
Monkey Majik + Yoshida Brothers - Change

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2013年2月2日 at 23:34:22

Artist: Monkey Majik + Yoshida Brothers
Title: Change
Tags: R&B Wafuu Shamisen crossover
BPM: 125
Filesize: 8263kb
Play Time: 04:23
Difficulties Available:
  1. Hard (4.66 stars, 428 notes)
  2. Insane (4.94 stars, 678 notes)
  3. Normal (3.12 stars, 257 notes)
Download: Monkey Majik + Yoshida Brothers - Change
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Monkey Majik + 吉田兄弟 - Change
A Wafuu(和风) R&B song, a prefect mix with pop and tranditional Japanese instrument which named "shamisen(三味線)"
2013/01/03 SB added, redownload required
y u c a
Hi~ Breeze :3
02:04:870 (1) ~ 02:08:710 (9) - this pattern is might boring. imo.. you should change it to note + slider. just suggestion ~ XD
02:20:230 (1,2) - this beat is a bit confused. same as 02:16:390 (1,2) - ?
03:56:230 (1) - this is not symmetry.
-> nice diff :3
03:58:870 (5) - grid 1 up will most better blanket with 03:57:910 (4) .
01:34:150 (5) - add finish. same as another diff.
02:01:030 (1) - um..should drum sound on slider end instead normal hitsound. sound much better.
02:31:270 (7) - re-spacing ?
03:36:070 (6) - you should move to x164 y336.flow much better.
03:55:990 (6) - should move to x264 y256..

Topic Starter

B2IN wrote:

Hi~ Breeze :3
02:04:870 (1) ~ 02:08:710 (9) - this pattern is might boring. imo.. you should change it to note + slider. just suggestion ~ XD :arrow: I was thought so at first, but I don't want a normal with all easy pattern, so tried this, keep it for now, if others complain about this again, I will change
02:20:230 (1,2) - this beat is a bit confused. same as 02:16:390 (1,2) - ? :arrow: just a different rhythm here, they fit hihat
03:56:230 (1) - this is not symmetry. :arrow: fixed
-> nice diff :3
03:58:870 (5) - grid 1 up will most better blanket with 03:57:910 (4) . :arrow: k
01:34:150 (5) - add finish. same as another diff. :arrow: sure
02:01:030 (1) - um..should drum sound on slider end instead normal hitsound. sound much better. :arrow: fixed
02:31:270 (7) - re-spacing ? :arrow: fixed
03:36:070 (6) - you should move to x164 y336.flow much better. :arrow: k
03:55:990 (6) - should move to x264 y256.. :arrow: oops, fixed

P o M u T a
hi frome your queue

02:46:630 (5) - fmm, Add note. because It is the place that I can emphasize by a sound of vocal. And it is normal diff. I want to recommend it from these two.

03:00:070 (2,3) - I think that beauty is created by unifying angles of slider of both.  example: 04:16:870 (2,3)

03:48:550 ~ 03:48:670 - littke Kiai Time? Do you have a reason to pour Kiai into only here?

03:56:230 (1) - slider end (y:48) better. because slider start (y:48) slider end (y:52) is decline. beautiful slider make plz. so great.

04:11:590 (2) - Add finish. slider end.

01:32:950 (6,7) - fmm, Top and bottom is not level. you should grid level 4.. so 2grid up. (x:472 y:150) more beautiful.

02:25:750 (7) - (1) stack i like.

03:48:550 ~ 03:48:670 - littke Kiai Time? Do you have a reason to pour Kiai into only here?

OD low.. so suggestion 7 good.

good luck!
\ 終於有猴子把戲了 :) /
M4M from your queue XDDD/

Don't you think this need Kiai time? owo

00:54:790 (5) - 3rd slider point 1 grid down? Will looks more symmetric with (1)
00:59:110 (6) - copy paste from 00:56:230 (2) ctrl+H ctrl+G :D will look symmetric XD
01:17:590 (5,1) - the rhythm sounds awkward. How bout move (1) to 01:18:790 and add 1 reverse to (5)
01:29:110 (7,1) - like this ? more symmetric :D
02:07:750 (7) - shouldn't this stacked with 02:05:350 (2) just like 02:01:990 (4,9)
02:21:430 (2,3) - the rhythm sounds awkward too ;_; how bout like this?
02:32:710 (2) - 2nd slider point move 1 grid right
02:42:790 (7) - How bout like this?
02:45:910 (4) - end the slider 02:46:630 ? its end in the bass sound XD
03:08:950 (4) - end the slider 03:09:670 . its just seems awkward if you end the slider there
03:55:510 (4) - just keep this linear. I think it flow better with the music
04:05:590 (3) - the end slider point 1 grid right and 1 grid up

00:47:590 (6) - ctrl+G? will flow better with 00:46:870 (4,5,1)
00:54:790 (4) - move this to 00:54:550 and add 1 reverse? XD
00:58:390 - add circle
01:42:790 (5) - omg I like this slider OAO it flows with the song so muchhh XD
02:43:390 (1,2,3) - like this? fit the music better
03:32:470 (4) - I prefer this x:256 y:328 but yeah.. just suggestion XD

01:09:910 (10) - like this flows better imo
01:12:550 (4,5) - keep the spacing constant ? like 01:11:590 (2,3,4)
01:55:750 (5) - x:352 y:176 ? to keep the constant spacing with 01:55:270 (1,2,3,4)
02:07:750 (4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) - seems strange with 02:07:030 (2,3)

My map is on your queue XDD

Good Luck ~(`w`~)---(~`w`)~
I LOVE YOUR VOICE monkey majik ♥ /gotslapped

Topic Starter

P o M u T a wrote:

hi frome your queue

02:46:630 (5) - fmm, Add note. because It is the place that I can emphasize by a sound of vocal. And it is normal diff. I want to recommend it from these two. :arrow: A short pause here would make it easier to hit imo

03:00:070 (2,3) - I think that beauty is created by unifying angles of slider of both.  example: 04:16:870 (2,3) :arrow: Hmm, I don't exactlly get what you mean

03:48:550 ~ 03:48:670 - littke Kiai Time? Do you have a reason to pour Kiai into only here? :arrow: climax start, I just want a fountain effect

03:56:230 (1) - slider end (y:48) better. because slider start (y:48) slider end (y:52) is decline. beautiful slider make plz. so great.

04:11:590 (2) - Add finish. slider end. :arrow: why?

01:32:950 (6,7) - fmm, Top and bottom is not level. you should grid level 4.. so 2grid up. (x:472 y:150) more beautiful. :arrow: :/ well, no much difference though

02:25:750 (7) - (1) stack i like.

03:48:550 ~ 03:48:670 - littke Kiai Time? Do you have a reason to pour Kiai into only here?

