
Suara - Musouka

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Topic Starter
This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2012年8月24日 at 20:25:30

Artist: Suara
Title: Musouka
Source: Utawarerumono
Tags: Patchouli
BPM: 134
Filesize: 6606kb
Play Time: 02:17
Difficulties Available:
  1. Easy (2.16 stars, 134 notes)
  2. Hard (4.89 stars, 558 notes)
  3. Patche's Normal (4.14 stars, 298 notes)
Download: Suara - Musouka
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing


☆;:*:;☆;:*:;☆“ Detail ”☆;:*:;☆;:*:;☆
Easy : me
Normal : Patchouli
Hard : me
SB : Patchouli

8-) creater's word created by Patchouli 8-)
Topic Starter

Suzully wrote:




00:05:036(2) remove whistle それか(3)の最後に add whistle
00:18:245(1,2,3) こういう音取りはどうでしょう?
00:36:603(1) remove finish at end
00:47:797(1) add finish at end
01:17:349(1) spinの開始を01:17:797 終わりは同じで and add whistle
01:42:872(3,4,1,2,3) こういう音取りはどうでしょう?
02:21:827(1) spinの開始を02:22:275 終わりは同じで
02:39:335(2) change clap
02:51:379(4,5) こういう音取りはどうでしょう?
02:53:618(2) remove whistle
02:55:409(2) ^
02:59:439 put sircle then, add whistle and NC
03:41:529(1) spinの開始を03:41:976 終わりは同じで

Pathe's Normal

AR+1 ?
KIAI timeがないのは意図的でしょうか?

00:14:103(1) spinの開始を00:13:320に 終わりは同じで


AR-1 ?

02:26:305(5) NC
02:29:887(5) ^


Topic Starter

FreeSky wrote:


00:05:036(2) remove whistle それか(3)の最後に add whistle 変更しました
00:18:245(1,2,3) こういう音取りはどうでしょう? スライダーの後に単発を使いたくないのでこのままで!
00:36:603(1) remove finish at end なんだこのふぃにっしゅ 消しました!
00:47:797(1) add finish at end   このままで!
01:17:349(1) spinの開始を01:17:797 終わりは同じで and add whistle finish追加しました 開始はこのままで!
01:42:872(3,4,1,2,3) こういう音取りはどうでしょう? 変更しました!!
02:21:827(1) spinの開始を02:22:275 終わりは同じで このままで!
02:39:335(2) change clap    02:30:335 (2) - かな・・・? 追加しました!
02:51:379(4,5) こういう音取りはどうでしょう? 良い配置がおもいつかないのでこのままで!!!!!
02:53:618(2) remove whistle  変更しました
02:55:409(2) ^  変更しました
02:59:439 put sircle then, add whistle and NC  変更しました!
03:41:529(1) spinの開始を03:41:976 終わりは同じで このままで!


AR-1 ? 変更しました!

01:02:573(4)と01:03:021からの(1,2),(5,6)が平行になるようにしてみては? ちょっとわからなかったでござる・・・ど、どういう意味だろう
02:26:305(5) NC おーけー
02:29:887(5) ^  おーけー

Request from PM


●Letterbox during breaks: ぱちぇさんのdiffにはチェックが外れており、ほかのdiffはチェックがついています。


●00:16:454 ~ 00:17:349 - リズムの提案 このほうが00:16:902の音もしっかりと確保(?)しているので良いと思いました。
●00:18:245 (1) - スライダー終点にclap追加?
●00:19:812 (T) - なぜ、ここで0.5xを・・ あと、音量も変わってないんで、いらないと思いました。あと、00:21:827もいらないかと
●00:21:827 (1,3) - スライダーの形を 曲げてみたらどうですか?
●01:01:230 (1,2) - この二つのスライダーも曲げてみたらどうですか? 流れももっと良くなると思います。
●01:46:006 (3) - このスライダーを 前の(1)のスライダーのX座標にしたほうがいいのでは? (x:316)
●02:46:006 (T) - ここの緑線 意味ないと思いました (たぶん)
●02:51:379 - この時間にスライダーの始点と サークルが同じ時間に重なってます。どちらか消してください。
 たぶん、こうしたかった? →
●03:28:991 (1) - 流れ的に スライダーの始点にfinish


[patche's Normal]

●Stack Leniency: が ほかのdiffではデフォルトになってますが、このdiffだけ4になっています。別に直さなくてもいいと思いましたが
●00:50:484 (1) - 曲げてみたらどうですか? 
●02:48:469 (4) - このサークル消して、02:48:245~02:48:469 のスライダー作ってみたらどうですか?
●02:58:096 (5) - スライダーの終点を ただのSoftの finishにしませんか? 01:53:842と同じ感じだと思いましたので 音付けも同じにするといいかもです。



●00:16:454 (1) - このように曲げるとおもしろいかも
●00:19:812 (1) - スライダー始点にwhistle?
●01:08:394 (1) - これも 00:16:454みたいな感じに曲げるといいかも

●良いHardでした! 何も言うことないです ホントに

スライダー曲げろばっかですみません。 良いmap setでした。


DTやったところ、02:57:648 (1,2,3,4,5) - ここでミスった オワタ

予想では、 Rankedしたとき HD+DT+FL をやる人がいると思います。
Topic Starter

-Gamu- wrote:


Request from PM


●Letterbox during breaks: ぱちぇさんのdiffにはチェックが外れており、ほかのdiffはチェックがついています。


●00:16:454 ~ 00:17:349 - リズムの提案 このほうが00:16:902の音もしっかりと確保(?)しているので良いと思いました。 スライダーで良い配置が思いつかなかったので、単発で同じ音取りに変更しました!
●00:18:245 (1) - スライダー終点にclap追加? ぎゃーーー追加しました!!!
●00:19:812 (T) - なぜ、ここで0.5xを・・ あと、音量も変わってないんで、いらないと思いました。あと、00:21:827もいらないかと 消しました!
●00:21:827 (1,3) - スライダーの形を 曲げてみたらどうですか? 了解です!
●01:01:230 (1,2) - この二つのスライダーも曲げてみたらどうですか? 流れももっと良くなると思います。 同じく変更
●01:46:006 (3) - このスライダーを 前の(1)のスライダーのX座標にしたほうがいいのでは? (x:316)  01:41:529 (2,3,4) - と線対称っぽく配置したかったので、とりあえずこのままで! DS等も考えて後で再配置するかも
●02:46:006 (T) - ここの緑線 意味ないと思いました (たぶん) 消しました!!
●02:51:379 - この時間にスライダーの始点と サークルが同じ時間に重なってます。どちらか消してください。 イヤアアアア 消しました!!
 たぶん、こうしたかった? →
●03:28:991 (1) - 流れ的に スライダーの始点にfinish 付けました!!!

サビだけ明らかに音多くて不気味になってしまった・・・ メロディー部分のtickを使うと結構難しくなりそうなのでとりあえず保留しておきます。指摘多かったらメロディー部分まるごと作り直すかも・・・


●00:16:454 (1) - このように曲げるとおもしろいかも スライダーの中に囲んで置く配置を結構な量使っているので、ここはこのままで!変更しました!!!! 
●00:19:812 (1) - スライダー始点にwhistle? finishをつけました!
●01:08:394 (1) - これも 00:16:454みたいな感じに曲げるといいかも ↑と同じ理由でこのままで!

●良いHardでした! 何も言うことないです ホントに

スライダー曲げろばっかですみません。 良いmap setでした。


DTやったところ、02:57:648 (1,2,3,4,5) - ここでミスった オワタ 良い配置が思いつかなくて初見潰しになってしまったでござる

予想では、 Rankedしたとき HD+DT+FL をやる人がいると思います。
mod & star& favありがとうございます!!!!!!!!! Ranked目指してがんばります!


00:55:857 (3) - 2のスライダーからの流れから、こっちの方が自然かな。00:57:648 (1,2,3) - は自然なので
02:27:200 (1,2,3) - 音といまいちマッチしない気がしたので提案。

03:03:245 (6,1) - ⑥と①でスライダーの音取りを交換。理由としては最初にドラムが3発入っているので。
03:41:529 (1) - ボリューム落としたほうがいいと思います。ボーナスが少し耳障りな感触。ただ、最後にシンバルが入るのでそこはボリュームそのままかな。

01:04:140 (6) - 消した方が個人的にはいいかと。ここの音取りでは存在しないので。00:49:364 (2,3) -
02:08:617 (6) - ^
02:45:111 (1,2) - distanceがかなり短い印象。理由としては叩きにくかったといった所でしょうか。
02:46:902 (3,4) - ^
02:48:693 (5,1) - ^
03:13:991 (5) - 01:04:140 (6) - と同様

Good luck
Topic Starter

hibarirailwayz wrote:

00:55:857 (3) - 2のスライダーからの流れから、こっちの方が自然かな。00:57:648 (1,2,3) - は自然なので 修正しました
02:27:200 (1,2,3) - 音といまいちマッチしない気がしたので提案。 赤メモリなるべく使いたくないのでこのままで!修正!!

01:04:140 (6) - 消した方が個人的にはいいかと。ここの音取りでは存在しないので。00:49:364 (2,3) -  VocalとBacksoundの両方から音をとっているので、そのままで!
02:08:617 (6) - ^ ^
02:45:111 (1,2) - distanceがかなり短い印象。理由としては叩きにくかったといった所でしょうか。 もうちょっと離しました
02:46:902 (3,4) - ^   ^
02:48:693 (5,1) - ^   ^
03:13:991 (5) - 01:04:140 (6) - と同様 このままで!!
mod & star ありがとう!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hello terametis!


Nothing special


00:20:260 Add a spinner to 00:21:155
00:43:767 This circle should be at 248-196.
01:46:006 Make these sliders more symetrical (X must be the same)


Add kiaï


00:38:618 Slider is at limit of an overmapping.

