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Thanks Liz and Konei for modding :3
Fixed Some! Updated all mods!
@Lizellota: Lol, what the fuck? XD Can't you even point out if you think that something is wrong? :3

It's really difficult to improve something if you are only told "look at other easys, you'll understand" xDD You made my day.

EDIT: Sekai: 01:23:023 (1) - Missplaced, should start on downbeat ~
Topic Starter
Fixed some in Konei's mod

Thank you for mods, Konei and Lizellota :)

Updated all diff

Konei wrote:

EDIT: Sekai: 01:23:023 (1) - Missplaced, should start on downbeat ~

Thanks >< for checking it
Modding time =3=

Konei's Easy
00:00:681 (1) - Grab the slider's end and move it one grid to the left =3=
00:28:373 (1) - I think this is randomly placed,,, please make something else out of it =3=


BeatOfIke's Hard
00:08:233 (5,1) - these sliders are kind of ugly... :c could you make them curved or something?
00:23:338 (1,2,3) - Put finishes here because you can hear those in the music too >3<
00:35:925 (1,2) - ^
00:41:799 - This empty place should be filled~

Sekai's Insane
00:12:219 (7,1,2) - Fix DS ><
00:44:317 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - sorry but what is this following? Not the vocals, neither the drums nor the other instruments,,, fix this
00:53:967 (7,1,) - make 7 more curved or place it a little bit more to the right because 7' is overlapping the beginning of 1 a little bit (sorry dont know how to say it)
00:58:583 (1) - Did you meant to let the slider stop at 00:58:687 - ? (thats where her vocals stop)
01:23:023 (1) - Place it 1/4 earlier
tbh this diff has some really randomly placed notes, as if you didn;t know what to do,,,

00:20:820 (7) - NC due to SV changes
00:23:338 (1,2,3) - finish >3<
00:42:639 (1,2,3) - ^
00:44:317 (1,2,3) - ^
00:45:995 (3,4) - ^
01:08:443 (6) - NC because of SV changes
01:25:436 (2) - ^
01:31:939 (4) - ^

Good luck >3<

Thanks SkyDevil ~ :D

First of all: Why you used Normal Custom? sounds awful. Heh..okay. And Easy this is 2\1, not 1/2
00:20:820 - Remove finish
00:21:660 - ^
01:19:562 (1,2) - hard for begginners imo
00:09:911 (2,3,4,5) -
00:14:107 (1,2,3,4) -
Changed placement
00:17:464 (1) -
00:32:569 (4) - remove repeat
00:34:247 (1) - x:328 y:80
01:01:939 (3) - ctrl + j?
01:03:198 (1) - x:128 y:112(if changed^)
01:04:037 (2) - x:264 y:232(if changed^)
Heh..some useless mod :> anyway, i think MATs will find more, good luck~ and sorry my poor english yeah =w=
nich o.o you can remove my diff if you think it's really that bad.....

Lizellota wrote:


SliderMultiplier:0.899999999999999 fixed
First of all: Why you used Normal Custom? sounds awful. Heh..okay. And Easy this is 2\1, not 1/2 according to the song, this is fine. And changed to soft sampleset
00:20:820 - Remove finish k
00:21:660 - ^ k
01:19:562 (1,2) - hard for begginners imo some challenging part wont kill them imo
00:09:911 (2,3,4,5) -
00:14:107 (1,2,3,4) -
Changed placement changed this
00:17:464 (1) -
00:32:569 (4) - remove repeat nope, plays good imo
00:34:247 (1) - x:328 y:80
01:01:939 (3) - ctrl + j? kay
01:03:198 (1) - x:128 y:112(if changed^)
01:04:037 (2) - x:264 y:232(if changed^) changed in another way
Heh..some useless mod :> anyway, i think MATs will find more, good luck~ and sorry my poor english yeah =w=

Thanks ~
Topic Starter
Fixed some in SkyDevil's mod

Thank you SkyDevil for mod, and thank you Lizellota again :)

Sekai-nyan wrote:

nich o.o you can remove my diff if you think it's really that bad.....
I think it isn't bad for me >< So I will don't remove your diff.