OD low.. so suggestion 7 good.

good luck!

Teru21 wrote:

M4M from your queue XDDD/

Don't you think this need Kiai time? owo :arrow: I don't like KIAI since it's eye-dazzing

00:54:790 (5) - 3rd slider point 1 grid down? Will looks more symmetric with (1) :arrow: k
00:59:110 (6) - copy paste from 00:56:230 (2) ctrl+H ctrl+G :D will look symmetric XD :arrow: no, I make it like this on purpose
01:17:590 (5,1) - the rhythm sounds awkward. How bout move (1) to 01:18:790 and add 1 reverse to (5) :arrow: yes it's a little odd, but yours sound awkward, too. I'll keep it for now
01:29:110 (7,1) - like this ? more symmetric :D :arrow: you're right, but I don't want to make it hidden under previous 01:28:390 (5)
02:07:750 (7) - shouldn't this stacked with 02:05:350 (2) just like 02:01:990 (4,9) :arrow: sure, fixed
02:21:430 (2,3) - the rhythm sounds awkward too ;_; how bout like this? :arrow: sounds good, changed
02:32:710 (2) - 2nd slider point move 1 grid right :arrow: k
02:42:790 (7) - How bout like this? :arrow: seems no much difference
02:45:910 (4) - end the slider 02:46:630 ? its end in the bass sound XD :arrow: hmm, nah
03:08:950 (4) - end the slider 03:09:670 . its just seems awkward if you end the slider there :arrow: k
03:55:510 (4) - just keep this linear. I think it flow better with the music :arrow: k
04:05:590 (3) - the end slider point 1 grid right and 1 grid up :arrow: k

00:47:590 (6) - ctrl+G? will flow better with 00:46:870 (4,5,1) :arrow: sure
00:54:790 (4) - move this to 00:54:550 and add 1 reverse? XD :arrow: nah
00:58:390 - add circle :arrow: nah
01:42:790 (5) - omg I like this slider OAO it flows with the song so muchhh XD
02:43:390 (1,2,3) - like this? fit the music better :arrow: it would make here hard to hit imo
03:32:470 (4) - I prefer this x:256 y:328 but yeah.. just suggestion XD :arrow: seems good, changed

01:09:910 (10) - like this flows better imo :arrow: nah
01:12:550 (4,5) - keep the spacing constant ? like 01:11:590 (2,3,4) :arrow: they are gradual added
01:55:750 (5) - x:352 y:176 ? to keep the constant spacing with 01:55:270 (1,2,3,4) :arrow: k
02:07:750 (4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) - seems strange with 02:07:030 (2,3) :arrow: wut?

My map is on your queue XDD

Good Luck ~(`w`~)---(~`w`)~
I LOVE YOUR VOICE monkey majik ♥ /gotslapped

From your queue
M4M request!
i have no idea can i mod your map again :p

02:20:230 (1,2,3,4) - Not add drum finish is your purpose? then how about adding thses? hears better
02:35:110 (4) - is this better? -nazi
03:58:630 (4) - add note?

00:59:590 (1) - add finish on this note and 01:00:550 (3,5) - delete finish?
02:22:750 (4) - add note here?
03:27:910 (2) - 1 grid left? perceft diamond :p -nazi

01:26:470 (7) - soft finish is better imo
02:23:710 (9) - move this note on 02:23:830 (9) - here is fitter? and stack 02:23:950 (1,2) - this?
( if you do like above i recommend to add 02:23:830 (9) - NC here and 02:23:950 (1) - delete NC here )
02:52:630 (6) - NC ( like 01:58:870 (1) - here? )
03:00:310 (6) - ^
03:07:990 (6) - ^
03:08:710 (7) - add note with Normal sampleset?
03:42:790 (1,2,3) - these sliders are hears not good try this?
04:13:510 (5) - NC maybe?

takatantan!!! - i like this part xD
Nice song and Nice SB and Nice Beatmap lol hope ranked soon
I'm trying to get a m4m from your queue lols


01:19:510 (2) - Move this note to 01:19:270 And fix spacing for a better rhythm IMO
01:24:550 (4) - It would be better if you follow the vocals in this part, add a slider that starts in 01:24:310 And finishes in 01:24:790 and a note here 01:25:270
01:41:590 (4,5) - This clanket is not perfect, improve it
02:01:510 (3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - A bit nazi for a normal diff...
02:18:070 You can delete this IMO
02:32:710 (2,3) - Improve blanket with 3's end
02:35:110 (3,4) - Improve blanket
02:39:910 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - Maybe I'm wrong but aren't 1,3,5 and 7 supposed to be in the center?
02:43:750 (1,2,3,4) - They sound a bit strange... Maybe try another rhythm
02:52:630 (3) - Put 3rd sliderpoint in x:456 y:280 for a better pattern
03:36:550 (1,2) - Are those strange shapes in the end of these sliders really necessary? They are a bit confusing for newbie players IMO
03:40:390 (1) - ^
04:15:430 (1,2) - Can you blanket these sliders?
04:18:550 (4,5,1) - Same
04:20:950 (3,4,5) - Same. I strongly suggest it to you in this part!
04:23:110 (1) - Add a finish?


01:07:510 (1,2) - Blanket them?
01:16:870 (6) - IMO this way flows much better O:
01:19:270 (2,3) - A bit weird, can you stack them?
01:20:950 (5,6) - ^
01:25:270 - Add a note?
01:26:710 (1,2) - These sliders sound a bit weird because they start on a red line...
02:21:790 - Try somehow to add a note here
02:43:270 (1,2,3) - This rhythm doesn't fit IMO :< I don't know how to improve it but now it sounds a bit strange because your sliders start on a blue line
04:01:150 - Remove this note, it doesn't fit
04:01:750 (1,2,3) - Same as before, these sliders start on a red line
04:06:550 (3) - Move 1 grid right for the simmetry of this pattern
04:16:510 - Remove this note
04:23:110 (1) - Add a finish?