Nice music and mapping, hard to see something wrong too.

Good luck!! ¦ 3
Hi ~
譜面のスコアページを火狐さんでスクロールしたら、Creater's wordの文字がぶるぶる震えだしてびびってる なんだこれ(震え声)

  1. i guess it's clear. 
    でもAIBatさんが「Audio-Lead Inが曲のイントロと合わせて1835(1500+335)msしかない(怒り)」て言ってるので2000msに増やした方がいいかも?ここらへんのルールは分からないのでスルーしても大丈夫です!!

  1. 02:27:200 (1,2,3) - 後ろの音とるならこんなリズムの方がいいかも? リズムなだけで多分(1,2,3,4)すべてスライダーに変えたほうが多分叩きやすいかも
  2. 03:41:081 (3) - 真ん中よりに配置したほうがスピンまわしやすくていいかもネ 今だとちょっと遠くて初心者には回しにくいかもしれないぐぬぬ・・・

[Patche's Normal]
  1. 00:46:230 (4) - ここのリバース減らしてただのスライダーにしたほうが、00:44:439 (2)と同じリズムで叩けるのでいいかも。
  2. 01:18:021 (5) - NC? NCのパターン崩しちゃうけどちょっと(8)までコンボカラー切り替わらないのは長く感じたかもー
  3. 01:53:170 (4,5) - こんな感じの配置どうでしょう 若干汚く見えたから!!

  1. 00:13:767 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - う、うーん・・・。ちょっと他の連打と比べて、後ろの音が凄い取りづらいと思ったからこんなリズムにした方が叩きやすいかも・・・
  2. 00:22:723 (4,5) - 高さがnazi mod
  3. 00:16:454 (1) - 00:16:006 (5)をこぴぺしたほうが見た目いいかもnazi mod
  4. 00:44:663 (4) - ここのclapだけ音量10%欲しいかも!!盛り上がる気がする(曖昧)
  5. 00:46:454 (4) - ^
  6. 00:47:797 (3) - ここソフトのフィニッシュ欲しいかも?カスタムじゃないのdesu!!!
  7. 01:25:633 (1) - CTRL+Rでスタックさせる感じの方が好きでした。suggestion~
  8. 01:35:484 (2) - 01:34:812 (6)をこぴぺして反転させた方がもしかして見た目がいいのではないのだろうか(曖昧)
  9. 01:49:140 (4) - same as 00:44:663
  10. 01:50:932 (4) - ^
  11. 01:52:275 (3) - same as 00:47:797 (ソフトのカスタムじゃないfinish欲しいデス)
  12. 02:23:618 - もしかして:この緑線 N:C1だからN:C2に変えてスライダースライドの音消したほうがいいかも。(normal-sliderslideが入ってなかったので)
  13. 02:27:200 (1) - ここも02:23:618 (1)みたいに緑線引いて音量調節したフィニッシュ欲しいでござる。
  14. 02:30:782 (3) - ここのFinish ソフトよりノーマルの方がいいかも? suggestion~
  15. 03:07:499 (1,2,3) - 高さが揃ってないつ もしかして1gridだけわざとズラしてたり?(96:100:104) すーぱーなじもっど・・・

star~☆sorry,nazi and short mod =A= gomennnasai..........

Good luck~ :)
Topic Starter

Lizsig wrote:

Hi ~
譜面のスコアページを火狐さんでスクロールしたら、Creater's wordの文字がぶるぶる震えだしてびびってる なんだこれ(震え声)

  1. i guess it's clear. 
    でもAIBatさんが「Audio-Lead Inが曲のイントロと合わせて1835(1500+335)msしかない(怒り)」て言ってるので2000msに増やした方がいいかも?ここらへんのルールは分からないのでスルーしても大丈夫です!!

  1. 02:27:200 (1,2,3) - 後ろの音とるならこんなリズムの方がいいかも? リズムなだけで多分(1,2,3,4)すべてスライダーに変えたほうが多分叩きやすいかも
  2. 03:41:081 (3) - 真ん中よりに配置したほうがスピンまわしやすくていいかもネ 今だとちょっと遠くて初心者には回しにくいかもしれないぐぬぬ・・・

  1. 00:13:767 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - う、うーん・・・。ちょっと他の連打と比べて、後ろの音が凄い取りづらいと思ったからこんなリズムにした方が叩きやすいかも・・・
    ただこれは変えなくても大丈夫です!! 良い配置がおもいつかないからとりあえずこのままで!!!!!!!あとで音取りかえます!
  2. 00:22:723 (4,5) - 高さがnazi mod  ギャーーーーーーー
  3. 00:16:454 (1) - 00:16:006 (5)をこぴぺしたほうが見た目いいかもnazi mod このままで!!!!スライダーで囲む形いっぱい使ってるから残しておきたいでござるやっぱり変更!!これとおなじかんじにしました!
  4. 00:44:663 (4) - ここのclapだけ音量10%欲しいかも!!盛り上がる気がする(曖昧) 10%あげましたぁ!
  5. 00:46:454 (4) - ^ ^
  6. 00:47:797 (3) - ここソフトのフィニッシュ欲しいかも?カスタムじゃないのdesu!!! ん、んんんん、、 とりあえず音量上げてwhistleつけました!! 指摘多かったら変えるかも
  7. 01:25:633 (1) - CTRL+Rでスタックさせる感じの方が好きでした。suggestion~  おーけーーー
  8. 01:35:484 (2) - 01:34:812 (6)をこぴぺして反転させた方がもしかして見た目がいいのではないのだろうか(曖昧) だがことわる!
  9. 01:49:140 (4) - same as 00:44:663 おーけー!
  10. 01:50:932 (4) - ^ おーけー!!
  11. 01:52:275 (3) - same as 00:47:797 (ソフトのカスタムじゃないfinish欲しいデス) 音量あげて(ry
  12. 02:23:618 - もしかして:この緑線 N:C1だからN:C2に変えてスライダースライドの音消したほうがいいかも。(normal-sliderslideが入ってなかったので)
    ただ消さないほうが良いと思ったらスルーで!!! 直しましたァ!!
  13. 02:27:200 (1) - ここも02:23:618 (1)みたいに緑線引いて音量調節したフィニッシュ欲しいでござる。 おーけー!
  14. 02:30:782 (3) - ここのFinish ソフトよりノーマルの方がいいかも? suggestion~ おーけー!!
  15. 03:07:499 (1,2,3) - 高さが揃ってないつ もしかして1gridだけわざとズラしてたり?(96:100:104) すーぱーなじもっど・・・ 口半開きで体傾けながらEditしてた結果がこれです

star~☆sorry,nazi and short mod =A= gomennnasai..........

Good luck~ :)
mod & star ありがとおおおおおおおおおおおおおお!!
Hi terametis :3 Mod request from my modding queue!

You are using kiai times in the Easy and Hard diff, what about to add some in the Normal one too?
Remove the 2nd offset. You don't need to use it since there aren't downbeat changes lol

00:02:126 (3) - I'd add a whistle on this slider's end too because you can hear a sound like the custom whistle you are using
00:14:663 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - I'd make a different pattern here :\ I think it is breaking the map's flow. You could make something like this. Rhythm and flow are perfect:

00:18:917 (2) - Use a default soft finish on this slider's end please. It fits the one you can hear from the BG music
01:03:469 (1,2,3) - I'd avoid so much overlaps for the easiest diff. You could make a 1/1 slider with a repeat instead, it's easier and more enjoyable to play for beginners:

01:38:394 (2) - What about to blanket this slider's curve with this other's one 01:38:394 (2)? I mean something like this, looks better:

01:54:290 (4) - I think increasing this finish hitsound till 50% volume would match better the music's sound
02:07:946 (1,2,3) - Same of 01:03:469 (1,2,3) D:
02:29:887 (1,2,3) - Don't overlap these 3 circles with 02:29:215 (3) because it ISN'T 1/1 like them. It's really confusing for beginners. I suggest you something like this:

02:58:320 (4) - You should use the same finish of 01:54:290 (4) o.o

[Patche's Normal]
00:01:454 (2) - This rhyhtm is confusing and you could fix it adding a circle on 00:01:230
00:02:126 (3) - Extend this slider by 1/2? It'd follow the vocal in this way, like you did for 00:05:708 (4)
00:06:827 (5) - Always to follow the vocal you should move this circle 1/2 later
00:46:902 (1) - Mh.. I'd reduce this spinner till 00:48:693 adding 2 circles on 00:49:364 / 00:49:812 or a 1/1 slider. These 2 rhythms would match better the music:

01:15:558 (1,2) - You could improve this blanket using this code, it looks much better :3

02:30:782 (4) - You should add new combo here
02:54:066 (4) - Maybe nazi but to make it more flowing move the 3rd waypoint to x:440 y:240
03:19:140 (3) - Nah, this slider should be recuded by 1/2 and you should add a circle on 03:19:812 to fit the vocal's rhythm (Don't forget to fix hitsounds):

00:16:902 (2) - I'd move this slider to x:192 y:296, it looks better and more flowing:

02:11:529 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - Select them and move 2 grid left to center with grid, it's better
This map is good :3 I didn't find problems

Good mapset, I hope my mod is helpful to improve it ;3
That's all then, star and good luck with rank terametis! >w<
nice map :)
Topic Starter

Chewin wrote:

You are using kiai times in the Easy and Hard diff, what about to add some in the Normal one too?
I leave it to Patchouli about KIAI :3
Remove the 2nd offset. You don't need to use it since there aren't downbeat changes lol
lol no change. I need changed downbeat :3

