
Feature Request Thread Filter by Tag

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This is a feature request. Feature requests can be voted up by supporters.
Current Priority: +0
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Although ironic, I'm making this thread to suggest a feature that would help de-clutter the feature request forum. Right now, in the feature request forum, there is an option to ignore star priority and to also view. If there were additional filters to show only and/or to hide each possible feature request tag (duplicate, added, invalid, etc), it'd be easier for people to search the forum and it'd help with the effort of de-cluttering the feature request by eliminating the need to "hunt" for threads with certain tags. I'd also like to see these tag filters in completed requests as well. Any thoughts?

Needs some thought though (lol), since we might end up with sub-sub-sub-categories (for example, Taiko -> Rankings -> Web or something)
theowest and I are all ready making two different threads about this. once will focus on current pending requests and another for denied/duplicate.
we plan of posting this stuff soon, but sadly it does take a while and its really boring xD

also i see no reason to have a list for added
Tagged requests will be moved over to Completed requests. So it would only be useful if you could sort by tag in Completed Requests 30

Sorting would be much easier than filtering. Filtering is better.

Essentially, what you should be able to do is filter by tag in Completed Requests. This should also apply to Resolved Issues 29
Topic Starter

deadbeat wrote:

theowest and I are all ready making two different threads about this. once will focus on current pending requests and another for denied/duplicate.
we plan of posting this stuff soon, but sadly it does take a while and its really boring xD

also i see no reason to have a list for added
Having a filter for each type would just be good in general for the sake of completeness. It'd be much easier to do it all at once, rather than do some of them and decide later on we want to add a few more. Anyways, having a list for added would nice, some people stop playing for several weeks or months and they want to see what new stuff has been implemented along with the discussion that went along with it. Anyways, considering that you and theowest were going to make a thread(s) about this, sorry for ninja'ing you guys, didn't mean it :P I look forward to seeing your guy's plans.

theowest wrote:

Tagged requests will be moved over to Completed requests. So it would only be useful if you could sort by tag in Completed Requests 30

Sorting would be much easier than filtering.
Good point concerning the movement of tagged requests, I guess this tag filtering would only be useful in completed requests (this is assuming that tagged requests are actually moved in a timely manner though.) I don't see where you are going with this sorting vs filtering thing though, they are two things that work together not two opposing forces. Flitering does the job of removing unnecessary items from view and sorting does the job of taking those filtered results and applying some type of order to them. I also wouldn't understand how you would "sort" by tag anyways, it's not like "added" > "duplicate" which would put "added" first. Perhaps I'm misunderstanding how you are using the terms sort and filter though, so I'm sorry if there is such a misunderstanding. :(
You're right, I guess it could work since there's already these. Filtering by tags could work in a similar way.

Filtering would be a better way to deal with these tags. I was wrong about sorting them. That'd be very inefficient.

also, what we're doing are lists. Huge lists of every single feature request ever posted in this forum.
This request could work in Technical Support too, which would solve this request t/108495/
I agree.

Although this would be almost an entirely useless option outside of Tech Support. It would be amusing sorting by invalid in the resolved subboard, but that's about it.
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