01:22:870 (4) - Move the whole slider to x:385 y:98 for a better overlapping with the previous one
03:28:870 (9,1) - Swap NCs
03:38:470 (3) - This pattern is a bit meh, move this note 2 grid down
04:11:350 (6) - x:328 y:136 for a better flow
04:23:110 (1) - Finish blah blah blah

Very nice map. I loved streams on Insane so I'll give you a star, Good luck for ranking!
Topic Starter

HelloSCV wrote:

From your queue
M4M request!
i have no idea can i mod your map again :p :arrow: ofc you can as long as your mod is useful

02:20:230 (1,2,3,4) - Not add drum finish is your purpose? then how about adding thses? hears better :arrow: I add them at the very beginning part only, rap part only drum clap
02:35:110 (4) - is this better? -nazi
03:58:630 (4) - add note? :arrow: I'm follow lyric here

00:59:590 (1) - add finish on this note and 01:00:550 (3,5) - delete finish? :arrow: added
02:22:750 (4) - add note here? :arrow: nah, that would make here hard to hit imo
03:27:910 (2) - 1 grid left? perceft diamond :p -nazi :arrow: k

01:26:470 (7) - soft finish is better imo :arrow: all diffs are normal and sounds good imo
02:23:710 (9) - move this note on 02:23:830 (9) - here is fitter? and stack 02:23:950 (1,2) - this?
( if you do like above i recommend to add 02:23:830 (9) - NC here and 02:23:950 (1) - delete NC here ) :arrow: Hmm, I feel it played very well in what they are now
02:52:630 (6) - NC ( like 01:58:870 (1) - here? )
03:00:310 (6) - ^
03:07:990 (6) - ^:arrow: k
03:08:710 (7) - add note with Normal sampleset? :arrow: I'm follow lyric
03:42:790 (1,2,3) - these sliders are hears not good try this?
04:13:510 (5) - NC maybe? :arrow: k

takatantan!!! - i like this part xD
Nice song and Nice SB and Nice Beatmap lol hope ranked soon

RikiH_ wrote:

I'm trying to get a m4m from your queue lols


01:19:510 (2) - Move this note to 01:19:270 And fix spacing for a better rhythm IMO :arrow: k
01:24:550 (4) - It would be better if you follow the vocals in this part, add a slider that starts in 01:24:310 And finishes in 01:24:790 and a note here 01:25:270 :arrow: k
01:41:590 (4,5) - This clanket is not perfect, improve it
02:01:510 (3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - A bit nazi for a normal diff... :arrow: I know...
02:18:070 You can delete this IMO :arrow: deleted
02:32:710 (2,3) - Improve blanket with 3's end
02:35:110 (3,4) - Improve blanket
02:39:910 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - Maybe I'm wrong but aren't 1,3,5 and 7 supposed to be in the center? :arrow: No they don't
02:43:750 (1,2,3,4) - They sound a bit strange... Maybe try another rhythm :arrow: changed
02:52:630 (3) - Put 3rd sliderpoint in x:456 y:280 for a better pattern :arrow: nah
03:36:550 (1,2) - Are those strange shapes in the end of these sliders really necessary? They are a bit confusing for newbie players IMO
03:40:390 (1) - ^ :arrow: to fit the shamisen sound
04:15:430 (1,2) - Can you blanket these sliders? :arrow: I can but is it needed to blanket all sliders?
04:18:550 (4,5,1) - Same
04:20:950 (3,4,5) - Same. I strongly suggest it to you in this part!
04:23:110 (1) - Add a finish?


01:07:510 (1,2) - Blanket them?
01:16:870 (6) - IMO this way flows much better O: :arrow: k
01:19:270 (2,3) - A bit weird, can you stack them? :arrow: I think they are fine
01:20:950 (5,6) - ^
01:25:270 - Add a note? :arrow: Here's fit only drum sound
01:26:710 (1,2) - These sliders sound a bit weird because they start on a red line... :arrow: sounds fine for me
02:21:790 - Try somehow to add a note here :arrow: It would make here too hard
02:43:270 (1,2,3) - This rhythm doesn't fit IMO :< I don't know how to improve it but now it sounds a bit strange because your sliders start on a blue line :arrow: take it easy man, sometime you just need to simplify the rhythm to make them easy to hit in play mode
04:01:150 - Remove this note, it doesn't fit :arrow: fit "else"
04:01:750 (1,2,3) - Same as before, these sliders start on a red line
04:06:550 (3) - Move 1 grid right for the simmetry of this pattern :arrow: k
04:16:510 - Remove this note
04:23:110 (1) - Add a finish? :arrow: k


01:22:870 (4) - Move the whole slider to x:385 y:98 for a better overlapping with the previous one :arrow: Is this really needed?
03:28:870 (9,1) - Swap NCs
03:38:470 (3) - This pattern is a bit meh, move this note 2 grid down :arrow: eh why?
04:11:350 (6) - x:328 y:136 for a better flow :arrow: nah
04:23:110 (1) - Finish blah blah blah

Very nice map. I loved streams on Insane so I'll give you a star, Good luck for ranking!
In red which refers to not matching the rule.Must be fixed

In purple which refers to it deserving to be modified.Hope you seriously consider about them

In blue which refers to my optional advice.Feel free to ignore them

Mod from my queue_(:з」∠)_
I skipped the Insane because I REALLY suck at stream :cry:


02:08:710 (9) - NC?

01:24:550 (5,6,1) - 不要继续和之前重叠吧?
01:32:950 (6) - 单独一个NC似乎会惊艳一下
02:20:230 (1,2,3,4) - 建议修成相同的2/4slider
02:23:230 (5) - 延长1/4
02:24:430 (3) - 无意义,删去
02:44:470 加Circle

03:08:950 (9) - 做成很多红点的那种扭曲slider?
04:15:430 (1) - 头+Finish

Topic Starter

qkenan wrote:

In red which refers to not matching the rule.Must be fixed

In purple which refers to it deserving to be modified.Hope you seriously consider about them

In blue which refers to my optional advice.Feel free to ignore them

Mod from my queue_(:з」∠)_
I skipped the Insane because I REALLY suck at stream :cry:


02:08:710 (9) - NC?

01:24:550 (5,6,1) - 不要继续和之前重叠吧? :arrow: 嗯……应该问题不大吧
01:32:950 (6) - 单独一个NC似乎会惊艳一下 :arrow: 这我倒是觉得没必要
02:20:230 (1,2,3,4) - 建议修成相同的2/4slider :arrow: 为什么呢
02:23:230 (5) - 延长1/4 :arrow: 延长了比较奇怪吧
02:24:430 (3) - 无意义,删去 :arrow: 这是为了1/4拍的连贯
02:44:470 加Circle
:arrow: 这里没拍子吧
03:08:950 (9) - 做成很多红点的那种扭曲slider? :arrow: 现在不是挺好?
04:15:430 (1) - 头+Finish :arrow: 这里倒是没有finish的感觉

Hi Breeze :3 Mod4Mod from your queue~

  1. 00:57:190 (3,4,5,6) - Since this is the easiest diff i dont think doing something like this is a good idea.... and it'll confuse some players :<
  2. 00:59:110 (6) - and use soft finish on the end, it's fits very nice imo~
  3. 01:03:430 (1) - ^ but on the slider's start~
  4. 01:06:790 (6) - ^ on the slider's end~
  5. 01:41:350 (2) - it'll be easier if you simply delete this note and i dont hear anything on it o.o
  6. 01:51:190 (3) - this slider will sound better if it end on 01:52:390 and the vocal stoped there~
  7. 01:57:190 (1) - i think you missed a finish on the slider's start~
  8. 02:07:750 (7) - move this note one grid right so it'll be under the other notes~
  9. 02:36:550 (3) - I think this note will look better if you move it to here x:144 y:32 so it wont be harder to click the next slider~
  10. 03:01:990 (5) - umm maybe add finish on slider's end o.o sounds good to me ~
  11. 03:50:230 (3) - move it one grid up so it'll be on the same line as 03:51:190 (5) - ~
I think you need to work on those bad overlaps >< some of them are bad imo~