00:02:126 (3) - I'd add a whistle on this slider's end too because you can hear a sound like the custom whistle you are using
no, I don't like adding whistle in this part.
00:14:663 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - I'd make a different pattern here :\ I think it is breaking the map's flow. You could make something like this. Rhythm and flow are perfect:ok,changed :3

00:18:917 (2) - Use a default soft finish on this slider's end please. It fits the one you can hear from the BG music
01:03:469 (1,2,3) - I'd avoid so much overlaps for the easiest diff. You could make a 1/1 slider with a repeat instead, it's easier and more enjoyable to play for beginners:
hum, I think it is a little difficult, but I want to highlight this part. so, no change.
01:38:394 (2) - What about to blanket this slider's curve with this other's one 01:38:394 (2)? I mean something like this, looks better: ok,change :3

01:54:290 (4) - I think increasing this finish hitsound till 50% volume would match better the music's sound feel good :3 changed
02:07:946 (1,2,3) - Same of 01:03:469 (1,2,3) D: same as reason of 01:03:469. no change.
02:29:887 (1,2,3) - Don't overlap these 3 circles with 02:29:215 (3) because it ISN'T 1/1 like them. It's really confusing for beginners. I suggest you something like this: ok~~

02:58:320 (4) - You should use the same finish of 01:54:290 (4) o.o ok :3

00:16:902 (2) - I'd move this slider to x:192 y:296, it looks better and more flowing: Change parts of the near :3

02:11:529 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - Select them and move 2 grid left to center with grid, it's better ok~~
This map is good :3 I didn't find problems

Good mapset, I hope my mod is helpful to improve it ;3
That's all then, star and good luck with rank terametis! >w<
thank you for awesome mod and star~ :) :)

thanks :3
i found this on #modreqs last night, but i haven't had a chance to mod it because it was late...oh well now i have time to mod this.

Bold: Unrankable/must fix.
Red: You should fix it, but it's up to you.
Italic: Suggestion. Feel free to ignore this if you don't like it.
Blue: Comment. I'll give you my opinion, advice, or if i'm curious about something.

consider adding "opening" in the tags since this is the opening in this anime.
if you want, you can enable the letterbox during breaks since you're not using a SB or video.

00:07:499 (1,2) - replace this for a 1/1 slider. it'll flow to the vocals a lot smoother during gameplay since there's a pause in this part of the song IMO.
00:13:767 (2) - i'm a thinking a finish here to match that beat in the drums if you listen carefully. it'll emphasize that sound of the drums since it's so faint.
00:24:066 - i'm not a fan of this empty part at all. it makes the map play inconsistently by just following vocals. since this is the easiest diff, beginners might not know when the vocals start and that might make them nervous since the hp bar is decreasing gradually. i hughly suggest that you add notes here to match the drums in the song. the flow would continue from the previous combo and IMO it'd be consistent since it's following both the vocals and the instrumental during gameplay.
00:27:648 - ^
00:31:230 - ^
00:33:469 (2) - maybe move the 2nd point of this slider up for a smoother flow during gameplay?
00:34:812 - same as 00:24:066.
01:03:469 (1,2,3) - perhaps you can space these notes out or replacing all this for a 1/1 repeat slider so that it's be easier for beginners to clear during gameplay?
01:07:499 (4) - that repeat arrow is slightly visible and that might be a problem for beginners since they might let go because of the hitburst covering part of it. move the last point around so that it'd be fully visible for beginners (ik you hate this rule but you should follow it).
01:28:543 - same as 00:24:066.
01:32:126 - ^
01:35:708 - ^
01:39:290 - ^
02:07:946 (1,2,3) - same as 01:03:469.
03:00:335 - i don't see a good reason why a 2nd downbeat is here. remove it since nothing changes here.
03:04:812 (2) - move the 2nd point down so that the flow would be smoother during gameplay. the transition from (1,2) plays awkward for me.
03:13:320 (1,2,3) - same as 01:03:469.
03:27:648 (1,2,3) - ^
everything seems fine, just fill out the empty slots that follow the drum and it'll be a fun diff for beginners IMO.

[Patche's Normal]
00:01:230 - add a circle here. players might think that the slider is following the start of the vocals at this part during gameplay.
00:07:051 - ^
00:10:409 (5) - this should be a 1/2 slider starting at 00:10:633 because that's where the vocals start at this part of the song.
00:23:618 (5) - try to stack the end of this slider on the beginning of (1). i think that the transition would look smoother and a bit neater during gameplay. it should look like this.
00:28:543 (4) - i suggest that you make this a 1/2 slider followed by a 1/1 slider to not only follow the vocals, but the thump in the drums. the 1/1 slider should be a NC because the vocals change here.
00:29:663 (1) - if you follow the suggestion above, remove the NC for this because the lyrics are connected from the previous note.
00:39:737 (1,2) - maybe you can move these notes down a bit? i feel that the transition would look smoother as it makes a triangle for (1,2,3) and (4) looks like it's going back to (1) without the repeat IMO. like this. you can move the 2nd point of (3) down so that it'd blanket the 2nd half of (1). this is just my personal taste, so feel free to ignore this if you don't like it.
01:00:111 (5) - reduce this slider by 1/2 and add a circle to replace the end of that 1/1 slider. the 1/2 slider follows the vocals, and the circle follows the drums.
01:13:767 (4) - you can do 2 things. extend this slider by 1/2 or add a circle at that empty spot to follow the vocals in this part of the song. i always feel that something is missing here in this part of the song during gameplay.
01:18:245 (6) - maybe a NC here because the lyrics change on this note? i feel that the combo here is too long compared to the other combos IMO.
01:39:066 (5) - same as above, but this note follows a new instrument.
01:52:275 (3) - that finish at the repeat bothers me and it might get in the way for other players during gameplay. remove it as it might distract other players.
02:08:394 (6) - remove the repeat and add a 1/2 slider. the 1/2 slider should be a NC because the lyrics change at that part of the song.
02:17:573 (2) - same as 01:13:767.
02:30:782 (4) - same as 01:18:245, this time the guitar changes in this part of the song.
02:37:723 (6,1) - move these notes here instead. i think that by doing this, the transition from (3-1) would look smoother during gameplay IMO.
02:48:245 - add a circle here. this is where the vocals start i nthis part of the song. players might hit the note too early thinking that this note starts here instead.
02:50:484 (3) - move this slider here and make it like this. if you notice, the flow would be somewhat smoother during gameplay, and this note will blanket the 1st half of the wave slider below.
02:59:439 (1) - same as 02:08:394, but at the red tick since that's where the vocals start.
03:04:588 (2) - a circle and a 1/2 slider would fit here as it follows the vocals a lot smoother than this 1/1 slider during gameplay IMO.
03:09:961 (3) - same as 01:00:111.
03:13:767 (5) - same as 02:59:439.
03:24:737 (4) - move this back by 1/2 because that's where the vocals are in this part of the song. again players might think that this note is following this part during gameplay.

00:03:021 (3) - add a whistle at the beginning. it'll keep that whistle pattern going from the previous note.
00:06:603 (3) - ^
00:10:185 (4) - ^
00:14:215 (5) - add a finish here. it'll emphasize that beat of the drum in this part.
00:22:499 (3) - perhaps you can align this to (2) so that (2-5) looks like a parallelogram. i think doing this would be easier and the flow would be smoother during gameplay IMO. like this.
00:26:529 (4) - i think a jump fits perfectly here as there's a slight decrescendo in the vocals if you listen carefully. just move it below (5) if you do this.
01:19:140 (1) - remove the NC here. it'll be consistent with the normal diff in the combos.
01:32:573 (4,5) - remove the repeat on (4) and make (5) a 1/1 slider. also move it back by 1/2 so that it'd follow the flute accurately during gameplay. (5) follows the hold on the flute and (4) follows the 1/4 part in the flute.
01:58:991 (2) - Ctrl+R? i think it fits perfectly as the vocal tone changes at every word (1) follows "Wasure" and (2) follows "naii" in which the "ii" part is louder than the rest IMO.
02:46:454 - add a circle here. same reason as 00:01:230 on normal.
02:48:245 - ^
02:50:036 - ^
02:57:872 (2,3) - maybe you can put these notes beside this stack since there's a change in the vocals here? like this.

I guess that's it. GL :D
Topic Starter

Byakugan249 wrote:

consider adding "opening" in the tags since this is the opening in this anime. ok,added
if you want, you can enable the letterbox during breaks since you're not using a SB or video.  I keep state of now :3

00:07:499 (1,2) - replace this for a 1/1 slider. it'll flow to the vocals a lot smoother during gameplay since there's a pause in this part of the song IMO. ok~ fixed
00:13:767 (2) - i'm a thinking a finish here to match that beat in the drums if you listen carefully. it'll emphasize that sound of the drums since it's so faint. added :3
00:24:066 - i'm not a fan of this empty part at all. it makes the map play inconsistently by just following vocals. since this is the easiest diff, beginners might not know when the vocals start and that might make them nervous since the hp bar is decreasing gradually. i hughly suggest that you add notes here to match the drums in the song. the flow would continue from the previous combo and IMO it'd be consistent since it's following both the vocals and the instrumental during gameplay. ok, add notes.
00:27:648 - ^ ^
00:31:230 - ^ ^
00:33:469 (2) - maybe move the 2nd point of this slider up for a smoother flow during gameplay? agree
00:34:812 - same as 00:24:066. ok~
01:03:469 (1,2,3) - perhaps you can space these notes out or replacing all this for a 1/1 repeat slider so that it's be easier for beginners to clear during gameplay? I understand it is a little difficult, but I want to highlight this part. so, no change :3
01:07:499 (4) - that repeat arrow is slightly visible and that might be a problem for beginners since they might let go because of the hitburst covering part of it. move the last point around so that it'd be fully visible for beginners (ik you hate this rule but you should follow it).ok, changed. I hate this rule, but it's in Insane :3
01:28:543 - same as 00:24:066. Changed
01:32:126 - ^ ^
01:35:708 - ^ ^
01:39:290 - ^ ^
02:07:946 (1,2,3) - same as 01:03:469. no~ :3
03:00:335 - i don't see a good reason why a 2nd downbeat is here. remove it since nothing changes here. I adjust the downbeat for me.
03:04:812 (2) - move the 2nd point down so that the flow would be smoother during gameplay. the transition from (1,2) plays awkward for me. hum, It seems good for me. no change~
03:13:320 (1,2,3) - same as 01:03:469. same reason, no change
03:27:648 (1,2,3) - ^ ^
everything seems fine, just fill out the empty slots that follow the drum and it'll be a fun diff for beginners IMO.
added some notes :3

