
Tom Boxer & Morena feat J Warner - Deep In Love

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 29 мая 2013 г. at 1:04:07

Artist: Tom Boxer & Morena feat J Warner
Title: Deep In Love
Tags: club mix
BPM: 128
Filesize: 9860kb
Play Time: 03:24
Difficulties Available:
  1. Easy (2,62 stars, 170 notes)
  2. Hard (4,79 stars, 311 notes)
  3. Insane (4,9 stars, 414 notes)
Download: Tom Boxer & Morena feat J Warner - Deep In Love
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
It`s my first map. Help me please, so I made ​​my first beatmap is good :3
hi~ request via in game chat
insane only mod

00:23:446 (2) - Slow slider is Newcombo plz
00:25:790 - add note~
00:28:133 (2) - this slider is wrong 00:27:665 (1) - this slider Ctrl+H+J plz
00:36:336 (1) - remove nc
00:37:977 (1) - ^
00:48:290 (1) - NewCombo plz
00:55:789 (5) - ^
00:58:836 (1) - finish place 01:01:649 - here
02:18:289 (5) - Newcombo~
02:29:070 (1) - this slider finish place 02:31:648 - here
03:15:007 (1,2,3) - use Distance snap~
03:25:320 (6) - this note 03:25:437 - here plz

Good Luck~
Topic Starter

Satellite wrote:

hi~ request via in game chat
insane only mod

00:23:446 (2) - Slow slider is Newcombo plz
00:25:790 - add note~
00:28:133 (2) - this slider is wrong 00:27:665 (1) - this slider Ctrl+H+J plz
00:36:336 (1) - remove nc
00:37:977 (1) - ^
00:48:290 (1) - NewCombo plz
00:55:789 (5) - ^
00:58:836 (1) - finish place 01:01:649 - here
02:18:289 (5) - Newcombo~
02:29:070 (1) - this slider finish place 02:31:648 - here
03:15:007 (1,2,3) - use Distance snap~
03:25:320 (6) - this note 03:25:437 - here plz

Good Luck~

Big Thanks ^^
Hi request via in game chat
Well. My english is very bad sory if me write wrong.

Normol mod only

in nomal diff you should'nt place note at blue but exempt case you should blue tick line
Use beat snap divisor 1/4
Combo note should 14-15 for normol
slider velocity 2.00 i think it so fast for nomal
I can not say all point of Problem but i 'll example :o
00:01:749 (1) - remove kiai time you should'nt use kiai time since Begin
00:15:009 (1) - change combo merge with combo before and slider should Place at 00:15:243 and End at 00:16:181
00:16:884 (1) - Move circle go to 00:16:649
00:17:118 - slider end at

blar blar blar point of note must move There are quite a lot.

00:31:884 - remove kiai time
00:46:415 - start kiai time until at 01:01:415

I mod noob i wish it useful for you :)
Cherry Blossom
Hi from #modreqs
My noob mod :D

Your mp3 file has 320kbits/s
the mp3 must have between 128 - 192Kbits/s
Too many unsnapped object, check aimod => Snapping


00:12:196 (4,1,2,3) - Are you sure that follows the rhythm ? A Beginner wont be able to read this.
00:39:618 (1,2,1,2) - In my opinion, it's hard to read these for a beginner.
01:22:626 (1) - Move this spinner on the red tick
01:28:134 (1) - I think this type of slider is forbidden >.>


00:18:524 - Add a note
00:20:399 - ^
00:26:727 - ^
00:27:196 (4) - Delete this note
00:27:313 (1) - Move this slider on the red tick and end it to 00:28:602
00:36:336 (2) - Remove 1 reverse arrow and add a note here : 00:37:040
00:43:133 (4,5,1) - Spacing too high, it surprises the player.
01:46:648 (1) - Move 2 grid up.
01:47:117 (2) - Move 1 grid on the left.
01:56:961 (2) - Move 1 Grid left
02:29:304 (3) - Same as "Easy"
02:48:757 (5,6) - don't space.

Good Luck :D

00:02:587 (5,6) - this jump is weird and unnecessary, fix the spacing
00:39:383 (1,1,1) - this NC spam, make it a blue combo
00:41:024 (1,1,1,1) - same, make it a red combo
00:54:383 (1) - remove nc
01:16:649 (1) - ^
01:16:883 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - this rhythm is weird, you better stack the 1/4 notes
01:18:992 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - ^
01:21:805 (3) - ctrl g
01:30:477 (2,3,4,5,6) - fix this spacing lol
01:50:750 (1) - start this spinner here 01:50:634 -
01:52:625 (1) - start here 01:52:743 -
01:59:656 (1) - here 01:59:774 -
02:12:898 (1) - finish this spinner here 02:14:306 -
02:24:148 (1,2,3,4,5) - the jump for the whole combo is too extreme imo
02:29:070 (1) - I LOL'd
02:49:695 (3) - what. make it at least an 1/4 repeater slider. why 1/8?
02:58:015 (1,1) - start both 1/4 before
03:15:007 (1,2,3) - this spacing is REALLY weird
03:25:085 (5,6,7) - same