  1. 01:19:270 (2,3) - I dont think those overlaps are very well made :< maybe do it like this?
  2. 01:20:950 (5,6) - ^
  3. 03:04:630 (9,1) - switch those nc o.o then nc on 03:06:310 (3) - looks good to me~

Good diff, but i think it's a bit over mapped :<

That's all for me :3 good luck Breeze~
was really hard mod a perfect map T.T


Should be nice imo add kiai in 02:27:910 to 02:45:910

SB Elements Not .png i think should be png

sb\yoshida brothers.jpg
sb\monkey majik3.jpg
sb\yoshida brother3.jpg
sb\yoshida brothers2.jpg
sb\monkey majik2.jpg

01:20:470 (4,5,6) – why not do it in a straight line I think it looks better:

00:46:150 (3) – I think looks better in this way:


01:30:310 add circle?
Hi! This music is kinda weird. And I need A LOT of time to write mod. So, I'll edit it with new stuff step by step!

Ha! Nice bananas!

  1. add crossover tag? It'll be a very good word to describe the music. Pop and classical. Yea, this tag will work here as a genre of music.
  1. I understand Normal is the Easiest diff, but it's just.. too slow wwith AR4m, imo. Please, increase AR by 1 tick to make it more interesting to play. lso it'll be more balanced with slider velocity.
  2. 01:00:550 (1,2) - it's kinda inconsistent and weird that you don't use 1/2 double circles here, as you did it with 00:48:070 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - or you can do it as you did it with 00:44:230 (1,2,3) - but not the way it is now. Rhythm is the same as before, why do you make it so inconsistent? (still disagree, then replace sliders at 01:03:430 (1,2) - with circles for consistency!)
  3. 01:05:350 (3) - don't know why, but adding reverse here feels better. well, beat at 01:05:830 - is loud, and it won't hurt too much, to fix it, right? :)
  4. 01:20:470 (4,5,6) - you follow vocals here, but MUSIC beats can confuse players because they're completely ignored here :< why don't you replace them with slider? (you did it with 01:21:910 (1) - and it sounds pretty cute)
  5. 01:25:030 (5) - how about replacing this circle with 1/2 slider to follow vocals? I think it'll fit pretty nice here. example
  6. 01:32:950 (4) - why do you ignore vocals? Whistle will perfectly fit here, imo :V just try it, I'm sure it will fit with vocals!
  7. 01:38:230 (5) - erm.. I know you don't like NC nazi, but feels lik you've missed one here. Put it for consistency!
  8. 01:46:630 (2) - this one feels kinda off rhythm/pattern. How about making this slider DIFFERENT because it feels different example
  9. 02:01:510 (3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - WHOA! You're OVERUSING 1/1 notes here. It's too hard for easiest diff! non-stop 1/1 clicking. TRy to replace some of the circles with sliders, I know, it's an awesome pattern, but you should do it :<
  10. 02:23:350 (4,1) - flow can confuse players here, because (1) appears before you click (4). So, this pattern can confuse some beginners. But if you will use AR5 as I told you, this problem will be solved!
  11. 02:54:070 (4) - (4)'s reverse is too close! So, beginners will be confised and probably click on reverse arrow! Remember, this is EASIEST diff, in the mapset!
  12. 03:08:950 (4) - nazi - this shape is kinda.. meh weird. If you want to follow vocals by slider-shaping try to do it this way. Shape is easier to read and fits with vocals.
  13. 03:40:390 (1) - this wiggle will probably confuse beginners! (so, yeah, shape is kinda too hard to read for easiest diff)
  14. 03:59:590 (5,1) - 04:03:910 (1,2) - same as 02:23:350 (4,1)

    See? It's much easier for beginners to click this slider in a WRONG WAY
  15. 04:24:751 - it's too hard to hear this spinner! So, please, increase volume here!
  1. You have awesome flow and rhythm. So, if you increase OD by one tick it'll make map more interesting and more balanced :)
  2. 00:51:430 (6) - probably you should put NC here, to.. make this slider reasonable. During first testplay this SB made me afraid. So, NC will prepare us for this SB effect ;_;
  3. 01:09:910 (6) - ultra-nazi - according to this guide your slider isn't perfect. /me runs
  4. 01:31:510 (3) - uhh.. this slider is kinda inconsistent and will confuse players because.. 1/4 sliders in you map mostly have TWO repeats. so, this one will confuse them. It's kinda inconsistent.
  5. 01:33:430 (7) - add reverse here for vocals? It'll make pattern jumpy, but jump will also fit. So, by simply adding ONE reverse, you will improve flow/rhythm here a lot, imo.
  6. 01:52:630 (4) - kinda hard to read, because you didn't put an NC here. from antijumps to regular spacing without any notice for such a calm hard, are you sure?
  7. 01:58:150 (3,4) - I'd unstack to keep it consistent with other 1/4 patterns. Because, you mostly use 1/2 stacks, that's why this ne will be inconsistent.
  8. 02:00:310 (4) - same as 01:52:630 (4). Fix them both, or ignore them both for consistency! (02:04:150 (4) - )
  9. 02:08:710 - You have beat here on other diffs. So, put circle here to be consistent with other diffs! It's always much funner, to CLICK last note before break
  10. 02:20:230 (1,2,3,4) - Sliders have vary number of repeats. People who play this diff don't have enough tiime to notice some of reverse-arrows and it'll confusse them.
  11. 03:38:470 - I feel kinda sad about this beat. It's quite loud and shouldn't be ignored if you want to eep ehythm consistent!
  12. 03:55:510 (4) - see 02:00:310 (4). same pattern, same thing.
  1. 01:52:630 (4) - same as hard. Antijumps>regular spacing. Changes are kinda confusing without NC :< - 02:00:310 (4) - same
  2. 02:46:390 (6) - yeah, yeah, yeah nazi again - It feels totally different from previous stream, so, NC here will fit nice. Also you got NC on Hard. Disagree? Remove NC on Hard for consistency.
  3. 02:47:590 (5,9,13) - Eh.. How about NC here because it looks like 1/2 break between streams. And NC will let us know, that stream is goinng on. - same
  4. 04:00:070 (1) - is spacing here intentional or not? It seems like you should keep it consistent with stream's spacing to make it easier to understand.
I said somebody else to leave me now!~

Good job on [Insane] and others diff are cute, too! Take my Star! ~
K i A i
00:52:390 (3,4,5,6) - Nice pattern.. I know what pattern you want.. But there is not enough space for here :? How about change like this?
-----(just my opinion)-----
00:53:350 (5) - how about change this shape like '00:52:390 (3) - '? + 5 grid right + 1 reverse
00:54:070, 00:54:310 => add circle note
00:54:550 => add slider note (end : 00:55:030)
00:55:270 (9) - hmm.. change to proper position?