Updated! Thanks for mod.
Topic Starter
Updated again~
Dark Fang
Hi 'w'


offset +9 (690). now is so fast


unused inherited points
  1. 00:42:639 -
  2. 01:12:743 - (two inherited points?)
clear :3


00:27:324 (4) - add Finish at end of slider
01:22:079 (6) - add Finish at start of slider


unused inherited points
  1. 01:09:492 -
00:41:380 - can you mapped this interval? this is so awkward
01:03:408 (3) - don't overlap with 01:02:359 (8) - . Can you replacing 01:02:988 (2,3) - this notes?


00:14:527 (3) - last point of slider 1 grid right?
00:19:352 (1) - NC?
00:42:639 (1) - add Finish?
00:44:317 (1) - ^
01:00:890 (8) - can you make try like this?
01:04:876 (9) - move to (332,284)?
01:15:366 (9) - move to (300,156)? and adjust next notes
01:22:079 (3,4) - why don't you make try the rhythm like this?0
01:22:813 - add a note?


HP drain -1? I think that's high for this map. players can died at the spinner in last of map when they have low HP
nothing good map ._.

wow what's this good map?

Have a nice day
Topic Starter
Fixed some

Thank you Dark Fang for mod :)

Note: Remove Sekai's Insane diff in my map.
@Darkfang: All inherited points are used, thanks for checking :3

Is this video allowed? It's pretty.... R18
You can make your Kiai time better?
Following the pattern of where your first Kiai time finishes, the second one should be as follows:
00:59:422 - Start, 01:06:135 - Finish.
01:12:848 - Start, 01:19:562 - Finish
Change your Kiai time into this:
00:59:422 - Start, 01:12:743 - Finish.
01:12:848 - Start, 01:27:953 - Finish.
Second one is a lot better
00:09:387 (4) - This should actually start 1/4 later, also you can now add a custom clap at 00:09:492 -
00:12:219 (7) - I think this note is better without overlap, consider making 00:11:799 (5,6,7,1) - into some kind of square shape?
00:11:170 - Extend slider till here or add a note with custom clap.
00:21:240 (2) - New combo to help indicate speed change.
00:27:324 (7) - Delete, 00:26:904 (6) - Extend 1/4 (there is no sound in the song at 00:27:219 - )
00:33:513 (4) - Delete note.
00:33:618 - Add finish.
01:31:729 - Need clap. Add note or extend slider to here please~

BeatofIke's Hard
Hmm, I think the OD of this diff is too low for a Hard. Maybe raise by +1?
00:22:499 (1) - Add finish.
01:27:534 (2) - Move this note to 01:27:743 - sounds better~ (If you do this you may want to stack with 01:27:114 (1) - to fix spacing)

01:25:016 (1) - Remove new combo, 01:26:275 (3) - Add new combo is better.

Konei's Easy
oh hi//
00:12:848 - Clap here is wrong, should be at 00:12:743 - It's probably best not to have one here at all because I think a blue tick slider is too hard for an Easy...
00:13:268 (3) - Is better at 00:13:058 -
00:38:443 (2) - Remove reverse please!
00:40:121 - 00:42:639 - I don't agree with this break. Too short for Easy.
01:19:562 (1,2) - Wrong rhythm. 01:19:562 (1) - Remove reverse and extend till next white tick. Start second slider at 01:21:030 (2) - no reverses please, and then end at 01:22:079 - >_<!

Good luck!
Topic Starter

Kiiwa wrote:

Is this video allowed? It's pretty.... R18 If MAT or BAT said to remove the video because this, I will remove it.
Fixed mostly

Thank you Kiiwa for mod :)
Pm me if that happen, I'll censor the video

Also about tags, Front Wing, I didn't mean to remove frontwing, I just mean to add front wing incase people decide to search with the space so I think you should add frontwing back, keep front wing in tags of course.

