
yanaginagi - Koibumi

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2012年8月25日 at 14:13:16

Artist: yanaginagi
Title: Koibumi
Source: Rewrite
Tags: key Tonokawa Yuuto ending sizuru shizuru sanma
BPM: 73.5
Filesize: 9550kb
Play Time: 04:12
Difficulties Available:
  1. Hard (2.31 stars, 253 notes)
  2. Normal (1.28 stars, 189 notes)
Download: yanaginagi - Koibumi
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
I love rewrite I love Sizuru
壯哉我大靜流 o.o

Hard - Done
Normal - Done
SB - collaborate with sherrie__fay
Hi~ :3

maybe need AudioLeadIn (2000ms)?

  1. 00:17:071 (3) - extend to 00:18:704 to follow the vocal?
  2. 00:39:928 (1) - add whistle at the beginning?
  3. 00:56:255 (2) - add finish at the beginning?
  4. 01:04:418 (3) - add whistle at the beginning?
  5. 03:23:193 (2) - add finish at the beginning?
  6. 03:29:724 (1) - ^
  1. 00:56:255 (1) - add finish at the beginning?
  2. 01:28:091 (3) - add finish at the end?
  3. 03:22:581 (2) - ^
  4. 03:34:622 (3) - add whistle?
  5. 04:04:010 - add a note?
  6. 04:05:642 (3) - add finish instead of whistle?
  7. 04:10:540 (2) - add whistle?
  8. 04:15:438 - move to 04:12:581 this green timing point like normal diff?
Hmm, I can't suggest about hitsounds so much. ><
Mapset is great! nice relax map~ <333

yanaginagi- is this Nagi Yanagi (or Yanagi Nagi)? orz If not, sorry XD~
Maybe you can use different combo colour? o.o


00:23:806 (1) - Dosen't sound like it ends in the right place... maybe if it can't be fixed, just make it the same as the one at the end of the map! : D
01:29:316 (1) - Remove whistle
02:04:826 (4,5,6) - Unexpected spacing, you don't use anthing like this anywhere else. Maybe decrese?
03:26:459 (1) - Akward to end on blue tick, extend to white?


00:24:010 (1) - Same with Hard ^^
00:34:622 - Add note?

Sorry this mod kind of sucks LOL
really cool map : D~
Hi there~~~mod for request

  1. Audio Lead-in: 1500-2000ms
  1. 00:10:540 (4) - 唔……我可以说不对称么……
  2. 00:18:704 - 感觉上这里可以加个note,或者把前面slider延长一个折返,并且加个whistle音效~
  3. 00:20:336 (2) - 头+whistle?
  4. 00:22:785 (3) - 尾+whistle?
  5. 00:36:255 - 考虑加个note和后面的节奏保持一致?
  6. 00:52:989 (1,2) - 这里的话,音乐上听起来的感觉上更像是slider向下弯,然后note在上面~
  7. 00:56:255 (2,3) - 这里的直线可以考虑改成弧线……这么直角的放下去感觉有一点点不够柔
  8. 01:15:847 (1,2,3) - 这样试试?(1)的起点位置不变
  9. 01:38:704 (2) - 转个180度试试看?
  10. 01:51:765 (3) - 下一组NC考虑从这里开始?
  11. 02:02:377 (2) - 延长到前面的蓝线开始?(压一下vocal的起点),结束位置不变~
  12. 02:17:479 (1,2) - NC放到(2)上?一是让stack更明显一点,二是利用follow point来做出过渡效果~
  13. 03:36:051 (1) - 考虑从前面红线开始?我觉得会更舒服一点~~
  1. 00:04:010 (3) - (nazi)中间的两个描点调成垂直方向能让曲线更平滑对称~
  2. 00:16:255 (4) - 这里试试加个note看看效果?
  3. 00:46:459 (4) - 感觉方向转反了……朝右侧会不会好一点?
  4. 00:51:765 (2,3) - 把(2)放到452:192,然后(3)ctrl+r一下,这样做成一个三角形的大一些的跳梗~
  5. 02:03:193 - 这里试试加个note看看?
  6. 02:17:479 - ^
  7. 02:25:234 (2) - ctrl+r?
  8. 03:27:479 (2) - 感觉上可以做成4个note~
  9. 03:32:989 (1,2,3,4) - 这4个做成一个五角星跳的4个角如何?
差不多就这些啦~~~好听~~给星~~GL with rank =v=~
Topic Starter

banvi wrote:

Hi~ :3

maybe need AudioLeadIn (2000ms)?