00:56:710 (4,5) - make narrow distance a little more
00:57:670 (6,7) - change distance of this place for maximum
01:01:990 (7,8) - replace the snap of each other. (Ctrl + G)
01:03:910 (3,4,5,6,7,8) - How about change like this?
-----(just my opinion)-----
01:04:390 (4) - 1 reverse
01:05:110 => add note here (how about here? => x:512 y:192)
01:05:350 (6) - how about change this shape like '01:04:390 (4) - '? + Ctrl + J
01:06:070 => add slider here that leading to '01:06:790 (8) - '

01:07:870 (4,5) - make snap to 1 snap later + overlap to '01:08:230 (6) - 's start
01:21:310 (7) - make snap to 1 snap later + make slider 1 snap shorter too
01:37:390 (1,2) - make snap to 1 snap earlier + 01:37:390 (1) - delete normal-hitnormal + 01:37:510 (2) - add normal-hitnormal + overlap to '01:36:790 (7) - 's end
01:40:270 (9) - make snap to 1 snap later + 0.5 distance to '01:40:510 (10) - ' + add normal-hitnormal
01:41:470 (2) - remove
01:51:190 (1,2,3,4) - NC
01:58:870 (1,2,3,4) - ^
02:01:030 (1) - change clap sound to finish
02:01:750 (2) - ^
02:02:230 (4) - ^
02:02:710 (1,2,3,4) - ^
02:04:870 (1) - ^
02:05:590 (2,4) - ^
02:19:390 (7) - how about change this shape like '02:19:030 (6) - '?
02:19:750 (8) - how about change this shape like '02:19:030 (6) - ' or '02:20:230 (1) - '?
03:25:510 (1) - ~ 03:32:230 (10) - how about change normal-hitfinish sound to soft's one?
03:28:990 (1) - remove NC
03:29:350 (4) - NC
03:32:710 (1) - remove NC
03:33:190 (5) - NC
03:44:230 (7) - add normal-hitnormal sound to start
03:53:470 (4,5) - make narrow distance a little more
03:54:070 (1,2,3,4) - NC
04:01:750 (5) - ^
04:09:430 (1,2,3,4) - ^
04:19:270 (5) - ^
04:23:110 (1) - making volume to 50% is not bad

01:02:710 (7) - how about make this slider roundly?
02:01:030 (1) - change clap sound to finish
02:01:990 (3,4) - ^
02:04:870 (1,3,4) - change clap sound to finish

01:21:910 (1) - how about make this slider more faltly?
01:45:670 (1) - ^
01:46:630 (2) - more roundly?
01:47:590 (3) - more flatly?
01:48:550 (4) - more roundly?
01:53:350 (1,3) - more flatly?
01:54:310 (2,4) - more roundly?
02:07:750 (7,8,9) - 1 grid right
02:21:190 (2) - changing distance is not unfortunate for normal diff.. make distance to 1.0 plz..!

that's all~ :D
Topic Starter

Sekai-nyan wrote:

Hi Breeze :3 Mod4Mod from your queue~

  1. 00:57:190 (3,4,5,6) - Since this is the easiest diff i dont think doing something like this is a good idea.... and it'll confuse some players :< :arrow: it's not that hard
  2. 00:59:110 (6) - and use soft finish on the end, it's fits very nice imo~ :arrow: nah
  3. 01:03:430 (1) - ^ but on the slider's start~
  4. 01:06:790 (6) - ^ on the slider's end~
  5. 01:41:350 (2) - it'll be easier if you simply delete this note and i dont hear anything on it o.o :arrow: it fits the lyric "you"
  6. 01:51:190 (3) - this slider will sound better if it end on 01:52:390 and the vocal stoped there~ :arrow: it's end at 01:52:150
  7. 01:57:190 (1) - i think you missed a finish on the slider's start~ :arrow: no I didn't
  8. 02:07:750 (7) - move this note one grid right so it'll be under the other notes~ :arrow: k
  9. 02:36:550 (3) - I think this note will look better if you move it to here x:144 y:32 so it wont be harder to click the next slider~ :arrow: k
  10. 03:01:990 (5) - umm maybe add finish on slider's end o.o sounds good to me ~
  11. 03:50:230 (3) - move it one grid up so it'll be on the same line as 03:51:190 (5) - ~ :arrow: k
I think you need to work on those bad overlaps >< some of them are bad imo~ :arrow: k

  1. 01:19:270 (2,3) - I dont think those overlaps are very well made :< maybe do it like this? :arrow: I like what I did here :P
  2. 01:20:950 (5,6) - ^
  3. 03:04:630 (9,1) - switch those nc o.o then nc on 03:06:310 (3) - looks good to me~ :arrow: so why nc there

Good diff, but i think it's a bit over mapped :<

That's all for me :3 good luck Breeze~

Natsu wrote:

was really hard mod a perfect map T.T


Should be nice imo add kiai in 02:27:910 to 02:45:910 :arrow: I don't like KIAI

SB Elements Not .png i think should be png :arrow: it's needless

sb\yoshida brothers.jpg
sb\monkey majik3.jpg
sb\yoshida brother3.jpg
sb\yoshida brothers2.jpg
sb\monkey majik2.jpg

01:20:470 (4,5,6) – why not do it in a straight line I think it looks better: :arrow: nah

00:46:150 (3) – I think looks better in this way: :arrow: I prefer mine


01:30:310 add circle? :arrow: why?

-Bakari- wrote:

Hi! This music is kinda weird. And I need A LOT of time to write mod. So, I'll edit it with new stuff step by step!

Ha! Nice bananas!

