) - 这个如果是想跟前面2slider做blanket的话明显弧度不够

00:08:353 (3,4,5) - 这里音乐的音其实有个音高变化 做成普通的重叠略单调了

00:09:458 (2,3,4) - 这跳的太突然 基本料不到 音乐也没有到需要这么跳的地步 可以用大点的间距 但是感觉不需要这么大

00:10:879 (3,4,5) - 这里如果为了美观我个人并不建议slider1的结尾 2 还有这个slider开头在一个直线上 最好往右上角再挪一下 做成一个钝角

00:11:985 - 同06秒

00:12:143 (2,3,4) - 同08秒

00:13:248 (2,3,4) - 到这里我觉得需要特别提一下 我感觉你可能是单独为了这个梗在这摆了这样的跳 或者干脆就是想把你之前的梗再用一遍 但是你发现没你这2个用3点大跳的地方 音乐是截然不同的2段音

00:22:090 (4) - 我个人很不喜欢在这种节奏的情况下后面空note 因为没有特殊的必要而且这个是Insane 这样做节奏很断档 你后面跟这里相同的段落就做的更好一些

00:56:827 (2) - 这里如果跟vocal的话是应该slider先起 我不是很清楚你的主思想是跟vocal还是鼓点 但是看这的话00:58:721 - 我觉得你还是想跟vocal的(KIAI出现了一些这样的问题 就是节奏略混乱 我个人看起来你是又想跟vocal也想跟鼓点 没有偏袒特别一边 但是你融合起来的效果不好 节奏的取舍不太到位)

EDIT: irc nazi some stuff on easy and other diffs and now maybe have a try

offset: 139
Seemed that you missed the video in easy diff.
Topic Starter

kanpakyin wrote:

offset: 139
Seemed that you missed the video in easy diff.
Kawayi Rika
tittle : (TV Size)
Requested a check a while ago, i guess i will take a look :3

change the suffix to (TV Size), capitalize the S like Rika said above

[Chloe's Easy]
00:05:827 (3,1) - having stacks with different colours is quite confusing under this AR, and for newbies to play; remove the NC on 00:06:143 (1)
00:15:932 (5,1) - watch for spacing here
00:36:774 (2) - add a NC here since it follows a spinner
01:04:248 (1) - no need for NC here, also if you want you can change this into a circle and add a spinner at 01:04:564 to cover for the empty measure
01:15:300 (3) - finish on end?
tbh some of the rhythm in this diff played a bit weird, you kinda forced your self to map strictly to the white lines when in reality most of the dominant beats are on reds; you might want to keep this in mind for future maps

[Flower's Normal]
01:15:300 (3) - add a finish? you have one at 00:29:195 (1)
00:58:090 (3) - clap end
01:24:616 (4) - i think the NC is better to be put here than 01:25:090 (1), this is the heavier beat in the section

OD+1 and HP+1, current settings are too low for a Hard
00:17:195 (2,3,4,1) - the stack here looks really confusing due to having AR7, you might want to move 00:17:669 (4) out of stack
00:46:248 (4) - the number of repeats is quite ambiguous here, you might want to break it up to two separate repeat sliders so the momentum of the map is maintained
01:15:143 (7) - for this one, it plays much better if you break it down into this: 01:19:090 (1) - since the default spinner is mostly blue, would be good if you used another colour here so the approach circle is more distinguishable
01:28:721 (6) - end this at 01:29:195; thats where the music halts

not putting BakaHuang's name on this?
if the settings in Hard were raised you might as well also do HP and OD+1 here, its effectively an Insane in disguise
00:32:037 (2) - clap on end
00:33:300 (4) - clap start
00:40:879 (4) - ^, lots of missing claps, not sure if it was intentional so i wont spam all of them; check over the map for these missing claps if it wasnt intentional
00:56:373 - why did you snap these green lines on 1/16? 1/8 is good enough and you are making AIBat yell
01:17:195 (1) - start the spinner at 01:17:037? thats where the vocals begin

00:15:932 (3,4,5,6,1) - the star here is a bit skewed, would be great if you can make it look nicer
00:36:458 (6,7,1) - the way this flows is a bit unnatural considering the direction of the slider, move 00:36:616 (7) more up and towards the right a bit
00:44:195 (1) - forgot a finish here
00:49:090 (6,7) - ctrl+r on this flows better imo, though you might want to shrink the spacing a bit since the jump becomes quite intense
00:56:827 (2,1) - the emphasis here is wrong; use the slider first then the circle matchs the music better
01:05:669 (6,1) - i know you probably want to preserve the mirror effect here, but this plays much better as a long 1/1 slider
01:28:721 (6) - end at 01:29:195

I am not sure if i can rank this directly afterwards, since there are some other things im concerned about regarding rhythm in some diffs. Catch me in game and we can discuss how to proceed with this
Topic Starter

jonathanlfj wrote:

Requested a check a while ago, i guess i will take a look :3

change the suffix to (TV Size), capitalize the S like Rika said above --fixed

[Chloe's Easy]
00:05:827 (3,1) - having stacks with different colours is quite confusing under this AR, and for newbies to play; remove the NC on 00:06:143 (1) --fixed
00:15:932 (5,1) - watch for spacing here --fixed
00:36:774 (2) - add a NC here since it follows a spinner --fixed
01:04:248 (1) - no need for NC here, also if you want you can change this into a circle and add a spinner at 01:04:564 to cover for the empty measure --OK remove NC
01:15:300 (3) - finish on end?
tbh some of the rhythm in this diff played a bit weird, you kinda forced your self to map strictly to the white lines when in reality most of the dominant beats are on reds; you might want to keep this in mind for future maps

[Flower's Normal]
01:15:300 (3) - add a finish? you have one at 00:29:195 (1) --fixed
00:58:090 (3) - clap end --sure
01:24:616 (4) - i think the NC is better to be put here than 01:25:090 (1), this is the heavier beat in the section --I put NC in 01:25:721 (1) -

OD+1 and HP+1, current settings are too low for a Hard
00:17:195 (2,3,4,1) - the stack here looks really confusing due to having AR7, you might want to move 00:17:669 (4) out of stack --at last I move 00:17:511 (3) - out of stack with 00:17:195 (2) -
00:46:248 (4) - the number of repeats is quite ambiguous here, you might want to break it up to two separate repeat sliders so the momentum of the map is maintained
01:15:143 (7) - for this one, it plays much better if you break it down into this: --But I think it is suitable now...
01:19:090 (1) - since the default spinner is mostly blue, would be good if you used another colour here so the approach circle is more distinguishable --OK,change orange colour
01:28:721 (6) - end this at 01:29:195; thats where the music halts --fixed

not putting BakaHuang's name on this?
if the settings in Hard were raised you might as well also do HP and OD+1 here, its effectively an Insane in disguise --HP OD+1,and change BakaHyper,like this~-->
00:32:037 (2) - clap on end --fixed
00:33:300 (4) - clap start --fixed
00:40:879 (4) - ^, lots of missing claps, not sure if it was intentional so i wont spam all of them; check over the map for these missing claps if it wasnt intentional ---oh but I think this is very suitable
00:56:373 - why did you snap these green lines on 1/16? 1/8 is good enough and you are making AIBat yell --I recheck it and add more missing clap...
01:17:195 (1) - start the spinner at 01:17:037? thats where the vocals begin

00:15:932 (3,4,5,6,1) - the star here is a bit skewed, would be great if you can make it look nicer --But this Distance put a nice star is so
00:36:458 (6,7,1) - the way this flows is a bit unnatural considering the direction of the slider, move 00:36:616 (7) more up and towards the right a bit --fixed
00:44:195 (1) - forgot a finish here --fixed,add finish here
00:49:090 (6,7) - ctrl+r on this flows better imo, though you might want to shrink the spacing a bit since the jump becomes quite intense --ctrl+g 00:49:090 (6,7) -
00:56:827 (2,1) - the emphasis here is wrong; use the slider first then the circle matchs the music better --keep intact
01:05:669 (6,1) - i know you probably want to preserve the mirror effect here, but this plays much better as a long 1/1 slider --fixed
01:28:721 (6) - end at 01:29:195 --fixed

I am not sure if i can rank this directly afterwards, since there are some other things im concerned about regarding rhythm in some diffs. Catch me in game and we can discuss how to proceed with this
after a few more testplays, the rhythms i was concerned about seemed rather intuitive in gameplay, so im gonna give this a go.

It's actually called BLUE BLAZE (TV Size Ver.)And the capitalisation is even shown in the video.
Topic Starter

jyc-Binggan wrote:


Sagisawa-Yukari wrote:

This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2013年12月10日 at 16:30:43

Artist: Faylan
Title: Blue Blaze (TV Size)
Tags: ARC system works AMI BakaHuang flower chloe
BPM: 190
Filesize: 13533kb
Play Time: 01:28
Difficulties Available:
  1. BakaHyper (5 stars, 257 notes)
  2. Chloe's Easy (2.71 stars, 98 notes)
  3. Extreme (5 stars, 375 notes)
  4. Flower's Normal (4.05 stars, 120 notes)
  5. Hard (4.86 stars, 274 notes)
Download: Faylan - Blue Blaze (TV Size)
Download: Faylan - Blue Blaze (TV Size) (no video)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Heaven and hell 3,2,1 go!
Easy done by Chloe
Flower's Normal done by Flower
Hard done by me
BakaHyper done by BakaHuang
Extreme done by me
hope you enjoy it~
Yeah I have waiting for this song's video
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