  1. 00:17:071 (3) - extend to 00:18:704 to follow the vocal? //no because i don't hear any sound at 00:18:704 -
  2. 00:39:928 (1) - add whistle at the beginning?
  3. 00:56:255 (2) - add finish at the beginning?
  4. 01:04:418 (3) - add whistle at the beginning?
  5. 03:23:193 (2) - add finish at the beginning?
  6. 03:29:724 (1) - ^
  1. 00:56:255 (1) - add finish at the beginning? //no because that accent isn't that strong.
  2. 01:28:091 (3) - add finish at the end?
  3. 03:22:581 (2) - ^
  4. 03:34:622 (3) - add whistle? //weird for me.
  5. 04:04:010 - add a note? //no because i can't hear any beat there.
  6. 04:05:642 (3) - add finish instead of whistle?
  7. 04:10:540 (2) - add whistle?
  8. 04:15:438 - move to 04:12:581 this green timing point like normal diff?

Kiiwa wrote:


yanaginagi- is this Nagi Yanagi (or Yanagi Nagi)? orz If not, sorry XD~ //no sorry xD.
Maybe you can use different combo colour? o.o


00:23:806 (1) - Dosen't sound like it ends in the right place... maybe if it can't be fixed, just make it the same as the one at the end of the map! : D
01:29:316 (1) - Remove whistle
02:04:826 (4,5,6) - Unexpected spacing, you don't use anthing like this anywhere else. Maybe decrese? //decreased.
03:26:459 (1) - Akward to end on blue tick, extend to white? //Added a note between the slider.


00:24:010 (1) - Same with Hard ^^
00:34:622 - Add note? //I would say no to this because the vocal is too soft there.

Scorpiour wrote:

  1. 00:10:540 (4) - 唔……我可以说不对称么…… //我覺得沒必要做到完全對稱.
  2. 00:18:704 - 感觉上这里可以加个note,或者把前面slider延长一个折返,并且加个whistle音效~ //因為中間的音樂幾乎消失了...這樣的話我覺得有點overmap.
  3. 00:20:336 (2) - 头+whistle? //不太喜歡連續whistle.
  4. 00:22:785 (3) - 尾+whistle? //不加感覺比較好 / \
  5. 00:36:255 - 考虑加个note和后面的节奏保持一致?//中間妹音, 加了會違和
  6. 00:52:989 (1,2) - 这里的话,音乐上听起来的感觉上更像是slider向下弯,然后note在上面~
  7. 00:56:255 (2,3) - 这里的直线可以考虑改成弧线……这么直角的放下去感觉有一点点不够柔
  8. 01:15:847 (1,2,3) - 这样试试?(1)的起点位置不变
  9. 01:38:704 (2) - 转个180度试试看?//這個還是算了..
  10. 01:51:765 (3) - 下一组NC考虑从这里开始?
  11. 02:02:377 (2) - 延长到前面的蓝线开始?(压一下vocal的起点),结束位置不变~ //我覺得現在的還好..
  12. 02:17:479 (1,2) - NC放到(2)上?一是让stack更明显一点,二是利用follow point来做出过渡效果~ //2種顏色疊起來好難看...
  13. 03:36:051 (1) - 考虑从前面红线开始?我觉得会更舒服一点~~ 不要
  1. 00:04:010 (3) - (nazi)中间的两个描点调成垂直方向能让曲线更平滑对称~
  2. 00:16:255 (4) - 这里试试加个note看看效果?//同N
  3. 00:46:459 (4) - 感觉方向转反了……朝右侧会不会好一点?//不= = 小跳很快了的
  4. 00:51:765 (2,3) - 把(2)放到452:192,然后(3)ctrl+r一下,这样做成一个三角形的大一些的跳梗~ //X = = 才不要呢..
  5. 02:03:193 - 这里试试加个note看看?同沒音樂...
  6. 02:17:479 - ^ //這個可以加
  7. 02:25:234 (2) - ctrl+r?...不喜歡= =
  8. 03:27:479 (2) - 感觉上可以做成4个note~ 233..
  9. 03:32:989 (1,2,3,4) - 这4个做成一个五角星跳的4个角如何?//太跳了= =
hello~ kpy!