00:03:021 (3) - add a whistle at the beginning. it'll keep that whistle pattern going from the previous note.Honestly, I prefer that don't put it. sorry no changed~~
00:06:603 (3) - ^ ^
00:10:185 (4) - ^ ^
00:14:215 (5) - add a finish here. it'll emphasize that beat of the drum in this part. ok, added same sound. I use NC1, because this map don't have taiko, I don't like put finish in the middle of the stream :3
00:22:499 (3) - perhaps you can align this to (2) so that (2-5) looks like a parallelogram. i think doing this would be easier and the flow would be smoother during gameplay IMO. like this. I don't use it, but change a bit :3
00:26:529 (4) - i think a jump fits perfectly here as there's a slight decrescendo in the vocals if you listen carefully. just move it below (5) if you do this.
no, I will not use as much as possible jump.
01:19:140 (1) - remove the NC here. it'll be consistent with the normal diff in the combos. no, normal is made by guest, there is no need to unify in my opinion :3
01:32:573 (4,5) - remove the repeat on (4) and make (5) a 1/1 slider. also move it back by 1/2 so that it'd follow the flute accurately during gameplay. (5) follows the hold on the flute and (4) follows the 1/4 part in the flute. I'm referring to the sound of the flute, but the sound of the drums are used for the basic. so I keep these now :3
01:58:991 (2) - Ctrl+R? i think it fits perfectly as the vocal tone changes at every word (1) follows "Wasure" and (2) follows "naii" in which the "ii" part is louder than the rest IMO. Don't like using Ctrl + R,but I agree with your suggestion. I will think of later design :3
02:46:454 - add a circle here. same reason as 00:01:230 on normal.  I think this is easy enough to read for people who play hard diff.
02:48:245 - ^ ^
02:50:036 - ^ ^
02:57:872 (2,3) - maybe you can put these notes beside this stack since there's a change in the vocals here? like this.
no, I want to emphasize here by stack :3
thanks for mod, 249~~~~~~~~~~<3
最近公式にログインしたので遅れてしまいました・・・。>.< PMありがとう!


00:37:051 (2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - ここ変な感じがするのでリズム変えた方がいいかも。一例ですが
00:46:902 (1,2) - 1と2入れ替えたほうが自然な感じになるかも。
02:45:111 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - ここはHardのようにシンプルなリズムのほうが綺麗だと思います。


02:56:752 (2,3) - この部分だけ音がDefaultでfinishが入ってますけどCustom 1のが自然だと思います。


01:18:021 (1,2,3,4) - ここのリズムがなんかもやもやします。01:18:469にnote入れて01:18:917 (5) - を削除してみませんか?
02:44:439 (1,2,3) - このあと速度0.5なのでこんな配置とかどうでしょうか?
02:57:648 (1,2,3,4) - ここの単発が味気ないので勢いのある配置(こんな感じ)変えてみてはどうでしょうか?
03:11:753 (2) - ここの単発が浮いてるように思えたので、前のスライダーに重ねて(x:420 y:247)、03:12:424 (4) - のスライダーをx:256 y:248にずらしてみては?
03:27:200 (1) - x:404 y:232に移動したほうが綺麗かも?03:28:096 (3) - も対称になるように移動。


Topic Starter

CuNha wrote:

最近公式にログインしたので遅れてしまいました・・・。>.< PMありがとう!


00:37:051 (2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - ここ変な感じがするのでリズム変えた方がいいかも。一例ですが 音付けをいろいろ変えてみました。 前よりは違和感がないはず・・・!
00:46:902 (1,2) - 1と2入れ替えたほうが自然な感じになるかも。 入れ替えました!
02:45:111 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - ここはHardのようにシンプルなリズムのほうが綺麗だと思います。 んんん、とりあえず保留で! 後でいろいろ考えて見ます変更しました!


01:18:021 (1,2,3,4) - ここのリズムがなんかもやもやします。01:18:469にnote入れて01:18:917 (5) - を削除してみませんか? このままで!!
02:44:439 (1,2,3) - このあと速度0.5なのでこんな配置とかどうでしょうか? 良い配置・・・ 使いたいけどなるべく初心者がミスしないように作りたいのでこのままで!!!
02:57:648 (1,2,3,4) - ここの単発が味気ないので勢いのある配置(こんな感じ)変えてみてはどうでしょうか? これもすごい使いたいんですが、全体の難易度をあわせるためにこのままで! 変更しました!
03:11:753 (2) - ここの単発が浮いてるように思えたので、前のスライダーに重ねて(x:420 y:247)、03:12:424 (4) - のスライダーをx:256 y:248にずらしてみては?
スライダー後のスタックはなるべく使わないようにしたいのでとりあえずこのままで! 後で別な配置にするかも
03:27:200 (1) - x:404 y:232に移動したほうが綺麗かも?03:28:096 (3) - も対称になるように移動。 修正しました!


mod and starありがとうございました!!!!!!!
Hi, terametis~~~~

02:52:275 (1,2,3) - overlap...
02:54:066 (1,2,3) - ^

14551,-100,4,2,0,80,0,0 I think the green line here is just to change the custom hitsound, so increasing the volume is unnecessary. Or if you want to emphasize the end of the spinner, set green line at 14663, since the spinnerspin.wav will increase suddenly.
48581,-100,4,2,0,80,0,0 ^
79029,-100,4,2,0,90,0,1 remove
114849,-100,4,2,0,90,0,0 remove
180446,-100,4,2,1,80,0,1 You don't need a green timing section here..... If you want to change volume, you just only change at red timing section....

02:45:111 (1,2) -

Perfect hitsound!!!!!!!!
I really love this song~Rank it!
thank you everyone.almost fixed :)
Topic Starter

cmn_891127 wrote:

Hi, terametis~~~~ hi :3

02:52:275 (1,2,3) - overlap...  I keep state of now. Fixed
02:54:066 (1,2,3) - ^       ^ ^

02:45:111 (1,2) -  changed some :3

Perfect hitsound!!!!!!!!
I really love this song~Rank it!
thank you for mod & star~~~~~~~~~ :3
oh Utawarerumono

The dark-blue/dark-red combo is kinda hard to see with this BG at some times, make it little brighter?

00:21:827 (1) - I think a regular finish would be good here~
00:29:887 (3,4,1) - try avoiding such overlaps
01:19:140 (1) - regular finish
01:26:305 (1) - ^
01:53:842 (2) - clap
02:58:320 (4) - clap
01:58:991 (2) - reverse this? it might be too random though
02:58:320 (4) - clap
02:59:439 (1) - finish on head
03:14:215 (6,7,8,9,1) - make the spacing equal here
03:42:872 (3) - whistle?

00:33:021 (1,2) - re-arrange this a bit to that the overlap becomes more pretty? you might want to fix the spacing on the next object after this 00:54:066 (1,2,3) - re-arrange here as well? 01:08:394 (1,2,3) - move (3) further down so you wont misjudge which to hit first
01:13:767 (4) - 1 grid right
02:21:827 (1) - finish
02:45:111 (1) - regular finish at start?
03:09:961 (3) - move this a bit down to prevent mini overlap?

00:18:917 (2) - finish on tail
01:17:349 (1) - regular finish instead
01:53:170 (3) - custom clap on tail
02:21:827 (1) - regular finish
02:27:200 (2) - clap at start & end
02:45:111 (1) - regular finish on start

good luck :3
Topic Starter

Saten wrote:

oh Utawarerumono

The dark-blue/dark-red combo is kinda hard to see with this BG at some times, make it little brighter?
I try to find a better color :3

00:21:827 (1) - I think a regular finish would be good here~ Finish here is a good sound, but if add finnish here, I feel a strange to 00:25:409.
00:29:887 (3,4,1) - try avoiding such overlaps Because I like this flow, keeping the state of the now.
01:19:140 (1) - regular finish ok~
01:26:305 (1) - ^ no, same reason as 00:21:827.
01:53:842 (2) - clap I'm good with that without the clap here, only to give away the largest clap part :3
02:58:320 (4) - clap ^
01:58:991 (2) - reverse this? it might be too random though. hmm, Don't like using Ctrl + R but I will think of later new design :3
02:58:320 (4) - clap no
02:59:439 (1) - finish on head ok~
03:14:215 (6,7,8,9,1) - make the spacing equal here fixed
03:42:872 (3) - whistle? I keep state of now :3

00:18:917 (2) - finish on tail ok~
01:17:349 (1) - regular finish instead Fixed
01:53:170 (3) - custom clap on tail no
02:21:827 (1) - regular finish ok :3
02:27:200 (2) - clap at start & end change hitsound pattern :3
02:45:111 (1) - regular finish on start no, I like things now~

good luck :3
thanks for mod~<3


  1. 00:35:708 (4,5) - i think it's too close to the slider @.@ move here
  2. 00:55:857 (1) - move left 1grid o.o
  3. 00:57:536 (9) - add note here?
  4. 01:11:864 (9) - add note? i think there's another beat in music
  5. 02:16:342 - ^
  6. 03:07:387 - ^
  7. 03:36:043 - ^
  8. 02:59:439 (1) - 0.75x speed and end at 03:00:111 .?