  1. add crossover tag? It'll be a very good word to describe the music. Pop and classical. Yea, this tag will work here as a genre of music. :arrow: k
  1. I understand Normal is the Easiest diff, but it's just.. too slow wwith AR4m, imo. Please, increase AR by 1 tick to make it more interesting to play. lso it'll be more balanced with slider velocity.
  2. 01:00:550 (1,2) - it's kinda inconsistent and weird that you don't use 1/2 double circles here, as you did it with 00:48:070 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - or you can do it as you did it with 00:44:230 (1,2,3) - but not the way it is now. Rhythm is the same as before, why do you make it so inconsistent? (still disagree, then replace sliders at 01:03:430 (1,2) - with circles for consistency!) :arrow: I need a change, 'cause it's all gone wrong for me, somebody else to lead me now
  3. 01:05:350 (3) - don't know why, but adding reverse here feels better. well, beat at 01:05:830 - is loud, and it won't hurt too much, to fix it, right? :) :arrow: right
  4. 01:20:470 (4,5,6) - you follow vocals here, but MUSIC beats can confuse players because they're completely ignored here :< why don't you replace them with slider? (you did it with 01:21:910 (1) - and it sounds pretty cute) :arrow: changed a bit
  5. 01:25:030 (5) - how about replacing this circle with 1/2 slider to follow vocals? I think it'll fit pretty nice here. example :arrow: nah, all diffs are fit drum sounds in this part
  6. 01:32:950 (4) - why do you ignore vocals? Whistle will perfectly fit here, imo :V just try it, I'm sure it will fit with vocals! :arrow: single whistle sounds weird for me :arrow: k
  7. 01:38:230 (5) - erm.. I know you don't like NC nazi, but feels lik you've missed one here. Put it for consistency!
  8. 01:46:630 (2) - this one feels kinda off rhythm/pattern. How about making this slider DIFFERENT because it feels different example
  9. 02:01:510 (3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - WHOA! You're OVERUSING 1/1 notes here. It's too hard for easiest diff! non-stop 1/1 clicking. TRy to replace some of the circles with sliders, I know, it's an awesome pattern, but you should do it :<
  10. 02:23:350 (4,1) - flow can confuse players here, because (1) appears before you click (4). So, this pattern can confuse some beginners. But if you will use AR5 as I told you, this problem will be solved!
  11. 02:54:070 (4) - (4)'s reverse is too close! So, beginners will be confised and probably click on reverse arrow! Remember, this is EASIEST diff, in the mapset!
  12. 03:08:950 (4) - nazi - this shape is kinda.. meh weird. If you want to follow vocals by slider-shaping try to do it this way. Shape is easier to read and fits with vocals. :arrow: k
  13. 03:40:390 (1) - this wiggle will probably confuse beginners! (so, yeah, shape is kinda too hard to read for easiest diff)
  14. 03:59:590 (5,1) - 04:03:910 (1,2) - same as 02:23:350 (4,1)

    See? It's much easier for beginners to click this slider in a WRONG WAY
  15. 04:24:751 - it's too hard to hear this spinner! So, please, increase volume here!
  1. You have awesome flow and rhythm. So, if you increase OD by one tick it'll make map more interesting and more balanced :)
  2. 00:51:430 (6) - probably you should put NC here, to.. make this slider reasonable. During first testplay this SB made me afraid. So, NC will prepare us for this SB effect ;_; :arrow: So this is the SB issue but not a nc issue...
  3. 01:09:910 (6) - ultra-nazi - according to this guide your slider isn't perfect. /me runs :arrow: take it easy, I use this kind of slider all the time, it's easy to read
  4. 01:31:510 (3) - uhh.. this slider is kinda inconsistent and will confuse players because.. 1/4 sliders in you map mostly have TWO repeats. so, this one will confuse them. It's kinda inconsistent.
  5. 01:33:430 (7) - add reverse here for vocals? It'll make pattern jumpy, but jump will also fit. So, by simply adding ONE reverse, you will improve flow/rhythm here a lot, imo.:arrow: I don't think so
  6. 01:52:630 (4) - kinda hard to read, because you didn't put an NC here. from antijumps to regular spacing without any notice for such a calm hard, are you sure? :arrow: nc then
  7. 01:58:150 (3,4) - I'd unstack to keep it consistent with other 1/4 patterns. Because, you mostly use 1/2 stacks, that's why this ne will be inconsistent.
  8. 02:00:310 (4) - same as 01:52:630 (4). Fix them both, or ignore them both for consistency! (02:04:150 (4) - )
  9. 02:08:710 - You have beat here on other diffs. So, put circle here to be consistent with other diffs! It's always much funner, to CLICK last note before break
  10. 02:20:230 (1,2,3,4) - Sliders have vary number of repeats. People who play this diff don't have enough tiime to notice some of reverse-arrows and it'll confusse them.
  11. 03:38:470 - I feel kinda sad about this beat. It's quite loud and shouldn't be ignored if you want to eep ehythm consistent!
  12. 03:55:510 (4) - see 02:00:310 (4). same pattern, same thing.
  1. 01:52:630 (4) - same as hard. Antijumps>regular spacing. Changes are kinda confusing without NC :< - 02:00:310 (4) - same
  2. 02:46:390 (6) - yeah, yeah, yeah nazi again - It feels totally different from previous stream, so, NC here will fit nice. Also you got NC on Hard. Disagree? Remove NC on Hard for consistency.
  3. 02:47:590 (5,9,13) - Eh.. How about NC here because it looks like 1/2 break between streams. And NC will let us know, that stream is goinng on. - same
  4. 04:00:070 (1) - is spacing here intentional or not? It seems like you should keep it consistent with stream's spacing to make it easier to understand.
I said somebody else to leave me now!~

Good job on [Insane] and others diff are cute, too! Take my Star! ~

K i A i wrote:

00:52:390 (3,4,5,6) - Nice pattern.. I know what pattern you want.. But there is not enough space for here :? How about change like this?
-----(just my opinion)-----
00:53:350 (5) - how about change this shape like '00:52:390 (3) - '? + 5 grid right + 1 reverse
00:54:070, 00:54:310 => add circle note
00:54:550 => add slider note (end : 00:55:030)
00:55:270 (9) - hmm.. change to proper position?

00:56:710 (4,5) - make narrow distance a little more
00:57:670 (6,7) - change distance of this place for maximum
01:01:990 (7,8) - replace the snap of each other. (Ctrl + G)
01:03:910 (3,4,5,6,7,8) - How about change like this?
-----(just my opinion)-----
01:04:390 (4) - 1 reverse
01:05:110 => add note here (how about here? => x:512 y:192)
01:05:350 (6) - how about change this shape like '01:04:390 (4) - '? + Ctrl + J
01:06:070 => add slider here that leading to '01:06:790 (8) - '