Just randomly notice the beatmap, maybe I'll randomly recheck this later.

Kiiwa wrote:

Konei's Easy
oh hi// o/
00:12:848 - Clap here is wrong, should be at 00:12:743 - It's probably best not to have one here at all because I think a blue tick slider is too hard for an Easy... right, fix :3
00:13:268 (3) - Is better at 00:13:058 - Extended Slider to red tick and removed note
00:38:443 (2) - Remove reverse please! Yeah D:
00:40:121 - 00:42:639 - I don't agree with this break. Too short for Easy. I think without this repeat it's even better :3 It kinda fits to the video and melody for me
01:19:562 (1,2) - Wrong rhythm. 01:19:562 (1) - Remove reverse and extend till next white tick. Start second slider at 01:21:030 (2) - no reverses please, and then end at 01:22:079 - >_<! You're really right, fix ~

Good luck!
Thanks for great mod Kiiwa o/
Topic Starter

merchat7 wrote:

Pm me if that happen, I'll censor the video

Also about tags, Front Wing, I didn't mean to remove frontwing, I just mean to add front wing incase people decide to search with the space so I think you should add frontwing back, keep front wing in tags of course.

Just randomly notice the beatmap, maybe I'll randomly recheck this later.
Okay, Thank you for check, and I'll pm to you when I want.

Added "frontwing" in tags again and updated Konei's Easy diff.
Fixed some! Updated!
Topic Starter
Updated again~

  1. 00:35:191 - I think this is not allowed....
[Konei's Easy]
  1. Many 2/1 and long slider does not have clap in slider tick. try [url=]this wav[url]. This wav volume is adjusted.
    If you need rename this wav, do it yourself.
  2. 00:08:653 (1,1) - This overlap detract from the cleanly.
    try this
  3. 00:14:107 (1,2,3) - I think this note is able to clean
  4. 00:42:639 - unnecessary green line.
  5. 00:48:093 (2,3) - not like this flow. I think this placement makes harder to hit.
    If this placement, will be easy to hit.
  1. 00:13:478 (5) - remove whistle slider start. but do not remove in entire
  2. 00:38:653 (3) - put in center. this note has deviation.
  3. 01:09:911 (1) - this note makes confuse for beginner. you should reset circle.
[BeatofIke's Hard]
  1. Stack Leniency change to 0.5
    00:09:911 (2,3,4,1) - these note is affected stack leniency. If you do not like to change it, add to deviation for note.
  1. 00:36:764 (4,6) - add finish
  2. 00:52:708 (3) - add finish in slider start.
  3. 00:56:904 (8) - add finish? will be able to follow a more vocal.
Source should be "pure girl"
Cant approve this video because of the scene at 00:34:247 - . remove it or do something else to solve this
Change "Creator" to your new name and add the previous one in tags

00:07:394 - Better to increase volume by 20% or so because the previous notes are really loud.
00:19:771 (3,4) - Considering that 00:19:142 - is blank, (4) should be removed. or at least change (3) to 1/2 slider
00:25:226 (1,3,4) - not stacked well
00:37:604 (9) - Speed down?
00:42:639 (1,2,3) - 3/4 rhythm needs to be spaced at higher DS
00:44:317 (1,2,3) - ^
00:53:128 - Accent is not here but at 00:53:023 -
01:09:282 (4,5,1) - Awkward flow imo
01:32:988 (1) - Clap at the beginning

00:21:240 - There should be a note here, this point should be more emphasized
00:53:023 - Finish sounds nice here

a bit too hard, but this is still nice one.