  1. 01:13:767 (4) - move right a little ..? about 1.5 grids(?
  2. 01:47:126 (5) - miss blanket.?
  3. 01:47:797 (1) - move up the end..?

  1. 00:27:200 (3) - new combo here, don't stack with different color, it may confuse beginners
  2. 01:31:678 (2) - ^
  3. 00:46:902 (1) - move on (2)..?
  4. 01:28:543 (1) - remove new combo.?
  5. 02:58:320 (4) - symmetry o.o

Good luck~
Let's see...


As for tags, try to add something like music genre there, also maybe some keywords that are widely connected to the anime for people to find your map better when they look for it.

To suit the kiai-ish atmosphere better, add flashes at:

  • 01:04:812
You should try to get a .png (or higher quality .jpg) background file, I find most .jpgs somewhat pixelish at points and it shouldn't take too much time to find a nice .png data or generate one yourself.

Provided one for you, this feels better to me - either rename it to what your current BG-name is or change the used image in your folders after:


In my opinion, you map too much of just-1/2s and straight lines - the song is not consistent and static enough to do that, you should variate your flow more to fit the atmosphere and vocals better instead of sticking to 1/2s.
Also, there are many blanketting sliders that are to better out.
There are no 1/8s here as far as I see, 1/6 is the fastest in the song, so change these sliders.

  • 00:02:126 (1,2) - I found these somewhat meeh to click/hold, that might be me though, just pointing out since that is a feel I get here
    00:03:021 (3) - 1/6 snap fits better here, at least that is my impression
    00:05:708 (1,2) - same as for 00:02:126
    00:06:603 (3) - again, 1/6 seems more fitting to me
    00:07:051 (4) - that is pretty nazi but the end doesn't have the exact same distance to next 1 as the rest, adjust it a little without gridsnap to get a perfect blanket
    00:08:170 (3) - the middle of this slider is further away from 4/5 than the rest, as above, adjust it a little to get the perfect blanketting effect
    00:10:185 (4) - 1/6 & suchs
    00:10:633 (5,6) - these seem to somewhat belong together and thus, a slider feels more comfortable here (to me)
    00:11:081 (1) - same as for 00:07:051, the blanket is not 'perfect' and can be bettered out
    00:11:081 (1,2) - I don't like this since using the exact same shape twice and also when done like this, it doesn't really generate or guide flow, this just looks lazy; I suggest blanketting 5/6 with those sliders

    00:11:976 (3) - you will have to adjust this to lead into the old flow after the changed pattern; I suggest placing it on top of 5/6 and letting it point through the space between 1,2
    00:13:767 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1) - I do not see this stream reasoned, don't hear 1/4s there
    00:15:558 (4) - there is no reason for 1/4s here
    00:16:006 (5,1) - these don't compliment each other very well because of the just flipped shape; again, I suggest a similar shape as with 00:11:081 (1,2); also, I do not really see where these are put on in the song
    00:16:902 (2,3,4) - I don't enjoy the 90° angles between these, they make it feel so edgy and unflowy :/
    00:18:245 (1) - building this bow around the and of 4 makes it feel more related to each other and also leads better into 2
    00:19:812 (1) - the curve could be smoother; move the second sliderpoint 2 grids down and 2 right (size 4), also the fifth 2 grids up and 1 left (size 4 aswell)
    00:21:379 (2) - you can put that more into the direction which 1 leads to, to catch the shapes flow better
    00:25:857 (2,3,4,5,1) - the 90° angles and straight lines here feel meeh
    00:27:984 - this sound is unmapped but should be mapped
    00:31:230 (2,3) - this, as for an example, is a thing where you can follow the song and flow better by replacing 2 with a circle and a 1/1-long slider - this point in the music is likely perfect for something like this because of the background sound in the song which is the only thing lasting there; 1/2-spam is overmapped and unfitting here
    00:34:364 (1,2,3) - this is overmapped and doesn't suit the song; you should just map the white beats here, as audible in the song
    00:35:036 (3,4,5,1) - the straight line between these (end of 3-45-1) feels meeh and unflowy
    00:41:529 (1,2,3,4) - since you switch into something faster and 1/2-ish here, you could replace the sliders with circles; that gives more of the feel the objects create here
    00:49:812 (3,4,5,6,7,8,1) - not sure about these 1/4s - I can't really notice something justifying them in the song, though they don't feel totally out of place... :/
    00:52:499 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1) - this straight line is totally meeh and unflowy :/
    00:54:290 (2) - that slider is hard and unfitting to click and hold since it starts on a red tick and is not set on the vocals which it appears you are trying to follow here (though you place 1/2s at likely every spot in the map...)
    00:55:857 (1) - the middle of the slider is too close to 2-3, better the blanket out
    00:57:648 (1,2,3) - having all of these (end of 1-start and end of 2-3) on the same heigth is meeh and feels so static...
    00:59:439 (1,2,3,4) - these totally feel overdone; the vocals go down here and even pause, still you keep your permanent 1/2-rhythm
    01:03:917 (5,6,7,8,9,10,1) - those straight lines
    01:03:917 (5,6,7) - here should be 1/4s between these
    01:04:364 (7,8,9,10) - those 1/4s are overmapped, there is nothing similar in the song

    01:35:484 (2) - replacing that with circles would fit better since short sliders on red ticks are mostly meeh to play
    01:36:603 (4) - better that blanket out as the ones before
    01:37:499 (2) - I do not like this slidershape here, there should be something that catches the forward motion of 1, not something that stops and goes down which this one does because it is played like that
    01:40:185 (4) - better blanket out :v
    01:40:633 (1) - ^
    01:46:902 (4) - there is no reason for the 1/4s
    01:48:693 (3) - ^
    01:50:484 (3) - ^
    01:53:842 (2,3) - there should be 1/4s between these, if you follow the background music which is audible here
    01:54:626 (6,7,8) - these are overdone
    02:01:230 (3) - I didn't catch this one because it totally breaks with the song, imo; there is nothing to map on here, nothing
    02:08:841 (7,8,9,10,1) - there is nothing audible here to reason the 1/4s
    02:09:289 (1) - this doesn't catch the stream's forward motion but just gives a turn to the flow which feels awkward

    02:52:275 (1,2,3) - I do not see the reason for the 1/2s in the song here
    02:54:066 (1,2,3) - ^
    02:55:857 (1,2,3,4) - ^
    02:59:439 (1) - this should be a 1/2-reverseslider with a finish on start and arrow
    03:02:350 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1) - this straight line doesn't suit the song well
    03:05:708 (1) - better this blanket out
    03:13:768 (4,5,6,7,8,9,1) - a) the straight line of 4-1 feels meh, b) 1 doesn't catch the motion of previous objects and thus feels flowbreaking
    03:25:409 (1) - blanket
    03:34:364 (1) - ^

Patche's Normal:

The volume feels a tad high in the beginning, lower by 10-15%?
This diff follows the background stuff in the song pretty well, I like that~

  • 00:25:409 (1) - the second part (at about 2/3 of the slider) feels a bit meh, especcially the part around the second slidertick
    00:27:200 (2) - that curve feels a bit inbalanced, try around here to make it more suiting
    00:34:140 (3) - new combo because of the new soundpattern which you are following?
    00:44:439 (2,3) - I do not like the overlap between these two
    00:50:484 (1) - I'd like to see this bow a bit strengthened by moving the sliderpoint a bit down-left
    01:15:558 (1) - let this blanket 2 properly, right now it's a bit clunchy

    01:28:096 (5) - make the sliderend fit around 3 better, it could be improved easily
    01:32:797 (6) - a bit close to 4's slidertrack for my taste, a grid right would do (size 3)
    01:37:051 (1) - the curve is a bit too strong, move the sliderpoint a bit up to balance that more out
    01:38:618 (4) - as in earlier example, new combo for new soundpattern you are following
    01:47:126 (5) - sliderpoint a little to the left for more balance in the curve
    01:55:185 (2,4) - though these are somewhat wide apart from each other, it still feels clustery having them overlap, even if it is just visible in edit
    01:59:439 (2) - I found that slider somewhat hard to catch because it is barely audible
    02:03:917 (4) - move the sliderend a bit up for a more appealing curve (also, a bit left)

    02:09:066 (7) - this slider is a ninja
    02:17:573 (2) - do not like how this one starts on a red tick; hard to catch and such

    02:34:364 (1) - move the sliderpoint more between the two sliderticks (well, a bit above tho) and generate more of a balanced curve

    02:37:946 (1) - same/similar for this one
    02:59:439 (7,8,1,2,3) - this may be very confusing to newbies because there are many objects visible at a time which form some shape but not in the order they would expect it to happen - consider some redesign for readability?
    03:29:887 (2) - I'd like to see this curve strengthened, as in, more of a bow
    03:37:946 (4) - ^


1/8 snap enabled leads the modders to a wrong track here as they expect something 1/8-ish then which would be totally misplaced in an easy, just switch it to 1/2; also, you could easily drag a note slightly wrong on 1/8, so change that.

  • 00:00:335 (1,3) - those curves could be more pretty, the bow feels somewhat weak
    00:07:499 (1) - better that blanket out
    00:14:663 (1) - ^; also, this isn't symmetric, better that out

    01:38:394 (2) - that isn't symmetric as it should be
    01:41:529 (2) - the curve feels somewhat awkward though I can't exactly tell how; consider a shapechange or something similar
    02:30:782 (3) - use a mirrored version of 1 (just ctrl-H 1 here)
Colin Hou
  1. 01:47:797 ~ 01:50:932 - suggesting make 01:47:797 (1) longer, and end at 01:48:133 to make it fits the vocal/music better, same as 01:49:588 (1).
  2. 00:43:320 ~ 00:46:678 - ^
  3. 01:54:402 (4) - remove it
  4. 02:52:275 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - map with the vocal is better to me
  1. AR+1? and the star rating became 4 star, lol
  1. Utaware2 has a fade-in at 01:19:140, but the time is really short and 0.6 is kind of too much for it, try 0.5 and make the in/out time longer?
5 combos in Hard is kind of overmapped, but not that bad
Topic Starter
thanks for mod really~ :)
My English really bad. and I don't write it if don't change for similar reasons. Please forgive my negligence.