consider "yanagi nagi" in tags. since many ranked maps have it as tags

00:18:704 (1,2) - since (1) doesnt follow anything, it would be better to replace them with a slider
00:20:336 (3) - kinda dislike how this slider flows, rotate by -25° for a natural flow?
00:22:785 (5) - i'd add hitsound to the end of this, maybe finish would sound great
00:29:724 (1) - because background music disappears, remove this note or use lower volume for it?
00:40:336 (1,2,3,4) - looks messy to me, adjust spacing a bit so that they can make a perfect diamond shape
00:44:826 (5,1) - i'd start the jump from (5) instead in order to follow vocal and piano better
00:52:989 (1,2) - move these sliders a bit so that (2,3,1) can make a triangle? (nvm the messy placement in the SS ><
01:14:826 - since slider tick exsists on weird place (blue tick), consider muting it. i dont think it sounds great
01:17:479 (4) - feels empty cuz (1), (3) and (4)'s end have whistle but the beginning doenst have. so whistle here?
02:10:540 - add 1/2 slider here?
02:37:479 (1,2) - add whistles at the beginning of both? o.o kinda empty here imo
02:41:765 (1) - end this at 02:43:193 - and start break at 02:44:010 - ? spinner llength is enough and fits the music very well imo
03:36:459 (1) - mute the end of spinner because it follows nothing

AR-1 for consistency with hard diff? also AR5 is too fast for such a calm song imo
00:22:785 (3) - same reason as hard, add finish at the end?
00:29:724 (1) - same as hard
02:09:316 (2) - sounds odd to me end this on white tick?
02:34:622 (5) - this combo is quite long compared with others, so newcombo here?
02:40:336 (1) - same suggestion as hard
03:13:398 (4,5) - i prefer something like this. this one fits music better imo
03:19:928 (3,4) - i think (3) should be more curved to make blanket better
03:26:459 (4) - add newcombo cuz the combo is kinda long
03:39:520 (3) - newcombo here too due to change of melody

that's all from me
nice song and map. i think it deserves 2stars~ good luck with ranking!
Snowy Dream
Topic Starter

Melophobia wrote:

consider "yanagi nagi" in tags. since many ranked maps have it as tags //I don't think it is really necessary because most of ppl know that who is yanaginagi.

00:18:704 (1,2) - :D since (1) doesnt follow anything, it would be better to replace them with a slider //moved this note to 00:18:296 -
00:20:336 (3) - kinda dislike how this slider flows, rotate by -25° for a natural flow?
00:22:785 (5) - i'd add hitsound to the end of this, maybe finish would sound great
00:29:724 (1) - because background music disappears, remove this note or use lower volume for it? //nope i'm following the vocal instead of instrument here.
00:40:336 (1,2,3,4) - looks messy to me, adjust spacing a bit so that they can make a perfect diamond shape //remapped whole part.
00:44:826 (5,1) - i'd start the jump from (5) instead in order to follow vocal and piano better //I had tried this before but it couldn't show a good effect during gameplay, so i dropped the idea.
00:52:989 (1,2) - move these sliders a bit so that (2,3,1) can make a triangle? (nvm the messy placement in the SS ><
01:14:826 - since slider tick exsists on weird place (blue tick), consider muting it. i dont think it sounds great //impossible, it is unrankable if i silence it.
01:17:479 (4) - feels empty cuz (1), (3) and (4)'s end have whistle but the beginning doenst have. so whistle here? //sounds noisy for me.
02:10:540 - add 1/2 slider here? //sounds overmapped to me if i do that because there is no any instrument/vocal.
02:37:479 (1,2) - add whistles at the beginning of both? o.o kinda empty here imo
02:41:765 (1) - end this at 02:43:193 - and start break at 02:44:010 - ? spinner llength is enough and fits the music very well imo //why...I do think the extensive feeling is good and i was following the vocal here.
03:36:459 (1) - mute the end of spinner because it follows nothing

AR-1 for consistency with hard diff? also AR5 is too fast for such a calm song imo
00:22:785 (3) - same reason as hard, add finish at the end?
00:29:724 (1) - same as hard //Same as hard.
02:09:316 (2) - sounds odd to me end this on white tick? //Since the vocal stopped singing at blue tick so i followed it.
02:34:622 (5) - this combo is quite long compared with others, so newcombo here?
02:40:336 (1) - same suggestion as hard
03:13:398 (4,5) - i prefer something like this. this one fits music better imo //My way is more clear for recruit.
03:19:928 (3,4) - i think (3) should be more curved to make blanket better
03:26:459 (4) - add newcombo cuz the combo is kinda long
03:39:520 (3) - newcombo here too due to change of melody
Thanks for stars. Fixed except the red words, purple means changing it in another way or further explaination.
Kawayi Rika
Hi ~ kanpakyin ~ :)

Random mod for my Queue ~

Red : Must be fixed
Pink : Should be fixed
Purple : Just suggestions


  1. 02:44:214 - Break time is too long, reduce in 20ms.


