This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
지적할 게 없다는 건 거짓말이 분명합니다! (잘 만든 것 같지도 않습니다. ;ㅅ;)LQA20Ans wrote:
저도 모딩은 처음인지라... 무시하셔도 됩니다 ㅎㅎ...
[general]뉴콤보를 사용하는 간격을 좀 늘려주신다면 좋을지도 모르겠습니다. 수정됨 : EASY, NORMAL, Hard (뉴콤보가 나타내는 게 많아 많이 없애지 못함), Insane (아주 조금 없앰)
그리고 중간에 슬라이더에 가려지는 서클들을 디스턴스를 0.1로 잡고 살짝 보이게 해주면 좋겠습니다. 수정됨 : EASY, 나머지는 스텍 리니언시가 해결해줄거라고 믿고 싶습니다. :/
[easy]00:06:602 (2) - 이구간 말고도 슬라이드 뒤에 겹쳐지는 노트말입니다.
완전히 겹쳐지지 않게 하셨다고는 해도 초보 유저들은 힘들지도 모르겠습니다...수동 배치. 0.1x보다 조금 더 보이게 했습니다
그리고 이건 그냥 저의 극주관적 의견입니다만
엇박이 약간 신경쓰이네요... 이지에 엇박은 초보분들이 힘들지 않을까 싶습니다. 00:33:602 (1) - 빠져있던 엇박 가이드 추가
AR이랑 OD를 4로 올려주세요. 이쪽은 잘 모르니까 바로 적용했습니다
그리고 노말까지는 슬라이드에 겹쳐지는 노트는 피하시는게 좋을듯 싶습니다.좀 더 쉽게 하려고 겹친건데... 이러면 안되려나요? 일단 보류
00:49:802 (1) -ctrl+r 위치도 조금 바꿨습니다
[hard]00:12:452 (2,4) - 다음처럼 해주세요 00:12:602 (1) 의 슬라이더를 포기할 수 없었기때문에, 00:12:452 (2) 를 추가하는 것으로 처리했습니다.
[insane]AR은 8이나 9로, OD는 6이나 7로 설정해주세요. ^^^^ (수정됨)
02:27:602 (1,2,1,2,1) - 디스턴스를 덜 줄이시는걸 권해드립니다... 스트림이 아닌 역점프 + 약간의 모양 입니다. 조금 어색하긴 하지만...
정말 잘만드셨습니다.
지적해드려야되는데 지적해드릴게 없네요...
THANK YOU! far far away to get rankedNagisawa wrote:
Hi! From My Q!
I think in the beginning, rather than rhythm, add spinner.
- It's from Insane's one, and from drumbeats of music. sorry
Kai time for all diff
Start here 00:52:802 - end here 01:12:302 -
start 01:40:802 - end 02:09:302 -
start 02:28:802 - end 02:57:002 -
~why volume 100? it is very loud
00:05:402 (2) - - remove nc
00:06:602 (3) - move 3 under 2
00:09:002 (3) - ^
00:10:202 (2,3) - ^
00:12:602 (2,3) - ^
00:14:402 (1) - ugly now, tilted square
00:16:802 (1,2,3,4) - hard for beginner
00:19:202 (1) - end spinner here 00:22:213 -
00:22:802 (1) - after the spinner has never start anything in the middle. this is the first place. secondly too much repetition for the slider, that is, it will be difficult for beginners.
I propose to do so
- Rythmicaly Important part, so I moved 1 slightly upward. sorry
00:30:002 (3) - repeats x.x
00:33:602 (1,3) - intersect, fix it
00:39:302 (2,3) - move 3 under 2
00:40:802 (1) - remove nc and so:
00:43:202 (3) - remove nc
00:44:402 (4,1) - intersect, fix it
00:50:402 (1) - remove nc
00:55:202 (2) - ^
01:03:602 (2) - a lot of repetition, hard for easy
01:10:802 (1) - ^ and remove nc
01:20:402 (1) - ^ and remove nc
01:32:702 (3,2) - intersect, fix it
01:38:402 (1) - a lot of repetition, hard for easy
- also rythmicaly important part. sorry.
- other repeats are fixed
i stop modding your map, soory x.x too many errors! fix it!
use more hitsounds, listen to music and do a good rythmn!