00:10:321 (1,2,1,1,1) - nc spam
00:55:672 (1) - start 1/4 after
00:57:664 (3) - this one is unsnapped e.e
01:30:477 (1) - remove NC
01:56:492 (1) - remove nc
01:58:953 (1) - start 1/4 later
03:03:523 (1) - remove nc


Same stuff with spinners and nc spam
00:24:383 (1,2,1,2,1) - unsnapped
00:29:071 (1,2,3) - ^
00:48:290 (5) - unsnapped
00:49:930 (2) - holy shit unsnapped

well, you have a lot of unsnapped stuff here, I guess you can find them by your own

same stuff as the other diffs

Good luck~
20:11 DELiS: 01:17:470 (5,6,7,8) -
20:11 DELiS: there hard orz
20:11 Erylex: but
20:11 Erylex: no DT
20:11 Erylex: no hard
20:11 Erylex: :D
20:12 DELiS: hmm......
20:13 Erylex: Today,grumd mod my insane & hard
20:13 DELiS: there are hate spacing ;w;
20:13 Erylex: :DD
20:14 DELiS: 01:50:164 (4,5) - why not stack to 01:48:055 (4,5) -???
20:15 Erylex: oh sorrt :D
20:15 Erylex: ctrl+c -> ctrl+v
20:15 DELiS: :D
20:16 DELiS: 00:07:274 (1) - this stack to 00:05:634 (2) - 'w'??
20:18 DELiS: 00:42:665 (1) - stack to 00:41:024 (1) - ?
20:18 Erylex: curves eyes
20:18 Erylex: XD
20:19 Erylex: i change it
20:19 DELiS: 00:45:243 (2,3) - differ the y:
20:20 Erylex: ok,i change it
20:20 DELiS: 00:50:165 (5,6) - i like it
20:21 Erylex: ok
20:21 DELiS: 00:57:196 (1,2) - why not symmetry?
20:22 DELiS: 00:58:133 (3,5) - differ y:
20:22 Erylex: i change this
20:22 Erylex: cirkle
20:22 Erylex: lol
20:22 Erylex: corcle*
20:22 Erylex: F*CK
20:22 Erylex: Circle*
20:23 Erylex: D:
20:23 DELiS: 01:17:470 (5,6,7,8,4,5,6,7) - I want to narrow ;__; Hope
20:24 Erylex: maybe
20:24 Erylex: 00:57:196 (1) -
20:24 Erylex: delete this note?
20:24 DELiS: no
20:26 Erylex: But the way,i change hitsounds. I hope you like it
20:26 DELiS: 00:57:664 (2) - CTRL+G -> 00:57:196 (1) - same this y: -> CTRL+G
20:26 Erylex: lol
20:26 Erylex: i change it
20:26 Erylex: i think
20:27 Erylex: upload?
20:27 DELiS: wait ><
20:27 DELiS: 01:25:320 (4) - same y: to 01:25:086 (3) -
20:29 DELiS: 02:21:102 (3) - stack to 02:19:929 (2) - end 'w'
20:29 DELiS: maybe this
20:30 DELiS: 02:29:071 (1) - i think bad slider T_T
20:30 Erylex: Nice heart
20:30 Erylex: T_T
20:30 DELiS: ;w;
20:30 Erylex: ^C
20:30 Erylex: :С
20:31 DELiS: 02:47:351 (2) - move to x:350 y:202
20:32 DELiS: 02:48:289 (4,5,6) - move to x:228 y:274
20:32 DELiS: 02:48:757 (1) - move to x:370 y:274
20:33 Erylex: ok
20:34 DELiS: 02:50:632 (1,2,3,4) - same not beauty ;w;
20:34 DELiS: 02:57:663 (6) - move to x:257 y:291 ??
20:35 DELiS: 03:07:976 (1) - move to x:356 y:253
20:36 DELiS: 03:15:710 (3) - 1glid down~
20:37 DELiS: 03:29:538 (1,2,3) - stack to 03:27:898 (1,2,3,4,5) -
20:37 Erylex: all stacked
20:37 Erylex: lol
20:38 DELiS: :O
20:38 Erylex: ok
Topic Starter
-Did you ask permission to use those skin elements? If you did, make sure you give them credit in the description.
-Why does Insane have a slightly darker background? Just use one for consistency, or add a storyboard.
-All the difficulties except for Insane ask for a skin called 'map_skin.' If the skin elements are included in the map, then you don't need to set a preferred skin, so change it to "User's preference" in the Storyboarding setup.
-Use Distance Snap.

[Easy & Normal]
-Way too confusing spacings and patterns for these difficulties. Make the spacings closer and the patterns simpler.

-Inconsistent spacings.

-Could use bigger spacings to make it harder and clearer to read.
02:46:649 - Starting from here to the end, you should add more notes. The ending seems lacking otherwise.
  1. all difficulty kiai time equally.
  2. kiai time start the white line.
  3. i think it is not good for soft-whistle1.
  4. In the following location please off the button.
    (song setup - Storyboarding - "Letterbox during breaks,Enable countdown")

- Easy -
  1. AR -1?
  2. frequent slider to change the speed is not good.