  1. 03:40:745 (3) - Move to X:132 Y:140,looks better.
  2. 03:45:847 - Add a circle?following lyrics.


  1. 00:55:847 (1) - Remove new combo and Add to 00:56:255 (2).

That's all ~ Moe song and nice map ~ i love you sizuru <3

Call me back recheck ~ when you are ready ~

  • Beatmap Suggestions
  1. 02:57:071 - If you agree with Kawayi about the length of the break, this place is the best to shorten the break and continue with the mapped.
  2. 04:12:377 - IMO the last spinner should start here, if you agree obviously fix the finish.
  • Beatmap Suggestions
  1. 01:03:193 (2) - New combo here instead 01:01:969 (1) to remark with the combo the appearance of the voice.
  2. 03:10:540 (1) - I know not is a Easy but this circle feels a bit hasty after the spinner, maybe remove it? Really try it, i think it best.
  3. 03:36:051 (1) - Not is a problem but although follow the voice here feels better if you move this to the next white tick and shorten properly, you can scale by .82 if agree.
  4. 04:12:173 (5) - Replace by a simple circle like [Hard], the end of the slider sounds a bit weird.
  • Beatmap Suggestions
  1. 00:18:296 (1) - Oh gaww I miss this in the play test, really don't follow nothing here and souns ugly for that, please change this to a white tick.
  2. 01:08:500 (1) - I can't see the function of this new combo, maybe delete it.
  3. 01:32:989 (1) - This slider shape is a bit weird, I recomend change it, I know, you don't wanna be symmetric but here fits good, then try it: Delete this and copy paste this 01:31:357 (5) now ctrl+h and ctrl+j, finally add a new combo, try it! if don't like not problem.
  4. 01:50:949 - Add a circle here like [Normal].
  5. 02:25:234 (2) - Maybe Ctrl+R to after contiue the flow of 02:26:051 (3,4), right, left, right, left.
  6. 03:27:275 (2) - IMO this circle don't fits here, in this part I suggest this if you wanna add some circles following the voice, the correct part is this 03:27:479.
I hope to helps you, and good luck~
Topic Starter

Kawayi Rika wrote:


  1. 02:44:214 - Break time is too long, reduce in 20ms.


  1. 03:40:745 (3) - Move to X:132 Y:140,looks better. //humm, looks weird to me because they are not a stright line.
  2. 03:45:847 - Add a circle?following lyrics. //No because current arrangement is much better.


  1. 00:55:847 (1) - Remove new combo and Add to 00:56:255 (2). New combo because i was following the vocal.

Kenezz wrote:

  • Beatmap Suggestions
  1. 02:57:071 - If you agree with Kawayi about the length of the break, this place is the best to shorten the break and continue with the mapped. i'd shortened the map to 17s , it should be fine now.
  2. 04:12:377 - IMO the last spinner should start here, if you agree obviously fix the finish. //Actually i don't see why I need to do that. so keep for now.
  • Beatmap Suggestions
  1. 01:03:193 (2) - New combo here instead 01:01:969 (1) to remark with the combo the appearance of the voice.
  2. 03:10:540 (1) - I know not is a Easy but this circle feels a bit hasty after the spinner, maybe remove it? Really try it, i think it best. //Since it was centered, so i think it is okay.
  3. 03:36:051 (1) - Not is a problem but although follow the voice here feels better if you move this to the next white tick and shorten properly, you can scale by .82 if agree.
  4. 04:12:173 (5) - Replace by a simple circle like [Hard], the end of the slider sounds a bit weird. //not agree sorry, a slider would be much easier to handle it.
  • Beatmap Suggestions
  1. 00:18:296 (1) - Oh gaww I miss this in the play test, really don't follow nothing here and souns ugly for that, please change this to a white tick. //no, there is a sound under music.
  2. 01:08:500 (1) - I can't see the function of this new combo, maybe delete it. //The intention of the nc is following the pattern after it.
  3. 01:32:989 (1) - This slider shape is a bit weird, I recomend change it, I know, you don't wanna be symmetric but here fits good, then try it: Delete this and copy paste this 01:31:357 (5) now ctrl+h and ctrl+j, finally add a new combo, try it! if don't like not problem. //Will consider it later but not now.
  4. 01:50:949 - Add a circle here like [Normal].
  5. 02:25:234 (2) - Maybe Ctrl+R to after contiue the flow of 02:26:051 (3,4), right, left, right, left. //Sorry, don't like this that much.
  6. 03:27:275 (2) - IMO this circle don't fits here, in this part I suggest this if you wanna add some circles following the voice, the correct part is this 03:27:479. //keep this for now, will consider it.
All fixed except red words.
Hi kanpakyin o/
Mod request from my modding queue >w<