01:07:870 (4,5) - make snap to 1 snap later + overlap to '01:08:230 (6) - 's start
01:21:310 (7) - make snap to 1 snap later + make slider 1 snap shorter too
01:37:390 (1,2) - make snap to 1 snap earlier + 01:37:390 (1) - delete normal-hitnormal + 01:37:510 (2) - add normal-hitnormal + overlap to '01:36:790 (7) - 's end
01:40:270 (9) - make snap to 1 snap later + 0.5 distance to '01:40:510 (10) - ' + add normal-hitnormal
01:41:470 (2) - remove
01:51:190 (1,2,3,4) - NC
01:58:870 (1,2,3,4) - ^
02:01:030 (1) - change clap sound to finish
02:01:750 (2) - ^
02:02:230 (4) - ^
02:02:710 (1,2,3,4) - ^
02:04:870 (1) - ^
02:05:590 (2,4) - ^
02:19:390 (7) - how about change this shape like '02:19:030 (6) - '?
02:19:750 (8) - how about change this shape like '02:19:030 (6) - ' or '02:20:230 (1) - '?
03:25:510 (1) - ~ 03:32:230 (10) - how about change normal-hitfinish sound to soft's one?
03:28:990 (1) - remove NC
03:29:350 (4) - NC
03:32:710 (1) - remove NC
03:33:190 (5) - NC
03:44:230 (7) - add normal-hitnormal sound to start
03:53:470 (4,5) - make narrow distance a little more :arrow: k
03:54:070 (1,2,3,4) - NC
04:01:750 (5) - ^
04:09:430 (1,2,3,4) - ^
04:19:270 (5) - ^
04:23:110 (1) - making volume to 50% is not bad :arrow: change to 30%

01:02:710 (7) - how about make this slider roundly?
02:01:030 (1) - change clap sound to finish
02:01:990 (3,4) - ^
02:04:870 (1,3,4) - change clap sound to finish

01:21:910 (1) - how about make this slider more faltly?
01:45:670 (1) - ^
01:46:630 (2) - more roundly?
01:47:590 (3) - more flatly?
01:48:550 (4) - more roundly?
01:53:350 (1,3) - more flatly?
01:54:310 (2,4) - more roundly?
02:07:750 (7,8,9) - 1 grid right
02:21:190 (2) - changing distance is not unfortunate for normal diff.. make distance to 1.0 plz..!

that's all~ :D
thanks all
too pro

建议 普通 强推


接触sb不多这里只是从观赏的角度提一点梗 *以下都是以Insane为主*
(root)/sb/yoshida brothers2.jpg分辨率太堪忧 00:51:910 - 这一点看最明显
01:53:350 - 相对于第一句的change +scale/fade 这里也应该加上 况且还有个finish ; 02:54:790 - <
04:23:110 - 这里三个diff都是spin感觉没必要放lyc 是觉得都不放object效果好的多 spin显得没表现力

02:24:310 - 觉得还是写成罗马音统一点
02:44:950 - red-> 红; 02:46:150 - green ->绿


00:44:230 (1,2,3) - 参考后面的感觉2 circles好很多 这种需要点弹奏感
00:59:110 (6) - blanket 前面的还能接受的话这个对的真的不太好
01:00:550 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,6) - 是感觉没必要跟吉他 这里跟drum不容易和前面反差不会有违和感 而且吉他不算太突出
01:24:310 (4,5) - 去5 4加折返(vocal)
02:06:310 (4,5,6,7,8,9) - 三角?
02:29:830 (3) - 觉得加多两个折返还fo一点 4/5略违和
02:36:550 - vocal是全曲最突出地方之一 感觉这样放有点浪费
02:46:150 - 真要消音不如5%消掉
03:27:430 (1,2,3,4) - ...这个slider也是有点不舒服的那种 endless折返可能效果稍微好些(炸
03:42:790 (3) - 这里跟三味线的话肯定是没对准的 应该要上1/12 / 1/8摆 不过还是觉得中规中矩好毕竟这里摆出亮点确实对于NM太难


00:55:270 (5) - ctrl+H & ctrl+G
01:19:270 (2,3) - 走向怪怪的感觉3是从上往下
01:47:350 (4,5,6) - 不懂这里的3/4+slience 1/2不见得不够用 后同
01:51:190 (1,2,3,1) - anti-jump也是有点刻意的那种也是读不出为什么要用anti-jump压"lead me know"那种感觉
02:52:630 - ...怎么突然变3/4压lead me know了


01:19:270 (2,3,4) - blanket
01:23:590 (6,7,1) - 这里还是vocal...? 这里感觉还是跟BGM留空
02:02:710 - 恩这里之后的anti-jump感觉是全跟drum好 02:01:030 开始BGM就已经有比较重的节奏了
02:07:750 (4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) - 略怪 1/4不算太强烈hitsounds本身也没打击感
02:39:190 - 跟vo的话多了一个节点
02:50:950 (1) - 往右上去点 因为是基本水平没割裂感
03:34:630 (10,11,12) - 1/6
03:42:790 (1,2,3,4) - 这个自创节奏感觉...

Topic Starter

Curisu wrote:

too pro

建议 普通 强推


接触sb不多这里只是从观赏的角度提一点梗 *以下都是以Insane为主*
(root)/sb/yoshida brothers2.jpg分辨率太堪忧 00:51:910 - 这一点看最明显 :arrow: SB图片本身就只有640x480像素
01:53:350 - 相对于第一句的change +scale/fade 这里也应该加上 况且还有个finish ; 02:54:790 - < :arrow: 我的想法是只有最开始的地方用,还在高潮部分的话第二次出现就不太需要
04:23:110 - 这里三个diff都是spin感觉没必要放lyc 是觉得都不放object效果好的多 spin显得没表现力:arrow: 嘛……如果有人只是想看看SB的话这里没东西貌似比较奇怪?

02:24:310 - 觉得还是写成罗马音统一点 :arrow: 其实我觉得差不多
02:44:950 - red-> 红; 02:46:150 - green ->绿 :arrow: 想法不错可惜我psd做完就删掉了


00:44:230 (1,2,3) - 参考后面的感觉2 circles好很多 这种需要点弹奏感
00:59:110 (6) - blanket 前面的还能接受的话这个对的真的不太好 :arrow: fixed
01:00:550 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,6) - 是感觉没必要跟吉他 这里跟drum不容易和前面反差不会有违和感 而且吉他不算太突出 :arrow: 确实不突出,但是节奏简单,我个人最讨厌一直1分拍或者1/2拍堆满,所以会尝试节奏变化多一点
01:24:310 (4,5) - 去5 4加折返(vocal) :arrow: 这里是对应鼓声
02:06:310 (4,5,6,7,8,9) - 三角? :arrow: 改了一点
02:29:830 (3) - 觉得加多两个折返还fo一点 4/5略违和 :arrow: 还好吧
02:36:550 - vocal是全曲最突出地方之一 感觉这样放有点浪费
其实也对新手有点难不过差不多这意思 :arrow: 就是怕太难所以这么放
02:46:150 - 真要消音不如5%消掉 :arrow: 不是消音,只是降低音量
03:27:430 (1,2,3,4) - ...这个slider也是有点不舒服的那种 endless折返可能效果稍微好些(炸 :arrow: 没懂什么意思
03:42:790 (3) - 这里跟三味线的话肯定是没对准的 应该要上1/12 / 1/8摆 不过还是觉得中规中矩好毕竟这里摆出亮点确实对于NM太难 :arrow: lol