00:38:653 (3) - Move this note downward by 1 gird
01:01:939 (6) - Weird rhythm imo
01:34:562 (1) - Considering the level of this difficulty, This spinner appears too suddenly. you should make (3) end at 01:34:142 - and spinner start at 01:34:667 -

6 spinners are too much for 1:40 long
00:13:478 - Feels empty here, how about adding a note here?
00:17:464 (1) - I think you can make this more exciting. A better rhythm would be;
00:21:240 - There should be a note here
00:43:687 - ^
00:45:366 - ^
00:47:044 - ^
01:22:499 (1) - Start this spinner at 01:22:918 - instead? long vocal is more suitable for the beginning of spinner imo

This diff needs more work. and you need to make it much harder for a better spread. Better to use more redticks and try to follow music better.

Find more mods for Easy first; rhythm can be much better imo. And call me back for a recheck afterward

NewRulerNA wrote:

Stack Leniency change to 0.5
...but that's unrankable XD

Melophobia wrote:

a bit too hard, but this is still nice one.
Forgot to mention this; Offset 696 (+15)
Topic Starter

NewRulerNA wrote:


  1. 00:35:191 - I think this is not allowed....
  1. 00:13:478 (5) - remove whistle slider start. but do not remove in entire
  2. 00:38:653 (3) - put in center. this note has deviation.
  3. 01:09:911 (1) - this note makes confuse for beginner. you should reset circle.
  1. 00:36:764 (4,6) - add finish
  2. 00:52:708 (3) - add finish in slider start.
  3. 00:56:904 (8) - add finish? will be able to follow a more vocal.
Fixed some in my diffs.

Melophobia wrote:

Source should be "pure girl" Fixed to lowercase.
Cant approve this video because of the scene at 00:34:247 - . remove it or do something else to solve this Okay, I will ask merchat7 to fix something in the video.
Change "Creator" to your new name and add the previous one in tags Fixed

00:07:394 - Better to increase volume by 20% or so because the previous notes are really loud. hmm, I reduced volume volume the previous by 10%, and I increased volume by 10% instead. Likewise, I will increase volume 01:27:935, too.
00:19:771 (3,4) - Considering that 00:19:142 - is blank, (4) should be removed. or at least change (3) to 1/2 slider Fixed
00:25:226 (1,3,4) - not stacked well ^
00:37:604 (9) - Speed down? Ok, reduced speed.
00:42:639 (1,2,3) - 3/4 rhythm needs to be spaced at higher DS Fixed spacing.
00:44:317 (1,2,3) - ^ ^
00:53:128 - Accent is not here but at 00:53:023 - I think it's fine, and I heard something in 00:53:128. So I don't change.
01:09:282 (4,5,1) - Awkward flow imo Fixed them to stack.
01:32:988 (1) - Clap at the beginning Added

00:38:653 (3) - Move this note downward by 1 gird Oops, I don't intend to miss. Fixed.
01:01:939 (6) - Weird rhythm imo Okay, fixed and changed hitsound.
01:34:562 (1) - Considering the level of this difficulty, This spinner appears too suddenly. you should make (3) end at 01:34:142 - and spinner start at 01:34:667 - Fixed

Find more mods for Easy first; rhythm can be much better imo. And call me back for a recheck afterward

Melophobia wrote:

Forgot to mention this; Offset 696 (+15) Okay, moved offset to 696.
Thank you for mods :)
Then I will call you for recheck after I'm ready, Melo :3

Change source is "pure girl".
Add my previous name in tags.
Remove the video temporarily, to fix somethings.
Move offset to 696.
IRC modded aaaaa