Open each diff with notepad and set AudioLeadIn: 1000
2000 is too much, 1000 is ok :3

00:32:173 (3) - Use grid snap and move on x:140 y:336 in this way you can move 00:33:398 (4) on x:216 y:336 to keep a symmetry with the (3)'s y
00:44:010 (4) - New combo and remove from 00:45:234 (1) instead, listening the music comboing is better in this way
00:48:908 (4) - Whistle, I guess you forgot to add it
00:55:847 (1) - I know that you are following the vocal here but you should remove new combo from here using it on 00:56:255 (2) instead because you did the same thing on 01:03:193 (2,1)
01:11:765 (4) - I would add whistle on this slider's head too
01:23:193 (2) - Whistle
01:29:724 (2) - ^
01:51:765 (1) - I think that a default soft finish with this 15% volume sounds much better here to start the kiai time :3
01:55:030 (4) - New combo
02:00:745 (5) - Remove whistle and:
02:01:561 (1) - Add whistle here instead, you should keep consistency :3
02:09:316 (2) - What about to use this rhythm instead? It follows the vocal and so I think it flows much better:

Following this rhythm remove whistle from 02:08:908 (1) and add it on 02:09:316 (2)'s repeat instead, it's perfect
02:37:479 (1) - Whiste on the long white tick
02:38:704 (2) - Whistle on the slider's start
03:10:540 (1) - Nope. This circle is too soon after the spinner for this kind of diff/song.. Just remove it, the rhythm is perfect anyways
03:48:500 (3,4) - Move them using distance snap please? This is pretty confusing to play for beginners. Seeing the elements closer to each other they would think that the rhythm is 1/2 and not 1/1
03:55:030 (3,4,1,2) - ^ :\
04:10:540 (4) - Why did you place this circle here so close from 04:08:908 (3)? This is the easiest diff <.< Move this circle to x:417 y:324 so it's symmetric with 04:07:275 (2)
The map is fine, but I think you really need to fix that wrong spacings that are pretty confusing for beginners being the easiest diff and a "soft" song s:

01:11:765 (5) - Whistle on repeat
01:40:336 (4) - This blanket is really ugly to see in play mode D: Use this code instead:
02:11:969 (1,2,3) - I guess that you used this spacing purposely but I think it would be better if you use the correct white-blue spacing between 02:11:357 (1,2) and the correct blue-red spacing between 02:11:969 (2,3) instead of the same.
Or maybe just overlap them 02:11:357 (1,2,3)
02:12:989 (1,2,3) - ^
03:26:459 (1) - I would follow the vocal here, like the previous part. So what about to use this rhythm instead?

03:39:520 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - Same above <.<

That's all o.o
I hope it can be helpful for you :3
Good luck for rank >w<
Topic Starter

Chewin wrote:

Open each diff with notepad and set AudioLeadIn: 1000
2000 is too much, 1000 is ok :3 //Sorry, I don't think so.