Good luck!!
again, Thank you for kind mod. I'll try my best.h-728 wrote:
Thank you for request
- according to the ranking criteria, you should add approachcircle, spinner-clear, spinner-spin and spinner-osu. also you have to designate the color of sliderborder. - forgot & no time to fix it. I'll do it later
- consider to add and reversearrow, because without it, it looks sometimes strange like this - ^
- do you use default-comma, dot, percent and x? if you don't, remove them from the song folder.- ^
- 00:04:202 (1) - remove this. I wrote the reason in Insane. but this note is on white tick. so accept this or not is up to you. - Am I added note at white tick...? can't remember.
00:09:002 (3,1) - it's better to remove stacking except you have special reason on this stacking, because stacking sometimes confuse newbie players.
00:12:002 (1) - too short slider and it may confuse newbie players. consider to replace with more longer one.
00:15:302 (2) - don't overlap with previous slider. it doesn't look well.
00:16:802 (1) - same as 00:12:002
00:22:802 (1,1) - same as 00:09:002
00:51:602 (1) - replace with some notes, and put notes between 00:52:802 ~ 00:54:002. - done. (In reversliy other levels can be NOT.)
01:12:002 - how about add note? because the vocal still exist there.
01:20:402 (1,1) - same as 00:09:002
01:29:102 (2,3,4) - you stack too many notes here. change the placement.
01:57:602 (1,2) - this placement is not kind for newbie players imo. because the flow of cursor is face to up, but the next note is where?
02:00:002 (1) - sliderborder are covered with doesn't look well.
02:10:802 (1,1) - don't overlap
02:27:602 (1) - same as 00:51:602
02:52:802 (1,1,1) - spinner - a circle - spinner. it's too hard for newbie players. - removed circle & longnize (?) d first (?) spinner[Insane]
- first of all, you stack too many notes and it makes us hard to read rhythm. consider to reduce stacking.
(for example, I want to mention about 00:45:602 (1,2,3) and 00:48:002 (1,2,1,2). I think it's no problem like as 00:05:402 (2,3,1) )
- It WAS LOT TO DO.something moved, circles at finish of slider moved to start of next slider.
00:04:202 (1) - same as Normal
00:12:452 (2) - I don't recommend you to put the first circle of one mass on blue tick. if you want to use blue tick, I suggest you to put slider from blue tick to blue tick like this.- Just removed 2. 1 slider is important than using blue tick. 2 was added from 1st mod. (point : empty sound, "その部分に音が空のところがあります" て first modderか 言いました。
* Because I can read & write hiragana only (and very very very ... very easy kanzi), I requested english to you. At this point I can't write that in english, I used some machine-powered brain.)
and please consider about this not only in here but also in other section, to easy to read rhythm.
00:18:002 (1) - reverse arrow is covered hitburst. move to other place.
00:25:802 (2) - the end of slider is covered with previous slider and we can't see. move it to other place.
00:52:202 (1) - too short. replace with some notes.
01:12:002 - same as Normal
01:20:402 (1,2) - same as 00:04:202
01:40:202 (1) - same as 01:40:202 (1)
02:28:202 (1) - ^
02:57:602 (1) ~ nice arrange
- This part was totally kind like me who are new to mapping. thank you!the rhythm immediately following the spinner is well done.
- 00:04:352 (1,2) - you should remove these notes. players will be confused by these notes because (1) is the first note but it is put on blue tick.
it means you start this map without showing where the downbeat is. - I added a note at white tick. I need that beat.
00:04:802 ~ 00:24:002 - in the song, there is less accent and difficult to find where the beat is. so you should make the notes in this section easy to read the rhythm with using hitsounds, for example, add clap more regularly. and keep in mind, random hitsounds just only confuse the players.
- Tried hard, but could It be done fine? :/
00:24:002 ~ 00:52:202 - I can't understand what do you want to follow in the song. I feel that you made the rhythm sometime with the lyrics, but sometime with the base. and it seems that they are combined randomly. it doesn't mean that : when you make the rhythm with lyrics, you can't use the base rhythm.
actually there is a part that doesn't have lyrics like as 00:33:002 ~ 00:33:602, so it is impossible to make the rhythm only with lyrics. I want to say is that, don't combine them in unforeseeable part.