16:47 Fumika: เอะ นางเอกคุ้นๆ
16:48 Nichiyouki: กำ
16:48 Fumika: อ้อ pure girl
16:49 Fumika: โหลดมาเล่นเมื่อหลายวันก่อน
16:49 Fumika: 555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555
16:49 Nichiyouki: อ๋อ เพิ่งปรับเปลี่ยนชื่อเรื่องน่ะ
16:50 Fumika: เเล้ว video ไปไหน
16:51 Nichiyouki: เอาออกไปก่อน เห็น Melo บอกมีภาพที่ติด R18
16:52 Fumika: ก็ทำ SB เซ็นเซอร์
16:52 Fumika: lol
16:53 Fumika: not necessary
16:53 Fumika: lol
16:53 Fumika: Normal
16:54 Nichiyouki: okay พร้อม
16:54 Fumika: 00:00:696 (1,2) - ลองแบบนี้สวยกว่านะ
16:55 Fumika: 00:05:730 (5) - NC มัน up beat ตรงนี้อะ
16:56 Nichiyouki: รู้สึกว่าจะใช้แฮะ
16:57 Fumika: 00:20:206 (6) - NC ตัวนี้แล้วลบ NC ตัวข้างหลัง
16:58 Fumika: เพราะเสียงเริ่มตรงนั้น
16:58 Nichiyouki: อืม ได้
17:00 Nichiyouki: แต่ฟังจากเสียงร้อง รู้สึกแปลกๆน่ะ
17:00 Fumika: wม่หรอก
17:00 Fumika: เอาจริงๆเราว่า Hit Sounds เสียงเบาไปนะ
17:02 Nichiyouki: ตอนนี้ดัง 70% จะให้เพิ่มประมาณเท่าไร
17:02 Fumika: สัก 85
17:03 Nichiyouki: มันก็เท่ากับเสียงในช่วง kiai time น่ะสิ
17:04 Fumika: อืม
17:10 Fumika: กำ ต่อ
17:10 Nichiyouki: อืม
17:15 Fumika: 00:04:891 (8) -
17:15 Fumika: เราว่านะ
17:15 Fumika: ไม่ไปเริ่ม slider ตรงนี้แทนหรอ 00:04:682 (6) -
17:15 Fumika: เสียงเปียโนเริ่มตรงนี้
17:16 Fumika: ประมาณนี้
17:16 Fumika: เวลาเล่นมันลื่นมือกว่า
17:16 Fumika: 00:12:024 (7) - clap
17:17 Nichiyouki: okay
17:18 Nichiyouki: เสียงดี
17:19 Fumika: 00:26:919 (6) - ตรงนี้เราว่าลบเส้นเขียวออกดีกว่าไหม
17:19 Fumika: เวลาเล่นอยู่เเล้วมันช้า
17:19 Fumika: ลากวืด
17:19 Fumika: ไม่ก็ NC ตรงนี้เพราะมันเปลี่ยนสปีดสไลเดอ
17:20 Fumika: like this 00:20:835 (1) -
17:20 Fumika: 00:37:619 (9) - NC
17:21 Nichiyouki: จะเพิม nc ทีกล่าวมาทั้งหมดเลย
17:22 Fumika: 00:58:807 - เราว่าจบสปินตรงนี้ดีกว่านะ เพราะว่า vocal มันจบตรงนี้
17:25 Fumika: 01:01:535 (2,3,4,5) - เสียงมันฟังดูดีกว่านะ
17:27 Fumika: ถ้าเปลี่ยนตังนั้นลองใส่ clap ตรงนี้ 01:01:849 (3) - 01:02:059 (4) - 01:02:374 -
17:28 Nichiyouki: ได้ แต่จะไม่เพิ่ม 01:01:849 (3) - ละกัน
17:28 Nichiyouki: เสียงมันแปลกมาก
17:30 Fumika: 01:06:150 (1) - ตรงนี้ไม่น่า slow เลยนะ
17:30 Fumika: มันดูแปลกๆเวลาเล่น
17:32 Fumika: 01:18:633 (4) - add note
17:33 Fumika: หมดละ
17:33 Fumika: แค่นั้นเเหละ \:D/
Topic Starter
Thanks เน็ท \:D/ แก้เป็นส่วนมาก...
Here's the video Just the one scene at 00:34:247 right? Since nudity is the only thing suggestive, just used white effect. Hopefully nothing else since I didn't keep backup of the files used.

And recheck/mod as well

[For all diffs]

00:11:814 - (Normal/Hard/Insane only) finish here?
00:20:820 - Consider finish at 40% volume here
00:36:764 - Finish here (Normal & Insane, consider changing 00:36:989 to whistle instead but finish>finish sound good to me as well)
01:12:009 - (Already mention for Easy) Finish here


This need to follow the song better right?