Edit:I reaffirm the mod several times. Editing and adding some of these replies.

Let's see...


To suit the kiai-ish atmosphere better, add flashes at:

  • 01:04:812
You should try to get a .png (or higher quality .jpg) background file, I find most .jpgs somewhat pixelish at points and it shouldn't take too much time to find a nice .png data or generate one yourself.

Provided one for you, this feels better to me - either rename it to what your current BG-name is or change the used image in your folders after:

changed thank you~~<33
add some SB by patchouli :3


In my opinion, you map too much of just-1/2s and straight lines - the song is not consistent and static enough to do that, you should variate your flow more to fit the atmosphere and vocals better instead of sticking to 1/2s.
These is good enough for me. I really prefer to use to repeat the same rhythm, the pattern.
I understand there is something better than in the pivotal points. but I think this is not bad. because it is possible to emphasize the place that does not use them. The important thing for me, the emphasis should be made ​​where. it is not by changing the pattern in all locations.

Also, there are many blanketting sliders that are to better out.
Honestly for me, this is the extent that don't feel uncomfortable.
There are no 1/8s here as far as I see, 1/6 is the fastest in the song, so change these sliders.
I agree with your opinion, but this is intentional overmapped. There is only reason it is my favorite, so I will fix if it is pointed out a lot of people.

  • 00:02:126 (1,2) - I found these somewhat meeh to click/hold, that might be me though, just pointing out since that is a feel I get here I agree to become a better flow. but I want to every single beat in this part by lyrics. so don't change.
    00:03:021 (3) - 1/6 snap fits better here, at least that is my impression However, I like these soft hitsound. If there are a number of indications, I will fix this.
    00:05:708 (1,2) - same as for 00:02:126 Since these are the basic pattern in my Hard, keep this.
    00:06:603 (3) - again, 1/6 seems more fitting to me. same reason as 00:03:021
    00:07:051 (4) - that is pretty nazi but the end doesn't have the exact same distance to next 1 as the rest, adjust it a little without gridsnap to get a perfect blanket Honestly, it is perfect for me. Without gs, for me it look exactly the same only. (Although they are technically different, of course. )
    00:08:170 (3) - the middle of this slider is further away from 4/5 than the rest, as above, adjust it a little to get the perfect blanketting effect
    I feel it would not be a problem. respect blanket is the same as 00:07:051.
    00:10:185 (4) - 1/6 & suchs Same as 00:03:021
    00:10:633 (5,6) - these seem to somewhat belong together and thus, a slider feels more comfortable here (to me)
    I don't think slider is good for me. and I want to emphasize 00:11:081 (1,2) by placing a single here.
    00:11:081 (1) - same as for 00:07:051, the blanket is not 'perfect' and can be bettered out same as 00:07:051
    00:11:081 (1,2) - I don't like this since using the exact same shape twice and also when done like this, it doesn't really generate or guide flow, this just looks lazy; I suggest blanketting 5/6 with those sliders
    I think those flows is good. but I don't use it in order to make a consistent pattern.
    00:11:976 (3) - you will have to adjust this to lead into the old flow after the changed pattern; I suggest placing it on top of 5/6 and letting it point through the space between 1,2 Was not used for these elements, I keep it
    00:13:767 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1) - I do not see this stream reasoned, don't hear 1/4s there deleted some notes. but I keep 5 combo.
    00:15:558 (4) - there is no reason for 1/4s here It seems to me that there is 1/4.
    00:16:902 (2,3,4) - I don't enjoy the 90° angles between these, they make it feel so edgy and unflowy :/ It works well for me.
    00:18:245 (1) - building this bow around the and of 4 makes it feel more related to each other and also leads better into 2 it's not good for me in the flow.
    00:19:812 (1) - the curve could be smoother; move the second sliderpoint 2 grids down and 2 right (size 4), also the fifth 2 grids up and 1 left (size 4 aswell) fixed
    00:21:379 (2) - you can put that more into the direction which 1 leads to, to catch the shapes flow better I agree, but it breaks the pattern.
    00:25:857 (2,3,4,5,1) - the 90° angles and straight lines here feel meeh
    00:27:984 - this sound is unmapped but should be mapped It's a little difficult for me.
    00:31:230 (2,3) - this, as for an example, is a thing where you can follow the song and flow better by replacing 2 with a circle and a 1/1-long slider - this point in the music is likely perfect for something like this because of the background sound in the song which is the only thing lasting there; 1/2-spam is overmapped and unfitting here I really prefer to use to repeat the same rhythm, the pattern.
    00:34:364 (1,2,3) - this is overmapped and doesn't suit the song; you should just map the white beats here, as audible in the song For me, this is not a overmapped.
    00:35:036 (3,4,5,1) - the straight line between these (end of 3-45-1) feels meeh and unflowy It is natural for me.
    00:41:529 (1,2,3,4) - since you switch into something faster and 1/2-ish here, you could replace the sliders with circles; that gives more of the feel the objects create here no, I feel these flow better.
    00:49:812 (3,4,5,6,7,8,1) - not sure about these 1/4s - I can't really notice something justifying them in the song, though they don't feel totally out of place... :/ I'm not going to change this. This works really well for me
    00:52:499 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1) - this straight line is totally meeh and unflowy :/ However, I like a straight line. They are very intuitive for me.
    00:54:290 (2) - that slider is hard and unfitting to click and hold since it starts on a red tick and is not set on the vocals which it appears you are trying to follow here (though you place 1/2s at likely every spot in the map...) This slider makes it easy to play, IMO
    00:55:857 (1) - the middle of the slider is too close to 2-3, better the blanket out I used x0.94 in many parts. So, they do not change.
    00:57:648 (1,2,3) - having all of these (end of 1-start and end of 2-3) on the same heigth is meeh and feels so static... hum, I like straight. sorry no change.
    01:03:917 (5,6,7) - here should be 1/4s between these It is a cool design intuitive for me.
    01:04:364 (7,8,9,10) - those 1/4s are overmapped, there is nothing similar in the song ^
    01:35:484 (2) - replacing that with circles would fit better since short sliders on red ticks are mostly meeh to play I think it is also a good flow, a fully playable.
    01:36:603 (4) - better that blanket out as the ones before same as 00:07:051
    01:37:499 (2) - I do not like this slidershape here, there should be something that catches the forward motion of 1, not something that stops and goes down which this one does because it is played like that Agree to not good, but I don't want to use jump. so I hold it now.
    01:40:185 (4) - better blanket out :v same as 00:07:051
    01:40:633 (1) - ^              ^
    01:46:902 (4) - there is no reason for the 1/4s 1/4 can hear for me.
    01:48:693 (3) - ^ ^
    01:50:484 (3) - ^ ^
    01:53:842 (2,3) - there should be 1/4s between these, if you follow the background music which is audible here ahh, It sounds indeed, I do not like the long stream of here.
    01:54:626 (6,7,8) - these are overdone These are totally my favorite. Dont change this. because This map is a my map :3
    02:01:230 (3) - I didn't catch this one because it totally breaks with the song, imo; there is nothing to map on here, nothing  Remove the sound of this cause unnecessary mistakes.
    02:08:841 (7,8,9,10,1) - there is nothing audible here to reason the 1/4s same as 01:54:626
    02:09:289 (1) - this doesn't catch the stream's forward motion but just gives a turn to the flow which feels awkward I think that is an important point because of the song, this is the change to be accepted.
    02:52:275 (1,2,3) - I do not see the reason for the 1/2s in the song here agree. changed~
    02:54:066 (1,2,3) - ^ ^
    02:55:857 (1,2,3,4) - ^ I keep state of now.
    02:59:439 (1) - this should be a 1/2-reverseslider with a finish on start and arrow Fixed
    03:02:350 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1) - this straight line doesn't suit the song well same reason. I like straight.
    03:05:708 (1) - better this blanket out same reason as 00:07:051
    03:13:768 (4,5,6,7,8,9,1) - a) the straight line of 4-1 feels meh, b) 1 doesn't catch the motion of previous objects and thus feels flowbreaking same reason. sorry, I like straight. and same reason as 02:09:289.
    03:25:409 (1) - blanket same reason as 00:07:051
    03:34:364 (1) - ^     ^


1/8 snap enabled leads the modders to a wrong track here as they expect something 1/8-ish then which would be totally misplaced in an easy, just switch it to 1/2; also, you could easily drag a note slightly wrong on 1/8, so change that. ok

  • 00:00:335 (1,3) - those curves could be more pretty, the bow feels somewhat weak Honestly, I don't feel bad curves.
    00:07:499 (1) - better that blanket out Honestly, it is perfect for me.
    00:14:663 (1) - ^; also, this isn't symmetric, better that out change pattern
    01:38:394 (2) - that isn't symmetric as it should be I feel that it is not important
    01:41:529 (2) - the curve feels somewhat awkward though I can't exactly tell how; consider a shapechange or something similar  hum, I do not think things are bad now. However, a little change.
    02:30:782 (3) - use a mirrored version of 1 (just ctrl-H 1 here) changed
Topic Starter

Colin Hou wrote:

  1. 01:47:797 ~ 01:50:932 - suggesting make 01:47:797 (1) longer, and end at 01:48:133 to make it fits the vocal/music better, same as 01:49:588 (1).
    I agree with it, but I don't come up with a good design that conforms to it. I think rhythm is not so bad now, so I keep state of now.
  2. 00:43:320 ~ 00:46:678 - ^ ^
  3. 01:54:402 (4) - remove it Change some of volume . I prefer this overmapped. so no changed.
  4. 02:52:275 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - map with the vocal is better to me I don't depend on those vocals. but change the note of all.