- Actually, I made Insane in intuition(?). thus, I've put every notes in way of "JUST". moved some vocal-away circles. But some part of them are not moved, which is loved by me.)
00:52:202 (1) - actually, this spinner is rankable. but it doesn't match with the overall difficulty(it doesn't mean OD of song setup) of this map.
you should replace this spinner with some notes. - Ignored. sorry. I love this spinner. can't erase both beats, spinner.
01:20:402 (1,2,1,2) - remove. the reason is almost same as 00:04:352
01:21:602 ~ 01:40:202 - same as 00:24:002 ~ 00:52:202
01:40:202 (1) - same as 00:52:202
02:27:602 (1,2,1,2) - too close and hard to read the rhythm visually. - custom-stacked in order of straight line.
02:28:202 (1) - same as 00:52:202
02:41:402 - add note. it is unnatural without the sound here. - Actually, It was from non-vocal part, but was hard to figure out beats too. changed.
02:57:002 (1) - why didn't you reverse this? - It's Electric guitar's "diri~" part. have no reason to repeat them.
03:01:802 (3) - ^ - ^
03:06:602 (3) - ^ - ^
that's all. if you have something doesn't go well about fixing, don't hesitate to send PM for me.
good luck
I forget to write.
in Easy, stack leniency is set to 0.2 but it isn't necessary. you should set it to default(0.7).
HelloSCV wrote:
Request from PlayerSPOILEREasy
00:42:302 (1,2) - 슬라로 바꾸시는게 나을꺼 같아요
01:21:602 (4) - 뉴콤보
01:48:602 (2) - 이런 슬라이더 대신 다른걸 쓰시는게 나을거 같아요 박자가 좀 어색하네요
01:52:802 (3) - 뉴콤보
01:57:602 (3) - ^
01:58:802 (1) - 뉴콤보 삭제
02:19:202 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,1,2,1,2,1) - 이런패턴은 이지에 어려운거 같아요
00:51:602 (1) - 소리가 너무 작아요 조금 올려주세요
01:06:002 (1,2) - 휘슬 추가
01:45:002 (4) - 슬라이더 끝에 휘슬제거
01:46:802 (2) - 휘슬
01:57:602 (1) - 뉴콤보 제거 - 대신 옆에있던 01:57:302 (5) 의 NC 제거
02:07:202 (1) - ^ - ^
02:31:202 (1) - 휘슬
02:34:502 (2) - 노트추가 + 클랩
03:01:202 (1) - 뉴콤보 제거
00:09:302 (1) - 디스탠스 1.0으로
00:31:202 (1) - 슬라이더 끝에다가 클랩 추가 00:31:652 (2) - 클랩
00:31:802 (1) - ^ 00:32:252 (2) - ^
00:32:402 (1) - 슬라이더 끝에다가 클랩
00:43:652 (2) - 1.0 디스탠스
01:34:652 (4) - 뉴콤보
02:02:852 (4,1,2) - 다른 패턴 추천드려요 H-728 님의 모딩으로부터 미처 빼먹고 수정하지 못했던 부분입니다. 다른곳과 동일하게 수정됨.
02:31:202 (1) - 뉴콤보 제거
00:34:202 (1) - 이건 어떠 신지?
01:57:602 (1) - 슬라이더 모양을 01:57:902 (2) - 이거와 맞춰주세요
01:58:502 (2) - 위치를 01:57:902 (2) - 이거와 안겹치게 바꿔주세요 - 아예 확실히 겹쳤습니다. 문제된다면 In-game PM 해주세요.
02:27:902 (1) - 뉴콤보 삭제
02:33:152 (1) - ^
행운을 빌어요:)
모딩 감사합니다!Akashi_S wrote:
From the queue!
My modding is not good, sorry
Slider Tick Rate 4가 아니라 2만 되도 좋을 것 같다는 생각이 드네요. 콤보가 600이 넘는다니.. - 박자감 때문에 그렇게 한 거였는데... 콤보는 미처 생각 못했군요.