00:00:681 (1) - 50% volume at begin like Normal & Hard, 60% feel just a bit too loud.
00:08:233 - Don't really think you need 2 white ticks recovery time since song is not that fast anyways. How about adding a hit circle here?
00:13:478 - Add note here with finish, this is a pretty prominent sound.
00:15:785 (3) - Finish sound pretty good at begin
00:17:464 - Do this rhythm Finish on begin and end of (1) Finish on begin of (3), clap on end of (3), finish at begin of (4), anything I didn't mention mean don't put anything on it. I didn't mention this in my earlier mod since white > red ticks sliders doesn't look good with how the slider ticks are placed, but this rhythm follow song much better.
00:22:918 (2,3) - Hmm, would definitely be better if 1/4 is used here, but maybe not for Easy. I'm thinking of this rhythm with clap on begin of (2) finish on (3) Long slider to make it feel more like you're following bass drum and not cymbal (which is in 1/4) and hit circle to emphasis the vocal. Actually, I notice at for example 00:56:065 - You didn't put a hit circle on the white tick but start the spinner there. This is the only place where you put a hit circle on the white tick then spinner, so perhaps for consistency, you should remove (3) and start spinner on white tick.
00:28:373 (1) - I personally don't have a problem with this, but if rhythm need to follow song better, try this? Clap at end of (1) and on begin + end of (3). New combo here 00:30:890 (1) -
00:38:443 (2) - Shorten by 1/2 and put on the red tick with finish at begin (keep finish at end of course)? Doesn't bother me too much like this through.
00:42:639 - Try this rhythm Finish on the hit circles (1 & 3). Clap at end of sliders. Do this rhythm and hitsounding for 00:45:995 (1,2,3) - as well, but instead do a slider starting from (3) [00:47:044] and end it on (1) [00:47:674) with finish at begin & end. New combo on this slider.
00:48:093 (2) - I don't really mind this, but I prefer a slider instead of a repeating slider (remove repeat, extend by 1/2)
00:52:708 (1) - I would shorten by 1/1 and add a hit circle on 00:53:548 with finish on begin and end of the slider and on the hit circle.
01:03:198 (1,2) - I think a slider starting where (1) is and (2) is flow better and fits with what you're trying to do.
01:08:233 (1,2) - Remove these two hit circles, add a hit circle with finish at 01:08:443. OR add a repeat to 01:07:184 (2) - Move the slider at 01:09:072 back 1/2 so it should be at 01:08:862 and extend it by 1/2 so it end at same spot. Keep finish at end for slider, I prefer no clap at begin for the slider, but your choice. Should follow song better now.
01:09:911 (1,2,3) - This is where you should have done what you did for 01:03:198 (1,2) so remove a repeat from (1) then this with finish on the hit circles and be sure to re add the claps on the slider.
01:16:625 (1,2) - Same as 01:03:198
01:27:114 (2,3) - Hmm, prefer slider, but just preference.

Rhythm should be nicer after this. I didn't mention most in my earlier mod to respect mapping style, but if rhythm does need work, here are some suggestions which may help you. I don't really think this diff need much work through and I'm fine with it as it is.


00:13:493 (5) - Can barely hear the slide-slide sound, I suggest changing the timing point on here to 50% instead of 40% (+10%)
01:01:954 (6) - I would add a whistle at end too
01:15:800 (5) - Whistle at end
01:17:059 (2) - Remove whistle
01:30:486 (5) - Remove whistle at begin and add to repeat instead.


01:10:136 (4,5) - Something like this looks nicer to me and the jump fits as well.

If you need to simplify some stuff, you can always remove the stream and change these pattern 00:23:353 (1,2,3) - to a simple repeating slider. Be sure to check what I mention for all diffs above.