  1. Utaware2 has a fade-in at 01:19:140, but the time is really short and 0.6 is kind of too much for it, try 0.5 and make the in/out time longer?
    ahh sorry, I had forgotten to change the BG. Now is probably a good state.
5 combos in Hard is kind of overmapped, but not that bad
thank you for mod~~ :3
You actually didn't reply to most of my mod, did your post get messed up?
Topic Starter
I'm not asking for a perfect blanket, I'm asking a pattern that is uniform in me.
Since the linear design and 90 ° in which I particularly like, it is not going to change.
As for overmapped, I have been using them intentionally, it is my style.
Reason of those things I have not written. All of those reasons are summarized in the fact that because it is mapping my style.
They are certainly capable of change, but it should not be changed for me.
Anyway, I'm grateful for your mod :3

terametis wrote:

As for overmapped, [...] it is my style.
Huh ?

Also no comment on using "it's my style" as an excuse not to fix something you have no actual reason to do.

I wanted to mod this because of the song (one of the first anime I've seen etc etc) but I'll refrain, I don't want to read "it's my style" as an answer and see my whole mod be denied. I'd rather spend time modding maps for people who actually consider mods.
Topic Starter
I don't know it is bad why break my style as a reason to reject the mod...
I have a really bad English, but if I have very well English skill, I still use this reason.
I might be able to far-fetched as much as possible the reason, but the really reason is break my style.
Odaril, saying "no comment" and then immediately following up with a comment looks ridiculous.
Topic Starter
EDIT:I don't want to fight. It's my fault, sorry everyone.

Garven wrote:

Odaril, saying "no comment" and then immediately following up with a comment looks ridiculous.
Saying "no comment" itself is ridiculous, since you're commenting by saying "no comment". And that was the whole point of my post.
Snowy Dream
Mod request from Snowy Dream's Queue

00:16:454 (3,4) - what about this?

01:03:021 (3) - try to remove this note?
01:43:320 (4) - ^
03:12:872 (3) - ^
03:27:200 (3) - ^
02:59:439 (1) - try this

[Patche's Normal]
Unsnapped inherited (green) sections at:
03:41:400 - snap to 03:41:417

00:12:648 - use whistle instead of finish
01:13:320 (3,4) - looks bad here :<

01:14:663 - put a note here since the voice is here
02:05:036 (5) - remove this note?
02:56:529 (2,3) - no no.. should be this one..

00:14:551 (7) - remove this plz . (sounds better to me)
03:43:320 (1) - extend to 03:46:902
Excellent Mapset
:3 Good Job
Topic Starter

Snowy Dream wrote:


00:16:454 (3,4) - what about this? fixed :3

01:03:021 (3) - try to remove this note? no, I want to highlight this part :3
01:43:320 (4) - ^ ok~
03:12:872 (3) - ^ no, same reason with 01:03:021
03:27:200 (3) - ^ ^
02:59:439 (1) - try this fixed

00:14:551 (7) - remove this plz . (sounds better to me) ok, remove it
03:43:320 (1) - extend to 03:46:902   Now the state is good for me. no change~
thank you for mod and star~~~<3
Sorry for long delay...

01:47:349 - Add note with clap?

[Patche's Normal]
* AR +1?

01:13:767 (4) - Add finish at tail slider
01:18:021 (1) - Better to remove finish, then
01:28:096 (5) - Add finish at tail slider

02:52:275 (5) - New combo?
02:57:648 (1,2,3,4,5) - I think jump pattern would be better than stack pattern....

That's all I got, hope it's help~
Topic Starter

Leorda wrote:

01:47:349 - Add note with clap? ok~

02:52:275 (5) - New combo? no, I like things now.
02:57:648 (1,2,3,4,5) - I think jump pattern would be better than stack pattern.... I like things now, but it was pointed out many. so changed~
thanks for mod~~<3
sorry,i'm busy studying,and no time to mod Some time ago.

:arrow: Easy

01:17:349 (1) - this spinner moves to 01:19:140 (1) -
02:23:170 (1) - this spinner moves to 02:23:618 (1) -
02:25:409 (1) - delete this note
03:41:529 (1) - this spinner moves to 03:43:320 -
this is a easy diff,spinner not too close the notea

:arrow: Hard

02:03:917 (1,2,3) - it can be replaced jump
02:26:305 (1,2,3,4) - ^

sorry,my english is not well ,
this maps is good :)
and i'museless
Topic Starter

-[NYAN]- wrote:

:arrow: Easy

01:17:349 (1) - this spinner moves to 01:19:140 (1) - I think, the note after the spinner is difficult, but it is easy to get started spinner.
02:23:170 (1) - this spinner moves to 02:23:618 (1) -  ^
02:25:409 (1) - delete this note no, this time is sufficient, IMO
03:41:529 (1) - this spinner moves to 03:43:320 - same reason with 01:17:349
this is a easy diff,spinner not too close the notea

:arrow: Hard

02:03:917 (1,2,3) - it can be replaced jump   They are certainly putting is possible, I prefer things now.
02:26:305 (1,2,3,4) - ^             I feel don’t fit jump here.
sorry, all not fixed.
but I'm grateful for your mod and star~~<3
Hi from PM
00:46:902(1) スタックを(2)のスライダーの方へした方がわかりやすいかと思います
01:09:290(2) 前のスライダーの終点が下向きで直後上向きなので、配置を変えてみてはどうですか? e.g)
02:18:245(3) 左向きにしてみてはどうですか?
00:24:961(2) ここのスタックですが、リズムが変わるので初心者には少し分かりづらいかもしれません。素直な音取りにしてみてはどうですか?

Patche's Normal
00:11:976(3) y:264?
03:33:245(2) スタックを(1)の終点から(3)の始点に移動した方がわかりやすいかなと思います
00:35:708 ボーカルに合わせてノート追加?
02:10:815(2,3) ちょっとNormalでは打ちにくいように感じたので、以下の様な音取りはどうですか?
Hit Sonud
02:56:752(2) finish削除?

02:50:260(1) remove NC → 02:51:379(8) NC (スペーシングの間隔が変わるところでNCを置いてみるのはどうですか?)
Hit Sonud
02:24:290(2~) ここのスライダーの各所に鈴(?)の音が聞こえるのでwhistleを追加してみては?
03:42:872(3) add whistle?

とても綺麗な譜面で、moddingが力不足だったと思います :(  Good Luck & star!
Topic Starter

kajiyatta wrote:

Hi from PM
00:46:902(1) スタックを(2)のスライダーの方へした方がわかりやすいかと思います 変更しました!
01:09:290(2) 前のスライダーの終点が下向きで直後上向きなので、配置を変えてみてはどうですか? e.g) 例とは違う感じですが、修正!
02:18:245(3) 左向きにしてみてはどうですか? ここはこのままで!
00:24:961(2) ここのスタックですが、リズムが変わるので初心者には少し分かりづらいかもしれません。素直な音取りにしてみてはどうですか? 配置が思いつかないので、とりあえずこのままで! 後で変更すると思います! 変更!

02:50:260(1) remove NC → 02:51:379(8) NC (スペーシングの間隔が変わるところでNCを置いてみるのはどうですか?) パターン的に間違ったNCだとおもいますが、このままのほうがかっこいいと思うのでこのままで!! 同じ指摘が来たので修正しました!!
Hit Sonud
02:24:290(2~) ここのスライダーの各所に鈴(?)の音が聞こえるのでwhistleを追加してみては? いくつか追加しました!! ありがとうございます!
03:42:872(3) add whistle? このままで!

とても綺麗な譜面で、moddingが力不足だったと思います :(  Good Luck & star!
とても良いmodと☆ありがとうございます! Easyのやりづらい部分は、時間があるときにしっかり直したいと思います!
Slider tick sounds <3
Tick rate 2 fits this song best
00:14:663 - I can set the title text to appear here if you'd like.
03:28:991 - I'm surprised there isn't a new kiai fountain here.
I really think some default soft whistle use would spruce up the hitsounds a lot better. Right now you have the really subtle custom whistle everywhere but it doesn't add very much when it comes to emphasizing clicks.

00:24:066 (1,2) - 00:27:200 (3,1) - Changing the rhythm on stacks isn't recommended in Easy difficulties.
02:06:603 (2,1) - Slight overlap due to stacking.

00:44:439 (2,3) - Think you could position these so they aren't overlapping?
01:13:320 (3,4) - ^
03:33:245 (2) - This stack was unusual to come across since the entire map doesn't really have these, and the general patter afterward makes it look like it should continue on, not stack. Maybe unstack?
03:36:827 (2) - This one was okay though since the pattern didn't imply continuation.
Really nice Normal.