00:55:270 (5) - ctrl+H & ctrl+G :arrow: 这么弄略惊悚啊
01:19:270 (2,3) - 走向怪怪的感觉3是从上往下 :arrow: 为什么会有这种感觉
01:47:350 (4,5,6) - 不懂这里的3/4+slience 1/2不见得不够用 后同 :arrow: 没读懂什么意思
01:51:190 (1,2,3,1) - anti-jump也是有点刻意的那种也是读不出为什么要用anti-jump压"lead me know"那种感觉 :arrow: 我觉得很搭
02:52:630 - ...怎么突然变3/4压lead me know了 :arrow: 我说过我不喜欢从头到尾都是一个同样的梗


01:19:270 (2,3,4) - blanket :arrow: fixed
01:23:590 (6,7,1) - 这里还是vocal...? 这里感觉还是跟BGM留空 :arrow: insane我就不太想节奏太空了
02:02:710 - 恩这里之后的anti-jump感觉是全跟drum好 02:01:030 开始BGM就已经有比较重的节奏了 :arrow: drum有在其他地方对应,这里还是感觉vocal重一点
02:07:750 (4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) - 略怪 1/4不算太强烈hitsounds本身也没打击感 :arrow: 这个再考虑一下
02:39:190 - 跟vo的话多了一个节点 :arrow: 少一个不是很难打么
02:50:950 (1) - 往右上去点 因为是基本水平没割裂感 :arrow: 割裂感lol
03:34:630 (10,11,12) - 1/6 :arrow: 6分拍感觉不对,虽然4分拍也不能完全对上,感觉4分拍会好些
03:42:790 (1,2,3,4) - 这个自创节奏感觉... :arrow: 确实找不到其他更合适的了

Hi there~~ mod from queue~~

red - must be fixed
blue - highly recommend to consider
black - only suggestions

  1. I wondered that if Letterbox during breaks is necessary or not >.<
    1. 01:26:470 - 到 02:03:430 (7) -
    2. 02:47:110 - 到 03:10:150 - 0
    3. 3:42:790 (3) - 到 04:23:110 -
  1. 03:28:390 (2) - 这里开始的这段闪屏建议在遮挡用的图片上加一个 P....A 的效果,代码
  1. 00:58:630 (5,6) - 如果可以的话还是尽量不要让Slider结束在downbeat上吧……有一点不舒服的感觉……
  2. 01:33:430 (5) - 尾巴上来个finish?
  3. 02:08:710 (9) - 感觉可以NC一下~
  1. 01:03:190 - 感觉上可以加个note的地方~
  2. 01:51:190 (1,2,3,1) - 尝试下来个NC Spam? 后面01:58:870 (1,2,3,1) - 等几处也是
  3. 03:50:950 - 考虑加个note?
  4. 03:58:630 - ^
  1. 02:21:070 (6,7) - 节奏上来说我感觉把这两个可以交换下位置
  2. 02:29:830 (1,2,3) - 这个3/4感觉有点缺少音乐支持……
  3. 03:43:870 - 听音乐的话这里可以加个Note和前后做成5连
that's all~~ give me a call when you're ready to recheck
Topic Starter

Scorpiour wrote:

Hi there~~ mod from queue~~

red - must be fixed
blue - highly recommend to consider
black - only suggestions

  1. I wondered that if Letterbox during breaks is necessary or not >.< :arrow: deleted
    1. 01:26:470 - 到 02:03:430 (7) -
    2. 02:47:110 - 到 03:10:150 - 0
    3. 3:42:790 (3) - 到 04:23:110 -
    这三段试试用Normal的hitnormal音效来当作clap用放在2/4的位置上?全diff适用~ :arrow: 这里我是用的normal的sampleset听起来也一样, 唯一不同可能就是用太鼓模式玩会不同, 不过这不是太鼓图所以也应该问题不大吧
  1. 03:28:390 (2) - 这里开始的这段闪屏建议在遮挡用的图片上加一个 P....A 的效果,代码 :arrow: k
  1. 00:58:630 (5,6) - 如果可以的话还是尽量不要让Slider结束在downbeat上吧……有一点不舒服的感觉…… :arrow: ...会么, 我觉得还好啊
  2. 01:33:430 (5) - 尾巴上来个finish? :arrow: 我有加啊
  3. 02:08:710 (9) - 感觉可以NC一下~ :arrow: k
  1. 01:03:190 - 感觉上可以加个note的地方~ :arrow: 这个我倒是觉得没必要
  2. 01:51:190 (1,2,3,1) - 尝试下来个NC Spam? 后面01:58:870 (1,2,3,1) - 等几处也是 :arrow: 嘛, 我个人是不太喜欢这样用, anti-jump都在一个combo就好了
  3. 03:50:950 - 考虑加个note? :arrow: 这个难度基本是以跟歌词为主所以就不太想中间加太多了
  4. 03:58:630 - ^
  1. 02:21:070 (6,7) - 节奏上来说我感觉把这两个可以交换下位置 :arrow: changed
  2. 02:29:830 (1,2,3) - 这个3/4感觉有点缺少音乐支持…… :arrow: 这个是对应鼓声
  3. 03:43:870 - 听音乐的话这里可以加个Note和前后做成5连 :arrow: changed
that's all~~ give me a call when you're ready to recheck
Umm the SB... Why 'never can stop 'cause a nenssity' orz ._.

I can clearly hear it's 'never can't stop cause it's a necessity' :3


EDIT : orz, np (: - I should be responsible to rebubble it though...

Rebubbled ~
Topic Starter

Niva wrote:

Umm the SB... Why 'never can stop 'cause a nenssity' orz ._.

I can clearly hear it's 'never can't stop cause it's a necessity' :3
I checked the lyric, you're half right, it's "never can stop 'cause it's a necessity", anyway changed, thanks
I think this is quite the nice change of events looks good ranked.
Thanks for mapping this song :3 I grew up with this x3 Love it and your beatmap :D

Congratz x3
awesome work x3.


Pokie wrote:


spboxer3 wrote:

Pokie wrote:

微风娘娘辛苦了 (...
Somebody else to lead me now

gratz :D
Topic Starter
oh wow suprise, thanks everyone
yeah yeah \ 恭喜w /
add Favourite~~
I don't know how I only came across this map now, but it's really nice! Something different this time around and it's definitely fun. :oops:
This song is simply outstanding. Also I see some english errors in the SB and OP, why didn't anyone check this for Breeze before? :<
02:47:110 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16) -

howwww do i do these
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