*00:42:654 (1) - Finish here instead of clap?
*00:44:961 (3) - Finish at begin?
** Hitsound just sound a little empty to me even when the hitsounding make sense, adding these two finish make it feel less empty atleast for me.
00:51:045 (1,2) - Prefer finish over clap
01:01:535 (2) - Whistle at end
01:03:633 (4) - Whistle on begin
01:06:779 (3) - I think you should do finish instead
01:07:828 (4) - Finish here
01:08:458 (1) - Forgot finish at begin?
01:08:877 (2,4) - Whistle on these two hit circles
01:15:276 (4) - Whistle at begin
01:16:430 (1) - Add whistle and reduce this jump a bit more? Still feel a little too much for me so 1.4x-1.5x?
01:20:416 (6,7) - I prefer finish over clap

Better, but rhythm is a bit hard to catch at some parts but overall, I think it's good enough for rank.

Since my main problem with the map (hitsound) is now gone, I can star this beatmap.

Good luck on rank, contact me again if there's anything else wrong with video.

Edit: Feel free to kudosu this post if you feel it deserve a kudosu
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Thank you merchat for your everything :) Fixed mostly

And waiting for Konei and BeatofIke are fix.

Add new video.
Forgot to mention video offset :/ Video offset is 110.

Looks like I was tired, sorry :(
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Okay, thank you again =w= fixed

Sorry for delay orz

Fixed nearly all from merchat and all things of Melo.

I don't think rhythm can get much better without making this too hard for newbies, so I did my best now ~ :)

merchat7 wrote:


01:10:136 (4,5) - Something like this looks nicer to me and the jump fits as well.

If you need to simplify some stuff, you can always remove the stream and change these pattern 00:23:353 (1,2,3) - to a simple repeating slider. Be sure to check what I mention for all diffs above.
I will have to find a way to reduce the difficulty somehow. I'll try to update this later.
Fix Everything and Reduced the difficulty!
Updated! :D
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Updated my map~
  1. nothing~!
  1. 00:17:479 (1) - Make it more curved~?
  2. 00:27:968 - Add a note?
  3. 00:39:507 - Strange short break.
  4. 00:43:702 (3) - Maybe move the end point to x340y101?
  5. 00:54:821 (4) - No need to newcombo,remove it.
  6. 01:32:584 (1,2,3) -A bit strange rhythm for the music.Maybe change like this
    Some finish sounds is confused,changetgem would be better:
    00:15:800 (3) - remove
    00:17:479 (1) - add at the end,you can also use whistle instead
    00:18:947 (3) - ^
    00:20:835 (1) - remove at the start;add at the end
    00:25:870 (3) - add at the start
    00:43:702 (3) - ^
    00:44:751 (2) - add at the end
    00:46:430 (2) - add at the end
    00:52:723 (1) - remove at the start;add at the end
    00:53:563 (2) - remove
  1. 00:20:206 (6) - Add clap at the start and the reverse?
  2. 01:21:465 (4) -Newcombo maybe
    nice normal~
  1. 00:10:975 (2) - Move to the blue tick.
  2. 00:12:654 (2) - Same.
    00:29:437 (2) - Same.I dont want to point out all,check it yourself
    00:41:290 - Place some thing here please orz..
  1. 00:12:758 (2) - maybe add clap as normal diff!~
nice map~ :D
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Thank you Kotone for your mod :) Fixed some stuff on my diffs.

Thanks Kotone ~

Fixed some :3
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Updated my map~
Kawayi Rika
Hi ~ Nichiyouki ~ :)

Random mod for #modreqs ~

Red : Must be fixed
Pink : Should be fixed
Purple : Just suggestions


  1. Add (Short Ver.) in tittle,this song already have Full Ver.


  1. 00:13:283 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - Try make more curved stream parttern.
  2. 00:45:381 (4,5) - This sound a bit stiff,change a 3/4 slider on 00:45:381 is better.
  3. 00:48:528 (4) - Add new combo,looks more readable.
  4. 00:51:884 (4) - ^
  5. 01:20:416 (6) - ^
  6. 01:12:549 - Add a circle to here,sound better with stream.
  7. 01:34:472 - Add clap really fitting with music.