00:32:173 (3) - Use grid snap and move on x:140 y:336 in this way you can move 00:33:398 (4) on x:216 y:336 to keep a symmetry with the (3)'s y //I think I should declare again. I did't use grid snap when I was mapping.
00:44:010 (4) - New combo and remove from 00:45:234 (1) instead, listening the music comboing is better in this way //so i place here for consistency.
00:48:908 (4) - Whistle, I guess you forgot to add it //why? this is a low-pitch part. It is quick weird after i add it.
00:55:847 (1) - I know that you are following the vocal here but you should remove new combo from here using it on 00:56:255 (2) instead because you did the same thing on 01:03:193 (2,1) //changed 01:03:193 instead.
01:11:765 (4) - I would add whistle on this slider's head too
01:23:193 (2) - Whistle //This sounds weird for me.
01:29:724 (2) - ^
01:51:765 (1) - I think that a default soft finish with this 15% volume sounds much better here to start the kiai time :3 //I'm wondering why....
01:55:030 (4) - New combo
02:00:745 (5) - Remove whistle and:
02:01:561 (1) - Add whistle here instead, you should keep consistency :3
02:09:316 (2) - What about to use this rhythm instead? It follows the vocal and so I think it flows much better:
//No, newbie can handle long slider easily.
Following this rhythm remove whistle from 02:08:908 (1) and add it on 02:09:316 (2)'s repeat instead, it's perfect
02:37:479 (1) - Whiste on the long white tick
02:38:704 (2) - Whistle on the slider's start I had tried it but it couldn't show a good effect with clap, so I dropped it.
03:10:540 (1) - Nope. This circle is too soon after the spinner for this kind of diff/song.. Just remove it, the rhythm is perfect anyways
03:48:500 (3,4) - Move them using distance snap please? This is pretty confusing to play for beginners. Seeing the elements closer to each other they would think that the rhythm is 1/2 and not 1/1 //No one point this out before and I'm sure that newbie can read then easily beacuse of 1)low BPM 2) Density of note. 3) The mood of the song.
03:55:030 (3,4,1,2) - ^ :\ //^
04:10:540 (4) - Why did you place this circle here so close from 04:08:908 (3)? This is the easiest diff <.< Move this circle to x:417 y:324 so it's symmetric with 04:07:275 (2)

01:11:765 (5) - Whistle on repeat
01:40:336 (4) - This blanket is really ugly to see in play mode D: Use this code instead:
02:11:969 (1,2,3) - I guess that you used this spacing purposely but I think it would be better if you use the correct white-blue spacing between 02:11:357 (1,2) and the correct blue-red spacing between 02:11:969 (2,3) instead of the same.
Or maybe just overlap them 02:11:357 (1,2,3) //why? I play this spacing smoothly and i have found some player to test it, they are okay with it.
02:12:989 (1,2,3) - ^ //^
03:26:459 (1) - I would follow the vocal here, like the previous part. So what about to use this rhythm instead? //will consider later.

03:39:520 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - Same above <.< //Same as above.
Fixed except red words.
Snowy Dream
Mod request from Snowy Dream's Queue
Tag:sanma ←有静流能没秋刀鱼?我整条静流线被秋刀鱼洗脑了怎么破

03:10:949 (1) - newcombo
00:03:193 (2) - 下去一格...
00:04:010 (3) - 左边一格
00:17:071 (3) - end at 00:18:704
00:22:785 (3) - whistle at the start
00:44:010 (4) - 略不对称..
00:52:989 (1) - 尾巴稍微低一点
01:25:642 (3) - 尾巴稍微直一点 这样太弯> >
03:59:112 (2) - ^
04:02:377 (2) - ^

02:07:275 (4) - whistle at the start
02:37:479 (1) - ^
02:38:704 (2) - ^

00:16:255 (4) - 改在结尾whistle 开头去掉
00:18:296 (1) - whistle
00:20:336 (3) - 开头whistle
01:24:826 (4,5) - 先slider再circle 更贴歌词
01:50:949 (1) - whistle
02:11:357 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - 做成弹跳式的更好吧..如果要这么下节奏的话 (就是三角形> >)
03:39:520 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - ^
02:17:887 (1,2,3,4) - 改成开头whistle更好听> > 大概
02:24:418 (1,2,3,4) - ^
03:49:316 (4,5) - 可以往上跑几格
03:50:949 (5) - whistle
04:10:540 (2) - ^
Wonderful Mapset
Topic Starter

Snowy Dream wrote:

Mod request from Snowy Dream's Queue
Tag:sanma ←有静流能没秋刀鱼?我整条静流线被秋刀鱼洗脑了怎么破

03:10:949 (1) - newcombo
00:03:193 (2) - 下去一格...
00:04:010 (3) - 左边一格 //没开snap作图我会说么= =
00:17:071 (3) - end at 00:18:704 //no, I had explained it in previous post.
00:22:785 (3) - whistle at the start //sound weird to me.
00:44:010 (4) - 略不对称..
00:52:989 (1) - 尾巴稍微低一点 ...//为什么= = 感觉现在的比较好.
01:25:642 (3) - 尾巴稍微直一点 这样太弯> >
03:59:112 (2) - ^ //这个我觉得还好
04:02:377 (2) - ^ 、、同

02:07:275 (4) - whistle at the start
02:37:479 (1) - ^
02:38:704 (2) - ^ //All denied, the explaination all in previous post.