일단 Easy level기준에서는 슬라이더 끝 아래에 겹쳐있는 노트는 조금 어렵다고 판단됩니다. 맵핑 스타일에 영향을 줄 수 있기에 의견으로만 받아들이셔도 상관 없습니다- 중간 부분을 새로 만들면서 겹쳐지지 않게 한 부분이 어느정도 있습니다. 모두 없애거나 하지는 못하겠더라구요. ^^;
01:37:502 (3) - nazi. 심플한 모양의 슬라이더가 좋을 듯 싶습니다 2번 슬라이더와 같은 모양은 어떤가요? - 사실 아무생각없이 끌리는대로 만든거긴 한데, 의도는 멜로디인 듯 합니다. 같은 모양은 아니고, S 모양 대신에 꺾은 슬라이더 모양으로 대체했습니다.
01:37:502 (3,1) - 새로운 콤보의 1번 슬라이더의 2번째 Reverse arrow가 히트버스트에 가려서 보이지 않을 수 있기에 쉬운 난이도이니 이렇게 해보시는 건 어떤가요? LINK - 02:59:702 (3,1) 도 같은 이유로 고쳤습니다.
02:12:002 (1,1) - ^
02:18:002 (1) - 왜 이 슬라이더만 커브 모양인 걸 까요? 다른 슬라이더와 통일하여 같이 각진 모양의 슬라이더는 어떤가요?
^실제로 슬라이더 stacking은 쉬운 난이도에서는 자주 안쓰는 거라 (흐음...) - 위에서 어느정도 수정했다고 적어놓은 부분이 이부분 근방.
02:24:002 (1,1) - 여태까지 나와있던 슬라이더 연속 콤보와 똑같이 겹쳐있지만, 타이밍이 다르기때문에 초보유저에게 혼동을 가져올 수 있다고 생각합니다
- 커브 슬라이드로 교체 및 배치 바꿈
02:34:202 (1) - distance snap을 계속 사용해 주세요 플레이스크린의 왼쪽 부분에 놓으면 될 듯 싶습니다.
- 이것때문에 ㅠㅠ 겨우 해결했네요.안 맞는 원인은 다른분의 모딩에 의해 02:32:402 (2) 의 반복이 줄어든 탓 입니다.
@Nagisawa // 02:57:602 (1,1) - I restored this part's 2 repeat ( * 2 slider ) DX Because I can't fix distance snap of following notes.
^ 약간 어려울 수 있다는 건 알고 있는데요, 도무지 고칠 염두가 안나네요. ... 그래서 복원해버렸습니다 >v< [-
00:45:602 (1,2) - 슬라이더 모양을 통일하는게 더 깔끔해 보일 것 같습니다. - Easy 의 01:37:502 (3) 와 동일. 무의식적으로 의도된 불규칙인 듯 합니다. 그러나, 꺾은 슬라이더의 꺾인 정도를 줄여 대칭 느낌이 나도록 변경했습니다![]()
01:29:102 (2,3) - 완벽하게 겹쳐주세요어렵다면, 3번 슬라이더를 2번 슬라이더 끝에서 시작하시고 만드신 다음에 Ctrl+R을 누르면 슬라이더 머리와 꼬리부분이 바뀝니다.
01:52:802 - Remove New Combo (RNC)
02:03:602 - ^
02:31:202 (1,3) - 슬라이더 모양을 통일하는게 더 깔끔해 보일 것 같습니다. - ^
여기서부터는 거의 의견으로만 생각하시면 됩니다... 아직 Hard이상의 난이도에서 모딩할 능력이 되지 않기에 ;__;
이 diff에서는 히트사운드의 볼륨이 다르네요? 조금 큰 것 같으니 easy/normal과 비슷한 수준으로?
좀 어려운 난이도니까 콤보길이를 좀 길게 하셔도 상관없을 것 같아요 대체적으로 3~4에서 끝나는데, 6~7까지는 하셔도 괜찮아요, 필요할 때는 짧게 하시되 계속 짧게하게 되면 Geki 나 Katu로 인해 보너스 HP 상승효과로 인해 난이도가 생각보다 쉬워지게 됩니다.
01:20:402 (1,2) - 이런 경우라면 짧은 콤보도 OK
01:30:002 (1,1,2,3) - 이런 경우라면 하나로 하시는게 더 좋을 것 같아요.