[BeatofIke's Hard]

  1. 00:19:367 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Make a symmetry to here.
  2. 00:22:409 - Add a circle to here,follow with lyrics.
  3. 00:23:668 - Remove finish,sound better to me.
  4. 00:33:633 (4) - Make more symmetry slider.
  5. 00:35:101 (4) - Add new combo,looks more readable.
  6. 00:36:779 (4) - ^
  7. 00:38:668 (1,2,1) - Try change like this(00:39:297 - Add finish),sound much better.
  8. 00:59:856 (2) - Try Ctrl+G,flow much better.


  1. HP-1,OD+1 is better IMO.
  2. 00:22:094 (2) - Move 1 grid right,symmetry with 00:21:675 (1).

[Konei's Easy]

  1. 00:00:696 - Remove whistle,sound better to me.
  2. 00:39:716 - Remove break time,really no need.
  3. 00:42:654 (1,2,3,1,2) - More better rhythm and easy playable,like this.
  4. 00:53:143 - Add finish and Remove finish on 00:53:563.
  5. 01:32:584 (1,2,3) - Sound really weird,you should change like this.

That's all ~ Nice map and song ~

Call me back recheck ~ when you are ready ~

Kawayi Rika wrote:

[BeatofIke's Hard]

  1. 00:19:367 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Make a symmetry to here. This was intentional.
  2. 00:22:409 - Add a circle to here,follow with lyrics. Fixed
  3. 00:23:668 - Remove finish,sound better to me. Fixed
  4. 00:33:633 (4) - Make more symmetry slider. I wanted to do this originally, but it would mess up the blanklet.
  5. 00:35:101 (4) - Add new combo,looks more readable. Fixed
  6. 00:36:779 (4) - ^ Fixed
  7. 00:38:668 (1,2,1) - Try change like this(00:39:297 - Add finish),sound much better. Fixed
  8. 00:59:856 (2) - Try Ctrl+G,flow much better.
Thanks for the mod moe Rika :3
I will fix later!
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Kawayi Rika wrote:

Hi ~ Nichiyouki ~ :)

Random mod for #modreqs ~

Red : Must be fixed
Pink : Should be fixed
Purple : Just suggestions


  1. Add (Short Ver.) in tittle,this song already have Full Ver. Added


  1. 00:13:283 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - Try make more curved stream parttern. Fixed
  2. 00:45:381 (4,5) - This sound a bit stiff,change a 3/4 slider on 00:45:381 is better. I will change them is 1/1 slider instead.
  3. 00:48:528 (4) - Add new combo,looks more readable. This may be appropriate to use it for me. So added it.
  4. 00:51:884 (4) - ^ I think that it's fine.
  5. 01:20:416 (6) - ^ ^
  6. 01:12:549 - Add a circle to here,sound better with stream. Added
  7. 01:34:472 - Add clap really fitting with music. ^


  1. HP-1,OD+1 is better IMO. Okay, fixed
  2. 00:22:094 (2) - Move 1 grid right,symmetry with 00:21:675 (1). Moved

That's all ~ Nice map and song ~

Call me back recheck ~ when you are ready ~
Thank you Rika-chan for your mod :)
Then if I'm ready, I will call you for recheck

Add "(Short Ver.)" in title.
Thanks Rika ~

All done but your first rhythm suggestion. Because I think it's harder than mine :3
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Kawayi Rika
OK ~ Good job ~

Here you go :3

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Thank you again Rika-chan :)
Pretty nice, good job.

Gratz :3 Nich~
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Thank you Andrea :)

And thank you everyone too :3
gratz nich :3
congrats~ Nich :3
yay ! \:D/
congrats ~ ><
Yay! Congrats Nich! :3
Gratz ~:3
OMG เยี่ยมมากต้น xD
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Thank you everyone =w=
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