- Normal -
  1. OD +1~2
  2. frequent slider to change the speed is not good.
  3. reverse arrow hide by 00:07:274 (2) the of this note hitburst
  4. 00:25:556 (1) - remove nc
  5. 00:26:024 (1) - ^
  6. many unsnapped note,In the following location please check.
    (File - Open AiMod - Compose(45))

- Hard -
  1. AR -1, OD -1
  2. many unsnapped note,In the following location please check.
    (File - Open AiMod - Compose(45))

- Insane -
  1. many unsnapped note,In the following location please check.
    (File - Open AiMod - Compose(54))

I have a poor english skills. so i use Google translator.
please understanding when it gets hard to understand.

Good luck :)

please check all thing in AiMod mod and fix it~
For example, bit rate of the song should be 128kbps-192kbps

should have same spacing. This is unrankable issue. you must fix it. otherwise, your map will not be ranked.

00:06:337 (1) - spacing is about 1.7, which is different to other object.
00:10:556 (3) - ^
00:12:899 (2,3) - easy map should avoid overlapping~
00:16:650 (1,2) - ^
00:17:822 (3) - move to 00:18:056 - to follow the song
00:20:166 (3) - suggest to remove it.
00:20:634 (4) - move to 00:20:399 - and add a note in 00:21:806 - ?
00:24:384 - you have reduce the slider speed here but i cannot get the message from the song. maybe you should not make the change of the slider speed.
00:29:774 (1,2,3) - i will add slider instead add note here. first slider start at 00:29:306 - and end at 00:29:774 - , second from 00:30:243 - to 00:30:712 - , third 00:31:181 - to 00:31:649 - .
00:40:556 (2) - too different for easy map. you should have a clear understand in the propose of easy map. It is mainly provided to newbie.
00:57:899 (2) - add whishtle in slider starting and remove the whishtle at the end.

same problem with easy map. normal map should have same spacing~

00:05:399 (1) - unnecessary nc. can remove it~
00:10:321 - here can add something to fit the song.
00:25:556 (1) - remove nc
00:26:962 - can add something?
00:49:931 (1) - this slider should end at 00:50:399 - too confuse...

AR-1 OD-1...AR8 is too difficult for hard map with 128bpm

00:05:399 (1,2) - i will remove the nc~
00:20:633 (2,3,4) - this three slider can make it more funny~just suggest.
00:43:134 (1) - remove nc

you song is very good. hope you got rank :)
If you think my mod is useful and have spare time, can you mod my map plz?
thanks :)
map link:
  1. Is storyboard really necessary?
  1. 00:19:941 (2) - Fix spacing
  2. 00:51:815 (2) - Move down a bit
  3. 01:22:519 (1) - Spinner should end here -> 01:24:042
  4. 02:29:081 (1) - For a cooler heart slider watch here
  5. 02:57:909 (1,1) - They are short... don't know if rankable or not.
  6. 03:22:753 (1) - Make spinner end on 03:24:159 -
  1. 00:00:019 (1) - Not really sure about that
  2. 00:33:534 (4) - x:328 y:128
  3. 00:57:206 (1,2) - CTRL+G
  4. 01:18:534 (5) - Make a 1/2 slider instead
  5. 01:22:519 (1) - Spinner should end here -> 01:24:042
  6. 01:25:567 (1,2) - Stack them?
  7. 03:17:831 - Add beat
  8. 03:09:159 - ~ 03:14:081 - Why don't you map this part?
  9. 03:19:472 (3,4,5) - Fix spacing and add beat on 03:19:706 and 03:20:175
No slowdown in Normal diff, please D:
  1. 00:15:019 (1) - Spinner too short for a Normal imo
  2. 00:51:581 - Add beat
  3. 02:50:644 (1,2) - CTRL+G
  4. 03:18:066 (1) - Remove NC

No slowdown in Easy too
  1. 00:19:003 (1,2) - Fix spacing
  2. 00:22:753 (1) - Spinner too short for Easy diff
  3. 00:35:409 (2,1) - Stacks on Easy diff are NOT recommended, fix please.
  4. 00:55:097 (3,4) - ^
  5. 00:57:441 (1,2) - ^
  6. 01:19:003 (1,2) - ^
  7. 01:53:222 (2,3) - ^ (also spacing is incorrect)
  8. 02:50:644 (2,3,1,2) - ^
  9. 02:59:081 (1,2) - ^
  10. 03:26:503 (2,3) - ^
  11. 03:01:894 - ~ 03:15:487 - Break is too long imo
Also use distance snap, beginners don't really like those spacing changes.
Topic Starter
мод4мод с Erylex
рекомендации - синий
00:55:566 (4) - добавить ноту
00:55:800 (5) - 00:56:972 (6) - передвинуть
01:21:347 (2) - добавить

02:28:847 (3) - подвинуть,где был 02:27:441 (1)
00:29:081 (2) - добавить ноту
00:29:081 (2) - добавить ноту


00:44:901 (6) - 00:45:722 (8) - добавить слайдер и ноты
01:59:549 (11) - 02:01:191 (3) - Можно сделать также \\^

Хитсаунды норм,но скин спиннера ужасен,мне не понравился D:
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