00:05:702 - RNC
00:06:602 - New Combo (NC)
00:06:902 - RNC
- NC 전체적으로 수정됨
왠지 콤보 모딩만 할 것 같으니 이건 맵퍼님이 맘 내키는 대로 콤보 너무 짧게 끊으시지 마시고 적절하게 하시는 게 좋을 것 같아요.
01:33:902 (2) - 01:32:702 (1) 와 비슷한 모양은 어떤가요?
01:37:502 (5) - ^
- 둘다 Wriggle(?) 이 제거되었습니다.
가끔 어떤 슬라이더들에서 blanket을 쓰시면 더 깔끔해 보일것같아요.
00:23:402 (1,2) / 00:30:452 (3,1) - < 이렇게 생긴 부분을 이렇게? IMAGE
- 안깔끔한 Blanket 을 깔끔하게 X 2 (^), Blanket 이면 괜찮을 걸 Blanket 화(化) X 1
- 전체적으로 NC도 손본다고 봤는데 많이 못없애겠더군요 ^^;;
인센 diff는 모딩 할 수가없겠군요 T___T 테스트플레이 자체도 못하니
부족한 모딩이지만 여기서 끝내도록 할게요..
Good luck mapping!
Tsukasa wrote:
Hiya there~
The Lead-In should be at 1 imo. It sounds weird that is starts like that in a snap - 've set 1 sec to all diff
Don't use hitcolors that are too dark. Like the black color. - removed black
Isn't it a bit weird if you put most of the notes on red ticks from 00:24:902 to 00:39:902 ? Most people would listen to the lyrics first anyways. So it'd probably be better if you use the white ticks - (can't explain in ENG, but fixed)
00:48:002 (1,2,3) - Use whistles here to keep the flow of the hitsounds consistent.
01:03:602 (2) - Add a clap at the end of the slider
01:04:802 (1) - It'd be better if you make this slider have 1 reverse arrow. If you ever do this, Remove 01:05:702 (2)
- In addition to this, keep a clap on the reverse arrow and add a clap on the end of 01:06:002 (3)
- re-mapped this part to fit to music
The same problem I have about the notes on the red ticks. I dunno if other people accept it as is but it really feels weird FOR ME that is
01:43:202 (1) - A weird stop of the slider when you end it at the blue tick. Either shorten it to the previous White tick or extend it to the succeeding Red tick
- (;ㅅ;)
01:51:602 (2,1,2) - These sliders are too near to each other IMO
- no way to fix it for me
02:33:602 - Add a note here so that it doesn't feel as if the flow of notes suddenly stopped
02:36:002 - ^ same
Isn't the OD, HP drain, And AR too much for a normal? - (-1) for all
00:09:002 (3) - better if the clap is at the end instead
- for intended thing, First I followed mod, and added whistle to 00:09:002 (3) head & slider
00:30:902 (4) - Add a clap
00:36:002 (1) - The end of this slider is too near from the previous slider
- If you ever do this adjust the succeeding notes if necessary
- changed shape, but remained jump (x1.20). I think it's fine
00:43:202 (1) - Remove clap
00:45:002 (2) - Add a clap
00:48:002 (1,2,1,2) - ^ Same pattern of hitsounds as above
- 00:49:802 (2) is too near to 00:49:202 (1)
01:33:602 (1,2,3,4) - It's better if you follow the hitsound pattern of 01:31:202 (1,2,3,4,5)
- followed instructions, but added clap to 01:35:102 (3)
There's not much to actually note here. I'm not nazi enough
Also not much here but some notes that look that they're too near to each other. I'll leave it up to your judgement if you'll change some of them. It'd be kinda distracting for most players
- hmm..... Intended things are not fixed. 'v';;
Was rule changed recently??hibarirailwayz wrote:
02:28:202 (1) - too short spinner. rule→All spinners must be able to achieve at least a 2000 bonus from autoplay.
Anyway, I'll fix other things tomorrow. again, thank you for modding! ~~Osu! wiki wrote:
Auto must achieve at least 1000 bonus points on spinners and the object following the spinner must not be visible before the spinner starts.