00:16:255 (4) - 改在结尾whistle 开头去掉
00:18:296 (1) - whistle
00:20:336 (3) - 开头whistle //這里比之前的pitch還低一點,加上去有點怪了
01:24:826 (4,5) - 先slider再circle 更贴歌词 、、如果是用這樣的話會ruin掉slider的連貫性..
01:50:949 (1) - whistle
02:11:357 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - 做成弹跳式的更好吧..如果要这么下节奏的话 (就是三角形> >)
03:39:520 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - ^ //这样就很死板了..求创新.
02:17:887 (1,2,3,4) - 改成开头whistle更好听> > 大概
02:24:418 (1,2,3,4) - ^
03:49:316 (4,5) - 可以往上跑几格 //没开格子
03:50:949 (5) - whistle 、、不要..
04:10:540 (2) - ^ //……^normal
不射星, 差评
Fixed except red words.
Kawayi Rika
OK ~ Looks fine now ~

Good luck with sweet rank ~

You finished this fast. *_*

Tick rate 2 fits this song best.


Started an IRC mod, but was interrupted.

12:46 Garven: : tick rate 2 fits this song best
12:47 Garven: : So normal:
12:47 Garven: : 00:32:173 (3,4) - Slightly misaligned
12:47 Garven: : 00:33:398 (4) - New combo
12:47 Garven: : 00:35:030 (1) - remove new combo
12:47 Garven: : 00:36:663 (3) - new combo
12:47 Garven: : 00:43:602 (3) - new combo
12:47 Garven: : 00:45:234 (1) - Remove new combo
12:47 Garven: : 00:47:275 (5) - New combo
12:47 Garven: : 00:56:255 (2) - new combo should be here, not at 00:55:847 (1) -
12:48 Garven: : 00:58:296 (3,4) - This would flow better if it curved downward instead of being a straight line
12:48 Garven: : 01:17:479 (3) - This feels better ending at 01:18:296 -
12:49 Garven: : 01:25:642 (3) - new combo should be here
12:49 Garven: : 01:32:173 (3) - ^
12:49 Garven: : 01:37:071 (1) - remove new combo
12:49 Garven: : 01:38:704 (2) - new combo
12:49 Garven: : 01:43:602 (1) - remove new combo
12:50 Garven: : 01:45:234 (4) - new combo
12:50 kanpakyin: : done and done except 01:17:479 (3) -
12:50 Garven: : 02:20:745 (1) - Should make this two circles
12:51 Garven: : And make the second circle at 02:21:153 - a new combo
12:52 Garven: : 03:16:663 (2) - new combo
12:52 Garven: : btw
12:52 Garven: : kiai really doesn't fit this song at all
12:53 kanpakyin: : oops = = I have to go now...

Continuing on:

04:08:908 (3) - New combo

See if you can follow the same new combo patterns outlined in the Normal difficulty. Try to use them when the musical phrase changes
00:45:234 (1,2,3,4) - This spacing is kind of weird. It would make more sense to have accelerated spacing with 00:43:602 (2,3,4,5) - then decelerate with 00:45:234 (1,2,3) -
01:55:030 (7,8) - After all that distance snapping, this jump plays really weird.
01:59:112 (4,5,6) - This rhythm really didn't fit the music very well. I recommend you rethink it.
02:04:826 (4,5,6) - Please use closer spacing. These read like 1/2 instead of 1/4.
02:18:704 (2,3,4) - Whistle sounds better on the slider head, not slider tail
02:26:051 (3,4) - Then it's a different pattern here on the whistle use. I'm not sure what you're following anymore q:
03:12:581 (1,1) - another giant jump. Tone it down a bit.
03:21:153 (4,1,2) - Stacking in play mode makes this look really ugly. Might want to redesign it a little bit to adjust for that.
03:26:459 (1,2,3) - Really bad rhythm. Doesn't play well at all. Please change it.
Topic Starter

Garven wrote:

You finished this fast. *_*

Tick rate 2 fits this song best. I prefer using tick rate1 for this song because some part are too noisy if I use tick rate 2 such as 00:00:745 ~ 00:23:602 -


Started an IRC mod, but was interrupted.