00:49:812 (3,4,5,6,7,8,1) - Kind of wary of streams longer than 5 hits in a difficulty marked as Hard
01:54:290 (3,4,5,6,7,8,1) - ^
02:45:111 (1) - New combo use is strange during this part. It looks like you wanted to emphasize patterns, but you missed the new combo at 02:52:275 (5) -

Nice set! It was a pleasure to play.
Topic Starter

Garven wrote:

Slider tick sounds <3
Tick rate 2 fits this song best
yeah, I agree to match the tick sound to this song. However for me, tickrate 2 is a little noisy. If a person with high technology, perhaps it is possible to act well. but honestly I can't use better this sound :3

00:14:663 - I can set the title text to appear here if you'd like. It is so very good<333  Can I ask you it?
03:28:991 - I'm surprised there isn't a new kiai fountain here. I'm going to change it. but I need to consult with the guest, so keep it now.changed
I really think some default soft whistle use would spruce up the hitsounds a lot better. Right now you have the really subtle custom whistle everywhere but it doesn't add very much when it comes to emphasizing clicks.
hmm, I like the sound of now. but look at this proposal, I have to consider where to use this sound.
However, in my head is filled with the sound of me, I don't know better than it where use.
If possible, could you tell me the part should be used it for you :3

00:24:066 (1,2) - 00:27:200 (3,1) - Changing the rhythm on stacks isn't recommended in Easy difficulties. Fixed
02:06:603 (2,1) - Slight overlap due to stacking. ^

00:49:812 (3,4,5,6,7,8,1) - Kind of wary of streams longer than 5 hits in a difficulty marked as Hard I understand that is a difficult rhythm. But as a whole mapset, I haven't used difficult spacing. So, they should be able to stay within the timing on stream. and I believe fun for people to play Hard diff :3
01:54:290 (3,4,5,6,7,8,1) - ^ ^
02:45:111 (1) - New combo use is strange during this part. It looks like you wanted to emphasize patterns, but you missed the new combo at 02:52:275 (5) -  add New combo to 02:52:275 (5). I thought added Newcmbo is looks not good, so I didn't gave it. but some people point out about it, so changed :3

Nice set! It was a pleasure to play.
Sorry for bad English :(
Really thanks for mod and star~~~<3
Kawayi Rika
Hi ~ terametis ~ :)

Mod time for my luck Queue ~

Red : Must be fixed
Pink : Should be fixed
Purple : Just suggestions


  1. 00:52:275 (1) - Stack on 00:52:499 (2) - start point,because nc looks a bit confused.
  2. 01:06:603 (1) - Same as above.
  3. 01:56:752 (1) - ^
  4. 03:02:126 (1) - ^
  5. 03:16:454 (1) - ^
  6. 01:19:140 (1) - Remove short new combo.
  7. 03:24:962 (4,5,1) - Move to center.

[Patche's Normal]

  1. AR+1 much better with play.
  2. 01:15:558 (1,2) - Try make more blanket.
  3. 01:38:618 (4) - Add new combo.
  4. 02:21:827 (1) - Add finish(50% volume) sound better.


  1. 00:05:708 (3) - Should change like this.
  2. 00:26:305 (2) - Flip this slider like this.
  3. 02:55:410 (2,1) - Spacing error.

That's all ~ Awesome map and this song <3

Call me back recheck ~ when you are ready ~
Topic Starter

Kawayi Rika wrote:

Hi ~ terametis ~ :)

Mod time for my luck Queue ~

Red : Must be fixed
Pink : Should be fixed
Purple : Just suggestions


  1. 00:52:275 (1) - Stack on 00:52:499 (2) - start point,because nc looks a bit confused. hmm, I understand it looks a little bad, but I prefer this flow. so keep this~~
  2. 01:06:603 (1) - Same as above. change pattern
  3. 01:56:752 (1) - ^ No change, same reason as 00:52:275.
  4. 03:02:126 (1) - ^ ^
  5. 03:16:454 (1) - ^ ^
  6. 01:19:140 (1) - Remove short new combo. Since it is a part that doesn't depend on the lyrics, I want to keep this.
  7. 03:24:962 (4,5,1) - Move to center. ok~~ changed :3


  1. 00:05:708 (3) - Should change like this. ok~ and same change 00:09:290 (3) - .
  2. 00:26:305 (2) - Flip this slider like this. hmm, no. I prefer state of now :3
  3. 02:55:410 (2,1) - Spacing error. changed pattern :3

That's all ~ Awesome map and this song <3

Call me back recheck ~ when you are ready ~
thank you for mod~~~~~~<33

Saten wrote:

oh Utawarerumono

00:33:021 (1,2) - re-arrange this a bit to that the overlap becomes more pretty? you might want to fix the spacing on the next object after this ok
00:54:066 (1,2,3) - re-arrange here as well? 01:08:394 (1,2,3) - move (3) further down so you wont misjudge which to hit firstok
01:13:767 (4) - 1 grid rightok
02:21:827 (1) - finishok
02:45:111 (1) - regular finish at start?
03:09:961 (3) - move this a bit down to prevent mini overlap? ok

good luck :3

[CSGA]Ar3sgice wrote:



  1. 01:13:767 (4) - move right a little ..? about 1.5 grids(? ok
  2. 01:47:126 (5) - miss blanket.?
  3. 01:47:797 (1) - move up the end..? ok
Good luck~

Jenny wrote:

Let's see...

Patche's Normal:

The volume feels a tad high in the beginning, lower by 10-15%?
This diff follows the background stuff in the song pretty well, I like that~ thanks :D

  • 00:25:409 (1) - the second part (at about 2/3 of the slider) feels a bit meh, especcially the part around the second slidertick
    00:27:200 (2) - that curve feels a bit inbalanced, try around here to make it more suiting done
    00:34:140 (3) - new combo because of the new soundpattern which you are following? done
    00:44:439 (2,3) - I do not like the overlap between these two
    00:50:484 (1) - I'd like to see this bow a bit strengthened by moving the sliderpoint a bit down-left done
    01:15:558 (1) - let this blanket 2 properly, right now it's a bit clunchy done

    01:28:096 (5) - make the sliderend fit around 3 better, it could be improved easily done
    01:32:797 (6) - a bit close to 4's slidertrack for my taste, a grid right would do (size 3) done
    01:37:051 (1) - the curve is a bit too strong, move the sliderpoint a bit up to balance that more out done
    01:38:618 (4) - as in earlier example, new combo for new soundpattern you are following done
    01:47:126 (5) - sliderpoint a little to the left for more balance in the curve done
    01:55:185 (2,4) - though these are somewhat wide apart from each other, it still feels clustery having them overlap, even if it is just visible in edit done
    01:59:439 (2) - I found that slider somewhat hard to catch because it is barely audible done
    02:03:917 (4) - move the sliderend a bit up for a more appealing curve (also, a bit left) done

    02:09:066 (7) - this slider is a ninja
    02:17:573 (2) - do not like how this one starts on a red tick; hard to catch and such

    02:34:364 (1) - move the sliderpoint more between the two sliderticks (well, a bit above tho) and generate more of a balanced curve done

    02:37:946 (1) - same/similar for this one done
    02:59:439 (7,8,1,2,3) - this may be very confusing to newbies because there are many objects visible at a time which form some shape but not in the order they would expect it to happen - consider some redesign for readability? done
    03:29:887 (2) - I'd like to see this curve strengthened, as in, more of a bow
    03:37:946 (4) - ^

Colin Hou wrote:


  1. AR+1? and the star rating became 4 star, lol okey-

Snowy Dream wrote:

Mod request from Snowy Dream's Queue

[Patche's Normal]
Unsnapped inherited (green) sections at:
03:41:400 - snap to 03:41:417 fix

00:12:648 - use whistle instead of finishok
01:13:320 (3,4) - looks bad here :<fix

01:14:663 - put a note here since the voice is here
02:05:036 (5) - remove this note?
02:56:529 (2,3) - no no.. should be this one..

Leorda wrote:

Sorry for long delay...

[Patche's Normal]
* AR +1? okey

01:13:767 (4) - Add finish at tail slider fixed
01:18:021 (1) - Better to remove finish, thenfixed
01:28:096 (5) - Add finish at tail sliderfixed

kajiyatta wrote:

Hi from PM

Patche's Normal
00:11:976(3) y:264? okey
03:33:245(2) スタックを(1)の終点から(3)の始点に移動した方がわかりやすいかなと思います
00:35:708 ボーカルに合わせてノート追加?
02:10:815(2,3) ちょっとNormalでは打ちにくいように感じたので、以下の様な音取りはどうですか?
Hit Sonud
02:56:752(2) finish削除?

Garven wrote:


00:44:439 (2,3) - Think you could position these so they aren't overlapping? fixed
01:13:320 (3,4) - ^ color=#0000FF]fixed[/color]
03:33:245 (2) - This stack was unusual to come across since the entire map doesn't really have these, and the general patter afterward makes it look like it should continue on, not stack. Maybe unstack? color=#0000FF]fixed[/color]
03:36:827 (2) - This one was okay though since the pattern didn't imply continuation.
Really nice Normal.

Kawayi Rika wrote:

Hi ~ terametis ~ :)

[Patche's Normal]

  1. AR+1 much better with play.
  2. 01:15:558 (1,2) - Try make more blanket. fixed
  3. 01:38:618 (4) - Add new combo.okey
  4. 02:21:827 (1) - Add finish(50% volume) sound better.
thank you everyone!!<3

Kawayi Rika
OK ~ Good job ~

Good luck with rank ~

EDIT : Fixed a hitsound ~
Topic Starter
thanks Rika~~~<3
Topic Starter
self popped
00:33:469 (2) - Add clap at the end of slider

EDIT: thanks Rika~<33
Love this song. Great map too. Ranked!
Topic Starter
thanks Graven, and all people~~~~<3333
Kawayi Rika
Yes <3
wow so fast o.o gratz/
congratz 8-)
わーい! :)
like this anime&game
I like this song <3
I love you for mapping this <3

Great job.
Snowy Dream
wow congratz!
omedeto ヾ|๑ ╹ ◡ ╹ ๑|ノ"
Congratz~ I really love this song~

Card N'FoRcE
I thought the title was "Musou Uta"?


Oh ok nevermind.
waaaaa, this song <3
Grats~ :3
Congrats!! :)
S h i o n
nice job >< tera chan
Great :)
Grats For The Rank~ I Was Too late To Mod This xD
Topic Starter
thanks all, again :3
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