OK I understood. bad I think, It's difficult without Insane.Ch_Softblow wrote:
first, thank you for modding.
but...Was rule changed recently??hibarirailwayz wrote:
02:28:202 (1) - too short spinner. rule→All spinners must be able to achieve at least a 2000 bonus from autoplay.
I visited Ranking Criteria on wiki, but that article saye to meAnyway, I'll fix other things tomorrow. again, thank you for modding! ~~Osu! wiki wrote:
Auto must achieve at least 1000 bonus points on spinners and the object following the spinner must not be visible before the spinner starts.
hibarirailwayz wrote:
from modding queues~
There are my opinions, so you need not follow.
Firstly, I felt the diff is more difficult rhythm than Normal one. You use many red line,
but I think Easy don't basically use red line, because of It's not kindly for biginner.
- ㅇㅅㅇ;; I tried to fix a little part, but not all. It has some rhythmical guide notes therebut I'm still worried @.@
01:51:602 (2,1,2) - Separate slider's finish and previous slider for visual.
02:00:002 - need note because of there is voice's start. - re-mapped that part
02:02:402 - ^
02:04:802 - ^
00:09:902 (7) - NC(volume up) - what volume-up means? I just moded NC & RNC to there :/
00:10:202 (1) - DNC=delete NC
00:12:452 - need note because of 00:12:002 (1) - is piano sound.modified to blanket![]()
00:12:002 (1,1) - is same rhythm 00:16:802 (1,2) -
Not clear you catch either voice or drum and piano...
- umm... It's mixed or own rythm :X maybe highlighted parts of music? but I can't fix it now![]()
But If some parts Specificaly indicated I can fix them
00:34:202 (4,5) - separate notes for visual
01:01:802 (1,2) - ^
02:28:202 (1) - too short spinner. rule→All spinners must be able to achieve at least a 2000 bonus from autoplay.
- already mentioned, But without this spinner, That part feels like empty :X therefore that is charming point
sorry, I'll not fix it
Good luck!!
wmfchris wrote:
- delete SINSKI Feat.SeeU - SaHuJakYongRon (Ch_Softblow).osb and full submit.
- I prefer -5ms - If I understand well, Changed All offsets of all diffs to -2ms. (relative from current +3ms)
OD+1 since this is insane
00:11:252 - the melody continues here so stream it through?
00:16:802 (1,2) - highly overlapped each other, please separate them - ?? can't understand D: is It not 2 but 00:17:702 (2) ? then I need to fix it ...
00:51:902 (2) - since the vocal last 1 beat having a 1/2 slider then spinner sounds odd. How about delete (2) and start spinner eariler?
- Spinners are not moved. because, That spinners does last 1 vocal & start of next. If I remove (2), It will be odd, because not covering vocal... (1note/1vocal + 1note/2vocal ??!)
- But slider that close to first ( (2) ) changed to a circle for naturality. edit: silenced spinners
- If It must be changed, pm or e-mail plz. (softblow☆, alternate star to @), or @Ch_Softblow![]()
01:03:602 (1) - Try not to alter the SV by wriggling like this as the wriggling path is not really clear
- changed to first & end wriggle. wriggle oh my love, bye ;ㅅ;
01:39:902 - similar to 0:51
The above points concludes the room for improvement in the map pretty much: some of the 1/2 slider combos can be placed more carefully and systemetically, like 00:04:802 (1,2,3,4) - and 00:14:402 (1,2,3,4) - (producing a constant slope variation, etc). Also try not to overlapping stuffs, make players to read the map easier and make better use of the playing area.
- trimed some![]()
00:34:052 (2) - the vocal appears in the ending of (1) so this clap sounds odd.
01:22:802 - something sounds missed in the 1.5beat break...
01:38:402 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - such pattern and difficulty is not seen before in the diff. Consider using repeating slider than slider + 2 notes?
02:01:502 (2) - spacing issue
02:18:002 (1,1) - In most cases try not to completely overlap the beginning and ending of sliders
02:18:002 (1,1) - since that sentence starts at where the spinner ends, it's a bit odd to put the combo there. Extending the spinner would be a possible solution.
The hitsound do make sense, though I'm a bit not sure that whether they're really consistent throughout the whole song.
- I need mods for hitsound ^^; Actually, I'm not well on that. Thank you for comment!
I think that's all I would say about the map, good luck