12:46 Garven: : tick rate 2 fits this song best
12:47 Garven: : So normal:
12:47 Garven: : 00:32:173 (3,4) - Slightly misaligned
12:47 Garven: : 00:33:398 (4) - New combo
12:47 Garven: : 00:35:030 (1) - remove new combo
12:47 Garven: : 00:36:663 (3) - new combo
12:47 Garven: : 00:43:602 (3) - new combo
12:47 Garven: : 00:45:234 (1) - Remove new combo
12:47 Garven: : 00:47:275 (5) - New combo
12:47 Garven: : 00:56:255 (2) - new combo should be here, not at 00:55:847 (1) -
12:48 Garven: : 00:58:296 (3,4) - This would flow better if it curved downward instead of being a straight line
12:48 Garven: : 01:17:479 (3) - This feels better ending at 01:18:296 -
12:49 Garven: : 01:25:642 (3) - new combo should be here
12:49 Garven: : 01:32:173 (3) - ^
12:49 Garven: : 01:37:071 (1) - remove new combo
12:49 Garven: : 01:38:704 (2) - new combo
12:49 Garven: : 01:43:602 (1) - remove new combo
12:50 Garven: : 01:45:234 (4) - new combo
12:50 kanpakyin: : done and done except 01:17:479 (3) -
12:50 Garven: : 02:20:745 (1) - Should make this two circles
12:51 Garven: : And make the second circle at 02:21:153 - a new combo
12:52 Garven: : 03:16:663 (2) - new combo
12:52 Garven: : btw
12:52 Garven: : kiai really doesn't fit this song at all //I don't think so because the kiai time is spot on high tip part correctly.
12:53 kanpakyin: : oops = = I have to go now...

Continuing on:

04:08:908 (3) - New combo

See if you can follow the same new combo patterns outlined in the Normal difficulty. Try to use them when the musical phrase changes //did some adjustment.
00:45:234 (1,2,3,4) - This spacing is kind of weird. It would make more sense to have accelerated spacing with 00:43:602 (2,3,4,5) - then decelerate with 00:45:234 (1,2,3) -
01:55:030 (7,8) - After all that distance snapping, this jump plays really weird. //okay, shorten the spacing instead of removing the jump, because the staccato gives me a feeling of jump.
01:59:112 (4,5,6) - This rhythm really didn't fit the music very well. I recommend you rethink it.
02:04:826 (4,5,6) - Please use closer spacing. These read like 1/2 instead of 1/4.
02:18:704 (2,3,4) - Whistle sounds better on the slider head, not slider tail
02:26:051 (3,4) - Then it's a different pattern here on the whistle use. I'm not sure what you're following anymore q:
03:12:581 (1,1) - another giant jump. Tone it down a bit.
03:21:153 (4,1,2) - Stacking in play mode makes this look really ugly. Might want to redesign it a little bit to adjust for that.
03:26:459 (1,2,3) - Really bad rhythm. Doesn't play well at all. Please change it. //removed 03:27:275 - .Sounds much better now.
Thanks Garven, all fixed except red words.
S o r d a
i love chihaya:3

09:57 Garven: : Normal: 01:24:826 (1) - remove new combo
09:57 Garven: : 01:31:357 (1) - ^
09:58 Garven: : 02:14:622 (3) - new combo
09:58 Garven: : 02:20:745 (1) - remove new combo
09:58 Garven: : 03:15:847 (1) - ^
09:58 Garven: : 03:18:296 (1) - ^
09:59 Garven: : 03:19:928 (3) - new combo
09:59 Garven: : 03:32:989 (3) - new combo
09:59 Garven: : 03:49:316 (4) - new combo
09:59 Garven: : nevermind that last one
10:00 Garven: : Wait
10:00 Garven: : Yeah, new combo on 3:49
10:00 Garven: : 03:55:847 (4) - new combo
Topic Starter
Did small adjustments to some parts via Forum PM, looks good now~ (this is the PM and reply, please don't kudosu)

Great map (:

Ranked ~
ooh i like this song for 2 reasons: it's from Rewrite and it's a calm and relaxing song. congratz on the rank KPY-sama ;)
Kawayi Rika
I love Sizuru <3
*_* Congratz!
兩個E 這不科學

bossandy wrote:

兩個E 這不科學
Nice song, nice SB, nice map!~ I like it :3


Nymph wrote:

Thanks for this map.....Very challenging to get 100% for CTB :)
哇 連三個MAT/BAT的map...
anyway congratz~
grats KPY~ :3

I love rewrite I love Sizuru
y no *i love yanaginagi* B(
E E =A= !

Gratz ~
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